Andrew Tate Flying First Class Emirates #andrewtate

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whales didn't eat I wonder why whales haven't been recorded eating people just not recorded bro bro they have let me tell you something no one who no one who's ever been eaten by a whale a book they didn't come back and told us watch out so when any goes whales are fine how do you know met whale [ __ ] every [ __ ] strand let SE that's right they don't come back back and [ __ ] tell you do they the ghost the way will give a solitary [ __ ] about you and your [ __ ] tr suit [ __ ] coins no no who H doesn't give a [ __ ] about you or your tracksuit you're [ __ ] leverage trading no one gives a [ __ ] of course he's going to eat you Luke all these [ __ ] ocean lovers are so confident oh this type of shark doesn't the [ __ ] do you doesn't live here let me tell you something you ever look where do you know where they live every ocean is connected it's just water what you think they have geography degrees oh yeah but they don't attack humans says who says who dogs don't attack humans until they do they're dogs they're our best you're in the ocean and you get attacked by a [ __ ] by attacked by something you don't come out and tell everyone you got attacked you usually just die maybe a seal drown you a random a random cat will randomly attack you you're going to tell me a massive [ __ ] biggest animal on Earth won't randomly think [ __ ] this guy I think [ __ ] this guy when I look at you and I'm I'm not even cross his mind of course it is who's this [ __ ] on his paddle board get [ __ ] we love that why would Luke love economy so he could Escape us yeah he me anywhere near us that's what it is I can downgrade you I'll ask them if they'll downgrade you for free I'll say listen find a nice person in economy who seems really sweet and give them a first class seat and switch AO with this ner you think that would get me it wouldn't get me at all in any way shape or form I was born in economy why do you do Eon by it why do you do it I didn't know first class until I was already man why do you do economy I didn't start flying first class until I was older than you and I still will never give it up well we're trying to take the airline down by offsetting the price of the ticket by boozing and eating thank very much and I'm doing all the heavy lifting as usual Luke's going to eat the food I'll see if they have caviar I might be able to take them down with caviar they will be able to serve a bit of caviar but they don't have enough caviar to pay for a seat all the caviar one seat might teach him a lesson there's no time for sleep sleep it's bar they're opening the bar as you speak is this better the economy Sur yeah I choose it for you I like surprises that way it's terrible I don't have to play myself I'm going to fix her it's 5 in the morning he's tired come to the bars and go to sleep babies so I'm going to fix it looks also tired are you tired yes look how tired is an Eminem's not going to say he open M&M and M&M one m& now it's just chocolate these thank you sp water for me please thank you very much sorry about him I apologize do you want to it nice suppos to down going it doesn't apply boice 0% appes the only reason my first time is what you suffer what you [Music] let's going away boo please yeah do make sense adjust didn't get me
Channel: HighFlyBirdy
Views: 31,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Andrew Tate video, Andrew Tate reaction, Andrew Tate speech, Andrew Tate motivational speech, Andrew Tate discpline, Andrew Tate advice, Andrew Tate motivation, Andrew Tate ban, Andrew Tate mindset, Tate, Tate speech, Tate ban, Tate speaks, TOP G, Top G, Andrew Tate emergency meating, Tate confidential, Andrew Tate confidential, matrix, matrix escape, the real world, Cobra mind, Andrew Tate private jet, Andrew Tate flying first class
Id: pfxx0SDG6hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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