Angela Yu Interview & Python Course Review

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developers of all ages of all locations good morning good afternoon good evening i have a very special guest with me today let's just make sure you can hear me first before i get too crazy can you all out there in youtube land hear me and see me it looks like i can see myself that's a good sign right i am pleased to welcome all of you here let's see if we have anyone we have any mods in the chat today i have the greatest announcement perhaps of 2020. haseen hello hello hello let me get organized here make sure everything is sounding and looking okay if you can hear me and see me and i wanted to kick it off a few minutes early i know we're gonna start at 10 but just you know give a few minutes for people to roll in because angela you the one and only angela you is here with me today in fact i just checked my zoom details and she is in the waiting room waiting anxiously i'm sure to talk about this new course she has a python course on udemy it is killer we're gonna go through it so here's what's gonna happen today uh let me just make sure i'm getting i'm getting some signal here hey oh wow everyone look at all these people donovan that's great to see you i thought i thought maybe you're going to be in a meeting or something oh in five minutes okay cool well thanks for showing up anyway great to see you here uh yvonne andreas zen masters dante 6 dante690 oh we got a lot of people here this is great rayo what's up good morning everyone okay so you can hear me and see me this is a good thing let's talk about this thing so i have angela you as i said in the waiting room confirmed she's here i'm so excited i did not sleep one week last night no lie i've been up since 8 pm last night i'm just so excited to chat with her before we do though i'm going to show you this course i'm going to share the screen um this course is just blasting off in popularity i saw it has already like 50 000 students um and it's not been out that long i think maybe like two or three months give or take like it's really heating up but i want to share with you because a lot of people here are interested in python we also have some questions i'm gonna be asking her from you guys in my community section the other month it was uh maybe like a couple weeks ago i asked you for some questions to give to angela so she's gonna be answering those questions and i have a few questions on my own i'm going to ask her about the course all right i got a deep breath here i brought two beverages today just because i knew things were gonna get crazy pasta pasta claw i don't know is that french for watermelon sorry lacroix and my standby my st stan boy my standby drink living in gratitude yes 2020 believe it or not there there is a lot to be grateful for in 2020 it's been a crazy year we have a few more weeks of it like two weeks in a day or something oh and then it's over i'll drink to that cheers all right thanks everyone for tuning in today holy smokes what an audience uh not even 10 o'clock yet i want to rate i want to wait right until 10 because that's when we promised we'd go live with this but let me just give you a little preliminary introduction to the course we'll go over this again uh throughout this review but the name of this course if you want to go to udemy and follow along or check it out it's called 100 days of code the complete python pro bootcamp for 2021. um yeah and i just i want to get it's 9.59 i have one minute left and then i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go for it let me get my screen share ready here and we'll be ready to go right at 10. share screen google chrome i've been trying to use brave with with uh google and zoom i mean youtube and zoom but i've been having some sort of problems with it so unfortunately having to go back to chrome here but that is a dorky side note all right can everyone see the screen i gotta take this incrementally just because i'm just i'm kind of reclamped here so i'm pretty sure you guys can see this it is 9 59 in how many seconds we need the grand count down here let me let me what the old whistle oh it's 10 o'clock welcome developers wherever you are in the world thank you for tuning in to this wonderful live stream i'm rtc i have a website but that's not why we're here today we are here today to show you a really good course on udemy we're also here to chat with one of the best if not the best instructors on udemy right now angela you okay she's killing it i now let me give you a brief background of of how i discovered angela i won't yack your ear off but just to give some context so i started web development in 2015 and i ended up discovering the colt steel boot camp a few years later when i started this youtube channel it was then i discovered her boot camp um and her style is really unmatched it's so high quality and i know so many people have been asking me and telling me rtc you gotta check out angela angela you so i am a latecomer to her courses but since discovering that uh boot camp course i have been a total fan girl she does amazing work uh udemy is very lucky to have her uh and if you've been on youtube for any amount of time i'm sure you've seen uh her commercial a courtesy of udemy it has the white background and i'm just like oh my gosh that's angela that's angela that's angela she is everywhere so this is her new course it is called 100 days of code of the complete python pro bootcamp for 2021. she also has a really good ios course she has a bunch of different courses you should check them out uh if you're they're they're really newbie friendly without stalling at the newbie phase if that makes sense she also has really good graphics that's just in general with with all of her courses um so this weekend and actually a few days prior to that last week i've been dipping into this course and exploring it and seeing what all it's about because let's let's face it there's a lot of python courses out there if you're if you're going to make a python course in 2020 going into 2021 like it's got to be good and fortunately for everyone involved this is really uh