Angels and Demons, Part 1

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And nearby this town is a festival that has been held for over 30 years. It is called the Creation Festival sponsored by a church in Philadelphia. And it is like I don’t know how to describe it apart from saying it is like a Christian Woodstock. I mean thousands of people go to this thing. And I had the privilege last Friday night of speaking to around 70,000 people in one sitting. It was crazy. Amazing. If you look up on the screen there are some shots. They are just out in an open area where they camp and they bring the motor homes in. And my son Jonathan took these photos. And then there is a forest surrounding it all. There are a lot of young young kids there every year. They are crowding the front there and listening. That is when I was getting ready to speak with Lincoln Brewster. He played right before I went out and the funny thing is you know I was just back on the East Coast. You saw that Long Island video and it was raining the first night. And what do you know but I get out there to Pennsylvania and it starts raining. And mud all over the ground. And when it rains back there it rains hard. And it was raining so hard during Lincoln’s set that I thought, “This is going to be just a disaster. Right before I went out to speak it stopped raining. The sun came out. It was just beautiful. So it was a great opportunity. I also had my son Jonathan come up and give his testimony. That really connected with the young people out there. And so it was a great afternoon there. Seventy thousand people. Invited people to come to Christ. They stood up all over and prayed. And you could hear them praying across this great multitude. It was really something. So just wanted to tell you about that. It was a really fun adventure. All right. Well this afternoon we are in Daniel chapter 6. Turn there with me if you would. Daniel 6. And we are in our series that we are calling Essentials: What Every Christian Needs to Know. And the title of our message is, “Angels and Demons.” I heard the story of a time when God up in heaven was wondering how things were going down on earth. So He dispatched an angel to check up. The angel returned sometime later and said, “Lord things are not going so well. Man is really evil. In fact we found that 95% of the people are bad and only 5% are good.” So the Lord wanted a second opinion. He sent even a higher ranking angel down to earth to check. After a little time had passed that angel returned and gave pretty much the same report. “Lord it is not good. 95% of the people are bad and only 5% are good.” So the Lord decided that at least He wanted to encourage the 5% that were good and so He wanted to lift them up a little and let them know He was aware. So He shot them off an email. The five percent people who were good. Do you want to know what the email said? You didn’t get one either? That was a joke by the way. Kind of a dumb joke. But it brings up the whole idea of what we are looking at together, which is, that there is indeed a God and a Satan and there are angels and demons. There is an invisible world. It is hard for us to believe that because we live in the natural world. We relate to what we could see with our eye. What we can hear with our ear. What we can reach out and touch. But the Bible teaches there is a supernatural world. An invisible world. And that is the realm of God and Satan. That is the ream of angels and demons. And it is all around us. Right now if we could somehow pull back the veil if you will it would blow our minds to see what we would see. To see the angels of God at work. To see the demons of hell at work. To see all the spiritual activity swirling around us at any given moment. In the book of Kings is the story of Elisha the prophet. He was with his servant Gehazi and they fell asleep. And when they woke up they were surrounded by enemy forces and Gehazi began to panic. And he woke up this sleeping prophet saying, “What are we going to do?” And Elisha probably wiping the sleep from his eyes said, “Don’t be afraid. Those that are with us are more than those that are with them.” And then Elisha prayed, “Lord I pray open his eyes that he may see.” And the Bible says, “The Lord opened His eyes and He saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” Those were the angelic forces of God. Those that are with us are more than those that are with them. So let’s pray now and ask the Lord to open our eyes as we take this look at the invisible world. Let’s pray. Father open our eyes today to the reality of the spiritual world. Open our eyes today to the nearness of eternity and the relative shortness of life on earth. Open our eyes to the work of the angels as well as the work of the forces of darkness. Open our eyes that we might see the plan that You have for us. Open our eyes because we want to see Jesus. So speak to us from Your Word we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen. A quick poll. How many of you believe in angels today? Raise up your hand. You believe in the existence of angels. Well you are not alone. I would expect that kid of response from you but a poll that was conducted by Time Magazine revealed