Andy Schectman: Depressed Gold to Silver Ratio Creating Buying Opportunity of a Generation

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welcome back to palisade radio i'm your host tom bargericks and joining me today is a new guest to the show andy scheckman he's the president of the precious metals dealer miles franklin how are you today andy i'm good thank you very much for having me hope you're doing well also it's great to have you thank you my first question for you would be is silver still the buying opportunity of a generation right now we've seen it rise quite a bit here in the last two weeks and is it still a great deal to be had right now yeah i mean mathematically the the ratio let me just glance at it here real quick 1960 divided by 24. so right now you have a ratio of 80 almost 81 to 1. the buying opportunity of a generation i've been saying for the better part of the last seven months in march that ratio was about 120 to 1. now let's first define what the ratio is at least in this respect and why i make that statement i mean when you go back to the beginning of time geologically the ratio of gold to silver is 15.5 to 1 meaning supposedly in the earth's crust silver is 15.5 times more abundant than gold historically the ratio for thousands of years most likely as a result of that geological relationship was sixteen to one over the last couple hundred years that ratio has averaged about forty five to one due to the industrial revolution and what have you but suffice it to say at 125 to 1 or thereabouts what we saw in march that was the largest disparity between the two in human history anything north of 80 to 1 you should in theory be in silver now we're right at the turning point where it starts to head down in earnest so the ratio between the two which i'm a big ratio guy i'm a big math guy and the further away you get from long-term established averages historical averages the greater the magneticism that pulls you back to the mean so those ratios or the law of average law of averages pertains here quite extensively and i think if you look at the last time we saw a ratio of 80ish to one was 2010 and now this is not talking about the last six eight months or a year what have you but prior to this last episode of the ratios being out of whack and within one year by 2011 you had 1920 gold its previous all-time high or somewhere in that neighborhood and 50 silver which is 37 or so to one so the ratio has a way of normalizing and regressing to the mean and so yes i do still think that silver is an opportunity of a generation and we'll talk more about later why i believe that largely has to do with the manipulation of the market and perhaps the end of the manipulation for many reasons but yeah i think that when you talk about what gold and silver are to me their wealth but silver is an opportunity maybe of a generation to really make a lot of money while not risking the farm to do it and that's important to me as well seems like a very asymmetrical play at this point so when we're speaking about the gold and silver ratio andy what are the actual numbers and what do those signify so let's take for example with it declining past 80 to 1 what is that going to tell us and what actions should be taken around those numbers well so the people who i've been recommending for the last year plus to trade their gold into silver probably for a while thought i was crazy as gold was leading the way in all of the speeches and and interviews i've done over the last year i've said something similar that in previous rallies gold goes first and silver goes further in other words playing the ratio at these high ratios the idea would be to trade your gold for silver let's just use 80 to 1 as an example you trade your gold to silver you play that 80 to 1 ratio and you can see silver is now beginning to outperform gold in fact since march it's over doubled march 17th or so it was 11.90 and today it's uh almost 25 dollars so it was 26 the other day it still got some volatility in it but you can see the power of silver once it starts to move it's a coiled spring anyways the idea would be to trade your gold to silver at 80 to 1 ride that ratio down to its 150 plus year average of 42 to 1 or 44 to 1 and then you switch back to gold at some point in that neighborhood and double what you started with but it's important to note something when we talk about where this could ultimately go to i'll point to three factors that will tell me that 40 to 1 is is certainly not justifiable should be much lower number one let's talk about where silver is found it's found in the ground in a fashion called epithermal which means very close to the surface what that means is that the majority of all the big deposits of the low-lying fruit has been found and plucked many many decades ago 70 or more of all of the silver that comes to market is a form of by-product mining meaning you're mining for other metals and you just happen to come across some silver so when we talk about supply the supply of silver is diminishing it is a depleting asset number one in fact a friend of mine his name is keith neumayer he is the ceo of one of the largest uh mining companies for silver in the united states first majestic and he'll tell you publicly what's coming out of the ground is about eight to one so you have experts telling you that you have to dig further spend more money explore more to find lesser and lesser and lesser amounts of silver at a roughly eight to one ratio so when you look at a ratio that a has averaged 42 to 45 to 1 over the last 100 years that is geologically 15.5 to 1 and that is what is coming out of the ground now according to one of the largest mining executives in in the business is about eight to one he's saying this publicly and let's not forget that anything that conducts electricity from a simple light switch to anything that you touched your whole life all the way down to a black and white tv in the 60s anything that has an electrical component most likely has silver in it and at such minute amounts like uh you know a thousandth of an