not just a high quality course it's also very comprehensive especially coming from a place like udemy where it is really hard to find those just home run courses but if you stick with the instructor like angela you'll be just fine so what i'm saying is there are a lot of python courses out there but if you're new to python if you're new to development uh if you're new to certain uh methods with python or how should i say this different niches and things to do here's what i'm trying to say let me just let me just put it this way this course goes over web scraping um data science scripting games web development big sections on web development she talks about the different frameworks um going into flask oh yeah templating with jinja in flask like really kind of getting into it and um let me back up though so going back to this thing about you know if you're going to put out a python course you better you better come correct with it the organization and the concept behind this course is really different from the other ones i've seen not just on udemy but everywhere so it's based on this this thing the first time i saw it was on twitter the hashtag 100 days of code basically it's a coding challenge to yourself you're not going to get fired if you don't do it a challenge to yourself to code for 100 days straight and so um when you when you participate on twitter you don't have to be on twitter but when you do it on twitter you just like type what you did or write out what you did that day so i studied uh randomization and python list for an hour and a half and then hashtag 100 days of code and so this way it's a challenge to yourself to get through whatever it is you're studying with code because it's tough it's tough and especially being a self-taught developer having that motivation not having someone right there beside you in real life saying you better get to work that you have to find that motivation somewhere and some some sort of technique to keep going day after day and so this is the first big thing that's that stuck out to me uh in this course it's 100 sections and right in the the first part here now i don't want to get a copyright strike by playing too much uh but this video right here let me oops my bad let me go like this so there's the 100 days of code challenge she's talking about but there's also she also challenges you there is a printout where you promise yourself to at least put forth the effort for one hour a day and if you do that you're gonna bang out this course now mind you this course has 675 lectures and 63.5 total hours of video massive especially considering so this she does call this a boot camp because it is in the style of online boot camp courses where they're 40 50 60 sometimes more than 60 hours and so the way it's organized really makes this number manageable if you just you know just do an hour a day you know it's not to be it doesn't have to be all in one sitting you could do 15 minutes at breakfast 15 minutes at lunch half hour before bed however you want to chop it up but if you're doing an hour a day by the end of those hundred days you're you're gonna be a different you're gonna be a new programmer you're gonna be a programmer um and so let's go through the curriculum here so you start out uh with day one obviously section one and like i said each section is corresponds to a day so section 79 means day 79 in this 100 day cycle now i should point out that you don't have to do it in a hundred days it's just a technique to keep you motivated and getting you on the path to grind out the course and get these things in your mind and you know the neurons firing so the first day you're just kind of getting familiarized with how it's going to go and then you're already doing some some basic stuff that first day you're printing to the con in to the console in python there's an interactive coding exercise and these there's lots of exercises and if you go down here to the resources folder these are all links to i think that's the site anyways it links you to an interactive coding playground where you can type out python commands and you know whatever script you're working on and it's all customized based on the challenge for that day so you're for if you end up banging out this first day one you're doing you're doing a skills assessment you're doing uh different coding exercises and you're also doing a project angela can correct me if i'm wrong here but i think there are 100 there's a project for every day and that was big thing number two that stuck out stuck stuck out and stuck out to me because some of these projects are are just awesome um you can forget the just like even the simple stuff is not boring and sometimes that can be really uh an easy thing like okay your first day we're gonna take it easy you're gonna just print to the console okay that's your project but no uh day one project one is band name generator so you build this random band name generator to print out these crazy band names and that's just by your first day and so there is that like almost instant reward you're getting doing it in this style uh and so it continues section two day two beginner um and this is another thing too i don't know if you guys can see this each section um describes what level it is so there's beginner intermediate and advanced so if you're a code newbie obviously you're going to start up top here and it's progressive it's kind of like this progressive enhancement where about section what section 15 two weeks in you're getting into the intermediate level so section 17 day 17 the quiz project and benefits of oop she's going into it all developers okay oop by dave day 17 or day 16 and tons of projects build the snake game part one animation and coordinates so this is just your your third week in um and some in some very good insightful lessons here too lecture 186 is called programming is not memorizing which is short and succinct and very true it's it's not about memorizing things and i do appreciate that personal touch in this course and i've seen this in our other courses too where she'll pop on and give a word of motivation um for some of her courses she doesn't ask me