that a whopping 69% of Americans believe in the existence of angels. That is almost 70%. And 48% of Americans believe they have their own guardian angel. Do we have guardian angels? We will look at that in a moment. And 32% even said that they had felt some kind of angelic presence in their life at some point. And then what I found also interesting was belief in angels among teenagers is even higher. This survey revealed that 3 out of every 4 young Americans believe in angels today. They have their teen angels of course. No. I am kidding. But it is amazing to me how we believe in these angels. Not that we shouldn’t. But it just shows that we are a spiritual people in a broad sense. We believe there is a supernatural world. And I think one of the reasons we believe in angels is because we have all had those close brushes with death. We have had that moment that that could have gone the wrong way where we just barely missed that car or we just barely got through that situation and we wondered was that an angel that delivered me. Was that an angel that intervened on my behalf? Now here is the problem with angels. Or let me restate that. Here is the problem we have in our understanding of angels. We have gotten a lot of our information from Hollywood. You know Hollywood has taken the topic of angels along with heaven and hell and they have sort of hijacked it and turned it around and given it back to us in a distorted way. You know when we think of angels we may envision some of the movies we have seen like you know It’s a Wonderful Life. You know that one that they show at every Christmas that is starring Jimmy Stewart and he is going to commit suicide but Clarence the angel comes and helps him because Clarence is trying to earn his wings you know. That is one version. Or there is that TV program that was on for years called Touched by an Angel. And then there was the movie called, The Preacher’s Wife starring Whitney Houston and she is visited by an angel played by Denzel Washington. Or then there was another movie called City of Angels starring Nicholas Cage who plays an angel that falls in love with Meg Ryan. So he decides to give us his rights as an angel and become a human. So the idea is that angels are exalted humans or angels have to earn their wings and all of these funny little ideas that are passed around. And then of course the latest movie out is called Angels and Demons. And so we may not really know what we believe about angels. But as far as I am concerned there is only authoritative source on the topic of God and Satan, angels and demons, and that is the Scripture. So we are going to find out what the Bible has to say about this. Let me begin by stating this. The activity of angels, especially in the lives of believers, is constant. We may not necessarily be aware of the presence of angels. We can’t necessarily predict how and when they will appear. But the Bible says they are there. For we are told in Psalm 34:7, “The angel of the Lord guards all who fear Him and He rescues them.” There are examples everywhere in the Scripture. Did you know that there are at least 300 references to angels in both the Old and New Testament? We see angels at work. A good example is when Simon Peter was arrested for preaching the gospel in the book of Acts chapter 12. And the believers went to prayer. What does the Lord do? In answer to their prayer He dispatches an angel to deliver Peter. Peter is so deep in his sleep the angel has to practically punch him to wake him up and shake him. “Wake up Peter.” And the door opened automatically. And often when we offer our prayers to God it might be an angel that is actually being dispatched to help that answer come about. Angels are amazing creatures. They straddle both heaven and earth. And it would appear that though they are created beings that they never die. For we are told over in Luke 20:36 Jesus said of people who have gone on to heaven, “Neither can they die any more for they are equal unto the angels.” Angels have a special work that they do in the life of the believer because Hebrews 1:14 tells us, “Are not angels ministering spirits sent to minister to those that will inherit salvation.” And as I said, there is story after story telling us of the work of angels. One that comes to mind from contemporary times is from a book written by Billy Graham called Angels: God’s Secret Angels. And in this book he tells the story of John Patton who was a missionary to the New Hebrides islands and one night Patton and his wife were in their home there at the mission station and there were those that wanted to kill them. And so a number of the people that were indigenous to that region were coming to destroy this man. And so John and his wife began to pray. And they were surprised that no attack ever came. And the next morning the natives were gone and they wondered what happened. And so a year later the chief of that tribe that wanted to kill the missionaries came to Christ. And so John was sitting down with him having a conversation and he said, “I have to ask you what happened that night when you were coming to kill us. Why didn’t you follow through on it?” And the chief said, “Well what do you mean why didn’t we go