What I Gained After 100 Days of Code

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hi good morning my name is Eleftheria but I know it can be a little bit difficult we pronunciate it so you can call me Ellie and I'm from Jen developer and today I'm going to tell you my story of what again after 100 days of code so does anyone know the challenge 100 days of code alright great almost two years ago I was doing my internship in Amsterdam and I knew that after my internship I should go back to my country which is Greece and find my first developer job but I didn't have a lot of skills since my portfolio wasn't that good so I thought that I should do something to develop myself and develop my skills every morning I read in the media platform a lot of articles I liked doing that and one day I read an article called 100 days of code the challenge and it was written by the creator of a challenge called 100 days of codes and he was explaining the rules and the benefits of taking part in it the rules like the rules were to code for at least one hour every day and should be outside from your nine-to-five developer job and then post that code on github uploaded there and share it on Twitter and also follow people there give them feedback and be happy with what you're doing so my next step was challenge accepted let's do this and I started coding every day for at least one hour I was trying to find things that I liked maybe it was something from my work that I wanted to do get better or something completely different like a new skill a new language and then I would upload the code on github every time every day and share it on Twitter and also try to give my feedback there the first couple of days I was quite shy using Twitter and I didn't really know how to do that so I was just like like like every post but then I was was started connecting with people and started leaving comments and people gave me feedback and I thought that I'm doing something nice and I'm getting better and I should continue doing that so this gave me motive a lot of people either own emails or friends that I was telling them about that I'm doing the challenge were asking me how do you find where to kotor I want to start also coding but I don't know how can I do that for me though there are a lot of great sources and they're usually free which is nice and you can learn a lot of stuff there there are online educational platforms like free code come that I used a lot and udemy Udacity Coursera futurelearn and a lot a lot more of course there is YouTube that you can find courses for all levels and this is always free and online communities and here I'm referring to Stack Overflow like we wouldn't be there if it was on the Stack Overflow and there are other coding challenges I did there 100 days of code but then of course there's 30 days there decides our daily CSS images and all these challenges gives you an email and in this mail you can find a link or a YouTube video or something and you can fold it and also get better you can read books and magazines like one of my favorite books if you're the JavaScript developer is the Lockean JavaScript I think it's also well known and does inspiration I can read blogs ROS forums for all your favorites publications on medium war on twitter and read read read of course go to meetups and attending conferences write this is a full mix of everything and so now what did I learn and what did I want it to learn the first thing and the most basic thing if you want to be front-end developer which was my goal is to know the basics like HTML CSS and JavaScript but it's not only this then you have to develop so it's like html5 is 3/5 bootstrap like spokes and all these kind of beautiful things and then a switch starts using the JavaScript console more I mean I wanted to do that for a long time but I didn't know how to do it and I saw other developers that were doing it but I was like okay I see all these little pretty tabs there but I don't know what exactly they are doing but it's ok I can do it and then the last thing that I wanted to learn was maybe angularjs or another framework I wasn't sure about it but I learned angularjs and the data visualization library and I learned the D 3GS now what did I build one of the first things that I built was I have a short animation here all these images that you can see are made with only CSS or is a CSS and some HTML some of them are very very simple and it can be done in less than an hour but some of them are more complicated so this was my first step learn very good HTML and CSS and I built 50 of these images the next thing was JavaScript and I started building some parts of websites and used my first API calls some of them were very simple and not very good not very stylish but I tried then I started getting into more like games and quizzes my first quizzes were also very very simple only questions and then some answers and discourse but as I was doing their free code camp there were some challenges there and one of them was the Simon game in the tic-tac-toe game and I started learning more and more how to code better in JavaScript and build its games then my next goal was to learn angularjs and once again I started building some small parts of websites and they were very simple but for me it was a big step because it was the first time that I was building something and people liked it I saw it in Twitter right and then I thought that I wanted to do also something extra and that was learning a data visualization and I chose the library d3 GS and this is an example of it and last but