Andrew Tate Buys 3 Koenigseggs?

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how many calls do you currently have let's try and work this out I have a RAC NAA that's around 5 million I have the bagatti around 5 million I have two Jas ordered they were 5 million each why two Jons because I speced it and I couldn't decide which color it was between the two and I thought well I'm not a Brokey on PO I got Jesco that's 5 million what's the keg process of buying it must be a pain in the ass waight list all that for the average man perhaps when you're Andrew T if I want a $5.4 million Pagani to go with a Pagani Penthouse that cost $29 million then I just buy both send a message to the competent Authority purchase that's five cars are already at 30 million so what's the 59 cars worth hundreds of millions of dollars
Channel: Moore Money Secrets
Views: 2,258,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R3dGx92WcXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 35sec (35 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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