Adam Sosnick On Increasing Your Attractiveness As A Man In 2024

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to revisit the Instagram thing that we talked about the world has changed yes since whether you call it Facebook or whether you call it Instagram let's just say 2010 okay what year do you want to kind of put this Schism whatever it is I don't know what year would you say um I would say it's O that's a that's a great question I'd say around 2012 a lot of things started to come off the hinges and then I'd say by around 2015 2016 it had kind of Gone full steam we're right there on the same page but you know some some people could say Facebook now you can go look and that's the girl that you liked in high school now your I think it's when people started carrying it around in their pocket all the time that too yeah and then Instagram out there you know so there's a couple things that that that come to mind there's the fomo right there's oh there's all this going on but I'm stuck in home over here and now it's a global dating Marketplace you used to just go to the you know your local watering Hall in Dallas or de Mo and or in Delaware or what whatever D City or B C whatever and now now it's a global dating marketpl and now you're not competing with the people in your hometown you're competing with the people in your country competing with people around the world yep you know you said all you met your you know we go there but these DMS speaking of D cities the DMS that Chang the life uh I also think that there's something I learned this the hard way that comparison is the thief of Joy so now you have so much to compare with well there's this and there's so many options out there you ever go to the Cheesecake menu oh yep and now you see like all right do I want to order this or or this or this or this or this or this or this so what does that mean to people who are already married those people miss the boat uhh but they still have a phone they still have Facebook they still have Instagram they still so now they're like well did I make the right decision did I not make the right I have these kids you know but men are still compared to Men of all time are provider your protector you're being present for your women there's still going to be accountability there for that women as you're getting older all right so I love my wife and all that but d like there's always going to be that and now it's even more Amplified right there so I think it's even proven that these algorithms and these social media apps are making life harder and harder and harder and what we're seeing in America for sure is that less people are getting married or they're certainly delaying marriage um less people are having kids less women are having kids more women and bought into the feminism type of things I Don't Need No Man um what I call the Chelsea Handler lifestyle yes um the few percentage of dudes that can be that dude that like makes money has a lot of chicks you know hypergamy yes they're going to you know reap the benefits of getting all the money and all the women and all the views and all the clicks that's great but then you have a 80 other per of men that are like yo what about me over here yeah but they need to realize they need to get into that category so there's just so much going on but relationships are hard enough yes the reason they call it the one is because 99% of the time they don't work out and you marry the one the 1% but now you throw in social media and you throw in algorithms and you throw in a global dating Marketplace there's so there's so much competition out there like competition supposed to be good that's capitalism options but now there's so many options and there's so much stuff going on that I think it's hard to be satisfied in the current situation you're in but even if you're kind of satisfied in whatever situation you're in you could always be like well let's roll the dice and see what else is out there so I think it's more complicated than ever but one thing that kind of assured about at least for a man out there is you know that you want to you don't want to have multiple baby momets I assume that's not a good thing for most people aspiration you want to have kids so you you you use that as a general framework and then you let the rest kind of be figured out along the way but it's not easy these no yeah I think I I often say that anyone who's been married for certainly 10 plus years um but you could maybe even say seven plus years 99% chance they they don't quite get just how much it's changed let alone people who have been married for like decades and decades yeah some stuff has stayed the same because human beings are human beings some of the challenges of being a man or being a woman like that doesn't change that's just Eternal but people massively underestimate the technological shift and just how much of an impact it's had it's interesting as well because you talk about um sort of options and availability and I think that for both both men and women a lot of it is an illusion right because yeah you you you described that situation you know a man might be in and you know he's he's God his wife what and he's you know gosh you're seeing this and you're seeing that you're seeing that but just because you can see something or there's someone out there it doesn't mean like it doesn't mean these are this these are all real options to it's the same even even if you're in super attractive woman you you will have you will have thousands millions of options of men who um would be happy to jump into bed with you or to date you but what percentage of those men would be willing to commit right to you like to truly commit not like sex is not a high bar not for men no right but what person oh I've got all these options like these guys are interested it's like sure lots of men are thirsty there's lots of thirsty men on the internet but don't be getting gassed up thinking all of those men want to marry you and want to put a ring on your finger and we'll commit to you we make those and I find when people actually can like shift that mindset and understand it and then understand that like look I believe very much that love is an act of Will and it's a choice I haven't been married yet I will get married in the future and have children but I think often times people miss that it's like it's it's not just passive right it's like a concerted effort and long-term desire and it it's it's it's a commitment it's a commitment um and let me add one thing that uh there used to be a time so you said your parents are married 48 years yeah 48 years yeah did your dad I'm the youngest of five kids and I'm 37 so if I do the math I think 48 years yeah what did your mom do what did your dad do my mom was a when they met yeah my dad was a physician okay gotcha and my mom was a university student at the time all right so classic about 10 year about a n 9 10 year age cap was she was probably pretty and he was successful pretty CL on at least on yeah successful on the path towards it on the path towards so um there used to be a time when an average guy a hardworking guy you know lunch lunch penel worker guy could get a normal average good-looking wife Y and that was a fair trade yes he's got a job