Special Session with Sanaya: Channeled by Suzanne Giesemann, June 19, 2021

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good evening and perhaps you have discovered already that when words come out of your mouth there is a reason [Music] specific words specific instructions specific introductions this one has made to you this you need to prepare the way this one has been having conversations with me for quite a while now each morning as i pull the head to this position here she knows it is i and she refers to me as jesus and yet i wish to tell you now that the lessons you have been receiving during this experience here in this sacred place have been to show you that all energy is one that you in your human mood put a name on a being and then you worry after they pass from this body from this story that you will not see them again but you will recognize that energy when you see them again and you put the name back upon them as a name tag a way of identifying them and the first time i came through to this channel she put a name on me the nazarene for she was afraid to refer to me by the common name growing up as she did in a family that eschewed religion and i told her i am your brother this is how i would like to be seen by the souls now walking on earth not revered and yet if that helps the soul's progression i welcome it what i am trying to tell you this evening is that the energy the consciousness that surrounds you now that merges with you now is not a story that walked this earth two thousand years ago it is the christ consciousness for this one the channel to call me jesus allows her to access greater love greater wisdom and yes this call it a soul embodied now at the higher levels did in fact live a lifetime as the one known as jesus and yet to maintain that story without changing would be anathema to the goal of life do you understand yes and so may it thrill you to be in the presence of this energy but may it help you to understand that consciousness and love are synonymous and that the message the embodiment of this christ consciousness brought to the earth and continues to be shared across your earth by those who have ears to hear is one that bears repeating from any messenger and so by coming into awareness to this embodiment of christ consciousness the channel on a regular basis the message can continue to be shared i ask you to invite me using your language into your heart and i will take on any story you want for you are the christ consciousness do you understand this it is difficult to wrap your awareness around what we as a collective consciousness are doing our best to help the consciousness of humanity to understand is the name of the messenger is not important it is the message that is important and it is a message that has not changed since the very first arising of consciousness and it is when there is an apparent other they are still one with you i am so grateful you have now been introduced to my original language beautiful blessings in these words they carry the vibration i wish you to carry with you it is all about vibration you will understand this when you leave the body behind when you no longer have lips for this reason we are grateful for messengers who are still in a body for we are doing our best to imbue you with the awareness of your true nature as the light of consciousness carriers of love and words are not necessary for this yet in human form you are accustomed to communicating this way but you have learned to use your instruments now separating you even more from into communication [Music] use your instruments widely to spread the word with a capital w the word is that there is one consciousness one mind one divine mind i understand your language quite well it is vibratory at the level from which we address you now would but you could experience it feel it the fullness of it but as you have learned in the less suns imparted to you so lovingly with the integrated energy a helpful team that has drawn you here your team of guides included you would tremble out the energy you have done a very good job of absorbing not only the words but the message have you not felt repeatedly a heart opening have you not felt more open to your brothers and sisters in a body here here as well at the soul level the souls are rejoicing to be able to pass down what the souls of each of you already knows and came here to experience whilst in a party it is a beautiful thing it is a beautiful thing for us to feel to see the light in this one corner of the grid turn up brighter and because it is one connected matrix as this so-called corner brightens the entire grid brightens perhaps imperceptibly in the far reaches of your geographical locales however energetically it is felt your so-called butterfly effect shifting gears a bit here now this one has been sitting for quite some time in the masculine side of the energy speaking to the masculine archangels and to this aspect of christ consciousness however recently we have introduced again for it was not the first time she has encountered this energy the more feminine energy of being such as one you would recognize as quan but here as well once again these are names and yet the stories have changed since the days in which these stories arose and yet the energy is continuing to be more and more refined why would you be evolving and we would not it is such a joy to evolve with you it is interactive as you evolve it is reciprocated and we thank you for your efforts to bring more love into the vessels in which you now find yourselves and thus spread it through your own inner lights with those around you changing careers changing direction and if this is not possible then finding ways to share your passion for all things spiritual all things that have to do with love and somehow integrate that into your daily life it makes a difference energetically no effort to bring more love into this world is in vain a question arose earlier and here as we are well we did hear each question and any time that you send love to others in your world it cannot help but be felt you do make