Animation | Copy flipped Keyframes | Blender 2.8

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hello this is a video to show you how you can copy and paste detailed animations from one side of your body to the other effectively having your work flow so this one I've got so far got one arm moving and I've copied it and pasted it to the other side so that's what we're trying to achieve today there's two aspects to this one is just copy and pasting keyframes but the second aspect is copying and pasting a range of animation I'm using blender 2.8 and the shortcut keys will be shown in the bottom corner of the window so I'm going to select all my bones and just delete any keyframes and reset the position by alt r and og that removes any movement transforms or rotation so I'm back to the start here and it's worth mentioning I'm in the animation workspace and I brought up another window so I've got the dope sheet and the timeline dope sheet can be found yeah and the timeline can be found here as well in the animation section I've got two windows at the bottom there to help me out so the first thing I'm going to do with record pressed I'm going to go to frame 0 or frame 1 and move my character's arm into position I'll select all the fingers not the thumb and I've got individual origins selected so I can press star X X for them to rotate in their local x axis and then give them some slight bend the wrong way so they've got a bit of a natural bend to them and then I just rotate these down so it looks more relaxed okay so because we have record press we've got a keyframe for all the fingers and thumb and the upper arm and forearm I'm going to swing it back the other way now so I'll go to frame about 15 and swing it back I'm just doing this very roughly I just change the position of those very slightly so there's a bit of animation a bit of variation okay so we've got an arm swing and I can copy the first keyframe make sure I've got the different things selected but a keyframed copy that first one somewhere around there and we've got a flowing loop so the first way of copying a keyframe to the other side is to control C and control shift B to paste so I'll select all those items that a keyframe I'll go to that first keyframe and press control C then I'll deselect them and select the other side so all the keyframes I need on the other side so now if I press control shift B you'll paste those keyframes from this side do make sure your mouse is in the dopesheet window of course and I could go through at this point and then select the different keyframes I'd have to then offset this keyframe so it's around here when that swings and then so forth but what if I wanted to copy all that information from one side to the other in order to do that I'll go back to the other side and select that side and you'd think it'd be a simple case of just selecting all the keyframes ctrl C and selecting this side and ctrl shift B but unfortunately it doesn't work like that so I just don't do any changes there do you remember that when you press control V it will paste it wherever the playhead on the timeline is so in my case I pasted it at 15 cranes and the keyframes appeared there if I want to copy all the information I need to go to the graph editor so choose the graph editor back to the other side select that side and select all your channels by double tapping a and make sure they're all highlighted also do make sure that you haven't got to anything hidden in here so if I was working on the X channel here and I press shift age it would hide everything else but it won't copy those keyframes so be careful of that so alt H when you're in here and then tap a to select all so ctrl C again with my mouse in the graph editor or you can go to key copy keyframes now I'll select the other side and it should be off press control shift B with my mouse in the graph editor and it will now paste those keyframes but one thing to be aware of if there's no keyframes in the ear select delete all those keyframes and I press control shift V nothing will happen so I have to have some sort of keyframe in here so if I come up here and insert a keyframe for the rotation which is the only thing I've changed now if I press control shift V in the graph editor I've got that swinging action and what would make more sense if I undo that it's going to frame 15 which I think it's the middle yes it's the middle there control shift V in the middle and then we got them swinging the opposite way but if my starting keyframe was rotation and I had some location information from here that wouldn't come across so when you insert your first keyframe to that side if it's got no keyframes there make sure it's the same as the other side in terms of what's being keyframed so two ways there of transferring data from one side to the other using the graph editor and the node editor the graph editor will copy lots of animation and the node editor will only copy and paste flipped with a single keyframe do you make sure you have your mouse in the graph editor when you're pasting and not in another window what I've seen other animators do is they block out like we've done here and then they add a lot of detail to one side so follow through and things like that to get the timing right and then they paste all that detail over to the other side using the graph editor so hopefully that's explain something about copying and pasting animations thanks for watching and I hope this helps
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 56,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, how, to, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, sculpting, sculptor, sculpt, painting, animation, animator, keyframes, flipped, copy, paste
Id: uZ76J8YCxHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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