Thulean Sorcery | Meeting a black metal legend

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did I really met V vickness let's find out this history started in 1996 or 1998 it's been a long time when I get H my first information about this uh Norwegian music movement call it black metal or true Norwegian black metal so when I get H the first impression in a magazine I think it this was a Spanish Magazine from Spain uh it call it h heavy Rock so I get my first Contact H with this H kind of music so I get all this information where the vents H happened uh you know a couple of years before ER as I started to get into this H music movement so I get H later the news uh what really happens on these events on Norway you know H the situation between Mayhem and the one man solo music project so when I received uh those news H around that time it was very significant for me it was really you know particular it was different and I feel uh very interesting you know I was like a teenager uh during those times so I was really interesting to get more information and to you know to get uh like a CD or something that I can you know you know try to listen this kind of music before before I get into the you know into the long way of information about this music project so it was like you know the years goo pising you know year by year and day by day time by time and I was get uh a little bit more information about that but if you remember during those times at the end of the 90s we don't have Internet so it was a little bit difficult for us to get information about uh this what happen you know after all this you know situation in Norway so after that ER I bought H my first ER one solo music project City The Unforgettable the Masterpiece ER the beauty of philosoph and album so it was really interesting about the artwork it it it called me my attention because it was not like a regular artwork of some kind of a metal band you know uh maybe you probably know what I am talking about so I was really curious I was really interesting about the artwork about the titles of the songs and well I put a the this CD on my stereo so it was it was like a really strange sound for me but it was nice you know it was my first you know contact with this H one solo music project so after I listen H philosoph and I started to you know to get a little bit more information about the discography of the band you know how many albums H this band if I if if we can call it a half you know it was released so while I know that it was only one musician that plays all the instruments in their albums so it was quite interesting for me ER after you know it's been a long time and after I think it was like after 10 years more or less maybe more ER we started you know to get H more information about this project about new releases like bellus like you know H Fen um kimar and the the the change sound it was you know particularly interesting because we probably remember ASE or the debute album dson and gavar or even I Lett Ro that the sound it was more aggressive more ra more dark so we started to get H more information about his point of views uh you know through this uh YouTube channel toan's perspective and we you know to interact uh more with him Al we know we get some uh points of view from him about life about werness about the music about uh the family about the work about politics perspective about you know everything that a human being can think uh in his life so I started uh to develop this interested Mission ER to try to approach to him ER it was my very first time in Europe so I I told to myself if I have only one chance H to meet him I will do all my best to try to meet him uh so I started to watch all the videos of Tan's perspective H try to you know get some more information about others documentaries about some kind of magazine some kind of text h digging a little bit on the internet about his life about what happens after their release uh from the prison in Norway so I get the information that H they moved H to uh France uh with h his wife col it Marie kette also and he have a you know a bunch of kids you know he have a a little bit or big family members you know like he was like a he have a five or six kids in his house so it was really interesting that after all these years you know in the jail so he ER tried to you know have a big family so it was you know it's really interesting especially in this kind of H black metal musicians so H I spent two years yes you are listening it right two years to try to you know to get the information about where he lives H in the 2019 year so after you know after two years ER you know doing my research uh you know uh trying to get all the information I finally found H the place H where he lives the year of this discovery will be put in the description of this video you you you can see the date down below so it was you know very satisfactory for me I feel good I feel very happy with me and myself and you know all these years that I spent two years years trying to find where he lives so I put my bags you know I try to to organize all my things and I travel to France in 2019 as you H told you before and when I arrived to France it was like a very tricky location of where he lives Er When I arrived H to this on disclosed location in France in the middle of nowhere it was on a very warm ER Sunday afternoon during the month of July so it was particularly interesting and it was very special for me that it was my first time in France also it was my first time in Europe but I have a very wonderful time uh living and you know uh learning a lot of things uh from the people and from the culture and from the you know from these H magic countries well after my you know arriving H to the little place where I can stay I go to sleep uh very early because I was really tired you know traveling H that day was like a a very long journey from where I was on in France and I arrive uh to the place where I will pass in the night so I talk to myself uh I want to do this uh you know as soon as possible if if you know Destiny or faith can brings me the opportunity so h i remember when I was you know watching the videos in my country at my place in my house and I and I just remember and I saw you know this beautiful landscapes now you know in the real life and I just remember a lot of beautiful things that I saw in the Tan's perspective videos so it was a a little bit interesting for me and I while try to find the way that I can meet him because H he say in a couple of videos that he was not particular interested to meeting fans of course