anything which is also a really nice touch and she does one down here uh let's see in this bonus section recording of our live ama and then this was a really fun video too this was an hour and 41 uh one minute hour 41 minute video called study with me and she's just hanging out studying it's like okay this is a really neat concept because again going back to that thing of having a hard time finding motivation when you're doing it yourself no she's not right there in real life with you but it sets the mood for like okay angela's studying maybe i should get to it too hour and 41 let's do this and there's a countdown timer right there just you know these little things that add up to create something that is just filled with benefits that you just you really don't see in any other courses especially with python again i've seen a million python courses maybe even literally a million at this point they're hard to make different because the basic stuff is always going to be the basic stuff but to me what really stood out especially in the beginning here was the amount of interactive exercises and the projects so let's let me pause this let me pause this and go down here talking about some of these other projects so section 26 day 26 intermediate uh this is for intermediate level list comprehension in the nato alphabet let's go down here to the advanced so right down here on day 58 is where you're going to start the advanced stuff and there is a capstone project it's a blog that you're going to be building and all of these by the time it gets to these advanced sections you're not watching our long segments um but these videos the videos themselves are not very long but combined you know compared to the beginning of the course you know day one's like an hour or whatever by the time you get down here it's just a little intro and a little outro and you're on your own because at that point you theoretically have the skills to start building these things so this one is day 62 advanced flask wtf forms bootstrap and csv coffee and wi-fi project um you're gonna be working the entire time in this course and then finally before the bonus section there's oh my gosh you see all this stuff though you see all these different and this is i don't know what number i'm on three or four the other one of the other big things that stood out but this course is that it's not just data scraping which is awesome like my big introduction i started python became more of a revelation once i started doing data scraping and that to me was the gateway to really loving python python is such an awesome language it's great for beginners but also people who aren't beginners python was not my first language i discovered it later on i discovered it later on in my career uh but the versatility of it and that is really leveraged in this course because as you can see you're even doing a freaking gui desktop app uh professional pro day 90 professional portfolio project http requests and apis web scraping gui automation game web development python animation data science there was some there was some other tool here i that caught my eye maybe it's way way up here it wasn't flask i already mentioned that twitter complaint bot section 51 day 51 intermediate an internet speed twitter complaint bot just like really fun projects there is one here too i don't know where it is i came across it the other night but the scenario is that you're a real estate agent in boston in 1970 and like the mood is set with this old school photo of all these you know these land yachts of these buicks driving around boston it was just just really fun stuff um and let's face it a lot of this stuff a lot of programming can be really dry and that is something i think uh intentionally for sure angela and her team worked on to make sure that this wasn't a bore i mean i if i was doing python over i certainly would get this course let me put it that way uh again you don't have to i shouldn't say again because i haven't said this in the first place uh but udemy has free preview videos i've had this course uh for two weeks now like i said i dove into it a lot last week and this weekend is just like wow for the price of a udemy course i mean you can't go wrong so do i recommend 100 days of code the complete python pro bootcamp for 2021 you betcha and now without further ado i'm gonna bring on the one and only angela you let me bring her out of the waiting room here hopefully she didn't hang up on me that would be really really embarrassing let's see where am i here come on come back let's see how do okay i'm screen sharing that's my problem jeez i know how to work a computer promise okay stop the share all right i'm gonna admit angela we can get this poppin off hello angela can you hear us hey hey how's it going it's good it's good good thank you so much for showing up what's that i've been tuning in to um your review and it's um it's really great that you noticed all the parts that we like put some little thoughts into like you know like the the end of the the course where we have like the study with me thing and um yeah it was really great yeah at first i was like what the what is this and i'm like oh okay and like like immediately it was just like the mood was set you know the lights are low it's like very studious very quiet like nice nice touch but yeah so i have a few questions about the course just to get like yeah just get some more info and then we have a few uh student questions if you're down for answering those absolutely yeah okay great all right first question so i just got done talking about this amazing course what actually inspired you to create a python course so we actually set out um not so much to make a python course but we wanted to make a course to teach people how to code like from scratch and we went through a couple of languages as um like potential options but in the end it came down to what are the top cs universities using so stanford mit they're all teaching python in their intro to cs um what's the most popular programming language on stack overflow what do developers actually like to use python and then it's like what is a language that can let us