Andy Samberg Full Interview | CONAN on TBS

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Imagine Paul Rudd, Andy Samberg and Conan side-by-side in an interview. That interview would never stop

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/abhinand19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is just two really good friends hanging out and having fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shuma-Gorath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking hate that all these great interviews DO NOT alllow Canadians to watch without a VPN

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/archiearcher11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking love that interview. The hand signals joke at the end is so hilarious i just lose it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Silva_Snake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved Palm Springs so much. I think I’ve seen it 4-5 times since it came out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Ozymandiaz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ready Player One jokes, was not expecting that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey my guest tonight was of course a cast member on saturday night live and he's the star of the nbc series brooklyn nine-nine his latest film which is fantastic palm springs is streaming right now on hulu thrilled he's on the show please welcome andy sandberg andy thank you for being with us thank you very much for having me uh i'm excited to see whose mic is warmer uh i think mine this might just be is this a real mic or is this a prop it's a real mic wow uh mine is a real mic i i didn't know we i got this from larry king years ago uh your mic is very nice it looks like you're taking an online course right now yeah i was saying it's like somewhere between that and uh infowars it's all going to i don't know i've never seen them before as i said i don't know what they say yeah i like it yeah doing an impression of something you've never seen that's how i got snl it's pretty you did impressions of people that you didn't really know yeah yeah i was like this is george bush were like no no here's my humphrey bogart i've never seen his work but come on guys let's get going um it's actually not too far off no towards the end that's what he was doing um i like to start by asking people because i i care actually i've been instructed to act like i care how are you andy how are you doing during quarantine how's your family uh what's going on conan thank you for asking uh you know not great but great are you getting through it okay i'm i compared to what everyone's going through i have no complaints but you know it turns out being in a quarantine sucks yeah um i'm you know missing seeing friends and family and and going to work and going to the park but otherwise you know i don't have any active real complaints i'm getting i would think one plus side is your wife uh the beautiful joanna newsom is an incredibly talented musician harpist yes you least in quarantine get to hear wonderful music all day yes it's true i'm almost spoiled by it you know i get to hear her play and and practice and stuff because she's got to stay in harp shape which is a thing that she tells me is a real thing right um but i'm like kind of by being married to her and hearing her play a lot i've gotten a little bit snobby about like other harp music now oh really yeah so like i'll like be like a high tea you know at a fancy hotel and there will be a harpist and i'll be like sucks do you ever say that to the harpist no no yeah on the way out i'll be like oh that was really beautiful yeah great harp to joanna i'll be like she's like i thought it was fine i'm like yeah i was all just like glissandos no technique no one's talks that way about the harp you know what's nice is art music heart music is what they always play when someone's falling in love or having a magical epiphany and you must constantly be walking around the house feeling like you're hearing that music and thinking falling in love with your toothbrush as you put the paste on you know what i mean yeah it definitely lends itself to to sort of uh dissonant moments where it'll be like playing and then i'll catch myself in the mirror and be like i do have to go to the bathroom this is a magical discovery and then i'll i'll go do that you know uh you're lucky that your uh talented wife plays uh you know as an expert uh harp player yeah my wife uh when i met her was in the traveling company of stomp and so she all she does is stomp all day to keep in stomp shape right she's constantly making stomping sounds and stomping and i'm like do you really need to do this yeah she's like i've got to keep this up i've got to be ready so every time the phone rings at home she's like is it stump yeah if it stomped or they want me back and i went no there's a pandemic and no no one's seeing stomp right now she's like well when the this pandemic's over i'll be stomping again yeah uh that's how my wife talks she sounds like her yeah she's like you know the football the the quarterback in high school she was the quarterback she was yeah she was very she was very good the quarterback of stomp yeah welcome to my bad improv she was also a hamburger uh you're how old is your daughter now three three years old does she emulate your wife at all is she interested in music yeah you know uh there's a company lion and healy that makes harps and when uh when it got out that we had had a kid they very nicely sent a very tiny lion and healey child harp to us as a gift right to us to her uh and you know it's in the house now so yeah my daughter does sometimes get on there and sort of start strumming it and emulating her mom it's it's pretty cute that's sweet yeah does she emulate and emulate you in any way can you do is your daughter ever like to do things that you do um i feel like it's only a matter of time before she starts you know playing the harp and doing some dick wraps [Laughter] i feel like that's definitely what joanna's side of the family is waiting for they're gonna be stoked when that hits a great combination yeah i think that's what the world needs more of yes yes certainly not less of because there's none of it now it's gonna be yeah i'll be it's gonna be an interesting time when she discovers what i have done for a living for a load these many years um my kids still don't know they think i'm a realtor uh you know yeah i have a very fond memory when your daughter was born days afterwards and it surprised me but you brought her on my show do you remember that i did yeah that was a very special moment i was very proud new daddy yeah and uh i wanted to show her off yeah yeah you did show her off let's take a look at that clip right now okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huh yeah yeah was she she wasn't injured was she she was fine she was fine you know i was i was earning that dad of the year mug that day [Laughter] hey is this right because you're so busy you're doing so many things and i do want to uh i mean between brooklyn nine-nine and uh and this terrific movie which i wanna talk to you about which is i'm gonna say this um i love this film i really do and it's one of my favorite movies that i've seen in during this whole quarantine and i'm watching classics like yeah lawrence of arabia and uh you know citizen kane um i loved everything about it it's a great story the performances are incredible uh and it was funny and it was also very sweet and then i noticed that you're an executive producer in the movie and i thought that must be kind of cool to be in the film but also be executive producing it or is it difficult uh it's a lot of work you know it was a small movie with a small