not least I build days almost two months ago and it's a screenshot for a game the game is called game of life and this game took me one or two days only to understand the rules of how to play it so it was a big procedure for me to learn firstly how to played it and then how to code it but in the end I learned a lot of things and I think it's critical does anyone know the game game of life it's very complicated it's very complicated ok so I didn't build all these things in 100 days of codes like as the challenge said I continued building things after this time so a lot of people ask me what is my motivation and what inspires me and for me it's always an urge to get better and follow my dreams and my dreams is getting better and have a good job and also help others so there is this quote from Tim Ferriss maybe some of you can find it a little bit arrogant but it says you are the average of the 5 people you're most associated with and I totally believe this like here today everyone is here because I guess he wants or she wants to get better and learn something more and learn something cool and how can we do that we can socialize and connect with others so I think these quotes really represent what we are doing now and maybe our dreams and our goals and another quote I would also like to encourage you to take part in this challenge or learn something more or develop a skill but it's like I'm not telling you it's going to be easy but I'm telling you it's going to be worth it because after completing this challenge and after learning all these skills I also get socialized a lot more again followers on Twitter I found a nice job and it wasn't very difficult to find a job although when I started I was very afraid that I wouldn't be able to do anything so so here I'm going to present some tips and tricks it I believe will help you also to do something great and the first of them is setting your goals and priorities right we can do anything we don't have a specific clear goal in our mind so set your goal and priorities and straight with them another important thing that I've also talked about is fighting your motivation the motivation can be different for everyone maybe for some of them is just a learning skill to impress their boss or take a promotion or somebody else wants to do a freelancing job to help their family financially and also want to do to have that new skill but motivation as this image shows there can only get you so far when you want to be at the top so it's like when you begin to do something you are yes I'm going to do that and I'm going to kill that and everything will be better but after times passes like your energy goes down down down so what you have to do is be determined you have to be determined as you have to say yes I'm going to do it I'm going to build it I'm going to make a new skill or something yes and I really like this humans here and I'm going to read it it says like how do you program so well practice it must be an interdict a gift from God it's practice 11 understand how people are so talented a mystery at its practice so yes it's practice you're not gifted or at least I'm not gifted but I have practiced a lot and then there is another problem and I think that's pretty much most of us have it and it's time management we don't have the time to build something to learn something or do something cool that you like and for me what held me is first thing put your phone away set it to silent set it to airplane mode just don't be in the same room with it alright then if you think like one hour is a lot you can use the Pomodoro clock the Pomodoro Technique sorry which basically says that set a timer for 20 to 25 minutes then take a break for five minutes and continue this for three times and then voila you have your one hour so the last thing is I keep it to Julius or a calendar read of this thing like a lot of times but I I didn't use to do that in the end I started doing starting Kubica color or to-do list it doesn't have to be something complicated for me the simple the better just write something down and try to stick to it and in the end of the day you can review it and see all the great things that you have accomplished so by doing this challenge I against a lot of things like I learned to be more optimistic and grateful and connect with people I also did a lot of other challenges like I mentioned thirty days thirty sides and eleven to believe in myself I learned on top myself so much and of course I met a lot of people with different backgrounds and different inspirations most of them emitted them via Twitter or me emails or maybe Skype but it was great hearing their stories and what they also want to accomplish now would I recommend signing up for a challenge like this and the answer of course for me is yes if you want to get better improve and learn something do something for yourself and yes you should totally do this some again small cheeks and chips like track your progress daily or weekly goals don't get easily disappointed always encourage each other and be kind to others and secure to your goals so thank you very much that was my presentation
Channel: freeCodeCamp.org
Views: 129,814
Rating: 4.9311032 out of 5
Keywords: 100daysofcode, 100 days of code, scaling yourself, achieving goals, talks, conference, learning to code, coding motivation, javascript, learn to code, software engineer, computer science, coding, programming, freecodecamp talks, fcc talks, #100daysofcode, coding tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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