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î î 2 î î î Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú ÿÿÿÿ Let’s pray. Now Lord we choose to hear from
You and to open Your Word and get a biblical perspective on life and the life beyond. And
as we look at life on the other side in the eternal realm help us see it in a way we have
never seen it before. And so we commit this time of Bible study to You now. In Jesus’
name we pay. Amen. That song that the group just sang “Choose
Life” actually was originally recorded by Big Tent Revival. A great Christian band that
Steve Wiggins was the lead singer of. They were doing a crusade with us. It may have
been in Philadelphia. And I went up to him one night and I said, “Steve we need a new
invitation song for when people are coming forward to accept Christ and I would like
to see a song based on the passage where God says, “I set before you death and life,
blessings and cursings. Choose life that you might live.” And that was the result. I
would like to say that it was my idea. It was really he wrote it. I certainly didn’t
get any royalties from it. But nor did I deserve them. And what a great song that has been
and has been used by God as thousands have come to Christ. I just want to underscore what Pastor Paul
was saying about being in prayer for our crusade this next weekend in Long Island. How we need
your prayers. And how we appreciate your prayers as we once again preach the gospel. Well we are in our Essential series and we
are talking about eternal things together. And I want you to turn in your Bibles to Luke
chapter 16. And the title of my message is, “The Reality of Hell.” Some of you are
probably thinking, “Should have skipped church today.” I have shared with you the story before of
a man who was living in Chicago. It was very cold there. And he decided he wanted to take
a break so he went for a vacation to Florida. Now as it turns out his wife was on a business
trip and was planning to meet him the next day. And so when he arrived in Florida he
wanted to let his wife know that he arrived safely. So he shot her off a quick email.
Now she had just changed her email address. And he had memorized a new one. Or at least
he thought he had. And he sent off the message to his wife, but the problem was he had one
letter wrong in her email address and the message did not go to her at all but it went
to a elderly woman whose husband who happened to be a pastor had just passed away the day
before. She was reading her emails and she shrieked and fainted. Her family came running
into the room to see what had happened. And they saw the screen and they saw the message
from her husband on the computer screen. And the message said, “Dearest wife, Just checked
in. Everything is prepared for your arrival tomorrow.” But it was the P.S. that got
them. “P. S. It sure is hot down here.” So oh. That is just a joke. We have been talking about heaven together
and what a wonderful topic that is. And you need to know just as surely there is a heaven
awaiting the follower of Jesus Christ there is also a place called hell awaiting the nonbeliever. You know I was interviewed last week on a
Christian television show and the interviewer asked me why I spoke so much on eternity.
He said, “I have noticed when I have watched you preach I have seen your TV programs and
so forth of your crusades and it seems like whatever topic you are dealing with you always
come back to eternity.” And I had never really noticed that before. And I suppose
it is even more true today than it was say two years ago for obvious reasons. “So why
do you do that?” He said. “Why do you always come back to the eternal in your messages?”
And I thought about it for a moment and I said in response, “You know I guess the
answer is when you get down to it it is the most important thing there is.” I mean as a pastor I want to teach the Word
of God. I want to help people grow in their faith as followers of Jesus. I want them to
learn how to know God’s will and resist temptation and have great marriages and all
those things we talk about as pastors and teachers. But when it is all said and done
the biggest thing I want to see happen is people who were on their way to hell instead
go to heaven. I want people to change their eternal address. So that is why I do what
I do. And really when you get down to it is there anything more important than that. We have been talking at length about heaven.
That is a popular subject. Because most people believe in it and most people believe they
are going there. For every American that believes they are going to hell there are 120 who believe
they are going to heaven. So most people believe in a heaven. Most people think they are going
to heaven. And some believe in hell. But even less think they will go there. But that is
a direct contradiction to what Jesus said. Because He said, “Broad is the way that
leads to destruction and many there are that go that way. But narrow is the way that leads
to life and few there are that find it.” If we believe the Bible, and I hope you do,
most people today are not headed to heaven. If we believe the Bible we have to accept
this simple fact. Most people are actually headed to hell. Oh I know we don’t like
to hear that. We don’t even like to use the word in our culture today. In fact we use the word hell to punctuate
our sentences. Someone will say something like, “Well all hell just broke loose.”