through with it. Who were all of those men with you there?” And John Patton said, “There were no men there.” And the chief said, “No. We didn’t attack because there were hundreds of big men in shining garments with drawn swords circling the mission station.” And John thought, “Those may have been angels actually.” So that could be a modern example. I would even take it a step further and say it is entire possible that you have personally met an angel. Because we are told in Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for in doing so, some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” Now if I knew I was entertaining an angel I would definitely take good care of them. “Hi. I am an angel from God. Can you take me to lunch?” “Yes. Where would you like to go?” Well what if the Lord sent someone to me that was not the kind of a person I would necessarily want to hang around with? Maybe they were not an attractive person. Or maybe they were a difficult person. I don’t want to be around them. I don’t want to help them. What if that was an opportunity to entertain an angel without knowing it? Angels sometimes take on human form. As we see in Scripture they would often appear as men. And by the way there is no instance in the Bible of an angel appearing as a woman. There are no chick angels. I am sorry. It is funny because we use that expression angel usually in a feminine sense. We will say, “Oh she is as pretty as an angel.” We don’t say, “He is as handsome as an angel.” Or, “She sings like an angel.” So we think of it in the feminine. And often in the religious art angels are female. In the Bibles angels are always male. So sometimes they take on human form. But generally we don’t know what they are doing and when they are doing it. I think the subtitle of Billy Graham’s book is accurate. Angels are God’s secret angels. They are sort of like the Navy Seals. An elite fighting force. They are dispatched on a mission. They go in, they take care of business, and you never hear about it. It is not publicized. You don’t know the names of the Seals that did thus and so. You may read about the success of the mission. You may never know about the mission at all. But that is what the Navy Seal does. Angels are like Navy Seals in that sense. They are dispatched by God. Ministering servants. Protecting, delivering, sometimes guiding, and going back. You don’t know it is them. You don’t need to engage them. You don’t need to try to communicate with them. They are simply doing the work that God has called them to do. I think if we could see how many angels are involved in our lives it would blow our minds. Sort of like putting on polarized sunglasses. I prefer polarized glass in my frames. Now my wife she doesn’t care about things like that. She wants her glasses to look cool. And sometimes I will like at the glasses she is wearing. I will say, “Le me look through these.” And they are all scratched up. And I will say, “Why do you wear these?” “Because I like them?” I say, “Try mine on.” And I will take off my polarized glasses. She puts them on. I say, “Look at the water right now. You can see all of these hues and shades you can’t normally see through scratched up fashion glasses you know.” And if we could just sort of put on some polarized glasses and see into the spiritual world. It is not that we are seeing things that are not there. We are seeing more clearly the hues, the subtlety, the spirit beings at work. Or maybe I could compare it to putting on those 3D glasses. You know you go to a movie and see it in 3D. We went recently to see a film with our daughter-in-law and our granddaughter and it was 3D animated film. And so we took Stella in and Stella put those 3D glasses on and saw things coming at her from the screen. She started screaming. She wouldn’t watch the movie. But the problem is two minutes in I was totally engrossed. This is an animated film for children by the way. I am totally engrossed. Must see end of film. What is going to happen? So we were going there for the kids and grandma and the mom had to sit in the lobby taking care of the children while grandpa sat in there and you know reaching for the 3D things. That is what that was. What if we could put on 3D glasses or 4D glasses? The next dimension. And see all these angels. That would be glorious. See the demons. That would be a little bit frightening. But the fact is they are all at work behind the scenes. In fact if an angel were to appear before us today on this stage we would be tempted to worship because he would be so glorious, so magnificent. They are such amazing creatures. In fact when an angel appeared to John the apostle on the island of Patmos that is exactly what he did. He fell down to worship it. And the angel said, “Do not worship me. I am your fellow servant. Worship God.” And that is interesting because it shows that angels don’t draw attention to themselves. And that is why all of this undue attention that is often given to angels in my opinion is unwarranted. There are people that have an obsession with angels. There are so many books about them. You go into any given bookstore. Just book after book with strange titles. I went out to and typed in the keyword angel. And