ounce or whatever a hundredth of an ounce in an iphone all of that stuff never gets salvaged out it's not economical it's too small but it's necessity is vital to you know components all across the globe and when you look at the uses of silver increasing like every new home in california has to after 2020 has to have solar panels and solar panels last year before that happened accounted for 20 percent of all the physical demand for an industry so i guess what i'm getting at is that a ratio of even 45 to 1 where it's average for the past 100 plus years is not justifiable it should be much lower you have to dig further explore farther it's a depleted asset it's it's the ratio game you could try to get greedy and go lower there are some people who think it's going to go one to one to gold i don't know if we'll see that but certainly ten to one is not outlandish when you look at the need for it how much is being accumulated by the big players and just what is available in in terms of mine supply and above ground stockpile so this could be the play of all time you know playing silver as it's being set free from manipulation and the ratio will finally be allowed to find its equilibrium price free of external forces and you could see you know a home run and trading gold to silver and trade at 80 to one you wait till it gets to 20 to one and you know you certainly increase the amount of gold you could get by a factor of four so anyways i just think that it's an interesting play and one that people should still give thought to as we're talking about trading into gold before the call we were talking about how gold is a tier one asset so can you expand on that a little bit i think it's the biggest event of my 30 year career hands down not even close and if anyone owns gold you need to understand this or thinks about buying it when you talk about the long game of gold there couldn't be anything more bullish period since 1944 in bretton woods the only tier one asset in the world has been us dollars and treasuries and if you google what the definition is of a tier one asset it is a riskless investment prior to the status of gold was a tier three asset which means only fifty percent of the value is is declarable on the balance sheet and this explains why the central banks were always selling it it costs money to store it pays no interest and it is unpredictable in its movement on top of the pier 3 status would denigrate a central bank's balance sheet by a factor of 50 for whatever gold they owned thereby diminishing their ability to sell bonds and to transact international business so especially for the new central bankers that replaced the gray hairs there was no incentive to own it and in fact they were de-incentivized to own it one could argue in through 2017 the central bankers were net sellers of gold the western central bankers and then magically out of nowhere in 2018 as a group the central banks bought more gold than they had in the 60 years previously combined in 2019 those numbers were up 90 continue unabated today but interestingly quietly the bank of international settlements which is the central banker central bank in basel switzerland as part of the model 3 reclassification of or the basel iii agreement rather the reclassification of gold became law and it is the only other tier one asset in the world next to u.s dollars and treasuries and classified as a riskless asset so take a step back and think about this for a second you got the most sophisticated well-informed and well-funded traders on the globe front running this decision by over a year and a half accumulating more gold as a group than they did to 60 years previously 90 more the next year in the same unabated crazy acquisition this year they label it as a riskless asset and the only other tier one asset in the world next to u.s treasuries and dollars at a time when one could argue the dollar is doomed i think it should tell you and your listeners what the long game is for gold in the eyes of the most sophisticated well-funded well-informed and influential traders on the planet it's for much higher gold price and if i had to argue it'll probably be portion of a new digital dollar moving forward it will be the underpinning of it is the only way that if we do blow up the system if there is a reset and they use a blockchain based protocol to validate the gold on the ledger backing the currency which wouldn't surprise me it's the only way that they will get people to ever trust the dollar as a world reserve currency ever again so andy as you speak about this it kind of brings to mind another story that you have a great perspective on and that's how we're seeing some of the commercial banks manipulate the prices of the metals especially let's say jp morgan all of a sudden we're seeing them stockpile all kinds of silver so give us your perspective on on that and how that works well i would give talks about this for the last five six years a central theme of my talks was always jp morgan manipulating the market i got a lot of flack for that a lot of people thought that this was an impossible thing that there's no way that the market could be manipulated on this large of a scale without the traders having too big of a mouth to keep it quiet and not blow up this whole grand scheme i urge all of your listeners to google arcadia economics chris marcus bart chilton c-h-i-l-t-o-n my friend chris marcus who was the purveyor of arcadia economics interviewed bart chilton the head of the cftc about a year ago where he admitted most of what i'm about to tell you and then died three weeks later um i'm not saying there's a correlation i'm just simply saying that you know we're talking of the most influential bank on the planet he died of a heart attack i believe some people like to draw that analogy or that link between the two i'm just simply saying maybe he knew he wasn't well and he wanted to get this off his chest so but the bottom line is simply this that what was admitted by bart chilton is what i was been saying for a very long time and i felt vindicated by it and i'll explain