And that usually is a way to say that it is a worse case scenario. Another might say,
“A situation is so bad it is hellish.” Or if a certain person is really difficult
to deal with, “Man listen. They are hell on wheels.” And another person if they are
really angry will say to another, “I am going to give you a piece of my mind.” Or,
“I am going to give you hell.” And if you are really mad at someone you will say,
I hope you won’t say it, but someone else might say, “Well you just go to hell.”
That phrase is used a lot. And then the weird thing is you use it to insult a person. But
at the same time if someone had a great time somewhere they will say, “Man we had a hell
of a good time together.” What is with this use of the word hell in so many different
ways? I actually had a guy come up to me after a
message on a Sunday morning and he shook my hand and said, “That was a hell of a speech
reverend.” I actually laughed. I didn’t know what else to do. It just to me it was
comical. I knew he was trying to compliment me. It is not exactly what a pastor wants
to hear someone say but I said, “Well I was hoping it was kind of a heaven of a good
talk.” But I understood what he was saying. But this is a phrase that people use a lot. It is funny how people will say to another
person, “You can go to hell” but at the same time they will say, “I don’t believe
a place called hell actually exists.” But it’s not as effective when you say, “You
can just go to a place that doesn’t exist.” Why does someone say, “Go to hell.” Because
deep down inside even if you are a nonbeliever you know there is a hell. That is why. That
is why we say that. The same reason a person will use the name
above all names Jesus Christ in a form of cursing or to emphasize a point. “Jesus
Christ” they will say. Why do they say that? Why is it when the hammer hits your thumb
instead of the nail you say that instead of saying, “Hare Krishna.” Because there
no power in the name of Krishna. But there is power in the name of Jesus. And it is the
name above all names. And the Bible says everyone will bow before Him in that final day and
acknowledge that He is the Lord to the glory of God the Father. Listen. Hell is a real place. But because
we are uncomfortable with that idea we will make jokes about it. You know there is actually
a town I read about in Michigan called Hell. Hell, Michigan. Can you imagine? It was founded
in 1841. And George Reeves the man who discovered this low swampy place in Southeast Michigan
didn’t know what to name it. And someone said, “Well what do you want to call it?”
He said, “I don’t care. Name it hell if you want to.” And so they did. Hell, Michigan. Or people will joke about it. Comedian Woody
Allen said, “Hell is the future abode of all people who personally annoy me.” End
quote. Comedian Jim Carey said, “Maybe there is
no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents
breathe through their noses when they are eating sandwiches.” End quote. Hey Jim and Woody. There is a hell. It is
not a joke. Laugh it off if you choose to but it really is there. And the fact of the matter is is Jesus Christ
spoke more about hell than all of the other preachers of the Bible put together. The fact
of the matter is is most of the teaching we have on the topic of hell was given to us
by Christ Himself. Now that surprises some people because they would say, “Well wasn’t
Jesus the very personification of love and mercy and grace? Why would He talk about hell?”
For that very reason. Because He was the personification of love and grace and mercy, He doesn’t
want any man or woman uniquely made in His image to spend eternity in this place called
hell. And Jesus, being God, knows about it because He has seen it with His own eyes.
And so He warns us about it. It has been estimated that of the 40 parables that Jesus told more
than half of them dealt with God’s eternal judgment and hell. Make no mistake about it.
