Angelina Jolie & Clint Eastwood interview on Enough Rope (2008)

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welcome to enough rope I'm in LA to talk to two of the biggest stars in the showbiz firmament a one-word hint Clint Elena welcome to the show my guests tonight make quite a duo she is the biggest female box-office star on the planet he is the most legendary and respected name in world cinema a new movie changeling has brought them together she's 33 he's 78 what are they learned from life what have they learned from each other welcome Clint Eastwood and Angelina Jolie thank you welcome back I know you two met briefly backstage once before working together and curious what you perceived of each other before you met what were your impressions of Angelina from a distance no be careful she was doing a Larry King show in New York and I was next up and so I ran and there and her manager was outside and we got talking about her through the screen we could look through and see her behind the glass and so we're talking about her making all kinds of comments positive for the most part and so shortly after that Universal or Brian Grazer called said they offered me this script and since and he said by the way he had repeated Jolie what is it's interested in playing in this and I said well we don't have to go any further than that and talena what was your impression of Clint from a distance Oh why'd you know I've been a fan for as long as I can remember and he's just just one of those men that early on as a girl you just you watch his films and you watch the weight as he holds himself and the choices he makes and you think that's the that's what a man should be so I've always I've always respected in Bravo's really liked him I've liked the choices and I've heard him in interviews and I thought he's so straight and honest what was it like to walk onto a Clint Eastwood set I was very nervous my first day he makes people nervous even makes me nervous and I don't get nervous for easily but it was wonderful he works with the 70 the people he works with he's worked for a long time and he's yeah he's a pretty great man so everybody who has worked with him they enjoy the process of working with him they feel respected they're happy everybody's doing their best so it feels like you know you're on a team with a great leader and everybody's happy and so it goes very fast you're just so focused and everybody is so united that it's it's a great experience Clint Angelina said she was nervous most actors our owners said what what directors scared about I'm not gonna say anything I'm not gonna burst any bubbles she's very very kind to said those words I'll just sit here and you go ahead and talk to her we had to explain your presence in the interview sitting miss Lyman you'll say what's he sitting there just nodding his head sort of like one of those little hello I like the sort of people that in Australia going I recognized that other guy I can't place it yeah yeah what is it what erectors scared about no matter how experienced an actor is there's always a little bit of insecurity especially when you're first starting a project all of a sudden you walk into a set there's a lot of unfamiliar faces there and a director who may not be that familiar to you I try to break the ice early by just shooting something that's not too difficult something is simple like walking down a hallway and turning the corner or something like that and and then you they can step right into it and it feel that that wasn't so bad Angelina I read where you said it took you quite a few weeks before you you had the courage to have a serious conversation with Clint do as I said you did say that and that wasn't even in a ghost amazing yes I think it was more that I had I only had one question about the script and one thing that that I wanted to ask him about that I wasn't sure of and it took me and maybe it was like do two weeks before I kind of came up to you that day and said there's this thing and and with any other director you kind of say there's this one scene I want to talk about and they'll say great we'll call all the producers and we'll get a meeting in the trailer and we'll discuss it for four hours and figure it you know oh so I was just bracing for that I thought I just want to talk to you about this little thing and he said okay talk and I thought oh okay and you may hear but oh he sees so and we talked about it and we and we talked it through and solved it in about five minutes and it was over and and he made you know some strong decisions and help me out and we helped me figure it out she is as I said in the introduction the biggest female box-office star in the world why I think so what is Angelina got uh well you could ask yourself what doesn't she have she's uh she's great she's extremely talented she's uh you mind if I change it she's gorgeous of course and sometimes when you see somebody who is that familiar of jumping off the covers of magazines worldwide you start thinking well they couldn't possibly be talented and I just think she's a wonderful performer and so we didn't even go any further we had no discussions of of anyone else and I said if she wants it then that's fine we'll do it Angelina then I jumped up and down when I heard he was okay with me really did okay I lost my cool what did you do I died literally jumped up and down which I don't you know I'm I'm quiet I'm one of those people that I don't even you know with fill my tent there's some of those films I've done I haven't even seen I tend to not be that affected by um but I really wanted to work with him and I