more about it in a second but he basically said in this interview which you can find on youtube again he was the head of the cftc the commodity future trading commission and he said that in 2008 when bear stearns went bankrupt part of the reason they went bankrupt was silver exploding to 21 dollars and they had the largest short position ever at that point in silver in the history of the comex and hank paulson called in jamie dimon and they made a deal for them to take over and bail out bear stearns one of the things that was acknowledged was the fact that they would be over position limits when combining bear stearns position limits with jp morgan's position women's day would be far in excess of comex law of position limits and one of the things that they were promising to do would be over a certain period of time to sell off part of those or repurchase part of those get long i guess you would be on those short positions and get within position limit guidelines well at the end of the time frame that they were agreed to they had in fact increased those short positions instead of decreased them and bart shelton went to his supervisors and said we need to prosecute these people jp morgan they're they're violating anti-trust law they're violating the agreement they're guilty of manipulating the market and he was told to back down it was a political decision now he died a couple weeks later and all i can tell you is that that's the first time i've ever heard of an official named jp morgan as the group doing this but the bottom line is simply this that over a period of 12 years jp morgan was the largest concentrated short position in the history of the comex market in silver primarily but also in gold but they have been holding down the price literally in a remarkable track record it's public information and in all of their shorts they're short trades for over 12 years thousands of them tens of thousands they never lost a penny every single trade finished in the money now that that would be like your favorite baseball player in a normal baseball season who gets 600 at-bats in a season never striking out never flying out getting ahead every single time thousand six hundred for six hundred that's a mathematical possibility and jp morgan figured out a way to do that because they were rigging the market now this went on indefinitely whereby they would suck in the speculators sell the options the price would go up and they'd smash the price lower again and collect all the premium on those options and they'd expire worthless but they were controlling the prices they own roughly 20 to 25 of the entire comex in terms of 160 million ounces of silver that they had until recently which we can talk about in a moment but which represented 20 of all the silver on the comics they had enough leverage to really control the whole market but through it all by ted butler's estimation they amassed over one billion ounces of physical silver off the exchange which would be ten times what the hunt brothers tried to accumulate which would be the single largest physical position of silver the world has ever seen at the same time they mass north of between 25 and 30 million ounces of gold while being the single largest concentrated shore position on the comex highly illegal driving down the price manipulating the price lower to corner the physical market is in essence what they had been doing now things have changed most of the time my entire career no one ever stood for delivery on the comex market it was almost akin to a casino where the speculators would gamble try to guess the direction of the market very few people like myself or a farmer would hedge their exposure or their future production the way that we would in other words if i have a thousand ounces of gold in my warehouse physically i have to sell a thousand ounces on the comex and that's because if all of the gold that i have let's say i have a thousand ounces and the price falls by a hundred dollars that would mean i'm down a hundred thousand dollars and that's not the way to run a business but if i had simultaneously sold short on comex then what i sold short would go up commensurately by the same hundred thousand dollars that way i would be market neutral and that's why we hedge ourselves on our exposure to physical inventory or a farmer who's planting a field in april may want to hedge his production and lock in a futures price for october when they harvest the field not knowing what the season will be like it's a gamble so to speak but some years it'll save them in other years they wish they would have just ridden it out and got market price but that's the premise of a futures market it's not to control the price to accumulate physical that's the tail wagging the dog well anyways what's changed is that most of the people on the comex market would always roll over the contract and continue speculating meaning they don't stand for delivery a very very small fraction would stand for delivery but now over the last several months you're seeing massive amount of entities usually titled others which would be family offices and super high net wealth individuals are pulling metal off the exchange in massive amounts and what you've been seeing lately i believe are the commercial banks covering these huge short positions freaking out now jp morgan for the first time in 12 years remember i said they had never lost a trade ever is net long in the futures market and that is maybe the second biggest event of my career north of the tier one revaluation of gold when you have the most well-funded nefarious bunch of traders who have been cornering the market by suppressing the price for the better part of 12 years while being given political immunity from it really or prosecutorial immunity until now it's a massive event and really the reason they aren't that long is that in march the justice department levied six federal indictments here's vindication six federal indictments racketeering ricoh charges racketeering indictments against six of the precious metal traders on the jpmorgan precious metals