a difference we are showering your world with the loving energy from the higher realms at all times do not feel alone do not feel deserted when you deal with such events as pandemics hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes and such we are well aware of the unrest and the sense of imbalance that you experience it is at this time that we do send even more energy of peace and calm to you and yet as one is caught up in the story and goes within and bends over in fear going as if a turtle into the shell in retreat you are not able to feel this energy for the shell you have erected around you the energy of love can chip away at that if you are open to it if you are aware of it does not a flower blossom as the sun shines upon it does not it turn upwards towards that light you face a choice of how her does it innately turn up the love now would you and why would you want to embrace more of your feminine side we ask you now as we shift the energy just a bit for many of you have spent a lifetime in a world dominated by the masculine energies and there is nothing wrong with this at all yet balance is the key here to a life of peace to a more restful life to one where you can express love where you can appreciate the intuitive gifts that are your heritage your birthright yes these latter aspects are characteristics traits of the feminine sides and yet they are issued by many in a masculine body and those in a masculine world not a negative but if more of you would appreciate both sides of your human nature you would have more cooperation more compromise more ideas of how to navigate this life in a more equitable manner you are getting there there is a shift in consciousness that has been ongoing for quite some time not just in your generation change is inevitable any change that is made in alignment with the heart and the head imbalance in other words the left side of the brain the logical side and the right side which is the more flowing intuitive side is beneficial compassion is a key component of the feminine nature and all of you have this in some measure and we appreciate this if you are feeling out of balance simply turn up the compassion the mercy aspects known quite well to the one known as kuan yin who addresses you as part of this group this evening it is a name given to an energy field a pattern of energy as you have learned call it what you will we call it love we have been speaking of love this evening but we always do so enjoy answering questions of any topic that is of interest to you and the members of this group this team of beings of light as you would understand it are not unique to this one the channel all of you have access to beings of light you may give us names to differentiate that specific energy that has adjusted to your energy field you will attract to you specific beings of light who know they can get through to you we have told this one to call us sanaya it is the most fitting name on multiple levels but it does in one instance mean one worth knowing and yet we are many one consciousness a field of consciousness at a level that is beneficial to all of you and so in this awareness we will bring in the being of light with an appropriate answer to questions asked is there one of you with a question this evening ask it now i have a question can you help me understand the idea of what is already meant to be and predestined in our lives like certain events or how we pass we understand the question well so planning as you may have heard it referred to is quite an accurate term we wish you to go back in awareness to a time before you embodied this physical vessel and know what that you have had what you might call a board meeting and you sat with your guides who did agree to accompany you throughout this lifetime and you sat with some higher beings who had a greater picture who could see what would be unfolding in the future should you choose to embody a certain body with specific other human beings already in a body who would turn out to be the parents and you chose at that time a certain life path but always freedom to choose we wish to use the analogy of a map laid out and you choose one certain highway to get to your destination but just as when you go on a road trip with your family and we are quite aware how painful those can be at times you may decide to take a side road to get off at any exit and explore a bit but if it is your life's path to reach a certain experience for the growth that will ensue for the greater good not just for one individual here as well certain events happen not just for the individual human but for those around at times this is painful for some where there is pain see where there is growth for others as well but we digress if you get a bit too far off the main road the team of guides will continue to give you signs and nudges to get you back on path if it serves the greater good the path is not set in stone as you would understand it and so you may wonder you may try this career or that spouse and if it is not to be if it is taking you too far off you will experience so much angst that you know you face across roads and it is at this point that we give you a longing in your heart that you cannot deny even though it causes you pain at times you will make certain sacrifices you may not understand why you are doing this and you will change direction and in your linear time in human form you will find yourself doing something that you may not have expected at this level yet has a soul level there is a knowing ah yes this is what i am meant to do you have heard a story of that already this evening the joy that ensues when one is on track not to say that what came before was not on track do you understand that often it leads exactly and precisely to where you decided before coming into this life to come and as you see the pieces fall into place you can see exactly how each step along the way did lead to this point and yet along the way there was free will for you can divert here and there and yes there are certain major exit points when you know you will not get back on the road at