Andrew Tate: The Most Hated Man on Tik Tok

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the most controversial man on the internet right now without a question is andrew tate his youtube channel tate's speech went from averaging half a million views monthly just eight months ago to now almost doubling its viewership every single month since i literally have no clue who andrew tate is or what he does but it seems like he got a fan base out of nowhere if you've spent any time browsing tick tock in the last few months chances are you've come across his face while some of his content can come off as motivational it's his more controversial points of view that it made him go viral i beat you so bad i've been called a woman beater all over the country slap slap grab choke shut up you're to look up the highest iqs in the world the first 10 first 20 look them up are they men are women why do they call you that why do they call you that because i say what do you think it is that you say that makes people think you're like sexist because i said the truth [Music] in october of 2017 andrew's twitter account cobra tate wrote the following message toward a comic book writer who was trying to raise money for his son's cerebral palsy does it make you feel like a failure that the amount you need to help your own son is less than a quarter that i spent on one of my five cars it's nothing to me your comic books have failed but i am success ask nicely and i'll save your son to this date all four of the accounts he's had with twitter have been suspended due to messages similar to this and it's easy to see why at the time his wrongdoings were swept under the rug not many people knew who he was so there was never a reason to dig much deeper like anyone who's gained internet fame seemingly overnight you can bet people are gonna go and dig up anything they can find to understand you better or even worse cancel you when it comes to the andrew tape rabbit hole it only seems to go deeper and deeper so if you're not a millionaire and you're not happy with your life guess what you are where you deserve to be this was all going on amidst the hashtag metoo era and he says this is the main reason he moved to romania he admits it was largely due to their lacks rules with things like assault and also because it's partially a corrupt country and the police can easily be bribed with money i like living in countries where corruption is accessible for everybody something he put to use during the coven 19 lockdown and it's why he was able to keep several businesses open and running during the time but why is it that someone who represents what most would agree is morally wrong ideals has become so popular and why you're literally seeing him everywhere on the surface he portrays the mentality and lifestyle of what some like to call an alpha male hopping out of expensive cars flying private jets and surrounding himself with women all help with that image i want you guys to understand something about me yes i'm filthy rich however i come genuinely from nothing i'm not one of those guys who says i come from nothing i do all myself and they didn't i actually did but this alone isn't enough to garner the mass following the people he now has under his belt over a hundred thousand people are subscribed to andrew's hustlers university 2.0 just one of the online courses he offers on his website this one in particular is his most popular and promises financial freedom for a 50 a month fee when this initially launched the internet was flooded with positive reviews via videos of creators saying it was well worth the price but most people knew this was probably too good to be true as more time has passed we are just now starting to see more honest reviews on his product and from people who aren't being incentivized to only say the good things and from what they've said it's really nothing but an overhyped discord community and the course gives vague and even fraudulent financial advice did he just say do fraud if you start business this way make a website put some pictures on there pretend you've got a whole bunch of stuff you ain't got start getting money in you can start this business for five grand but let's get one thing straight entertain is not the first and won't be the last influencer to offer an online course that supposedly teaches you how to become a millionaire but the way he structured it is different from anyone before him as i mentioned you can buy this course for fifty dollars a month and one of the ways he teaches you to make money is from his own affiliate program essentially after you join you get access to a personal affiliate link that you can then promote anyone who joins hustler's university through your link will get you paid a 10 commission whether you like him or not this was a genius marketing plan to say the least very similar to a pyramid scheme now you have tens of thousands of people creating accounts on social platforms like tick tock cutting and pasting clips of them and in their bios it's a link to none other than hustlers university 2.0 without even owning a tik-tok account for himself he's taken over the platform with over 11 billion hashtags of his name being used what's your biggest platform i just looked at tik-tok you haven't conquered there yet haven't i how many followers you got i don't have an account it's a fake account that i'm looking at i don't have an account i don't have an account i was telling you dave that's what i was telling you have people make the accounts for you essentially right there are there are thousands and thousands of new videos of me on tick tock per day and i don't have a tick tock account the platform has done little to limit the spread or ban the accounts responsible despite much of the content appearing to break tick tock's rules which explicitly ban misogyny and copycat accounts while other platforms like instagram currently have influencers creating petitions to remove his content all around but regardless he's already been propelled far into the mainstream even telling his students to stroke controversy to improve their chances of going viral and in the process he's created five million dollars a month in revenue off this business model this explains why you can't go one day without seeing him on your timeline multiple times it no longer matters if those promoting his content believe in what he says or stands for because they now have an incentive to just keep posting it and his plan is working this isn't the first business andrew j created that's made in millions either he's been open about how he's made his money in the past first as a kickboxing world champion investing in casinos and of course his webcam business that he and his brothers themselves called a scam they claimed to run a studio where at one point 75 models worked for them set up in front of a camera where men paid four dollars a minute to speak with them we're gonna start a webcam business you're gonna stay you're gonna live in london i'm gonna look after you and we're gonna get rich rich we're gonna be a team and they're all like well who's this she's my girlfriend she's my girlfriend she's my girl you're all my chicks and they're gonna stay here and we're gonna make some money admittedly they usually had someone else on a keyboard off the screen replying to the men while the women just sat there and gave the illusion it was them but how andrew tate made his money isn't why there's an army of people trying to cancel his movement there's the normal leaving girl that says that you that's not true do you know her she's been to your house lots of people have been to my house he's been accused of violence against several women had his home in the uk raided and again in romania in a recent investigation police noticed several of the women living in his house even had tattoos that read owned by t and referred to him as master something you don't even see cult leaders do which raise suspicions about how his business actually operates not only that but in 2006 he appeared on the reality tv show big brother but was kicked off shortly after due to a video circulating of him allegedly abusing his ex-girlfriend he defended himself by saying the video was out of context stating that if you watch the full clip they're actually laughing about it and just role-playing although he hasn't been found guilty on any of these accusations this in combination with viral interviews of him coming off as misogynistic towards women has everyone talking about him he seems to enjoy the negative attention and still found ways to gain a large following and in turn make a profit off of it but the question a lot of people are asking is is this actually who he is or is this all just a big act to get people's attention according to andrew himself this is all just part of a three-step plan and becoming the most hated man on the internet was only step one this is stage one of a three-step plan so i'm going to be viral for a little bit longer and then step two begins the conquest is continuing so this is just the beginning of the world because a lot of people are saying like you're gonna fall off soon this is just a minute no problem what's your take on that that's fine i've been around the internet for a very long time and i'm building systems which are very sustainable
Channel: Publish X
Views: 134,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew tate, andrew tate documentary, andrew tate moments, andrew tate on women, andrew tate tik tok, andrew tate hustlers university, the war room, hustlers university 2.0, andrew tate reaction, andrew tate song, andrew tate podcast, andrew tate adin ross, andrew tate xqc, andrew tate nelk, andrew tate hasan, andrew tate fight, andrew tate kickboxing, andrew tate shorts, andrew tate highlights, andrew tate islam, andrew tate women, andrew tates final message
Id: cknpoNiEeAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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