Andrew Tate opens up about crying after being released from jail

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when you were put on house arrest was there any moment that you cried from like happiness I never cried from happiness and I never cried from sadness because I think crying is an act in and of itself to cry is to sit and cry I didn't do that I did have tears run down my face hey man that's crying no it's not because I was busy having tears run down my face as I'm doing push-ups or tears run down my face as I'm organizing the school for my child and my voice isn't breaking is different than sitting and crying I didn't sit and dedicate myself to crying I didn't sit and do the act of crying my eyes leaked as I achieved
Channel: George Janko
Views: 2,237,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George Janko, George Janko YouTube, George Janko Vlogs, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Dwarf Mamba, mike majlak
Id: 3xOF9O8SSHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 34sec (34 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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