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hey there guys Isha from shaktik here welcome to another video in today's video I'm going to go back into a little bit of streaming and a bit of Animation creation if you want to see um in today's video I'm going to show you how you can animate yourself and use it in your live streams video calls um any kind of virtual meetings I can put it into any kind of call or video sharing a setting that you want So before we start off you're going to need three pieces of software um and they're all free except for the last one which I'll get into you're gonna need an ndi plugin so everything will be linked down below now the ndi plugin allows you to stream uh media off your computer as a virtual camera essentially so you're able to pick it up in Google meets or Zoom as a webcam but it's actually streaming some sort of a media output on your computer and that's absolutely free to download second is you're gonna need the Adobe character animator that is also free there's a free version of that so feel free to download the entire Adobe ecosystem to try it out so download that and third now this is where it can get interesting so you need something that can edit PSD files you know what PSD files are recommended so Adobe Photoshop is usually the easiest to just integrate with Adobe character animator but you could also use things such as which is a free alternative to photoshop as well and so yeah let's get right into it so diving into the computer now the first thing you want to do is open up adobe character animator and you'll be brought to this home page and on this homepage you'll see a whole lot of example puppets now these puppets are essentially the pretty much pre-created models that you can use as your animations in your web calls or recording anything as per se and I really recommend using these example puppets and especially when you're starting off and I'll show you why as well and there's this one at the top called open puppet maker which is actually really cool in terms of being able to generate your own puppets like you can choose something like this and you can choose whatever style you want so these are like the various ones and you can see it's already uh calibrated something but I've already got my own project here so I don't need to and so yeah so I already have a pre-made product so this is also using the example puppet but um again if you want me to do a deep dive into how each individual Papa works and whatnot um some really cool things about these full body ones for example is it actually can track your body so if you have a webcam that you can stand far back from or you have an external webcam and you're able to capture your full body you can actually use your body to animate all these objects as well but for this one I'm going to keep it simple so we're going to be using a pretty much a shoulder up animation so it's pretty much just going to be your heads or your eyes your mouth Etc moving around so I'm gonna go into that one shaktic intro so hey let's see it's me so let's just go to rig first so at the top you see these three tabs rig record stream now rig is essentially where you're going to go to see what makes up your animation and being able to go tweak any parts of the animation itself so you can see like we have a breakdown of all the things so we have glasses hair nose mouth and Etc I won't dive into detail on these usually these will all Sid mostly just said by default so you don't really have to touch anything unless you're trying to do something a lot extra and whatnot but you know it's really fun to experiment or whatnot so when you select head you can see we've got the hair door selected and you can choose the right eye and you have the right eye selected you can do a bit of transformation again as I said this is all set to you by default and this is a simple 2D why not now you already probably noticed that this animation is being customized a little it's wearing the The Shack deck hoodie it's got my glasses on got a little beard going on and the way I did that is really easy so what you want to do is go to your um puppet or your animation here you'll see on the side of your project click it I'll select it um so this one is called Proteus um that's just how one of the default animations was called and then you want to click this Photoshop button that opens up at the bottom now if this doesn't open uh you're going to want to right click and then reveal an Explorer and it will take you directly to the um Photoshop file proteus so that's the other way to get there and if you're opening it up in or whatnot but since I got Photoshop installed I'll click that photoshop button and what it does is it'll actually directly load it for me in Photoshop which is really cool and now this is where the fun happens here so in here already everything is segregated by folders you can see on the right you got your mustache you've got your uh your head your glasses everything so I can like turn off my glasses and then hit save let's save the control s go back to my character it will hot reload and then you can see oh the glasses are gone and so that's like really simple so whatever you do in Photoshop is essentially loaded into character animator same with them they're using it through or whatnot same idea and so in here that's a really simple thing so the hoodie is actually in the body it's just a simple layer um I actually added two layers because I wanted it to cover the neck but yeah there's two layers here uh in the Torso and in this animation the Torso doesn't move but the neck moves but I still wanted the neck to be behind this that's why I have two layers there uh we have the the mustache which