Andrew Scott Interview 2020 Isolation Essentials

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avoid equal snags by telling people they're being recorded should probably tell you at this point Andrew that you're being recorded wait Feli gonna be recorded in here how are you I'm good thanks buddy how are you yeah and where I am all right I was just saying you can see I'm at my mom's from all the chintz in the background are you at home I'm at home yeah and you're in my kitchen how is it it's good you know what it's fine it's um it's a little bit of a weird time um well I'm kind of determined when it's all over which it will be but I get something out of it you know like just you know it's the first time really in a long time that I've been able to stop and so if people love I love I will remain healthy and all that kind of stuff I feel very I feel kind of grateful I feel like just stuff that's coming out that I think is kind of good people keep talking about the eerie calm and then I I sometimes think it's not to come that's eerie it's the fact that it's happened so suddenly because stuffing ourselves into a tube five hundred seven days a week is bit eerie I think eerie stuff the other way too is no eerie down on Brookwood canal where I am at the moment there are a lot of aggro people that'll Brookwood canal pushing out the way when you run past like the hiding in bushes as you go fast they don't breathe on them so untrue you've got five things you're gonna talk about that are your big or isolation essentials and I do any the best thing I did okay it's listen to a guy called mo God go - Elizabeth days I think I told until I said it - you did send it to me yeah I haven't had much mystery yeah embarrassing and he wrote a book on happiness and Elizabeth on her how to fail her podcast interviews and she did she'd interviewed him before but she talked to him about you know anxiety during the corona corona virus em pandemic and he just speaks with incredible humanity great generosity great sort of wisdom and can about what what this can be and what rather following the heard of what what what we were thinking ourselves and how how actually the majority of us are are relatively safe and he doesn't you know minimize the pain that some people are going through but he also says you know that's let's look at it from a particular tip from a particular angle and its really really being beneficial because I haven't quite at the beginning of the Koren at the quarantine and then it's brilliant so it's how to fail with Elizabeth day she's actually also just interviewed Alain de Botton the great philosopher and he was brilliant as well amazing so it's just those kind of guys that you know that they're speaking not just from this moment of time but they're able to look in a big overview which I find very comforting go on well Steve what else are your isolation essentials isolation it's more social distancing as its social distancing essentials social distancing yeah exactly that's exactly because we reload every kind of government government regulated walks and times this is meant to be kind of vaguely styling grooming related but I think as you rightly said that you know people have people at engaging less in that side of things although you know some of us should probably be engaging a little bit more oh really interesting because like you everything everybody sort of misses that stuff a little bit you can't come that's cool what you do it for it so it's not that you know he sort of realized your horizon becomes a little bit smaller doesn't it so you're like oh god like what you know your identity sort of gets a little up with this kind of time you think oh go a little my father interacting for four days I had a zoom conversation the other day with a couple of friends acquaintance we went through all the clothes that we were wearing like so we did a little catwalk for each other in Sainsbury's today I read a story about the ship close to you right you're like I got these there it's three four five quit in the market yes so yeah it's it's amazing it sort of it moves for the background it's a great freedom with that I don't know are you finding that oh my god 100% I come down to my mom's as I said and well I just kind of thought right I'm just bringing a suitcase fit I've kind of worn on the same kind of blue jumper and jeans it does it does make you wonder about my role slightly we're not required to do that miss interesting very many zoom parties yeah yeah we kind of have to we have a big ones work every morning which involves about 40 people I went to a surprise birthday party last week on zoom it was amazing my friend was so surprised we're all people more around the world and it is that kind of thing about what you bring to a party you know I really because that sort of relates to start and grooming you're like you know you gotta bring something you're not gonna bring you know cuz dressing up and you know having a sense of occasion it's usually what you bring to a party but when you get rid of all that stuff and you're just looking at the person you like drinking thing it's also put into quite harsh contrast because there's one thing if you're in a pub and you're in a group of people and you're kind of going off to get drinks and it's kind of like a little bit of ephemeral they'll really knows or people in this instance you're watching people literally down a bottle two drinks I'm like I don't know why maybe this is something but the focus of just looking at people and then you sort of sidebar and then you're like in your apartment or you're just really anxious and kind of quiet so okay so number what you've done number one which is Elizabeth day I don't do love that podcast she's amazing and really is particularly they're connected specifically to the the anxiety and coronavirus and all the concern it's really one of the great things is to just sort of an that makes me feel better one of the things that I learned a bottle talks about in in the in the podcast is our human need to sort of you know it's what we miss our families in our you know some of us our parents or grandparents people or older it's the need to look after people a little bit as well and so one of the things that I think is important right is panic like actually don't my number two is gone meet the mute