There is a real hell for real people. J. I. Packer said, and I quote, “An endless
hell can no more be removed from the New Testament than an endless heaven can.” It is there. Now it is funny how hell becomes more and
less popular giving what time we are in. I think belief in hell probably went up after
9/11 because when something evil is done or wicked takes place people tend to believe
in evil more and they also believe in a place of final retribution. But when things aren’t
going as badly a belief in hell actually starts to go down. A recent Gallup poll revealed
that belief in hell is down right now. Like that to me is so stupid. That is like
taking a poll and saying, “Well you know more Americans today believe there is a place
called California than those that believe there is a place called Arizona.” So. And
I don’t mean to say if you are from Arizona it is hell. Ok. I am sorry. It is very hot
there. But it is certainly not hell. That is in Michigan. Right. No. But you know it
really doesn’t matter if you believe in or not. It really doesn’t matter if it is
popular or not. What is is. Years ago John Lennon famously sang, “Imagine
there is no heaven. It is easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky.” Imagine
all you want. There is a heaven. And there is a hell. So in this message I am going to give you
hell. Better yet I hope in this message I scare the hell out of you. I know some of
you are going to say, “Greg was cussing today.” If you listen to context of everything
I said you will realize that is not the case. The Bible actually teaches that there are
deaths. One is physical death and the other is spiritual death. Jesus warned that we are
to fear the second death more than the first death. Over in Revelation 20 we read, “Death
and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” Also in Revelation
21 we read that, “Cowards who turn away from God and unbelievers and the corrupt and
murderers and those that practice witchcraft and idol worshippers and liars their doom
is in the lake that burns with fire. This is the second death.” The second death is
hell, which is eternal separation from God. It lasts forever. One commentator wrote, “Eternity to the
godly is a day that has no sunset. Eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise.” Now there are different ways that the Bible
describes hell. One picture we have of hell in the Bible is hell is like a garbage dump.
But it is not like any garbage dump we have ever seen. I don’t know if you have ever
taken your own trash to the dump and looked around. But usually you will find all kinds
of amazing stuff there. Rubbish and things cast off. And then you will see there is an
old refrigerator and a television set and part of a car sticking out. And you think
how hard people may have worked to obtain those items and now here they are sitting
in the dump. But the dump in this day also known as Gehenna was far worse than that.
You would not only throw your trash and rubbish there, but it was a place where also you would
throw dead bodies and it would constantly be burning. And you could imagine what a horrific
place this was. So Jesus takes picture Gehenna, the dump if you will and uses it to describe
hell. Number two. Hell is described like a prison.
One of the clearest pictures Christ gave of hell was that of being incarcerated. He told
a parable of a king’s servant who was sent to jail for cruel and unforgiving behavior
then added this warning, “This is how My Heavenly Father will treat each of you if
you do not forgive your brother from your heart.” I don’t know if you have ever been to prison.
I would be reluctant to ask how many of you have served time because I think it would
make the people next to you very nervous if you were here. I do receive letters on occasion.
I think all of the people that were in prison were in the first service anyway. But just
kidding. They are actually in the third. No. I am joking. I don’t really know. But I
do get letters from time to time from people in prison that listen to our radio broadcast.
When we were in South Dakota doing our crusade I had the honor of receiving a special blanket
from the Native Americans there and I was made a brave and so the man who gave me this
blanket actually heard the gospel on our radio broadcast in prison and came to Christ and
now he is serving the Lord and is preaching the gospel. And so that was a great thing
to hear. And you remember when we had Michael Franzese
here not too long ago and he was a member of the mob or the mafia. And he talked about
how he was put in solitary confinement and the hole as they call it. And they would let
him out one hour a day. And sometimes it would be 3:00 in the morning and he would be allowed
to walk around in the yard a little bit and he would be put back in this tiny cell. But
fortunately for Michael he had a copy of the Bible and was able to turn to God in that
time. But in this place called hell, this eternal
prison, you don’t have time in the yard and you certainly don’t have a Bible. It
is too late for that. But the most well-known picture given to us
of hell in Scripture is where hell is likened unto a fire that never stops burning. And
that brings us to our text that we are going to look at together now. And that is Luke
chapter 16 where hell is described as an unquenchable fire. And we read these words from Jesus.
And by the way before we read them let me say this at the outset. What we are about
to read is true. And by that I mean it is not a parable. Jesus would tell parables,
which is another way for illustration to make a point. Learn a parable of. The parable of
the sower, and so forth. This was an actual event. Reason being that actual names are
used in this story. So you might describe this as a behind the scenes look into the
invisible world. If you have wondered what happens on the other side when believers and
nonbelievers pass into eternity here is a glimpse into that given by Christ Himself.
