Andy Frisella Motivational Speech

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here's the truth guys I'm no different than any of you I am literally not any smarter I'm not any more gifted I don't have any talents that you don't have and at different points in my life just like you I've let myself get out of shape and I've tried to make excuses I've tried to justify my actions you know I tell myself all the same [ __ ] I'm too busy I'm running seven companies I've got literally thousands of people that depend on me on a daily basis and I have all this pressure and all these things and all this stuff and I try to justify it but in my heart I still know it's [ __ ] okay I know I'm lying to myself I know that my discipline Edge my discipline blade so to speak is getting dull all right and I can see it when I look in the [ __ ] mirror and so can you by the way you want to know how hard you want to know how hard you are look in the [ __ ] mirror that's an exact exact mirror image of how hard you are on the [ __ ] inside but here's the thing everybody sees people who look great who have all the confidence who have all the self-esteem who have all this ability who have all these things going for them and they think they got it all figured out they think it's easy for them and that's one of the justifications that they tell themselves all right it's not like there aren't days I don't want to go to the gym the truth is most of the days I don't want to go to the gym but I do even though I don't feel like it doesn't matter if there's a [ __ ] tornado if there's a snowstorm if there's a hurricane if the [ __ ] world is on fire the job has to get done it's about executing regardless of your emotions all right and that's a well-covered topic I talk about a lot all right but what almost no one talks about is starting to love the days you have to execute that you have to perform do you have to get the job done especially when you don't feel like it that's what I call test days and that's what I want to cover with you guys these test days Guys these are the days that test your qualities they test your characters they test who you think you are they test your fortitude they test your endurance your discipline your grit your dedication your determination your mental toughness your character is in question on these days you are testing your ability to something and that something is [Music] at the very moment when everything in you wants to do absolutely nothing when you'd rather sit on the couch and eat [ __ ] Cheetos then go to the gym when you'd rather die than send another email or take another phone call or talk to another human gotta get the job [Music] the job test you have to pass in order to earn your way into the life that you desire okay but most people dread these days most people are scared of these days but not me and not people who win consistently why is that well one it's an opportunity to prove to everyone else but most importantly yourself What You're Made Of it's an opportunity to prove that you're a winner it's an opportunity to prove you are what you say you are in your head when you look in the mirror when you look in the mirror and you say there goes a bad [ __ ] you actually believe it that's the importance of passing these tests successful people love the experience of not feeling like doing [ __ ] but then going and kicking ass anyway they understand that those are the real victories in life they understand that it's easy to do [ __ ] when you feel like doing [ __ ] but they also understand that the real magic the real glory is earned when your heart is not not into something but your mind tells you [ __ ] you I'm gonna do this [ __ ] anyway and does it that's where people separate themselves from the pack that's where people earn the right to success they earn the money they earn the life they earn the relationship they earn the body in those little moments where they don't want to do what they need to do but move forward regardless of how they feel that's what Champions know Champions understand and champions [ __ ] thrive on and those are called your test days now I know you're wondering how do you learn to love these days when these days are hard well I think I just explain a lot of that but you have to first learn how to spot them okay a lot of people can't even spot when these days are how do you know when a test day is happening how do you know when you're when you're having one of these days well guys it's really simple you feel them okay the minute you start thinking I don't want to do this the minute that feeling Creeps in that's the time you're having a test the minute you feel the ache of I'd rather do something else I'd rather do anything else than this that's the test the minute you train yourself to say this is my opportunity is the minute you go from loser to [ __ ] winner and this is a skill this is something you practice all right you have to understand that at that point where you see yourself recognizing that I'm having a test and that this is my opportunity to prove to myself that's when you stop having dialogue with your emotions you stop negotiating with your feelings and you start to act I call this a production pivot production pivot is you recognize the feeling you use it as a trigger to act and you get up and you start moving okay and that's what I wanna what's a trigger all right every addiction has a trigger and when you start to act when the magic happens okay when you step up on a test day when you successfully complete a test day it's going to be one of the most euphoric powerful experiences that you've ever had you're going to see immediate confidence immediate boost and self-esteem all right you guys know what this feels like because you've inherently done it even on accidents sometimes you can't tell me that there's been a time where you've resisted the opportunity to be a lazy [ __ ] and move forward anyway you've done this and you know what it feels like and this is how you build the process of momentum okay and you'll want it to happen again you're going to look for the test you're going to become so focused on the tests that you're going to be like what I said in the beginning of the show which was I wish the test was harder and what happens when you start to make the tests harder your strength and your skills and your character gets stronger all right but here's the key you've got to recognize the feeling because the feeling is the trigger every addiction has triggers you'll come to understand that the feelings of not wanting to do something are your triggers these are the signs that you're having an opportunity to indulge in your addiction and your addiction is [ __ ] winning that's how you're going to learn to love test days and that's how you're going to produce the skills you need which are the qualities that I mentioned before fortitude endurance discipline grit dedication mental toughness that are the building blocks of building a successful life foreign
Channel: Motiv8
Views: 2,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bmBHvAwLGHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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