here are some of the titles I found. How to Hear your Angels. Here is another. The Encyclopedia of Angels. Even another. Healing with Angels. And then there is Working with Angels. And then there is Angel Therapy: Healing Messages for Every Area of your life. And then there is Cooking with Angels. I ordered that one. No. There isn’t Cooking with Angels. I made that up. But why not you know? How to make angel food cake. I don’t know. And then the fallen angel one. Devil’s cake. Devil’s food cake. Deviled eggs. But here is the thing is that people want to connect with these angels and hear from these angels and I am afraid that they might end up hearing from the wrong kind of angel because as we will discover in our next message there are not only the holy angels of God. There are fallen angels or demons that do the work of Satan. And that is why the apostle said, “If I or an angel from heaven come bringing any other message than that which you have already heard let him be accursed.” Why would an angel bring a message contrary to the gospel? Because he would be a fallen angel. You see that’s. Lucifer. Satan. The devil. He is a fallen angel. He used to be a magnificent powerful high ranking angel who had access to the presence of God, but he rebelled against the Lord and we will deal with that later. But my point is the devil could come to us as an angel of light. You know if the devil were to appear to us today, God forbid, I can tell you this much. He would not have red skin and horns coming out of his head and pointed ears and hooves for feet and a pointed tail and a little pitchfork. Maybe you have seen me on the Orange Julius cup. Right. You know. That is a caricature. The real devil, Lucifer, also called the son of the morning, he would be magnificent. We would be like woe. Look. And here is my message. Woe. Let’s listen. No. No. No. Even if an angel from heaven came bringing any other message than that which we have already heard in the message of Scripture let him be accursed. So we must be careful. These people opening themselves up to angels and angelic influence. Watch out. You might be listening to the wrong angel. How many angels are there out there? Lots. More than we could probably even count. In the book of Daniel he talks about how there are thousands upon thousands, ten thousands times ten thousands. That would be a hundred million angels. Revelation 5:11 says that he heard the voice of thousands and millions of angels around the throne and of the living beings and of the elders. Not only are there a lot of angels, but they are very powerful. We told over in Psalm 103 verse 20, they excel in strength. Angels are not as powerful as God but they are more powerful than people. And it would appear that some angels are more powerful than other angels. There are rankings among the angels. In 1 Peter 3:22 we read that Jesus Christ has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand with angels, authorities, and powers in submission to Him. And so here we have this ranking. We have angels, authorities and powers. And by the way there is that same ranking in the fallen angels. Paul says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, and powers, and spiritual might in the supernatural realm.” They are organized. The angels of God are organized under the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fallen angels are organized under the command of Lucifer the fallen angel. They have rankings. Not unlike the military. Now when we think of angels we have to think that there are some outstanding angelic personalities we find in Scripture. There are two angels that we know for sure by name. One is Michael and the other is who? Gabriel. That’s right. And we could include Lucifer too if you wanted too. He is fallen, but he is an angel who has a name for us in Scripture. Now Michael. He is sort of like angel numero uno. He is like the man. He is identified in Scripture as the archangel. Now I don’t know that that is saying there are no other archangels, but it may be saying that because he is referred to as such. And the term archangel occurs twice in the New Testament and in both instances it is used in the singular and is preceded by the definite article the. As in the archangel. So there may only be one. Michael the archangel. It is interesting that he will play a unique role in the rapture of the church, which I believe is the next event on the prophetic calendar in which we are told in 1 Thessalonians 4, “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then after that we which are alive and remaining will be caught up to meet them in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Also we know that Michael is called in when lower ranking angels need help. There is a fascinating story in Daniel chapter 10. Don’t turn there. Let me just sort of tell it to you. Then we are going to dig into Daniel 6 in a moment. But in, and you can turn, if you want to. I am just saying you are going to be turning there. Where is it? And I will be done telling the story. All right. So you can look later if you like. Or look now if you want. Whatever you want to do. This is America man. Whatever you want to do. But Daniel 10 is the story of