Luke 16. Verse 19. “’There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine
linen and fared sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus,
full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from
the rich man’s table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. So it was that
the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died
and was buried.’” And so here is this true story. We have the
name of one of the men. Lazarus. And the other man, the wealthy man, is described as a certain
man. One man owned everything yet he possessed nothing. The other owned nothing but inherited
everything. One went to comfort. The other went to torment. The believing man, Lazarus,
was ushered by the angels into the presence of God into a place called Paradise. And by the way prior to the arrival of Jesus
and His death and resurrection when a person would die in faith they went to Paradise or
to Abraham’s bosom as the King James Version describes it. You remember when Jesus was
crucified and that man next to Him came to his senses when he heard the Lord say, “Father,
forgive them for they know not what they do.” And the man said to Jesus, “Lord, remember
me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you
today you will be with Me in what? Paradise.” So that man went into this place of bliss.
This place called Paradise. That was before Jesus died and rose again from the dead. But
the Bible says that after His death He preached to those that were in this waiting place if
you will that we are reading about here in Luke. So now when a believer dies they go
straight to heaven right into the presence of God. The Bible says, “To be absent from
the body is to be present with the Lord.” One other thing about that thief on the cross.
You might describe what happened to him as a deathbed conversion. And I hope this gives
a measure of hope to you that maybe have given up on certain people who have no need to God
or at least they don’t think they have a need for God and you wonder if they will ever
come to Christ. Don’t stop praying for them. Because we hear glorious stories of people
coming to the Lord right before their death. My own mother did not really come to Christ
until about a month before she went to heaven. And I had prayed for all of my life as a Christian.
So maybe you know someone right now and you are feeling like they will never come around.
They may. But listen. Sometimes we know someone that
died and we fear they are in hell right now. I have even had people say, “They are in
hell.” You don’t know who is in hell. Ok. You are not in a position to say who is
in hell. Now I do think I can authoritatively say who is in heaven. Because if a person
has put their faith in Christ I can say, “They are in heaven.” The Bible assures us of
this. But I don’t know if a person did not put their faith in Christ. In other words
unless you were with the person when they passed into eternity in their final moments
you don’t know what happened. It is possible that that person that you know that you shared
the gospel with, that person that you told about Jesus, it may be in the last few moments
of their life they called on the Lord. And you know what? If they did, He would forgive
them and accept them into heaven. So you might be surprised to see them in glory some day. As I have often said, there will be three
surprises when we get to heaven. Number one. A lot of the people we never thought we would
see there will be there. Number two. Some of the people we were sure we would see there
will not be there. And number three. We will be there. But you know we all expect to be
there. But I think there will be some surprises in heaven quite frankly. So don’t give up
on that person. And remember this. No one wants to save a
person more than the Lord Jesus Christ. And if there was any movement on their part toward
God you can be sure that He would forgive and accept them even if it was on their very
deathbed. So a believer goes to heaven. But what happens
to the nonbeliever? Well they pass over to the other side too but it is a pretty bleak
scenario. Let’s read about that now. Go back to Luke 16. Drop down to verse 22. “‘The
rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades, (or hell) he lifted
up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said,
“Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger
in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.” But Abraham said, “Son,
remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil
things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us
and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot,
nor can those from there pass to us.” Then he said, “I beg you therefore, father, that
you would send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify
to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.” Abraham said to him, “They
have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.” And he said, “No, father Abraham;
but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.” But he said to him, “If
they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from
the dead.”’” Now listen. The sin of this man was not his
wealth. The sin of this man was he had no time for God. He was possessed by his possessions.
The Bible says he fared sumptuously and he was clothed in purple and fine linen. Now
you think, “Well what does that mean?” It means a lot. Because back in this culture
purple was the color of royalty. They would crush a special worm and use the dye to produce
this luxurious garment only worn by the riches of the rich. This man was clothed in purple
from head to foot and fine linen. Also it tells us that this man made merry, which is
another way to say that he had banquets every day. This guy was into food big time. You
know he had unlimited resources. He could eat whatever he wanted. You know some people eat to live. Other people
live to eat. They watch the Food Channel all day long. They have posters of Bobby Flay
and Rachael Ray and Emeril on their wall. You can tell I watch the Food Channel. They
use the word bam in their conversations a lot. Bam you know that is what Emeril does.