he's going to provide and protect for his woman and he's going to be there for his woman she's going to be a good wife she's going to cook in clean yeah as and I'm not saying that women shouldn't go to school I'm not saying that women educate themselves whatsoever but you know hypergamy women started succeeding and doing better and they would look down on this guy if he doesn't have a college degree and now that woman wants only a top guy yes and the pool gets the pool shrinks as women get moved better up they they priced themselves out so and that that's regardless of their career so now there's women especially if you're ATT tracked online you got so many guys sliding in your DM there's so many guys saying hey you're so pretty you're so doing this this and those are just regular women yes imagine the women who are doing only fans or are sex workers and there's more than there should be yes by far and they're getting all the attention and the guys are telling them they're so hot that their cth is overflowing with validation and you're the best you're the hottest you're the thing ever so now that girl goes out into the real world and she gets hit on by a normal guy that in that traditionally she should pay attention to she's like e what do you want like she has that attitude that you know I'm better than thou attitude even if she's doing only fans right because she's just getting that attention and validation all day every day from social media that when it happens in real life when an actually a good dude yes says hey how are you can't recognize it instead instead of saying hey how are you as well she's just like I'm I've already had my attention for the day so but those women those High you know those women they're beautiful gorgeous whatever they still want the zubes of the world they still want the top dogs but if you're not on that level there's a 90% chance they want nothing to do with you so it's harder than ever for a guy out there and it's kind of easier than ever for a girl out there the only difference is it it's it's harder for a woman to actually get prop who has to propose the man a guy will hit it yes that my point yeah you know I call I have one buddy I call him Mr two to 10 yeah cuz he'll take you down if you're a 10 he'll take you down if you're two just depends on how much uses Stu yeah but uh that that that is very hard to do um but you have to be that dude so it's harder than ever what I'm saying No Doubt okay uh Beyond obviously we've talked about leveling up as a man um I know but the primary people who do listen to this podcast and I assume yours as well it is predominantly young to Young to middle-aged men yeah um where do you where where do you see this all going we've talked about uh on your podcast being in the first quarter The Next Century we've got man we've got robotics coming down the pipeline we've got Artificial Intelligence coming down the pipeline where do you think where do you think this all goes for better or worse team oh in general or man um that's that's a fantastic question I was actually thinking along the point of what we were just talking about in terms of dating relationships marriage family formation that whole world we've talked about how technology has disrupted it in the past 10 to 15 years and I see many more technological disruptions coming down the pipeline probably sooner than people think what what's your opinion on that look um I'm the last person maybe in the world to give you the AI answer about virtual reality and like you know I learned this with the metaverse like you know people are talking about the metaverse I'm actually worried about what's going on in the universe I don't know what's going on with augmented reality or virtual reality I'm trying to focus on reality here's what I know uh men are judged on on three different categories um your your wealth uh how much money you can make and everything that kind of falls into that right we we can all agree that making money and being successful is incumbent for a man yes okay um name some name a poor guy that people are talking about these days whether it's Elon Musk whether it's LeBron James whether it's Jay-Z whether it's Patrick B David they've all made some money and made their Mark in this world cool the next thing is like you talked about earlier the easiest thing you can do is look your best yes dress well out like don't be a slob you know there there's a there's a new uh study out there that's showing that men with breasts are going to have a lower life expectancy we're like yeah no [ __ ] men shouldn't have breasts yeah so you don't have to be ripped you don't have to be you know six pack up but just above average look good have some style have some flare you're not going to always be looking like Miami Vice C but like but just look your best though but then the other thing is acting your best yes so that's being a man of principles a man of character a man a man of integrity and everyone has a different type of gang you know the guys out there that are super funny and super Charming women love them but you also guys know that are super romantic and like passionate women love that too we also know guys that are super intellectual so creative artistic playing the guitar by the fire all that but it's if you're and I judge myself as so those three things that triangle is what I call your status of of a man okay so you might be a high on money but you might be fat and sloppy you might be a shitty person if you add up the score you have a 10 on money but a zero and zero on everything else but as long you're the top 10% of one of the three categories you're going to be okay you're a rich guy but you're kind of you know sloppy but you don't have the best personality you can rely on your money a little bit if you're a super fit guy right yes women are going to be attracted to you you're going to make your way to this world but you might have a lame personality you might be broke you live with your mom that's all going to get you so far yeah you might be super charismatic you might be super amazing women love a sense of humor all that but you might be brok you might be sloppy but if you can be in the top 10% of any of those categories especially if you can be the top 10% of two of the categories or what if you can be the top 10% of all three of those categories where you can be wealthy you can be looking your best but also a man of integrity and honor that's what I would call the top G or a high value man but it's it's hard to do all three so that's what I would say is that whether AI shows up or VR shows up or whatever it is if you can be successful goodlooking and have your [ __ ] together and be a good person I think that is time
Channel: Zuby
Views: 1,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zuby, real talk with zuby, zuby podcast, social media, dating, relationships, marriage, technological disruption, societal trends, societal challenges, hypergamy, masculinity, femininity, competition, commitment, personal development, self-improvement, societal expectations, gender dynamics, career success, physical appearance, character, integrity
Id: Mz3pruJO0P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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