Andrew Scott... Talks all Things Pride

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sexuality to me isn't something that you can cultivate it's not a talent like you know playing the banjo that's not the way sexuality works you know you don't you don't you don't update you don't get sexuality 5s as a somebody who's a minority myself i don't i don't as a gay person feel like like i want to get employed for that reason i don't consider my sexuality to be um particularly interesting people's sexuality isn't isn't um it's not to titillate people i think it's very important for for people to just be who they are and you have as much right to be as private about your sexuality as you as as you as as you want you really do with a lot of gay characters they're constantly talking about their sexuality every day they seem to be getting up thinking about being gay i mean that's not interesting all the lead characters were gay there were 15 of them so you couldn't say oh i played the gay one in that because everybody was playing the gay one i was a bit dubious about that about asking permission for what i believe is a as a as a human right we were in dublin castle i think we were with d.o.k the okay david authority yeah uh yeah your mom my mom my sister yeah and lots of loads of gay irish people all right all of gay ireland in that square it was so incredible incredible hopefully someday um people won't have to label themselves at all labeling is for cans not for people thank you prejudice doesn't survive proximity if you know somebody that's gay you think well that's that boring person that i know from the thing and and and not all gay people are boring andrew so of course it's not a flaw in our in our thing thank god it's not mercifully it's not seen that way anymore but it's not a virtue any more than being straight is or any sexuality is but the thing is is that some some men are attracted to women and some men are attracted to men and some women are attracted to men and some women are attracted to to women and some like a bit of both and it's been going on since the dawn of humanity and it's going to continue till the end of humanity and it's as natural as the grass growing and so i think for god's sake let's move on people you know let's move on when i was about 20 i i heard this beautiful expression which was my burden has become my gift and i noticed that i i wrote it down there's a very beautiful expression which is my burden has become my gift and um i think i think you know to see you saying that is really really really beautiful you can not think about it so much anymore and when you when you clear that space because you don't have to think about it anymore because everybody knows who you are then that allows you to be kind and and to look outwards rather than looking into yourself and then it really will be a gift rather than a burden you can be your unique individual self so trying to be like everybody else trying to slot in is valueless you just have to find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it members of the original lgsm lesbians and gay support the minors all marched behind us and they were just incredibly moved they worked so hard and um it's you know on their shoulders that we stand gay straight bisexual asexual whatever floats your boat that's um that's a that's up to you and uh i think it's time that we embraced every different type of sexuality and i've got [Applause] these
Channel: AndrewScott Clips
Views: 2,064
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Wvj2HUAL4Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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