really wanted to tell this story and so when I when it all came together I was I was very excited did you ring Brad did you first thing he came home as like you'll know again as soon as he came home my dear yeah yeah and he is he was very happy for me mm-hm Clint the changeling is a true story about a woman Christine Collins whose boy disappeared in the appalling way she was treated by the LA police what drew you to this story it was a real serious story about a woman who was going through a tremendous amount of tremendous obstacles and in the night late 1920s of which it must have been very problematic at that particular time in history and and it was because the the police put her through totally nightmare of hurdles two wishes trying just to get some sort of action going on on the missing child and these these stories were always interesting to me he's not my son this is oh no I don't know why he's saying that he was but but he's not Walter there's been a mistake I thought we agreed to give him time to adjust he's three inches shorter hi measured him on the chart well maybe your measurements are off look I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all of this he's circumcised and Walters your son was missing for five months friendlies part of that time in the company of an as-yet unidentified drifter who knows what such a disturbed individual might have done could have had him circumcised he could have made him shorter Angelina you said that there were many reasons why you didn't want to do this film it to start with why was that well the obvious I mean the subject matter for anybody but especially somebody who's a parent is just a very very difficult subject matter most people don't even want to think about the summit isn't something happening to somebody you love you don't even want to say it you don't want to put it out there you don't think about it you know you just it's it's something kind of off limits and the idea of you know I read the script I couldn't put it down and I was infuriated I was so upset knowing that it was real and knowing that it was and then I finished and I just thought I just want to be with my kids I want to stay home I don't want I don't want the I just don't want this around me um but I found myself and Brad came home I told him heard the story of Christine Collins and a friend of mine came over and I ended up telling her the story of this amazing woman and it ended up realizing that it was it was so much about the fight in her and what she overcame which she overcame for other women and I was quite inspired in the end and and thought to tell her story would be yet another piece of justice for her and people to know about her was something I suddenly wanted goodnight mommy I'm not your mother Clint as a director is Angelina's acknowledged Beauty is that an asset in this kind of a film or is that's something that you have to manage so it doesn't distract well Christine Collins was not quite as attractive in real life but so you start thinking about that sort of thing then you don't think about you just go on I mean she's got the same emotions in the same feeling than that and you can put yourself or your imagination can take you into the exact place that Christine Collins was and she's just gonna have to live with the way she looks I'm sorry about that I think there's a charity to help support you Angelina yes your role models as as an actress were actors they were people like at Nicholson and and Brando and Pacino what was it in them Hey look two anklet yeah um it wasn't just that the men had like a certain kind of strong role there was just something it's five who could explain it I would just be more drawn to their characters or what they were going through I was never and even as an actress now I'm not as interested in the romantic stories and not as interested in that I tend to be interested in just a dress a journey of self and a discovery and a fight and and that I think many times growing up tended to be more than male roles in the female roles we're kind of caught up in either a love affair or something very very new typically female which was very interesting chick flick it wasn't the kind of overall big arch that um and even there's a sense of cool there's a toughness sitting up guys like him think what is that yeah there's so much chatter there's a there's a simplicity if you watch wanted that's me doing great well that's yeah all right you said that what was it you seen them cuz that is me do I haven't seen it yet I will now either be I will I will now see that get a serious oh yeah she didn't consult with me on how do that but she had her own impression and I understand this the picture is it's a highly successful picture so I've got to go see it maybe I'll learn something about myself what you've been asked to do an impersonation of yourself I'm a register once when Muhammad Ali backstage at Johnny Carson or genocide what what did he ask me to do the first time I ever met him while we were this was many years ago this is when Johnny Carson was broadcasting from New York and I go in the back and there's Muhammad Ali and he's then in his heyday of champion and he says come here I gotta talk to you I gotta talk to you and either put Thanks so he says we go down these stairs and I go down in the basement of the place he gets me all by myself and he says I gotta tell you I want you to do one thing he said watch it look at me and tell me I've got 10 minutes to get out of town and I said I don't have a pistol with me so maybe I won't do that anyway we had great fun of it and I've been friendly with him ever