show people a range of things that you can do with programming and again the answer was python because we could show people how to do web development how to do web scraping how to build desktop applications how to do data science machine learning like all of that could be achieved with this one language and that's why we ended up creating a python course but at its core it's the you know how do you go from zero to hero in programming when you don't really know where to start right yeah and like you said the language is just so versatile you can do just about anything with it and it's great for newbies and not just newbies people who have been the in in the industry and you know looking for a new challenge or something more to do but we kind of touched upon this and i kind of talked about this in the review too but what was your motivation for structuring it this way with 100 days of code so i mean i didn't invent 100 days of code it's something that's been a movement amongst people learning to program for a long time and you know when we do our in-person boot camps and people always ask me like how can i get really good well the answer is practice well how can i practice well the answer is 200 days of code build one project every single day for 100 days and by the end you're gonna be so damn good but then the question is like well what do i build like i don't know what to build and then when they have an idea it's like ah this is too hard for my current level and i don't know enough to do this so we kind of ended up doing it in this format because we wanted to build the knowledge base first and then get people to practice it in coding exercise it and then really like put it into action by building that project every single day and it's also like something that like if i thought back to myself when i first started learning to code a lot of stuff was like yeah you can do this with maths you can do like this kind of thing but it was kind of boring like to be honest and like i wanted it to be fun so yeah and it is like like i was saying before that that 1970 just like these twists you wouldn't expect like you're a real estate agent in boston in 1970 i'm like i am all right we're gonna do this it's just like really fun projects and you know i've been through because i'm a self-taught developer and so going through a lot i've went burned through a lot of courses and one of the the just kind of nail in the coffin is when the projects are just so dry and you know the instructor's trying hard but it's like oh it's really hard to get into um but this way it's like it's not just the projects are snappy but if you don't like it you can just move on to the next one or you know just skip it for a day and come back the next day and pick up where you left off and also too i noticed in in the organization you have labels of beginner intermediate and advanced so people kind of know what they're getting into before they even jump into it yeah i mean like i think for somebody who's a you know more intermediate program somebody who's done a little bit of python then you know you kind of want to be able to jump into a point that's not too easy not too hard so we actually have this like uh placement test at the beginning where we can figure out where you can dive straight into um and like find the part of the course that's right for your level as well awesome so i'm a web developer by trade and i saw you had some pretty hefty modules on flask so can you explain we have a lot of web developers in the audience today can you tell me what flask is and how that relates to web development yeah so flask is a web development framework and i guess if you're coming from the javascript world um it's kind of a bit like node right um now we kind of thought about like how do we teach web development and obviously there's one part which is the web design the html css which you can't really get away from but then there is the back end part and we really had a tough time deciding between teaching django or flask because they're both python frameworks right and they're both equally popular but we ended up going for the option which allowed people to see more under the hood because the thing about django is that it um it does a lot of stuff for you which is great if you understand everything what's going on but with flask you really get to learn like the fundamentals of what's actually happening because it's so lightweight it doesn't really have um much opinion it um you know it's kind of like plug and play you can plug in whatever you want to achieve your goals and that just means that we can teach people like what's actually happening under the hood and then once they're up and running with flasks then jumping to django is not not a difficult um sort of task so that was like the motivation behind teaching flask okay awesome and then so just to recap what are some projects students can expect when they when they go through the flask modules yeah um so we we kind of you know tried to keep it fun and um like i was looking around the web for like for example product hunt and appsumo like what are some websites that people have built like web apps that are not too hard like it won't take too long to build but also kind of interesting so one idea that we had was a cheap flight project where you sort of do a little bit of api stuff you do a little bit of web scraping and you find the um cheapest price for a particular destination you want to go to so python's in the background like checking every single day and then once it hits a value that's lower than you know what you wanted to pay for your flight ticket it will then um hit you up and um in addition like we obviously have like the prerequisite rest api blog projects um but there's there's a couple of funny ones in there for people to discover as well awesome yeah and it's not just what i like too about it too it's not just one project like oh onto the next thing is like here you're going to be doing multiple projects in different contexts with these technologies so it's not just you know do it one day and forget it so that was something i noticed too i wanted to switch now to some of