is actually my beard that I put on literally got a Google image a beard photo put it on the original one had this mustache I don't know sadly my mustache doesn't grow like that and yeah just took that beard on ADD like your default and yeah it was really simple to set up and you can go as creative and crazy as you want um of course in here you can edit the backgrounds you can add stuff on top uh maybe draw some circles on here just to just to show you the fact that we're you know we were here and behind the character as well let's run some layers and then you hit Ctrl save again jump back to your character animator cool you have the circles around it around you that's just really awesome once you're happy with your animation or your model your puppet in this case um what you want to do is head over to stream Now record as well is how I did the introduction and you're able to I essentially record the entire video through here and then send it off in this case we're going to be streaming so we want to stream out and output now when I hit the stream tab you'll notice in the top right corner is a camera and microphone and you can see it's drawn some tracking lines on my face so it knows where my mouth where I'm looking my eyes a little bit head movement neck movement and stand there now when you come in here for the first time you're going to want to hit calibrate it will again calibrate so whenever your eyes are your mouth and the outline of your faces and once you've got a decent calibration on um you oh secondly you need a mic so it actually bases the mouth movement on noise not your facial tracking so um depending on the words you say is the way that the mouth is I can actually show you that in the rig so if I go to mouth and then we go to here we go so on the in the mouth in the mouth you can see the different ways that it pronounces sounds and smiles and surprise um it actually uses that by using the sound so you need to I would recommend uh yeah you need a mic to do this and so since we're doing the top up only my neck and my hip movement is only things that I need to really pop it in I remember again these are all default settings pretty much except for like a little bit of customization on my character now to actually get this animation working in the Google meet core or a zoom call you're gonna need to fire up your ndi software so make sure you've downloaded that by now so what we're going to do is we're going to go to our ndi software so I got it in the eye when you download it you'll get this ndi launcher um the first thing you want to do is Click webcam and what it will do is back sorry a little more technical difficulties here so what you want to do is you want to click that webcam button if the webcam comes up and you're not able to install the drivers just re-install ndi and it should fix it it's what happened to me and when you click webcam what it will do is it'll actually open up um something in your system tray called ndi webcam so if you click that you can see the various inputs all the various video cams that you can what you call virtual video cams that you can use now um this one here if you click the um the Cog um check that's the name of my computer and then it will give you the potential options that you can use to use as an ndi now to actually get your feed working so as you can see uh it's not right there you want to go to your stream tab top here once you're in the Stream tab hit color calibrate and make sure your face is in that top Corner correctly quickly pick it up hey my name is and then you want to go down to the bottom of your screen and you'll see this thing at the bottom four stream live and it'll say display scene on active devices ndi output click it will go Blue to show that it's live you lose the squares around the sides and whatnot then hop on over back to your India webcam input click that and then you can see um yeah your character animation is now playing through the ndi output now to actually get this working in a call is really simple so for this I'm going to use Google meets so we'll go to I'm just going to do a new meeting start an instant meeting [Music] and then you can see it's already using this video now um if this wasn't using my video you go to your more options go to settings video and then make sure to select one of the ndi webcams now these are those virtual webcams I was talking about they match exactly what you're seeing here so video one is there video two etc etc and if you want to switch back you can go back to integrated camera and whatnot and so yeah that's how simple it is to get yourself uh an animated version of yourself into a Google meets call hopefully that was really easy for you to understand if you want to go into more depth with um character animation let me know down in the comments below you can do quite a lot with this um you can do rigging um it doesn't need to just be your facial movement you can actually use your mouse and keyboard to control your arms and stuff um or if you want to know any more streaming or virtual camera tricks as well put it down below thank you very much for watching but as always eyeball one and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Shaqtech
Views: 6,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, live streaming, how to live stream, camera to webcam, use any camera as a webcam, obs tutorial, Adobe, adobe character animator, adobe character animator stream, adobe character animator in zoom, adobe character animator in meets, animate for twitch, animated avatar for twitch, animate yourself, animation tutorial, shaqtech
Id: tdgHiCYvaGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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