But you know they are all about food. They talk about food. They dream about food. They
look at magazines about food. You know it is all about that. I have never understood certain kinds of food
people eat. You know some people want to have the finest you know caviar. You know that
is fish bait. Ok. I mean call it what you like. That is what you catch fish with. And
then the one that really perplexes me is escargot. That sounds so escargot, which is French for
stinking snails. That is what it is. You drench anything in garlic I think it will taste pretty
good. But I have never eaten an escargot before. But some people do. And then there are these people. The wine
connoisseurs. Have you ever been in a restaurant where they bring over the fine wine you know
and they come they have that little thing around the neck you know and there is a certain
way to hold the bottle. And then they pull out the cork and the guy smells it. “Oh
this is a very nice cork. Very. This is a good cork.” “No sir. It is the wine.”
“Oh sorry.” And then they will pour a little of the wine in the glass and you have
to hold it like this and they will swirl it around. And then they will put it in their
mouth. This is so stupid. I am thinking, “They are probably giving you like Thunderbird right
now.” I mean you think you are a wine connoisseur. This is stupid. I am sorry. It just to me
the whole thing is just a joke. “Oh I am into the fine things.” I like food that is just good food. You know
In-N-Out Burger. Ok. Now listen. There is the problem is I like all the wrong kinds
of food you know. I am like pizza, hamburgers, yeah you know. That is the good stuff to me.
But uh anyway. So this guy you know he was living high on
the hog. He was eating the hog. Ok. He was living the good life. And meanwhile here was a man named Lazarus
covered in sores, impoverished, and living off of the scraps from the rich man’s table.
Back in these days they didn’t eat with a fork and knife. Cutlery ad you might call
it. Or chopsticks. They didn’t use utensils. They would pick the food up with their hands,
use bits of bread, and then they would wipe their hands on pieces of bread and throw them
on the floor and the dogs would eat the discarded bread. That is the diet of Lazarus. And then
we are also told that he was carried to the rich man’s estate and laid at his gate,
which would imply that he perhaps was disabled or maybe he was so weak he could not even
walk. And so surely the rich man saw this man’s situation. He could have invited him
to his table, or at the very least sent a proper meal out to him. He wouldn’t give
this man the time of day. But then death came. And death is the great
equalizer. Oh I am sure when that wealthy man died it was on all of the television stations
and it was a big deal. But man you know then comes eternity. The beggar died. No one cared
at all. But he was ushered by the angels into the presence of God. Now this man who had
no time for God was going to have to face the repercussions of that. He was going to
have to find out it wasn’t so glamorous on the other side. One of the world’s wealthiest men, Malcolm
Forbes said shortly before his death, and I quote, “The thing I dread most about death
is that I know I will not be as comfortable in the next life as I was in this one.”
End quote. Now that is the understatement of the century. Now I don’t know where Mr.
Forbes was at spiritually so I would not presume he is in judgment, but for the sake of a point,
if you don’t know God, you can be sure it won’t be as comfortable on the other side. So what do we learn from this story? Number one. We discover that people in hell
suffer. The fact that this man spoke of torment indicates suffering is a very real thing in
the hereafter. In fact the word torment is used four times in the text of this story.
People in hell are fully conscious and they are in pain. It doesn’t say that this man
went to purgatory. There is no such thing as purgatory. Nor was he reincarnated as a
higher or a lower life form. Once you pass from this life you pass into eternity into
either heaven or hell. This man was in hell. Number two. Once you are in hell you cannot
cross over to heaven. You know sometimes people will say, “Well when I get up you know before
God I have got the gift of gab and me and the man upstairs will sort this out.” You
know what? It will be too late for that. Once you are in eternity there is no changing things.
Now there is changing those things now. There are no chances after death but thousands before.
But once you have passed over it is too late. “It is appointed unto a man once to die,”
the Bible says, “And then comes the judgment.” Physical death is a separation of the soul
from the body and constitutes a transition from the visible world to the invisible world.