button buy information at the moment so like if people want to turn this off like I literally no offense taken but like yeah I think sometimes you just got to be like no I do not I do not need to I do not need to see a picture of an empty shelf in a supermarket because that signifies to me that you my friend are an empty shell it's sort of try not to spread spread just what you've heard before and to sort of seek to like I don't know I'm sounding a bit hippy about it now but like to try and you know it's the first kind of pandemic that we've had with social medium there's so much information I have a sort of private Instagram as you know it's brilliant Instagram to really cheer you up and it does amazing things but also you're really aware when your world becomes smaller that you know I just I actually just don't need to and there's a kind of a need I don't know if you find that people's misery is almost exactly the same as their showing off to showing off their misery as much as they are their fabulousness and the fact that people I mean I'm probably saying this and I've done it myself but you like it's so visible you just become really really aware don't you have like what makes you happy I think it's really good for that really what you need to do and want to and there's just some people you know in relation to Instagram where you're like but is invading my daily life madam they don't even live I never will meet them so to be able to just go do you know what I don't need you at this this this time it's a sort of fun it's sort of a little bit focusing so that I've used them the mute button button quite turn but by the mute do you mean do you mean mute or do you mean unfollow it's good vibes only it's classic we're allowed to be feel it feel a little bit skittle scared and all that kind of stuff but there's a way of there's a way of like just looking to sort of Kinsella rather than be consoled I just find it a little bit and maybe that's just what I need at the moment but I'm I think really good just to call that thing I've also kind of realized I was knockers I really was we work so hard I've been working really hard no because you're always striving for something always gonna can't gonna do this coming adjust with the way works come at this year and look the way we we all are you know and so actually just to stop a little bit and find out what else he can be out so I don't work and you know what's important I mean it sounds a bit cliche but that's been really and a big one for me I was going to ask actually like because it has been such a massive year for you like so massive do you um do you worry about like the momentum slowing in kind of the opposite I feel like I feel like had I not had this break I've actually been able to stop and go geez that's been an extraordinary year doesn't really house with me genuine wasn't doing you come and you go from job to job to job and we were over in LA for just before the pandemic broke out and everybody was talking with her new jobs and you know all that crazy time we're over at the awards season and openings of 1917 opened and all I can stuff on you it's been really really exciting that's used to be realized that was really amazing in contrast to sort of sitting like it's in my kitchen but like I've really found actually if you don't stop and go oh that's really cool then you know what the hell is the point there's friends of mine who work in big companies who haven't been home on a Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock for 20 years you know mean that I cool it completely messes with your mind and I think we sort of go through a sort of weird grief period we're like you miss all the stuff and then because we were so adaptable I think you start to go okay but I do believe that good stuff will come out of it because I think just shaking something up and going who else are you apart from that complete rhythm that you're in before I think that's a really good thing if you could see one major change occurring there would be a positive change out of this process what would what do you think that would be what would you like that to be well it's again I think it's to do with social media it's amazing how social media has been such a huge part of our lives for so long but but actually now when you need that really need that connection when you really realize actually you can have a really brilliant time when you were sitting in your pants talking to your friends on the phone what makes you actually genuinely happy it's the people and who do you think of and who do you miss and what do you miss about life and you know that doesn't mean that it all has to be like like I think it's really like you do kind of miss dressing up on occasions and all the good stuff but I've always been a big fan of the non-event like I love the day after a wedding I love kind of funerals sometimes you know quite a couture look because nobody expects to be like hey you know you're just like you're allowed to be whatever the head so if you're on a zoom call at the moment if somebody starts crying you kind of just go yeah I understand so you're not sort of putting on there the front so I suppose in one way the one thing I'd really like to change is is people's attitude to what social media actually is you know like really genuinely what it is that you can present yourself as not perfect or filter the out of whatever you're doing and still really genuinely connection because that's connect with people because that's the point of what we're doing you know and I think we're starting to like be a bit more innovative like I don't think we would ever have this kind of conversation under normal circumstances I remember to see like your your your and family home you wouldn't get to be able to say what have you done shots it was read but give us roses philosophy today what's your third isolation essential well the thing that I've done twice my sis both my sisters put me onto this my sister Sarah was it's obsessive she does it every day you may have heard is Ryan Heffington dance classes have you rid of them I haven't heard of Ryan Heffington starts classes okay come on he's based in LA and he's just full of joy it's really stupid he asks you'd like to pick up bits of your laundry and swing it around or like you know he's got some sort of punch the