since and we had quick laughs over that you've been famous for a very long time have the circumstances of Fame changed over the last thirty years yeah it's changed the lives it's much more of a pop culture nowadays it seems like in the old days there was a recording star and then I was a movie star and now everything it's gotten to the point where it can't be just a recording star it has to be a superstar and I don't know where you got what the next phrase will be but everything is trying to make it bigger this it's not a model it's a supermodel or whatever I remember we were shooting out in in the Glendale area and there was we were shooting a scene with Angelina Ads outdoors and there was a cameras people with long lenses waved back you know they went back they'd go up and they'd pay a neighbor so to stand on the porch so they could shoot across the street it I thought hey I don't know if they ever did the old days people weren't so nuts about taking pictures how do you think Angelina handles she hands it great in fact I was watching her as we were preparing and and she didn't pay any attention to it she just kind of went ahead with her business and she just has a great way of shutting it out Angelina earlier this year you and Brad made the decision to sell photos of your twins for some extraordinary amount of money to a couple of magazines to raise money for your Charitable Foundation was how big a call was that for you to in some ways auction off some of your privacy well it's not the pictures either gonna be taken by a paparazzi and he's gonna pocket the money and do bad things with it or it's gonna be controlled by us and put into good causes so it's not auctioning off for privacy our privacy is already gone it's making a decision of who is gonna make the money from it and where is it gonna go and we can funnel it to the proper decent channels I've read you both say that you missed the fact that you can no longer observe people the way you used to when you were younger when you were learning your trade do you get that opportunity anywhere anymore I serve 6 bizarre little happy children every day and I'm the most fun to observe yeah yeah I mean you know it's there are there aspects of life that are different but it's certainly not nothing to be complained about people have real things to complain about so for the privacy we've lost we have a lot of good fortune in our life so it's all right you can get a table down front yeah sometimes but it is it and that was what the most disconcerting thing for me was many years ago when I was it doing films all around the world and stuff isn't it you become the observed rather than the observer and when when I remember when I first went to Rome to do Fistful of Dollars I wasn't known there at all and it was so nice you can go into restaurants or or sit at the end of a bar just watch people and watch the interaction and stuff and it was great and that's kind of what an actor the way an actor learns and learns about the little vignettes of life but then all of a sudden you get to a point where is sort of debts or drifts away I missed that period because that was was great and how to observe life now you have to observe it by you know it's different you have to have use a memory from the early days the upside of Fame though which other than getting a table up front is that you get access to extraordinary people moments I remember talking to Jim Carrey once who told me that he got a phone call from the biggest Ace Ventura fan which was Henry Kissinger and he ended up having lunch with Henry Kissinger whatsit which is since explain so much this seems like a very likely lunch doesn't it cheer music sorry what sort of people or moments has been given you access to that you that you truly value I've been able to travel the world with un under the guise of you know I mean I'm somebody who has that good fortune of being able to shed light on situations in the world that I think could use some more attention so I'm able to go places with the purpose and with a kind of strong sense of being able to accomplish something and so that's been the greatest thing for me since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 more than five million Afghans have returned home among them 4.3 million have repatriated with the assistance of UNHCR when you ask them what they need they just smile and say everything when you ask them what kind of work they want to do they say anything they have suffered so much and yet the Afghan people remain gracious and open they have a quiet dignity when I met with them there only ask is that they just have enough shelter so they can survive the winter and education for their children as soon as possible you've gone to a lot of countries in your role with the UN is there a story that you can share that give some sense of why you're so passionate about this someone you've made I can't tell these stories without crying or some kind of like I'm not - um you know they're so they're just so many when I I mean it really changed my life drastically the first time I went to a war zone and went to Sierra Leone and I wasn't a good one basa Durand I wasn't with cameras and I just went and I spent a few weeks and I saw what what real suffering is and I saw what real survival and real strength of character and really amazing people in situations in the world and I understood there was a great deal I did not know that I was quite ignorant in many ways how did you come to with it I was following the stories on the news and I just wanted to know more so you just took yourself there alright well I asked the UNHCR to