For the believer it is entrance into paradise in the presence of Jesus. For the nonbeliever
it marks his entrance into Hades. Physical death is not the end of existence, but only
a change in the state of existence. Bringing us to point number three. When you
are in hell you are conscious and fully aware of where you are. You are also aware of where
you were. Now we pointed out this when we looked in heaven that in heave you will still
be you. You will still know what you knew on earth, but far more. You will be aware
of where you came from and you will be aware of where you are. In the same way in hell
you will be aware of where you came from and where you are, as this man is as he talks
about his five brothers in verse 28. “I have five brothers,” he says, “And someone
needs to testify to them so they don’t come to this place of torment.” In a way this man was blame shifting. “Hey
I didn’t know about this. No one warned me about this.” Abraham corrects him in
verse 29. “They have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them.” And the man says, “Well
no. Someone needs to go back from the dead. Then they will believe.” Really. Well actually a man did come back from the
dead. His name was Lazarus. Not the same Lazarus in this story. But you remember Jesus raised
Lazarus from the dead. And we read about a time when they were all together having a
meal. There was Jesus and Lazarus and Mary and Martha. I wish I could have been at that
party. What a conversation. “So Lazarus what was it like? What happened? You know
how do you feel right now?” But you know the religious leaders were plotting on how
they might kill Lazarus because he was living evidence of the power of God. Lazarus was
the resurrection man. You would think that everyone who met him would say, “I believe.
I remember you were dead. You are alive again. I believe.” People didn’t believe. Some
did. But many did not. And then more to the point Jesus Christ Himself
rose again from the dead. He was seen here. He was seen there. He was seen by 500 people
at one time. Did everyone believe? No. So even if a man were raised from the dead people
would not believe. That point is made here in the text. So this is what happens now to a nonbeliever.
They go to this place of torment. But this is not the end. There is still a judgment
yet to come known as the great white throne judgment. Now in our last message on heaven
we talked about the judgment seat of Christ. Remember. The believers wills stand before
where rewards are given out and so forth. This judgment we are about to read about is
different than that. This is the final judgment for nonbelievers only. Let’s read about
it together. If you would go to Revelation 20. If you don’t know where that is, just
hang a right and keep going. Revelation 20. This is now a description of the final judgment.
Starting in verse 11 of Revelation 20. “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat
on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for
them.” Revelation 20. Verse 12. “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before
God, and books were opened.” You might underline or circle the word books. “And another book
was opened.” Notice that is singular. You might underline that word as well. “Which
is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which
were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hell
(which we are reading about right now) delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were
judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hell were cast into the lake of
fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was
cast into the lake of fire.” The great white throne judgment. Who will
be there? Answer. Everyone who has rejected God’s offer of forgiveness through Jesus
Christ. Notice that there are no exceptions. Verse 12. “I saw the dead, small and great,
standing before God, and the books were opened.” Listen. God is no respecter of persons. The
fact that a person may have been a king or a queen or an emperor or a president or a
prime minister or a rock star or a billionaire or an actor it doesn’t matter. Everyone
is equal. Ok. Now you have to stand before God and give an account of your life. Actor Robert De Niro was asked the question,
“If there are pearly gates and you stand before God one day, what will you say to God.”
De Niro’s response was, “I will say to God, and if heaven exists He has a lot of
explaining to do.” No. I don’t think so. I think Robert De Niro will have a lot of
explaining to do. And I don’t mean to pick on him Any person standing before God. You
almost wonder if the Lord will look at De Niro and say, “What? Are you looking at
Me?” I doubt it. That is a quote from a De Niro movie by the way. But the point is is everyone will have to
give an account of their life. And listen. The big issue in this final day is not a sin
issue as much as it is a Son issue. Son. Because everyone has sinned and fallen short of the
glory of God. We have to put to bed and for all this concept sometimes even Christians
believe that if you do enough good works you will get to heaven. It is not true. Good people
don’t go to heaven. Forgiven people do. Period. That’s it. Because no one is good
enough you see. So why are we there? Number two. Why is a
person at this great white throne judgment? Answer. They are there because they did not
believe in Jesus. John 3:18. “He that believes in Me is not condemned; but he that does not
believe in Me is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only
begotten Son of God.” If the nonbeliever is already condemned, then what is the purpose
of the last judgment? This is a very important question. The purpose of the final confrontation
between God and man is to clearly demonstrate to the nonbeliever why he is already condemned.