presence moves and it's really joyful and the music is super cool super camp absolutely amazing just people are going around in their leisure where it's on it's on la time I think it's ten o'clock so it's a different time but it stays up until the next the next day and he's a he's a actually brilliant at choreographer but this is much more loose it's much more about what we're all going through then he leads you through into a sort of a different sort of so it's not all high octane and after it just feel really brilliant we don't cut too much rugs on the dance floor you and me we haven't actually did we not I think we did the tape although a lot of things happened but maybe we could do like a dance close together maybe that could be our next thing so number number four come on okay well number four it's it's pretty basic but it's these guys Andrew we do not need to learn about your private predilections in this public forum okay is it this is me these two members these are resistance bands you can do so much stuff with it because I see to the gym and I do think that exercise like at this time where everybody's really in their head and you whirring a little bit of blah blah blah one of the things that I wrote down and I've got I've got it to you is to is to just keep the exercise going so that's been a brilliant thing to do there's loads of classes that you can do online are just about resistance plants so if you've got them fishermen can use them I never really used them before because I always just go to the gym like I've also found that you actually really can break a sweat in your own what do you do do you kind of like the press up things like you stand on it then you can you sort of basically just you stretch it as much as can you stretch it that way you can put your I am genuinely I don't character sense sentimental but I'm really like even in relation to and products and stuff that you use mmm all the natural products weirdly I'm really trying to fish out like I'm using this sea salt spray that Murdoch - that you're like oh god yeah got a bit see to see that I'm gonna get you to realize you know nature's got its own thing going on it's I think it's about consciousness I think what we're coming much more conscious because you've got more time and you're like okay you really look forward to what you're gonna eat yes alright we're going to prepare like you it's sort of incidental you know it could be a bit like like food is just something to just not really think about sometimes and my fifth thing saying that people keep saying is stay connected stay connected you know FaceTime Skype whatever it is what's up people or whatever the ups are and I think that's really really important but the person that you're spending all your time with I'm suddenly very very aware of and you get maybe a little bit away with it you know when you work as an actor because you to spend kind of times with unemployment and you don't have a regular rhythm but if you're not connected to yourself it's like living with somebody and if I'm not checking in with what's going on with me mmm just constantly looking to FaceTime with people and looking outwards rather than sort of looking inwards you start to go a little bit not so it's been a really good time to be able to meditate and I've I've had a pretty mixed history with meditation I've been a bit like no I can't do it I can really can't do it what does that mean yeah you know oh my god I'm I didn't right am i doing this and it's kind of just a little bit like anything it's just I found I've got a little bit better you know in the past year as things have gone a bit more mental I've sort of tried to I kind of needed to go okay I just need a bit of a steel space and and with all this information going around I have found that if you kind of look inwards and you're able to just go okay everything is peace peaceful in there you're able to take that piece and bring it to the world rather than everything going out going on on that side and you bring that and that make it up becoming your your norm so just to be able to have something that's if it doesn't feel hippie-dippie to me it feels actually kind of scientific that actually if you just are able to in some way get better at going okay it's common there everything is alright then I find it much easier to to cope with this this time and I really hope who's to know that I'm able to to continue with property and get better others did you use like an app or a it was what's your tool I love this guy called Eckhart Tolle I think he's brilliant and I've got a whatsapp group with a group of us and someone whom I don't know and you can't have to kind of have to do it because you're rude so again it's that connected thing and and you think okay I've got I've got to do that leap and I definitely I definitely had an experience of a StoryCorps I thought oh I'm actually really looking forward to doing that rather it being another thing that I'm not really doing properly and that's just practice it's just because if you're if I really do think that if you're not kind of connected with who you are or what all this is doing to you or what you love or what then can tree bring anything to the rest of the world there's an awful lot going on all the time so I'm doing that as best I can best I can and you know as well as watching Tiger king and I really think I dunno maybe it's because it's all about capturing the natural world and like you realize all these Tigers and like what they know is to close up them and then this sort of madness that sort of it Susan but it's crazy people right like that world want to be next to retire going to be next to life and trying to absorb that energy it's like you've got to be a bit Matt you've got to be a bit it's like it's sort of a real ego thing and it seems to be lazy to sort of your own sexual prowess or something like like loads of people that they're either married to or you know there's star for ya and they're probably all got tiny tiny penises right listen I know you've got to go do your do your teaching myself so thank you for doing this I really appreciate it it's gonna be right [Applause]
Channel: ValeRose
Views: 20,575
Rating: 4.9932771 out of 5
Id: jwH2GOcFy9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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