help me coordinate it cuz it was it was still an active war at the time but it was just that I really understood a different depth of what takes place in our world and I understood it so quickly seeing little babies with their arms cut off and little they cut all the women's arms off so they couldn't hold their babies they call the men's legs off so they couldn't work in the field and then how many places in the world were so similar and I never wake up worried about silly things anymore and my children are healthy and I can feed them I'm very very grateful and I feel of use to something that is more important than just getting up and going about the day I like I used to so it changed me drastically I've read your accounts of your travels in places like Jordan and Kosovo and so on how do you return from places like this is such hardship to to a life of privilege and feel comfortable well I don't I mean I think people have this idea of what my life is um you know they see they'll see some movie event and they'll think that that's my life my life is waking up with my children no show as any of us I would return to a life of privilege compared to that out sure but I'm saying my my my daily life is one of being a mother and that is my constant alright so wherever I am whatever I'm doing that's my constant and so when I go to those places when I choose to go to those places I you know I'm I never forget that I'm grateful that I can go to those places and I can leave those places and I have the financial ability to go in and even make a change in those places and do things and win attention to those places and it's for my children's future in the world they're gonna live in that I think these extraordinary places and people should be strong and wonderful and be all that there should be allowed to be as human beings and being given a fair share I had a good education ramp I didn't value it I didn't know and to see how how much smarter everyone here is somebody who young women I've met are so much stead they're so they've taught me my life lessons venue refugee people have taught me so much more about life and so you've been my education thank you I suppose the way I handle it is by not seeing it as this divide I want it to be connected constantly I want my children when I come home from Afghanistan to understand why I was there what's happening there what's happening in their world why they should be grateful for what they have what their countries are like what's happening in their countries today so I suppose that's what I'm trying a lot of people say that's male you live in one world to the other and I think it's very important that you find a time in your life as a human being where you try to decide what your world is and what you surround yourself by and to never forget and to not think one world is one thing one thing and you can then step out of another and forget and then move on back and forth you have to find a way to be consistent in your life every day and be aware of making a difference every day being aware of raising your children the right way every day and all of those things as well as I have a job and I do my job and you know it's trying to find the balance of it all Clint Angelina has been involved with UN for a number of years you've you've been involved with team drug rehabilitation programs but people tend to be quite cynical about celebrities actors becoming actively involved why is that do you think if there's any cynicism about somebody who's altruistic or somebody who's trying to do some good in the world then that's their problem it's not it's not her problem she's doing it for her own well-being and the well-being or family and appreciation of life and they're so every day you ask yourself there but for the grace goes goes I and it puts you in that position I'd like to talk a bit about kids you got six under eight Angelina and what I'm actually interested in is what being a mother has taught you about yourself it's brought out everything that's soft about me as a woman and and everything that I think you you know naturally have a sense of everybody has a sense to nurture and and a warmth in them and a sense of them but it but having a child and how holding a child in your arms and feeling responsible for that child for life they give that child's safe place and you you have a difference it just brings out I think the best in human being hmm and what about you clincial you've got seven kids big age range your youngest is now 11 you got more than me I've got a few hasn't gotten older I become much more appreciative of kids and you just don't take things for granted so much but I think it gets me back to sort of the basics of humanity or the basics of the animal kingdom even you were back with nature more and you're not you're not bothered with trivia and life things that are important an hour I mean we're important say 30 40 years ago for me we're not important at all now and just the well-being of my kids much more important to me now than than it was then when I was a selfish guy out looking trying to get the brass ring in the world that's interesting because I Angelina you you're young you know you're 33 we've got all these young kids which is the same age where Clint was out looking for the brass ring as he puts it that not a lot of people make that decision to devote themselves so much to children why why you well I had my time I had my single time but she's made my running around learned all this so much so much younger it took you know it's it's taken today it's taken me 60 years 70 years to find out what she's found out in just in