We have put this up on the screen. If you are taking notes let’s think about it for
a moment. The purpose of this final confrontation between God and man is to clearly demonstrate
to the nonbeliever why he is already condemned. Because there might be someone that would
say, “I never knew about this.” The books are opened. Verse 12. Notice it is more than
one. Books. What are these books? We don’t know for certain. But one of them may be a
book of God’s law. Everyone who has been exposed to the truth of God’s law is held
responsible. Romans 3:19 says, “That every mouth might be stopped and all the world may
be guilty before God.” I bring this up because some people will say,
“Well you know I don’t need Jesus Christ. I live by the Ten Commandments.” That is
just such a joke. You do not. “Oh I do too.” Really. Let’s start by asking if you can
name the Ten Commandments. “Uh. Thou shall recycle.” No. Have you broken any of them?
“Well you know I don’t know.” Ok. Let me ask you this. Have you ever taken the Lord’s
name in vain? And by the way that means use the Lord’s name in an empty and insincere
or frivolous way. “Well no.” Really. Ok. Have you ever stolen anything? “No.” Have
you ever lied? “No.” You are lying now. Ok. You lie. And if you want to live by the
law you are in trouble because the Bible says, “If you offend in one point of the law you
are guilty of all of it.” The law was never given to make a man or a woman righteous.
The law is a moral mirror that shows us our real state before God to drive us into the
open arms of Jesus. The law says, “You are not good enough. You need God’s help.” It is interesting the Bible compares the law
to a mirror. You know mirrors are helpful because they reveal truth to us. You know
maybe you are out with your friends having lunch and they don’t tell you something
that you need to know you know. For instance you are talking and notice they are laughing
a lot as you are talking. You don’t know why. You go into the restroom and you realize
that you know you put your lipstick you missed your lips because it was dark in the morning
and it is over here instead. The sad thing is you are a man, which is just really weird.
The sad thing is this happened to me yesterday. No. I am just kidding. But the point is that
your friends didn’t tell you the truth about yourself. But the mirror did. Oh no. Man.
Come on. So the law was not given to make you righteous. Maybe one of these books would
be the law showing you have fallen short of it. Number two. Maybe another book would be a
record of everything you have ever said or done. Everything is recorded today. Everywhere
we go it is being recorded. You can run a light today and a camera will take your picture.
And there is no getting out of that ticket. And then everybody has video cameras and cameras
on their phones today and everything is being recorded wherever you go. If you think that
mankind can do this don’t you think the creator of the universe has some pretty tricked
out and sophisticated recording equipment? You can be sure of it because the Bible tells
us that everything that we do, whether it be good or bad is recorded and we will be
judged for it. Ecclesiastes 12:14. “Every idle word,” the Bible says, “A man speaks
he will give account of on the day of judgment.” Maybe another one of these books would be
a record of the fact that you didn’t live up to your own standards. This is for the
person that says, “Well I don’t need organized religion. I live by my own rules. My own values.”
I suggest to you you don’t even live by your own rules. I suggest you even break those. Another book or scroll might be a record of
every time you heard the gospel. Because no doubt there would be some like this man in
our story in Luke 16 that would say, “I never heard about Jesus. No one ever told
me Jesus was the only way to the Father.” And so the Lord might say, “All right. Gabriel
roll em.” Big screen. This is your life. You know. A record of every time you heard
the gospel. And then you discover it wasn’t once. It wasn’t twice. It was hundreds of
times you heard it and blew it off and rejected it and were preoccupied or weren’t paying
attention or whatever it was. You are responsible for what you have heard. The Bible says, “If your name is not found
written in the Book of Life you are cast into the lake of fire.” Oh I know some people
say, “Oh that is just not right. You know how could a God of love create a place called
hell.” Listen because He is a God of love He created
a place called hell. It makes complete sense. Because there are injustices in this life.
There are wrongs that are done. People get away with things they should never get away
with. And they escape the long arm of the law so to speak. But they will never escape
the long arm of God. There is a final court of arbitration. And quite frankly there are
certain people we say, “I am glad there is a hell because of you know.” There will
be judgment. Yeah there is a hell. But listen. Hell was not made for people.
Jesus said hell was created for the devil and his angels. It was never God’s intention
to send a person to hell. He does everything He can to keep you out of hell. But God has
given to you and to me a free will. I have the ability to choose. And God will not violate
that. If you want to go to heaven, my friend, you will, if you put your faith in Christ.