Daniel praying. And he was asking the Lord for something and the Lord dispatched an angel with an answer to his prayer. The angel finally shows up and says, “Daniel I have to tell you why there seems to be a delay in the answer to your prayer. I was dispatched from heaven 21 days ago with an answer but I was opposed by a powerful fallen spirit identified as the prince of Persia. I couldn’t handle him so they called in Michael who came and overpowered that demon power and I was free to then come and bring you the answer to your prayer.” That is a great story. I mean it shows there is ranking among angels for sure. It shows that some are more powerful than others. It shows Michael is very powerful. But it also reminds us that when we pray a spiritual battle is raging. And it may be that the so-called delay to your prayer is due to angelic battle going on behind the scenes. Listen. When you are praying for the salvation of someone, when you are praying for a prodigal son or daughter to repent, don’t give up. You don’t know what is happening. And don’t think well it wasn’t answered as quickly as I would like. God must be saying no. Yeah. He might be saying no today. But maybe He will say yes tomorrow. Or maybe the day after. You keep praying. Jesus said, “Knock and the door shall be opened. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you.” And in the original language that would be in the tense of keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking. Listen. God’s delays are not necessarily His denials. There may be a reason for it. So we have to keep praying. We also know that Michael ultimately overcomes Satan as revealed in Revelation 12. There was a war in heaven. And it is interesting because the angels are referred to early in revelation as the stars. So it is star wars. Right. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven and the great dragon was hurled down. That ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him.” So ultimately Michael the archangel overcomes Lucifer the fallen angel. Ok. Now there is also Gabriel. Now Gabriel, though maybe not an archangel, is certainly a high ranking one. Gabriel appears in the Old and New Testament. He appears in the book of Daniel revealing the future to the prophet. He comes at the beginning of the new covenant and appears to Zechariah and tells him he is going to be the father of the last of the Old Testament prophets. The direct forerunner of the Messiah. Zechariah will be the father of John the Baptist. And Gabriel was given the privilege of appearing to a young girl named Mary living in Nazareth to tell her she would be the mother of the Messiah. Can you imagine getting that mission? If you were in a big room and all of the angels are there and the Lord says, “All right. I need an angel to go deliver the message to planet Earth that the Messiah will be born. Who wants the job?” Me. Me. Me. Sorry. That is my warped cartoonist mind at work there. Gabriel was dispatched with the message to tell Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah. And then Gabriel went also to Joseph and revealed to him that she was carrying the Messiah in her womb. And then there are the cherubim and the seraphim. And we don’t know a lot about them, but they too are angels. We read about the seraphim in Ezekiel 1 verse 5, chapter 14, chapter 21. Interestingly God placed the cherubim in a position of keeping man out of the garden after he had eaten of the forbidden fruit. A cherubim with a flaming sword. Now the seraphim appear to be a special angel if you will that worships God. We read about them in Isaiah 6:1 where it says, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, high and lifted up, and His glory filled the temple. And above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: and with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!’” Angels. Amazing creatures. Now as you are sitting there you might be thinking, “Well Greg you know it is very interesting to learn about them but what does this have to do with me?” Actually a lot. And I think whenever we study doctrine or theology if you will, which is the study of God, we learn things that will help us life because there can be no theology without doxology. And by that I mean we want to know how this applies to us. All right. Here are a few takeaway truths about angels. Number one. Sometimes the angels reveal God’s purposes. Sometimes they reveal God’s purposes. You remember that angels were dispatched to Abraham to reveal to him what was going to happen in Sodom which was going to be judgment. I already mentioned how an angel was dispatched to Zechariah to tell him he would be the father of John the Baptist and also to Mary and so forth. Number two. The angels have come to help bring us to salvation and sometimes give us guidance. Again. The angels help us come to salvation and sometimes give us guidance. There is fascinating story in the book of Acts that we looked at in our series that where an angel came to Cornelius, a Roman centurion, who did not know the Lord yet, but he was open. And an angel came and revealed to him that he needed to meet Simon Peter who would give to him the gospel. Now that story is fascinating