trading desk if your listeners google jpmorgan rico the first thing they'll see is a bloomberg article that labels by the justice department labeling their precious metals trading that's a criminal enterprise the investigation is still ongoing as we speak here in almost august of 2020 and the end of july it's still ongoing and they are cooperating these traders who are federally indicted on on racketeering charges the real deal and now to see jp morgan go long and to see the price start to move last thursday silver was 18. it was 26 two nights ago it's mid-24s right now as it's pulled back a little bit but you're talking in a span of six days of which only three and a half were trading days you've seen silver move up what north of 30 percent so this is what happens when markets are allowed to trade freely after being manipulated for a very very long time and when you pull out this massive manipulative short have the justice department squarely looking at the commercial banks and already indicting jp morgan on racketeering charges which is you know they can go after the whole bank for that then i think it's a new day for precious metals on top of the reclassification of gold as a riskless asset by the central banks hmm you think the central banks would load up on something they thought was risky uh moving forward i don't i think they would load up on this riskless asset that is undervalued when everything else is trading at multiples of its all-time highs some absolutely fascinating stuff there andy and it it just makes me think that you know when we see the big players like jp morgan manipulating that market as as they were we kind of want to be able to get on the same side as the trade that they're doing and obviously now you say that they've amassed one of the biggest stockpiles or indicators point that they've amassed one of the biggest stockpiles ever we're obviously trying to identify where those big players are putting their money right yeah well i mean they're putting their money where their mouth is not only are they amassing the largest stockpile you're seeing the hedge funds the family offices and the super super wealthy people pulling metal off the comex they're taking possession of it you know gold and silver are the only assets that are not simultaneously someone else's liability and that's why gold isn't just an inflation hedge and the federal reserve creating copious amounts of money north of 7 trillion since september of last year due the banking crisis the repo market crisis which is still ongoing i might add um you know you're looking at an environment where whether it be massive inflation or what they're trying to stave off uh hyper deflation a deflation of all of the assets being written off and written down is hyper deflationary and that's really what keeps the central bankers up at night or at least jerome powell keeps him up at night a massive depression deflation but here's the thing everyone buys gold and silver for inflation hedge i would argue that in a depression a massive deflation depression gold and silver perform best because it's the only asset class that is not simultaneously someone else's liability and you know think about it this way i have a friend here in minneapolis who for years has just printed money owns 50 apartment buildings you think there's counterparty risk in owning an apartment building right now when no one's paying their rent but you still owe massive amount of property taxes and insurance and in a depression that type of counterparty risk real estate landlords property owners massive counterparty risk and that spirals all the way down as the economy shuts down and we've seen that here you know since uh since march with the government's reaction to covid and you know we are entering a very frightening time i see 70 style stagflation we already have the stag and that's the businesses shuttered and 130 million small businesses closed forever and the hospitality industry the tourism industry which represents 10 of global gdp well there's your stag deflation part is baked into the cake it's in the system locked up into financial assets but when that breaks out into the real price structure similar what we're seeing in precious metals right now you'll see massive price inflation and in precious metals we're seeing price inflation right now because it used to be that stocks were risk on and bonds were risk off meaning that that was the terminology that when we're working and young we can afford to be riskier with our investments and put in the stock market and let it grow and appreciate and hopefully exponentially that's your risk on and as you get older you put your money into the risk off category bonds right and when i started in this industry i was 19 years old 1989 you could buy a us treasury for about nine percent so you would a nine percent coupon so you would buy a whole bunch of those let's say you're starting getting close to retirement age and you'd layer a whole bunch of those and buy two million dollars worth and you'd get a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year of interest never touching your principle living like a king or a queen and passing on hopefully your principle to your heirs that's what the wealthy would do and now with the 10-year treasury mind you issued by an insolvent government has created seven trillion dollars and maybe more in money since last september the coupon on that is point five seven percent so that two million dollars now doesn't even barely net you eleven thousand instead of a hundred and eighty thousand so the risk on risk off inverse relationship between stocks and bonds is gone it's completely and totally severed and so as interest rates rise as they ultimately have to because who in your right mind would buy that 10-year treasury earning less than six-tenths of a percent when real interest rates are approaching negative three four percent in other words if if you're getting paid six tenths of a percent well that interest rate when factored against inflation which they call the real interest rate is for sure north