we are smart and we understand that but unfortunately for us we are really you know interesting to meeting him to say hey thank you very much for all the things that you do hey this is my favorite album hey you know uh a lot of things you know so er I right you know I try to organize my things and I say oh I hope to you know to try to do all my best so I remember in the to perspective videos that he have three cars so uh subscripts or you know people that you are watching this video what do you need if you have three cars to move the cars put in the description Down Below in the comments your answer of course if you have three cars you need gasoline two you know use those cars so it was on the gas station that I think that it was the most right uh place to meet him you know to don't go to his house or you know try to invade his privacy because I was not interested in you know go to his house or you know try to be a little bit irrespectful if in a kind of way so I am very respectful I am very polite and I say if he rejects me of he say no you need to understand that you are you are not going to push him you know to meet you because it's not H my intentions so I sleep uh very well that night on a Sunday night and early that morning I am an early bir I woke up at 5:00 a.m. in the morning I take my shower put my clothes organize my music take my breakfast and I will walk uh you know to the gas station H to wait for him since 800 a.m. in the morning after I think it was like an 1 hour more or less that you know I listen the sound and I say what is going on here so when I put uh my face uh through the right I turn on my face I saw the amazing and fantastic and beautiful was the uh car that he used in some of his videos and he arrived to the gas station so I put on uh from the chair that I was sitting on on the gas station and he took you know the gasoline thing to put at the gas on his was and I say good morning bark my name is David I came from Colombia just to meet you and he was like a little bit surprised because he think oh these guys know who I am you you know so I say hey bar just in case I don't carry any guns I put H my hoodie my camo floody h on the top you know so he can see you know my hips that I don't carry any gun or any knife or something like that that I'm going to attack him you know so I bring him some kind of conf confidentiality or some kind of security that I'm not going to do a Bad Thing H to him you know so I say oh you are from colia you have problems with Maduro you say yeah yes he is the president of Venezuela he was uh at this moment he was really wise because I say oh he knows who is Maduro he knows where is Venezuela so he's very wise he read a lot what that's what I think so thank you bar for all your amazing work that you do during all these years it's really important for for us you know to to enjoy your music so thank you very much for all your work because your music work make us happy or in some kind of ways when you are when you have problems with your family when you have problems with your friends when you have problems at work or University or you know a daily problem your music was or Escape you know you will put your music in our sound systems or maybe on our mobile phones right now and we you know disconnect all this uh bad situation from our lives H you know trying to canaly you know trying to listen your music so uh your music is a relief for our lives you know so it's it's really nice for for us so he say oh thank you David I never h think that you know I never took that my music was a like a healing you know for for a lot of people around the world so I say hey bar excuse me this is my music collection H could you sign please and he say do you want that I sign all this stuff and I say okay only use the venal because I have all the uh discography on CD format also I have one Bal and also I have a DVD and a extra CD that he collaborates in some kind of lyrics of this band call it dark Throne so he said don't worry David I will sign you all your stuff but but pay attention we have only condition please don't reveal where I live to anybody don't say to anybody where I live I say bark be my guest so he signed a my discography and he started to signed all my records so for me it was really you know I feel very well he signed all my records with my name to David and his name and it was a really important moment for me and I say hey my relationship with my dad was not the best but you you are a dad for me so thank you very much for all the things that you do all the things that I learn from you ER about life you know about try to have a simple life that people that watch uh toan's perspective H probably know what I am talking about so I say hey finally H excuse me can I give you a hug and I say of course and I give you one of the most H important hugs that I ever bring to a person in my life so after meeting him uh we say goodbye and he you know uh runs on his car in the gas station and I saw that Mar kette his wife was inside the you was the car and he she signed me a their DVD you know for the beers and she was really amazing she was really you know it was a very beautiful human being with me and she was really nice person so I have a beautiful memories of you know like these 5 Seconds H you know when I talk to her and she say oh you came from South America just to meet him you are crazy and I say yes crazy like him you know refering me to bar so we l a lot you know so they you know they just H Ru out of this car you know and I was just sitting in the gas station and I say hey goodbye bar and he you know he bring me the sound of the car beep beep and I say hey goodbye so it was like a very funny moment you know an amazing experience it was like uh I think is probably the best experience of my life so uh this was my you know my story of Life about how I met VAR also I want to say thank you for all the support that H people around the world H brings me you know in my patience even if you know we have some kind of sensorship about you know why on you know social media but I hope that every every person in the world enjoys his music enjoy his legacy celebrate his life H every year when he was on birthday very important and you know this is a very you know interesting history it's very interesting history for
Channel: Thulean Sorcery
Views: 3,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #BlackMetal #VargVikernes #Burzum #Norway #TrueNorwegianBlackMetal #France
Id: nfyPrSidFj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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