If you want to go to hell, you will. That is really your choice. J. I. Packer writes, and I quote, “Scripture
sees hell as self-chosen. Hell appears as God’s gesture of respect for human choice.
All receive what they actually choose. Either to be with God forever worshipping Him or
without God forever worshipping themselves.” C. S. Lewis said, and I quote, “There are
only two kinds of people in the end. Those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done’ and
those to whom God says in the end, ‘thy will be done.’ All that are in hell choose
it. Without that self-choice there could be no hell.” Timothy Keller said, and I quote, “People
only get in the afterlife what they most wanted. Either to have God as Savior and Master or
to be their own saviors and masters. Hell is simply one’s freely chosen path going
on forever.” Hell is simply one’s freely chosen path
going on forever. If that is what you want that is what you get. You want heaven. That
is what you get. It is your choice. So don’t blame God. “Oh God sent people to.” God
didn’t send anyone anywhere. God wants you to go to heaven but He is not going to force
you. He gives you a choice and it is up to you what you are going to do with that choice. Oh I am sure people will protest on that final
day and say, “Oh Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name and cast out demons
in Your name and do wonderful works in Your name.” And Jesus will sadly but firmly say,
“Depart from Me. I never knew you, your worker of iniquity.” It is not enough to
say you believe in God. These people sound religious. “Did we not do miracles in Your
name?” You know some people might say, “Wait. Didn’t I go to church on Sunday?” And,
“Wait. I received communion.” And, “Wait. I was baptized.” And yeah. Ok. Jesus says,
“But I never knew you. We never had a relationship. It was just a thing you did. And then you
went out and broke My commandments left and right with no concern. This is your own choice
that you are facing.” Yes there are people that are outside the kingdom of God. It is
not enough to just acknowledge God exists. You need to turn from your sin and put your
faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone as Savior and Lord. You know nobody likes to preach and hell.
And if they do they are a little twisted. It was hard for me to write this message.
It is not a fun message for me to deliver. But if I don’t tell you these things I am
not giving you the whole gospel truth. If I only talk about heaven and I don’t talk
about hell I am doing you a disservice. But I hope that something like this will make
you want to redouble your efforts to reach people with the gospel because the Bible says,
“Some save with fear hating the very garment that is spotted by the flesh.” And here
is what I am saying. Sometimes we don’t warn people about hell because we don’t
want to offend them. We will just talk about the glories of walking with Christ. He gives
us peace and joy and purpose and a person blows us off and says, “Well I don’t need
that peace and purpose. I am pretty happy as I am.” Ok. Well that’s fine. Thanks.
No. Wait. Hold on. I have to tell you something. There is hell. And if you reject Christ you
will go to hell. “Well no. You can’t say that to me.” Well I am sorry. I just said
it. “How could a God of love send me?” You know. Then answer that and say, “Actually
God poured all of His judgment on Jesus 2000 years ago at the cross so you would not have
to go to a place called hell. And He will forgive you of every wrong you have ever done
if you will turn to Him right now.” See sometimes people need to be told you are going
to hell and you better stop what you are doing or you will end up there. And God offers you
pardon and forgiveness. We have got to be direct with people because
that is the full message of the gospel. Gospel means good news. And I can’t fully appreciate
the good news until I first know the bad news. And the bad news is I am separated from God
and I am headed to judgment. The good news is Christ paid the price for my sin and if
I will turn to Him I can be forgiven and go to heaven. So in closing there might be someone here
listening to me right now that is afraid they will go to hell when they die. I know you
are here at church and probably the people sitting around you think that you are a Christian.
But you know deep down in your heart you are not. You know that you are doing things you
should not be doing and you have a fear of hell. Well I am telling you right now you
can get of that fear today by putting your faith in Christ. If you will turn from your
sin and believe in Him you can know with assurance you will go to heaven when you die. If you
don’t have that assurance right now I am going to give you an opportunity to change
your eternal address from a place called hell to a place called heaven as we pray. Let’s all bow our heads if you would. Father
I pray now for any here that may not yet know You. People who literally are headed for destruction.
Lord help them to see their need. Help them to change their direction. Help them to come
to Jesus now we pray. H I í ¥ ¦ Å é ê ]# v% w% 0, ›, œ,
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