of three percent negative and um you know the fed's own mandate is two percent but we know those numbers are skewed go to john williams shadow stats and he'll tell you real inflation is north of six or seven percent so you factor that against the six tenths of a percent you're getting paid and you're way negative and you're losing money guaranteed over ten years the moral of the story is is that people are going the bond market where they always would have gone instead of the next step which is here the precious metals market so now they leave the stock market after watching 40 percent of their their portfolio evaporate in march and realize that the ponzi scheme that's going on in the stock market which is completely detached from main street at all-time highs when 50 million people are unemployed as an absolute joke so they're freaked out and where do they go they skip over the bond market because that's a suckers game and they come into precious metals at a period of time when the supply chain is broken remember 60 of all the mines across the globe were shut down for the first half of the year basically you had all of the major mints in europe are in switzerland and they border italy they are shut down most of the year you have most of the men shut down parts of the year including the u.s mint which just publicly announced that they can only make gold coins and then silver coins they can't make them at the same time they have to choose between one or the other for a period of time because of social distancing and covet you have a major gummed up supply chain you have major interest from the mainstream who has skipped over the bond market and has jumped into this industry and one of the classic definitions of inflation you can get different viewpoints on what it is or what it isn't but it's more money chasing fewer goods and services so here is a classic example you have a broken supply chain and fewer and fewer items out there and tremendous amount of money flooding into this market looking for safety bypassing the bond market has created massive price inflation and that's what we're seeing and i think you'll see that in the general economy at some point when it becomes very obvious that holding dollars is like a hot potato and you will see money pour out of financial assets into other tangibles anything that they can buy from automobiles to jewelry to precious metals to art to whatever i think there will come a time when being in paper assets is is really looked upon and disdain so i think these are times where people have to shed their normalcy and recency bias and realize that we are at a very unusual crossroads where stocks and bonds are positively correlated and is also real estate and what are they positively correlated to interest rates so let's take a step back and see what could possibly happen number one the federal reserve which is the only one stupid enough to buy 10-year treasuries with real negative real interest rates issued by an insolvent government creating massive levels of inflation they're the only ones stupid enough to buy it so they have been they've been monetizing it buying it through blackrock buying up the back end of the bond market to keep the interest rates low to maintain a perception of well-being so they do that which creates far more inflation hyperinflation arguably which leads to higher interest rates inevitably which leads to rising interest rates uh as from that inflation and a crashing economy or they back away from the bond market and let it crash under its own weight and interest rates rise rapidly and we head into the greatest depression of all meaning both roads lead to the same destination and what that means is setting up for the perfect storm stocks bonds and real estate all implode at the same time and there's nowhere safe on the planet to put your money then except for precious metals so people can listen to this and think yeah the guy owns a precious metals company don't listen to him he's just trying to peddle his lawyers or they can logically try to tell me where do you put your money in that environment where you're safe all of this debt created at the lowest interest rates in human history and the dollar losing confidence the only thing that gives the dollar value is its confidence around the country around the world rather and a military to back it up we're no longer backed by gold so uh or nor is any currency at this point although i think that will change so anyways this is in my opinion a pivotal point in human history and a generational change in what is and what isn't good value absolutely um andy you have a unique perspective on where premiums are at on physical bullion so can you tell us where they were at before the crash in march and then where they've come back to before the crash they were low and normal and hardly existent you had to you couldn't even give stuff away for a few years in march it was panic like buying toilet paper at costco premiums went higher than anything i've ever seen in my 30-year career we are or were recently in the eye of the storm i would believe after all the craziness that has happened over this first half of the year and premiums came back a little bit but all of a sudden now as we head into august they're starting to turn up again now it's hard to not understand that with what metals have done really are performing brilliantly with gold at 1965 an ounce at its all-time high and silver having over doubled since march the demand is real and getting noticed so premiums are once again picking up and you couple that with the gummed up supply chain we just talked about and the fact that the us mint has just publicly declared the fact that they cannot make both gold and silver eagles at the same time they'll have to choose one over the other you know and do it little by little it's really really an interesting time where i think premiums have nowhere to go but higher i'd just like to read to you one paragraph here the us mint reduced the volume of gold and silver coin that's distributing to authorized purchasers as the coronavirus