to me because I read it and I wonder well why didn’t the angel just tell him straight out, “Hey here is what you need to do. Here is who Jesus is. Here is what He said. Here is how to come into a relationship with Him.” Why? Because the primary mission of angels is not to preach the gospel. That is our job. They will help us do it. They might even guide is sometimes in our efforts to do it. But God chooses to primarily reach people through people. It seems to me if I were God I don’t think I would use people. I certainly wouldn’t use me. I would use angels. I would send angels to churches. Can you imagine if an angel just kind of appeared right here in this room? “Believe in Jesus now.” We would be like, “Ok. Ok. Let’s do it.” God has not primarily chosen to reach us that way. He reaches people through people. The angels work behind the scenes. You see the angel was there to direct Cornelius to go to Peter so he could hear the gospel. Another example of angelic direction is when an angel came to Philip and said, “Go to the desert.” And he went to the desert and there he found that man visiting from Ethiopia searching for God who ultimately came to faith in Christ. And so angels help us come to salvation and also sometimes give us guidance. Now let’s come to our text and look at one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. It is the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. How did Daniel end up in this situation? Well he was advisor to the king. King Darius. Daniel had been around for a few years at this point. He was getting on and was blessed by God. Was a man of integrity. Respected by the king himself. And Daniel had enemies because they were jealous of his success. And you know whenever you are successful there will be people who are jealous. And they will try to undermine you. So they looked for weaknesses in his life. How can we bring this guy down? What are his inconsistencies? What are his weak spots? What are his vulnerabilities? And they couldn’t find anything. He hadn’t taken any trips to Argentina. Nothing. If I have to explain that it takes too long. It is in the news. That’s all. No. This was a man of integrity without any weak spots. And they thought, “If we are going to bring this guy down, there is only one way to do it. It has to be concerning him and his God.” Because they knew that Daniel had a wonderful habit of praying three times a day. He would get down on his knees, open up the shutters of his house, and call on the Lord. They said, “Let’s get a law passed that says no one can pray to any god except the king and if you violate this law you are thrown into a den of lions. You know Daniel is going to pray.” So they went to the king. “Hey king. We have this idea. Let’s pass this law.” The king is like, “Yeah. That is a great law.” Flattered him. Made him feel more important. He signs it into action not realizing he is dooming his friend. So now Daniel hears the message. If you pray to any god you will be fed to lions. Really. That’s interesting. Ok. It is time to pray. And he prayed. And they arrested him. And he is sent now to be executed. There is no way out of this situation apart from God. That is where our story picks up. Daniel 6. “So the king gave the command.” Verse 15. “And they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, ‘Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.’” Easy for him to say. He wasn’t going in the lion’s den. “Then a stone was brought and laid on the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the signets of his lords, that the purpose concerning Daniel might not be changed. Now the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting; and no musicians were brought before him. Also his sleep went from him. Then the king arose very early in the morning and went in haste to the den of lions. And he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. ‘Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?’” Hoping he would not hear a large belch you know. “And then Daniel said to the king, ‘O king, live forever! My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths.” So that is the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. You know it is an amazing story because the king couldn’t sleep but Daniel could. The king had all of the luxury and comfort of the palace could not sleep. But Daniel in a den of hungry lions could. Listen. Better to be in a lion’s den than anywhere else without Him. I would be rather be in the valley of the shadow of death with Christ walking next to me than in the finest home with all of the money this world has to offer. I would rather be anywhere with the Lord than anywhere else without Him. And maybe you are in a lion’s den so to speak. You are surrounded by hostile people. Maybe you are in a valley where you are going through great difficulties. Maybe you are going through a storm in life. As the Lord is with you don’t despair. Daniel thought, “Well you know what could happen? If I die and I am eaten by lions I go to heaven. If I live I can continue to serve the Lord. So you know it is in God’s hand.” And the Lord sent His angel to shut the lions’ mouth. You know some times animals have more sense than people. Those