a very short time so she's got a great advantage and she will be and from now on - I mean everything from now on will be much more enhanced for her because she has so much more knowledge at a young age do you come to fatherhood clearer now the in your 70s oh yeah definitely much clearer because it becomes your becomes your if you put it on a percentage basis it comes to 90 percent level rather than their family work becomes where work was probably 90 percent at one time now it's family and well being a family and children even my older children I mean I mean I still you still you know when you have kids you say well they grow up and they become emancipated at 18 years of age or whatever but they never you never really they never really leave sometimes to a detriment no but no they never really if they just they're always there and it's always and sometimes this is they're going through some trauma and you have to deal with that for sometimes they're going through various problems are sometimes they just want to hang out with you and there's a way when you do get one of those moments where they just want to hang out you think how didn't that great I just want to hang out with all day oh that's terrific what about You Angelina with your brood of six what are the one of the values that you and Brad want them to grow up with I think we want them to be very you know never spoiled just very aware of hard work and and what and that they're lucky to have what they have but also to be generous with it and kind and do good for others when have that instinctually you know we I mean right now they're all so little that we just watched them with each other and we want to see that they're being fair to each other then when one of them cries and the others go to help them we think oh great they got it they've got something decent in them where they don't like to see others suffer or they don't there they're out to help each other in there but they're already growing up with a certain kind of tolerance and understanding because of their backgrounds they have just just by being in each other's presence and being brother and sister to each other they have this natural view of the world that's different than a lot of people they don't see it as you know they look at each other and they've they've come to get each other when we've gone to an orphanage with a fence they picked each other up they've seen each other situations they've been there at hospitals as well when others are born they've they've seen so many different things and and we want them to enjoy the good fortune we've been able to have and have a nice place to go and sometimes go out and have fabulous vacation at the same time we want them to be able to go to a market in a poor country in Africa and and find it interesting and make friends and and find them you know to just see the diversity in the world and not be in and be open to it all I'm trying to imagine morning in your household it must be all I can think of is raising Arizona with all eyes that's my baby's going ever it must be my head it is total man yeah and I'm not the belt like when it comes to the breakfast I'm one of those like I feel like a short-order cook who's really impatient I've got the leg like cuz everybody wants something different and everybody's you know what's more of something else or you know sir but I've gotten but it but it's fun and especially you know the majority of the time we're both together and you know sometimes one of us has to go to work early or something but we we make a point to be there for them yeah for those things and and to spend as much time with our kids as we can so we do we've got a good system for breakfast and we've taken it as a challenge I most like its up you know they they like and they're not gonna break us first thing the way we've got it I've got it dad we've got the eggs going we've got the thing it's cleaning and everything and then we feel like you know you're gonna understand my name you're not gonna win this see they're a full time that I mean all I got to do is find a weakness in your defeat definitely exactly they have their moments where we feel like we're really capable people we should be able to take these guys on I should be able to but they're winning is it ever sort of lock the door like what are we gonna do what do we do know we have had that you know we'll try to kind of let's go no hurricane to mommy and daddy just want some time we're gonna read go to your room you know just you really need we've got some work to do tonight we're gonna take a bath we're gonna you know and before you know it whether we're trying to read in bed or we're sitting in the bath just a little door opens one comes in the other comes in and every morning we wake up we've got half of them just excuses very long goodbyes every day you know they're just they're always they just sneak in you've both met people who've been in the last little while who've been catalysts who changed your lives how has dinner changed your life Clint I've been married once before and I was single for a lot of years and I actually liked it I was at stage where I started to get like a he's one of the guys who's figured now this isn't so bad and and then one time she interviewed me for it was after Unforgiven and come out and show had had done well and and so she came in interview big and she was an anchorwoman for NBC affiliate in the moderate and I looked into those big brown eyes and I said hmm and you know I didn't think in terms of where this was gonna go I just thought this was interesting and then so but it took a year so before