all yet ascend to another level of reality exit points most souls do come into this world with several choices have i learned enough have those around me benefited by my presence enough will my exit at this point serve the greater good point of view as you have learned is all important from the human point of view there are many things in this earthly realm that make no sense at all but when you can take the top down view looking at the overall map as we have called it and see the effects that decisions and exits and entrances make you can start to piece it all together and understand why would a soul choose to incarnate in a body that does not function well that perhaps has a physical handicap can you see how this affords an opportunity for those around that embodied soul to practice compassion mercy patience love the soul does not suffer source is not harmed all that unfolds in this reality is for the experience of it keeping in mind that the soul is fine may you suffer far less pain is often necessary to get you back on track and we thank you for the question would you turn up the energy please and we will entertain another question if souls are keep coming back for continued improvement and growth is there an end is there a goal to achieve for every soul and if so what is it a goal is a human term and you understand it and so we will speak in that term but the overall goal as you have learned is to turn up the light to experience the joy of life a most beautiful acronym love in full expression a soul perhaps you have heard this analogy shared before is akin to a deck of cards and each lifetime is a hand that is played for the experience perhaps one lifetime that hand has mostly hearts in another lifetime perhaps more diamonds than others more riches in another lifetime spades travails in another lifetime clubs and bars until you learn your lesson and turn to yoga and kundalini practice those in spirit do enjoy humor do you feel the energy left with this and so there comes a time when all hands have been played to satisfaction one can play cards indefinitely the hands will be dealt differently are there not numerous combinations from one deck of 50 some cards can you imagine at the soul level how many hands can be dealt with far more possibility than a deck of cards and so the soul incarnates and has this experience and returns shining brighter and says was not that interesting and the soul incarnates again and this time a different set of experiences is experienced quite challenging for the soul does enjoy the challenge and not always shining as brightly as possible understand this but growth is the norm growth being synonymous turn up the energy please synonymous with shining brighter shining brighter of what the light of consciousness which is synonymous with love and we thank you for the energy and there comes a time when the card games have served their purpose and enough experiences have been had that the sword does dissolve back into the sea of consciousness the sea itself is already imbued with all the light there could possibly be and because that sea contains all that is as needed stories will arise again [Music] and aspects of consciousness will encounter other realities perhaps continuing with the earthly reality at a different level as a guide as a helper now that it is shining so brightly there are many of you we hear this quite often who are firm i am never going back and we laugh as you just have for when you have that big picture again you do understand it is all about love and pain is temporary even though for some it may last for decades in your experience and when you get to the other side you say but it seems like just a blink of an eye an entire lifetime like a dream did i really spend so much time forgetting [Music] i would like to do it again and this time remember sooner the joy is so delicious give me an assignment make it a tough one for i know that as i overcome challenges oh the joy is so much brighter we have been answering your questions all weekend and we will answer a few more on the morrow for now as always the answer to every question is do it with love this is one that is so easily forgotten inside the human body it is as if your windshield is clouded over with mud and the receptacle that puts the windshield fluid on the windshield is empty there's a new analogy for you it is covered over your screen of awareness were you to keep it clean at all times you would behold how beautiful is this world you have chosen it is all according to the viewpoint you take from our viewpoint we see nothing but light we see nothing but your magnificence as you do not see it we shower you with love it is there for the taking soak it up so that those around you who do not know how to clear the screen of awareness are somehow imbued by your light this is how each of you can serve as you wake up each morning ask yourself how may i serve today how may i shine today how may i keep the screen of my awareness clean so that my light shines brightly so that i may see with the eyes of the soul and see only the goodness you have learned this weekend that the human looks for the negative may this be the most important lesson you take with you this evening you are trained to look for the negative once you know this and you continue doing this that is when you say i am not coming back again our greatest desire is that you wish to come back again for you have learned to see the innate beauty the innate goodness the innate magnificence in your world and in those who inhabit it you and your brothers and sisters and those in the animal kingdom and the nature elements you are all deeply cherished for we see the negative we focus on the love and the goodness you can as well and it will change your world you are so very loved never forget this it is our honor to work with you we bid you good night you
Channel: Suzanne Giesemann
Views: 48,732
Rating: 4.8962359 out of 5
Keywords: Suzanne Giesemann, channeling, spirit
Id: 2Y01cN6mh_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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