the student questions we had about your course uh one of the ones i got was what are python's pros and cons versus javascript or other languages so python has a lot of pros um but it's you know the the sort of pros i would say are it is super versatile like you know similar to you python's not my first programming language either but when i discovered it it was like wow this is like really nice it's got all the features that you would want and it can be applied to so many things so you know one of my sort of passion languages is swift and as much as everybody loved it there weren't enough people to jump on the bandwagon to start creating frameworks creating tools um for like server-side stuff so with python you know there is the web there is the service stuff there is the data science kind of packages and there's just a big community like it's so popular and you have so many people who can help you out there that's one of like the big pros um other sort of um cons i would think are you know you if you're coming from a different language and you're tackling this especially if you're from like um maybe something that does things a little bit differently so for example um in if you're coming from a strongly typed um language you might find python a little bit weird um but also you know it it's it has its limitations right like it can be used for all sorts of things but you probably don't want to be making like a mobile app with python you probably want to keep to its strengths um which is in the industry mostly data science machine learning and web development i would say awesome so super versatile but some quirks in there as well excellent all right the other thing i noticed too when i first started with python that just just popped out right away was the syntax was just so silky compared to javascript it was just not clunky not as clunky as javascript and not at all and it's just like i'm gonna keep going with this and see what it can do and like we've been talking about is just so versatile for any level developer the next question i have is i have been learning python for some some months however i find it very difficult to maintain consistency do you think your python course can make me more disciplined i like coding but my lack of discipline is ruining everything so i mean i think as you say motivation for learning programming is probably the hardest thing like it is hard the actual learning the programming the actual doing the programming i would say is like second place to just the motivation right like especially if you're somebody who has school or your work and you come home you're like should i watch netflix or should i learn programming like it takes a really determined individual to be like yeah i'm gonna learn programming right so um like one of the the things that we really thought about is again coming back to this idea of designing the curriculum so that it is uh as manageable as possible basically so each day is capped so when we did uh student testing it was camped to about two hours so you shouldn't have to spend more than two two and a half hours on each day and the promise of each day is that you will be building a different brand new project so every single day you get something new to look forward to if you didn't like the project yesterday you got a new one tomorrow so you know it's it's fast paced like that and also you know the idea is kind of like it's you know when we're looking at uh movies these days right like the editing is kind of a lot more slick there's more animation there's more things moving and we really try to bring that kind of um spark to like an online course it doesn't have to be like powerpoint bullets it can also be programming concepts that's animating on screen that's got sound effects that's like fast cuts and after each sort of short section learning something new you're diving in practicing it in a coding exercise you know build a prime number checker build a leap year checker and then once you've really understood the sort of programming side then it's you know you're being thrown into a project it's like here's a project that's right for your level right now so the idea is sort of move people through different things quickly getting them to do things that they find fun and giving giving them things to look forward to to the next day so they'll actually come back right and that's something i noticed not to get too off topic but i noticed in your your web developer boot camp course uh there is a particular animation where you you're i think you're describing um slicing a razor something there's a slices of bread and there was this this is like this quick audio of ow and i was like oh that's real that's really funny this poor bread is like being sliced to death like the complaints on that there was like you know the auntie bread cruel team i love that no i just it's like those little things that like you say though just keeps it snappy and and almost entertaining but in an educational way where you're not sitting back and like being passive about it where you can you you can feel motivated and entertained but still learn a lot of stuff while doing it um so yeah and that's that's pretty much throughout this python course too like like we've been talking uh so final question from a student says my brain that's used to see plus plus can't cope with python what would be your advice to me to think in python more efficiently and understand the essence of the language better so i mean i i can actually relate to that because i spend a lot of time programming say in swift um building ios apps and then i go to a different language like javascript or python and my brain just can't like it can't switch over very quickly there's a long period of time where you know in javascript i'm like just writing swift code and you know in python i'm also just adding like you know funk keywords it but you know this is this is this happens right like it's not this student if you're out there listening like don't worry you're not the only one we all suffer from this but i think the the key to it is that if you spend a fixed period of time programming in one language you get