animals thought, “We are not messing with this angel.” It reminds me of the story of Balaam and his donkey. I love that story. It is the story of a man named Balaam who was a prophet for hire and there was a man named Balak that wanted Balaam to curse the Israelites and the Lord spoke to Balaam and said, “Don’t you dare curse those people. They belong to me. But Balaam was determined to get the money and was on his way in the wrong direction to do the wrong thing riding his donkey. As he is riding along an angel of the Lord appears. His donkey sees it. He can’t. The angel of the Lord in the path of the donkey causes the beast to stop. The animal won’t go. Balaam is like, “Let’s go Come on.” And he starts to beat the donkey. Still the donkey won’t go. They go a little bit further. Now they are between two walls and this time the angel of the Lord appears again but he has a sword out. And the donkey is like no way. He stops in his tracks and he bumps up against the wall hurting Balaam’s leg. Now Balaam is beating the donkey even harder. And the Bible says the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth. You can find it all in Numbers 22. The donkey says to Balaam, “Why are you hitting me?” That is amazing. That is a miracle. What is more amazing is without missing a beat Balaam responds, “Because you won’t do what I tell you to do.” Conversing with the beat you know. Then the donkey says, “Haven’t I been a good donkey? Haven’t I always done what you told me to do? Why are you beating me?” “Because,” Balaam responds, “You won’t do what I want.” And meanwhile the angel is probably standing there with the sword going, “This guy is such an idiot.” And so the angel makes himself visible to Balaam and he sees this powerful creature. And the angel says, “You know I was actually thinking of killing you and sparing the donkey. The animal had more sense than you had.” Yes there are angels involved in our lives. Sometimes stopping us from doing the wrong thing. Sometimes guiding us to do the right thing. Watching over us. Do we have guardian angels? Oh I don’t have the answer to that. We may. We are told by Jesus that we should not look down on the little ones, meaning the children. He said, “For I tell you their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven.” There are angels it says. So it may be that at least children have guardian angels. And I know our children need guardian angels. Especially those little ones always getting themselves into trouble. They have probably worn out a few angels. But what about when the mouth of the lion is not closed? What about when you don’t narrowly miss that brush with death? What about when we die? Does that mean the angels missed their opportunity? Does that mean the angels were asleep on the job? No. It means that they have another mission now. Because an angel does not determine when I am going to be born. Nor does he determine when I am going to die. That is up to God. The role of the angel is to do what God wants him to do and it changes when death comes. The role of the angel up to this point has been to guide, to protect. Sometimes to stop. But when the time has come for me to enter into eternity the role of the angel is to give me an escort into the presence of God. Remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16. We looked at it recently in our study on hell. And you recall that there was a man who was wealthy and was successful and powerful and then there was an impoverished man that lived outside of the gates of this other man’s estate living off the bread the rich man wiped his hands on. And death came. And the rich man who had no place in his life for God went to Hades or hell and was in torment. And the poor man named Lazarus who had faith in God the Bible says was ushered by the angels into the presence of Abraham. And that is what happens when a believer dies. They are taken straight into God’s presence by the angels of the Lord. And yes death knocks at every door. It is no respecter of persons. Just this last week two American icons passed into eternity. Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Farrah Fawcett had a long bout with cancer. She was once regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Many girls copied her hairstyle. Many boys had her poster on their wall. And she was on the television program Charlie’s Angels for a season and did a few movies and so forth. And then she got cancer a few years ago and had fought it and eventually she died. And it was somewhat expected. In fact she had a TV special about her life and her struggle with cancer. And Farrah passed into eternity. But on the same day unexpectedly pop superstar Michael Jackson also died. Aged 50. Now there are some that thought they had predicted the death of Michael Jackson because of problems he had had. But the official cause was given as cardiac arrest. I mean you think about the success this young man had in his life. He had 13 Grammys and he sold 750 million records worldwide. And then boom. Just like that. Both of them entered into eternity. I don’t know where either one of them were at spiritually. I just hope they had faith in Jesus Christ. So now the king of rock Elvis is dead. The