we actually ever started going out on a exclusive basis but she was just always there and then when we started going together it just hit me right one day just hit me I said you know I wouldn't mind getting married again and I this is the gal and what has she changed for you I was just living from my work and and for a band for what I was doing whatever whether that was and wherever I was going it was just kind of a you know I go of either but I can go play golf anytime I want I could do it but I all of a sudden wanted to be connected we didn't know that we were gonna have kids we never even discussed that but on our honeymoon she started feeling a little ill and I thought this is something I'm doing here ever but we've just we just loved it all along and she's a special person how about you for for you Angelina yeah a wild child for a long time how is Brad changed things for you I hate this thing says I think he's gonna see them and I'm busted yeah talking code talking um I was what I was I'd been a single mom for I'd been married before and then I was kind of in a similar way and I had a little boy but I was kind of in a stage in my life where I felt like I you know I've tried marriage I'm on my own I'm raising my kid and my kids my life and and I'm I guess I'm just gonna be on my own and this is what it's gonna be so I wasn't looking for somebody to complete me and then you um but I met him and I I just enjoyed I enjoyed my time with him more than I enjoyed being alone suddenly I I see you with Dina insisted just just give a great uhm he's that great friend and partner I like to talk with and laugh with and and then more importantly we I saw him as I saw him with my son and I knew the type of man he would be and we talked about family and and I and we have the same which is I think a most important for a couple we have the same sense of how we see the world and how we see family and how we see we both want to build the same thing we both have the same idea of what of what we should be spending our life doing and making and that's and everyone talks about romance and and love a lot loves it's friendship what is is this person your friend and and the friendship is the most important thing and then you know you grow to love them of course and love it can be a lot as romantic love and the love of the heart and love of children and what-have-you but just having somebody that is a real friend but I think with this I can see this unfolding for both of the in both situations it's that's the most important thing I've I've known a lot of women in my life but I've never died not a lot of them I could say I really want to be friends with you know this of course men at a younger age they have different paths perspective on things and what was that thing of course it would be fortunately you have to get by that and once you get by that thing then you can kind of start looking for real values instead of the basic first attraction I think the other key thing is to make each other laugh I think laughter is incredible absolutely that's all part of the friendship do you laugh together you if you get in the car I have said this for many years you get a car and drive a couple hundred miles and you're still talking and are you're still having a good time then that's fine I mean or are you just sitting silently and you're enjoying being that's important but if you get in the car with somebody and said gee I wish I could get this car back to where we started get this person out of it real quick then you know that that this is not going to work out Angelina in the in the film you were you carried in your purse pictures of your mum who passed away last year what was about your mum that you wanted to take with you into this role my mom was in many ways very much like Christine Collins she had she was very she's a real lady real sweet never be that matter just that she was just the sweetest woman they've ever met you know she's the kind of person who would spend three weeks to kind of write the perfect Christmas card and wrap the perfect present and she'd bring you know she'd never forgot like the postman's wife's birthday you know she was just like the things that mattered to her were were people and and kindness any of your cities are great I didn't even know the postman exactly so she was this extraordinarily decent person she didn't like to uh she was uncomfortable with swearing or any community odd knows how many times my room was a mess and she kind of just just please just gotten you you know she enjoyed it but but um just this decent a real decent heart and a real a real soft lovely lovely lady and who never would harm anybody but the one thing with my mom is she if anybody hurt her kids she would destroy them she had relationships where she stopped talking to people for the rest of her life until she passed away because they had done something to cross her children and she had an ability to be angry only then but in everybody even that didn't come to her comfortably she didn't like it she didn't wear hatred and anger well at all and and and yet she knew what was in just and she would try Clint you took your mum who passed away recently to to the Oscars on a couple of occasions for Unforgiven a Million Dollar Baby what do you think of when you think of your mom well she was along with Angelina's mother the greatest woman from blend and achieved very strong very strong physically too but she was very gentle and my dad was was too but he was he also could be tougher on some aspects but he was more dogmatic you know I mean his his big thing for me was nothing comes for nothing