Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Disney Villains From Memory • Draw-Off

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hey cheese bags I'm Kevin hi I'm Lauren hey I'm Jason hey I'm Brett hi I'm Kiran hi I'm Stephanie and today we're gonna be drawing Disney Villains from memory hey and be sure to stick around to the end of the video to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this Wacom Intuos tablet courtesy of our good friends at Walker today you'll be drawing haiti's oh okay he's fire today you'll be drawing Cruella de Vil today you'll be drawing Ursula okay all right okay I see that you're outside yeah I miss outside you know I could be out here how have you been since the last draw-off Brent not too bad you know yeah man I was rocking the castaway beard for a while when I started getting cabin fever and then I shaved off all my all my beautiful hair which is half the reason I'm wearing a baseball cap check out that beard that luscious beer yeah yeah so Lorne you are a character designer yes what is your general approach to character design like what makes a good character for you for me it comes down to kind of conveying the characters traits in their design also the shape language is very important okay I remember particularly of course her black and white split hair mm-hmm and what's cool about her is like she looks like she's kind of like a big lady but really she's like a super Twiggy skinny lady just an amine coat okay so first question does Ursula have ears I think she knows really beats okay I'm gonna give her ears and then if I'm wrong then I'm gonna blame you like what do you what is it what am I gonna do with his legs so I just drawing oh he's wearing he's wearing like a long a long time Tony that yeah I need to draw the legs trunk okay she's super angular which is like see unlike a like a female character yeah I've always I really like her high cheekbones or her very angry expressions too although I might go a little softer with with mine mine is coming out kind of like sensual oh well she's that too you know I mean she's wearing the coats for somebody Lauren how you doing I think I'm doing all right I'm just trying to remember kind of like her shape yeah yeah it's like I know that she's very round yes but I don't know if I'm making her round in the right places in fact I'm looking at it now and I'm like I'm giving her like linebacker shoulders which I don't think she has she is so evil she doesn't sing a song about herself other people say yeah now I have to just remember what his like it's a pointy nose right yes she never slender nose right I'm like making it pointy yeah that yeah I'm doing that too okay good does she have a mole I think she does I think she does have a mole okay nice remember one of the things I really liked about this character was the I'm drying it now the the cigarette holder oh yeah that scene where she confronts some Anita and it's just like this disgusting green smoke everywhere I hope I'm not getting her too much booty but I think you give her as much booty as you want you know I think the audience can take it thank you cheese bags at home can handle some booty does he have like a widow's peak uh oh yeah I guess his buyer sort of does behave just like hair right yeah she has tentacles her legs right yeah she doesn't have human legs okay there's a part of her design that I'm remembering she has but I don't remember how its implemented and it's like these little tails I do remember that really a leak where they on the back of the coat we're gonna remember uh she definitely had those like like on the belt hem kind of leaving like her I think it is as an homage and I think that she have this that she had a purse that was also made of pails I think so does he he's not like eyebrows probably yeah I think so alright Lauren let's talk color she is like bluish grayish and her clothes are black right yes because she's evil we decided to blue right sickly blue color I think he's blue I'm I'm almost positive he's like multiple shades of blue and gray she she has a necklace it's like a seashell that she used to take Ariel's oh no what really I don't have time to put that in I miss that I like when characters blow his flames out and he's decipher what happened so for my final touches I'm just finishing up the coloring on her coat and figuring out these legs boy how about you so my finishing touches I am currently filling in the skin gonna do my really quick shading pass and then should be done alright pens down so this is not Hades but it is someone it is someone uh it doesn't look Disney style but it it's definitely karela de Vil and I'm I'm happy with that Brenda how do you think he did not too shabby I think the colors are there I think his outfit is he looks like he's graduating from something it's not got like a graduation going on so Brent we obviously can't switch so why don't you just send me your drawing oh wow I think you caught him way more than I did that nose is long going down yes yours has a little little Pinocchio nose yeah we both captured some little gremlin aspect to him some control he looks like a troll eyebrows that's one thing I forgot I never asked you as like oh yeah this is beautiful look at this I love all the curves in this I love the curve of her shoulder I love the curve of her arm into her back and you know what I like the curve of her booty oh thank you that is that weird to say your eyes are so charming I love her big smile I love how you interpreted her like hey I'm gonna go I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I think I got her hair color right I don't think she has gray hair I think I think you did as well looking at it it just makes that woo oh my god you're this beautiful yours is so evil I love okay I love that the black side is crazier than the white side of the hair that was that's really smart oh thank you this looks like a great like if I knew that there is like 101 television show but like this looks like the television version of Cruella De Vil I think that's what I love the way you drew it kind of looks like like a fashion like clothes fashion drawings the designers do it yeah I definitely she definitely has the length and you can put the volume on her so oh yeah then that long chin and the cloak design yeah oh yes like he is massive yeah also he's got like huge forearms yeah ripped in the forearms these ribs ashes oh I didn't even realize she had like a big poof up at the top I remembered it enough to put it in mine but I don't know the sleeves being so I forgot that their sleeves oh I forgot that she wore like red gloves but you were right about the purse the tail yeah she's even skinnier than how he drew her he's skinny all right Lauren I owe you an apology she does have gray hair here's what you did didn't look wrong though I'm like okay thank you for that that's a very kind of you to say but you were right and I was wrong I'll be putting it out there and you even got the under spite of her typical the color purple yeah I remember that but I I made her entire tentacle purple she is amazing and even feel like you just think about her she is like one of the baddest Disney this is true she is the baddest anything yeah I'm thinking like I don't think there's anybody hopefully we we stand a queen Lauren yes I stand Ursula we stand a queen okay so to find out how you can enter for a chance to win this walk them into a tablet all you have to do is go to draw off on Instagram that's at draw off show find this post and follow the instructions that's a lot to you [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 376,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GkpE, PL-DrawOff, PL-DrawOff-S3, animator draws disney characters, animator vs cartoonist, buzzfeed, buzzfeed draw off, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, cartoonist draws disney characters, cartoonist draws disney villains, cartoonists draw from memory, disney, disney characters, disney drawings, disney villains, draw from memory, drawing challenge, drawing disney characters, drawing disney characters from memory, drawing disney villains, drawing from memory
Id: _8s8ewdB-dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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