budget but the the pluses for me outweigh the minuses and a big part of that for me as an actor is i can kind of just try stuff out and then when i watch the edit and feel humiliated i can just demand as a producer that it'd be cut you know so it's kind of like it's it's a chill vibe for me to bring to the table yeah but that's you know that's how i that's kind of how i've been rolling the last few years it's kind of i call it the andre brower rule you know where i'm a producer on brooklyn too where i'm like just surround me with good actors and then we'll get in the edit and then anytime i suck we'll just cut to the good actor so yeah the cast is terrific they really are in this movie yeah you you guys all seem to work out and then you got the incredible uh uh jk simmons yeah in this and i mean the man's won an oscar and and he's jonah jameson and he's also jonah jameson and the spider-man series yeah yeah i i try to get him to talk to me as jonah jameson a lot be like call me pretend i'm peter parker and be jonah jamison and he's like what no i'm not gonna do that and i'd be like do my outgoing uh voicemail as jonah jameson be like i need pictures of spiderman he's like i'm not going to do that get out of my trailer [Laughter] you're yeah you just sound like not a good executive producer i was like yeah i'm a producer you have to for your fire yeah uh you know we have a clip here um tell us what's happening in this clip in case anyone doesn't know this is early on in the film and yes i did use the word film thank you it was at sundance big deal for me um it's early on in the field you have a little gas did you have a little gas there sorry this is one of my daughter's hair clips just nervously picking up okay uh yes early on in the film uh and you don't yet know unless you watch the trailer that my character has been uh reliving the same day many times uh and i'm i'm courting kristen milliotti's character sarah and sort of gliding through the uh the wedding and doing some dancing uh let's take a look at this clip from palm springs oh yeah [Music] so [Music] and we're gonna show it you know what's awkward about these interviews that we do is that when you come on the real show yeah we then show to the clip and it's a really good clip and the audience would like it and then they would applaud and we'd come back from it yeah but when we shoot this we add the clip later on so you didn't see the clip and i didn't see the clip we both know what the clip is in this moment it's so fake yeah so fake i go let's take a look and then it's just you and me going and then i go wow that was great but we didn't just see anything we didn't see it can we pretend like the clip just ended again and then you guys can put in applause and we can do the like normal thing and i'll just say i'll take a sip of my water like it just came out of the clip okay let's take a look at this uh clip uh from uh from palm springs [Music] we're back wow yeah i mean it's a fun movie [Applause] [Laughter] i miss that stuff i miss those little things what is it no you're a you're a smart guy and you're behind the scenes in the business oh um when do you think we people get back to acting and making things again how's it going how's it going i i have a feeling like it can go one of two ways right we'll get it under control there's a vaccine or we come up with some great protocol that actually feels safe or and hear me out everything goes mocap motion capture and we all get like ready player one style mocap rigs in our homes and you can audition this way and then actually shoot this way it's like avatar style but it's like everyone's in their own home robert camiro's in his home wearing a motion capture suit you're in your home yeah and like ready player one with a diaper because you know you don't want to waste time by leaving set so we all have our you know that's also from ready player one the book not for all you you know posers who just like saw the movie they cut out the diaper thing oh pretty bs also the virtual sex they cut out such a sellout spielberg unbelievable anyway but yeah i think you know if you if you could get like a really good mocap rig and like a little blue screen or green screen room in your house right with one of those you know 360 cameras and a diaper a big old diaper yeah like a big like multiple trips diaper you know wait so you'd be using the diaper over and over and over again without changing it yeah so you can just shoot for days you know like in ready player won the book not the movie which was a sellout okay um yeah i did like the movie though yeah i like the movie yeah that was a good move you still get to be in the business um you know i wanted to mention uh i'm here shooting these last couple of weeks here at largo fargo and uh we we wanted to take over a space and uh there goes andy richter sneaking by hey [Laughter] going back to the dressing rooms there yeah going back to the dressing rooms that's right thanks sandy who is that that's andy sandberg he has no idea how he didn't sell palm springs last night it was really awesome thanks man i really liked it whoa that's pretty close he has no idea who's on the show he comes in he doesn't know i'm shooting an interview he's going to go to that little bathroom at the end of the hall little bathroom at the end of the hall what kind of operation we're running here like any minute now chickens are just going to come running across did you guys did you guys discuss maybe doing it on the stage looking out you like the backstage better because of all that no no the stage is right the audience is right here yeah i never i don't think i ever got up there i always wanted to i didn't stand up you know back in the day but yeah well maybe you will maybe uh you'll come back here once this place reopens or you could just appear here in a motion capture suit from your own home as you're into a diaper political diaper yeah [Laughter] you bleep the bleep the curses or do you let the curses roll man it's pandemic we let it all hang out that's cool how many curses how many curses would i have to say to start getting bleeped i don't know i i actually have no idea i have no idea but who could stop us anymore it's true in the ass diaper taking a big old dumpy in the moccasin oh man this is punk rock this is the cbgb's of [Music] he's been in that bathroom for a long time yeah richter to be he says he's out okay here we go now okay um well anyway uh let me get the word out on palm springs okay thank you thank you palm springs is available to stream on hulu and uh i promise you it is a it is one of the better movies you're going to see uh for quite a while so see that film and really terrific performances and heart warming and i'm very happy for you because you're also you're just terrific in this movie and uh i just know that this is this is a big deal this is a great movie so thank you to you congratulations seriously very happy thank you thanks buddy and i look forward to seeing you uh in person so we can do this with our hands and fingers we should see each other in person i i'm not good with hand signals that was not subtle each other is that the right one i've never understood hand signals going andy sandberg thank you very much thank you buddy
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 256,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan best, conan best moments, conan brien, conan classic, conan funniest moments, conan funny interviews, conan funny moments, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny, funny moments on conan, late night show, stand-up comedy, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Id: PsMi3ODQ9Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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