you got to work for it don't expect anybody give you anything if you take going out to apply for a job tell them about everything you can do for them not what they're gonna do for you or how much they're gonna pay I mean he had that sort of Mark Twain kind of mentality but they were just wonderful people and their influence will be there for forever for at least my forever not sure like her mother's gonna be for her forever is that one create from your parents that you can do as Clint has in his life she did have a thing about if you if you leave something you're asking somebody else to do it so basic whether it be that you know something's a mess or there's something that you feel like you know somebody should do this somebody should do something about that and it would be like well you expect somebody else to do it are you passing that job on to somebody else so you're gonna roll up your sleeves and you're gonna do what you know needs to be done have you said that to your own kitchen yeah I have with little things cuz they're little but certainly like if they drop something on the floor I haven't said just clean it pick it up I've said are you are you you know you're asking me to do it or you're asking somebody to come by and clean itself you hear your own her voice are you saying it yeah yeah hey blue because my daughter come in and say where's mom and I'd say you know I'd have to go look and sure go well I'm gonna can I get the picture yeah but it's the same thing the joys of being a parent that you get to this throw away I'm gonna throw back all this crap you got one of you each got left to do in your life or what do you still want to do that scares you Angelina your first I don't want to raise my kids great I'm just want to make sure that they're the people that they're supposed to be and I don't get in the way of it and I give them the right tools that's my main job and on a personal note I want to fly across the Sahara in a plane that's fishy got your pilot's license yes that's my dream to fly across the Sahara and is that it particularly I know you've got instrument rating and so on that's one thing I want to do before I die I want to I want to go I wanted to go on a camel but then I saw somebody's rear end after they did that and it looked really really chapped so I'm not so sure about that what off the Gulf is an airplane just an image I didn't want to carry thank you very much what about you well you clintus there's something left you want to do that the thought of which scares you you know just I'd like to keep continue raising the family and make them as appreciative and functioning human beings so that they can enjoy their lives as much as I've enjoyed mine and continue working because I love that I don't see I think that what keeps a person young is having to have be interested in things stay interested and fortunately I've got it work that each story is a different situation so it keeps me it keeps me interested if I ever get to the point where I've lost interest in it and I want to just go look at a little golf ball I'm playing and then I'd say okay now that's that's then there I'm probably gonna fade it pretty fast after that final question to each of you what have you learned from each other Clint you first well I think I mentioned it earlier before with was the with Angelina is the fact that it is kind of amazes me that she has learned so much at a young age I look back at myself at 33 years of age I mean I didn't know diddly 33 is amazing - done the amount that she's done successfully and and still negotiate I talked to her the other day and I'm asking her what's going on again Afghanistan because my lack of trust in what the you see on the nightly news and and I was thinking amazing here she's doing all this stuff and I'm thinking that I go to South Pasadena this last week Angelina what have you liked Franklin he is what I would aspire to be as a person and hope that I'm you know grow to be a lot like him in my life he has he's very honest he's very honorable he's very fair and has done so many great things as an artist and as a person that we all admire and I've met his family and I met his wife and and and they're great people and you can see that that it's rubbing off on them so I think if anything I just think I hope I can consistently kind of be that and keep that focus and could keep that clarity and and and be something like him as I grow up I think the solution here is that you should adopt Angelina I think you should uh you know I want to well there we go we've got our tabloid headline it's done yeah well I was joking when her bouncer guy read we've been on this Larry King show throughout the other night she's no Anjali they like to work with it and I just said to him I said I mean Clint Elina and and he I was just joking and he and he he kind of looked at me with this history face shot here you go this guy crazy or what I thought and but uh we did I was I see that that would be a tablet and it was a headline in something oh there we go it was well look so Clint Elena it's been a pleasure to meet you guys thank you both very much but thank you Thank You Angela tomorrow joined foreign correspondent for a look back at the people faces and pictures that made their mark in the world in 2008 in the series final of foreign correspondent 9:30 tomorrow night on ABC one
Channel: actualperson34
Views: 502,933
Rating: 4.7739329 out of 5
Keywords: Angelina Jolie (Actor), Clint Eastwood, Enough Rope, Andrew Denton
Id: 0AybC_iR8FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2013
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