king of soul James Brown is dead. The king of grunge Kurt Cobain is dead. And now the king of pop Michael Jackson is dead. But the King of Kings the Lord Jesus Christ. He is alive. And He waits with open arms for any who put their trust in Him. So when death comes, and yes it comes, He will welcome you with your angelic escort into His presence. Do you have that hope? Do you know for certain that you will go to heaven when you die? You know we talk about deathbed conversions. I just experienced this this last week. Prior to leaving on this trip to Altoona, Pennsylvania I was called to visit a man who had terminal cancer. I was told he may not make it through the week. I actually thought about going to visit him after I got back from this trip which would have been Saturday. But I decided I better get out there before. Even though I didn’t have a lot of time I just made some time and I felt very prompted by the Lord to go to him on Thursday. And I went to see him and he was in bad shape, but he was very alert and very aware. And we talked at length. And you know sometimes when you are called as a pastor to visit a person in a hospital who may be dying the family will say, “Don’t tell them they are dying. We don’t want them to hear that.” And it puts you in an awkward position because you feel like you want to talk to them about the reality of eternity and make sure they are ready. But in this particular instance he knew he didn’t have long. In fact he said, “I don’t have much longer.” And so I talked to him about heaven. And he had already believed in Jesus up to this point. But I wanted to be sure that he was ready. So I told him about the reality of heaven. What heaven will be like. I talked to him about the promises of God. And then I said, “You know of we are going to take a trip we have to prepare. Right. And if we are going to go somewhere we have to book a hotel and we have to book a plane fare and we pack our bags. In the same way you are going to take a trip into eternity and the only way to be sure you will go to heaven is you have your ticket. And it was bought for you 2000 years ago by Jesus as He paid for it with our own blood. You need to ask for His forgiveness.” And so I said, “Would you like to pray with me right now?” And he said yes. And we prayed. He prayed earnestly and with great passion. And after we were done praying I comforted him with the promises of God. I talked more about heaven. Read him some verses of a description of heaven by the Apostle John. And then I said, “I will come back and see you Saturday.” And then I got the call late Friday night that he had died. But the moment he took his last breath he was ushered by the angels into the presence of God because he put his faith in Jesus Christ. And that is the hope of the Christian. But if you don’t. It’s true. It is glorious. It is glorious that on a deathbed God would extend grace like that. How easily He could say, “You know what? You have not walked with Me throughout your life. You don’t get to go.” But even on a deathbed if you will turn from your sin He will say, “I love you. I long for fellowship with you. I want you in heaven. Yes I will forgive you.” He will do that for you. I close by asking do you know that you will go to heaven when you die. Don’t tell me because you are a good person. Because you aren’t. “Well you don’t know me.” Yeah probably if I did I would think you are even worse than you are. Look. You may be good in a relative sense. I understand what you mean when you say a good person. I understand that some people are worse than others. But no one is good enough to go to heaven. Heaven is not a place for good people. It is a place for forgiven people. Only forgiven people get to heaven. How am I forgiven? By coming to Jesus and saying, “I am sorry for my sin. I turn from it. And I put my faith in You and You alone to save me.” Have you done that yet? If not would you like to? Today in both services I have extended an invitation for people to come Christ and many have responded. And I think there are many of you who need to respond as well. So you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you will go to heaven when you die. Because friend you don’t know when life is going to end. But if you know the Lord you don’t have to worry. You are ready. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. Are you prepared? If not, respond to this invitation I will give you now as we close in prayer. Let’s all bow our heads if you would. Everyone praying. Father I pray for those here that may not yet know You. Who have not put their trust in You yet. Who are separated from You by their sin. Lord would you help them to see their need for You and come to You because you died for them on the cross. You shed Your blood for their sin. Help them to turn from that sin and believe in Jesus so they can go to heaven we pray. ð ñ B À Ë v w ž Ž 3 9 ý ž! Ÿ! 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Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 50,925
Rating: 4.7265821 out of 5
Keywords: angels, demons, greg laurie, harvest
Id: f5t-CSr9RXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2009
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