pandemic slows production the mince west point complex in new york is taking measures to prevent the virus from spreading among its employees and that will probably slow coin production there for the next 12 to 18 months the document shows the facility is no longer able to produce gold and silver coins at the same time forcing it to choose one metal over the other according to the document which was presented to companies authorized to buy coins from the mint last week i was on that phone call and as an authorized distributor so you're basically looking at massive amount of demand hitting at a time when the supply chain is broken and the mints are slowing distribution and it's you know getting product will the difficulty getting product and the high premiums will define this market before it's all said and done i am 100 convinced to that excellent andy well as we wrap up here uh any concluding thoughts uh you look my only concluding thought is just that this is a new day you know everybody has their what 2020 has been to them you can ask my 13 and 16 year old daughters or my 20 year old son take out the four letter expletives and they would tell you what 2020 has meant to them not seeing their friends and being locked up and my son just now going back to the university of michigan what it's meant to him and for me i would call 2020 the great awakening more than anything else forget about kovid forget about george floyd here in minneapolis all of the things that have happened has created an awakening of sorts in that people's view on what was and what is important and what was and what is relevant has changed and uh on many different levels politically emotionally socially morally economically tolvid was the harpoon that pricked the bubble that was bound to break at some point and i think that we are entering a very very frightening time truthfully and uh i have never sold gold and silver as an investment or as a hedge against the doom and gloom that is often associated with buying gold and silver for 6 000 years gold and silver have been well and i believe whether we see hyperinflation or the greatest oppression of all time gold and silver will be your life raft they have lived through six thousand years of every event of every pandemic of every market crash that has ever been since biblical times and are still the only valued items that will in the year 3000 have commensurate value that it does today so i guess if your listeners take anything away from this conversation it should be that the world is reawoken to gold and silver it has been reclassified as the only tier one asset in the world by the most powerful bankers in the world it has been massively accumulated by the public and the asset classes that we are traditionally taught to acquire in many cases are hanging on by a thread and ready to tumble in fantastic proportions so i appreciate the opportunity to be on here with you if your listeners would like information and would like the lowest prices in the industry they can reference your podcast in the subject line and email me directly at andy and either myself or one of my distinguished brokers will get back to you or your listeners immediately with the guaranteed lowest price in america on whatever they want to buy and uh our business miles franklin we've been around for 30 years we've never had a customer complaint ever one of only 24 companies in the world ever approved by the us mint as an authorized reseller and my home state minnesota is the only state in the country where you have to be licensed and bonded to sell precious metals in a federally non-regulated industry and that is why the majority of my competition my peers throughout the industry have boycotted my state they won't sell into the state because they would need to be subservient to the department of commerce here in minnesota the way that we are and so the bottom line is is that for your listeners i can guarantee the best price and the safest transaction in the federally non-regulated industry from a company that's never even had a complaint levied against us on google so thanks for the opportunity to chat with you i hope we hear from some of your listeners and if you're ever looking for perspective from this side of the table down the road give me a holler absolutely andy it was a great pleasure to have you on and we didn't even touch on half of the notes that i wanted to uh get to but let's do that next time we'll have you back absolutely yeah i have a bad habit of rambling so in any case it was enjoyable and i hope to hear from you again somewhere down the road excellent thanks for your time today andy yeah you bet take care this podcast is for general informational purposes only nothing on this podcast should be taken as investment advice guests on this show are not compensated for their appearance listeners are urged to educate themselves and make their own decisions do not base any investment decisions on the information contained to view our full disclaimer please visit our website i think you understand the junior mining sector and you think that the participants in the mining sector junior mining sector are good people and kind people hit the bid how violent that term could be it actually could be quite violent it could be a rip your face off uh uranium rally and the world is always going to need raw materials it's going to be copper and gold and nickel and so forth totally destabilized hey hey troll did you hear what's going on
Channel: Palisade Radio
Views: 28,478
Rating: 4.9499631 out of 5
Keywords: Palisade Radio, Collin Kettell, buy, sell, invest, gold, silver, precious metals investment, QE, QE4, QE5, Stock, Market Crash, low, high, best, worst, trump, central, banks, freedom, bitcoin, blockchain, uranium, potash, expert, alpha, beta, fortune, billionaire, ounce, pound, mining, energy, independence, freefall, rise, fall, outlook, private placement, warrant, decline, increase, value, price, Monthly Report, Update, millionaire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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