really really comfortable with it but you know as modern developers like we more or less need to know more than like one language as much as i have my own sort of favorite languages there's projects that come up or there's clients that need x and y and zed and you have to learn new um new techniques new tools and you know i went through a period of time where like the only thing i knew was a hammer and everything looked like a nail and yeah you could probably build like a web server in swift but like that's really painful so i think c plus plus is wonderful and um it's super fast it's really great but when you're coming to python you're coming to a higher level higher level language right so you're spending less time actually doing the mechanical parts like you don't really have to manage your memory that much you don't really have to think about like what's happening you know at compiler level um i think like when i was making the course i was looking through like what are some of the top companies or websites um or services that are built with python and you've got things like instagram uber um google and the best quote that i saw um from google like in terms of their tag stack was use python if you can and use c plus plus if you can't and i just love that because it's like wow this is this is pretty much like how you know you would approach this problem where yeah there are like things which requires number crunching which requires speed which requires efficiency and you got your c plus plus or c for that but then there's things where it's more important for the programmer to think about the architecture or the logic or the um you know how you're building out your um your entire software product right so i think if you're coming from c plus plus it will take a little bit of time to get used to it but once you do it will feel quite good when there's like robots behind the scenes who are like cleaning up after you like the analogy i like to use is i'm just like a really messy cook and um you know when i have to cook by myself there's just like a mountain of mess but sometimes when you're using like a modern language like swift or python it's almost like you've got some sort of like little house elf that's like cleaning up behind you awesome angela is there anything else you'd like to add about anything um so i think um i was taking a look at um real and i was really struck by like you know your big title which is like escape tutorial help and it is so so important it's something that like we have been trying to figure out for the longest time because you know students come to us they're like you know we've done your boot camp we've done this we've done that and i still don't know how to like make my own project like what do i do what's that key step and a lot of students will look at this course and they'll see like oh yeah there's a lot of hours but then you know by day 50 how come like the videos are going less and less and like what what's happening here right and one of the things that like that we really want to tell people is like this really is by design the idea is that as you go from a beginner to an intermediate level you are impeded by the speed of video so personally i don't really like to study new programming languages or frameworks through video i need text because i can just understand it so much quicker and i can get up and running right so in the course we wanted to give people increasing levels of challenge and also getting them um to become more familiar with the ways that professional developers would work and that's through you know specs that's through documentation that's through a lot of hunting around let's be honest um and like you know if you don't experience that pain and you're suddenly out of the sort of cuddle of like a tutorial you can be really scared but we wanted this safe space where you can ask questions you can you know make mistakes but still you're kind of being expected to work at a more professional level and the sort of spoon feeding comes off and you're kind of going about on your own way to like professional programmer hoods so that was just one of the things i thought about i love it great a great job on this course angela like seriously this is this is a banger and just how long has this be course been out like not even that long right like um i think it's been out for maybe a month maybe less than a month but it's like it's like i cannot like stress like just how how much i've wanted to get it out there because we've been working on this for like a year and a half and like there was one point i was like i cannot take this anymore like i have to put it like i have to just let it be free and get people to see it well yeah banger yeah you got like 50 000 some people i think enrolled like it's it's yeah people are really um liking the concept of the sort of hundred guided hundred days of code right and yeah it's great job yeah you stepped up the you stepped up the standard on udemy i think with this one this is just a really cool concept like we were talking about it's just like it's exciting you know and especially someone who reviews courses and stuff i'm always looking for something different and i think like you nailed it so congrats thank you thank you thank you so much i think we thought if anybody uh wanted to um sign up for it if you use the code real tough candy all caps you can get it for 12.99 or whatever that is in your local currency developers you heard it yeah that helps awesome awesome okay great developers you heard it all caps real tough candy get the course for cheap you won't regret it angela thank you so much for coming on the channel today thank you thank you have a great time all right this is always an awkward sign off but um because there's like a 20-second lag on youtube so i never know really where we are so sorry youtube thank you angela and i will hopefully chat with you sometime soon with your next course or wherever you find yourself
Channel: RealToughCandy
Views: 47,327
Rating: 4.9220614 out of 5
Id: L356In5MYJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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