Andrew Scott about Moriarty's sexuality.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] don't even joke with each other said Barack Jennifer later Jonathan make a choice here which often porky the fancy shop with each other was abundantly up the battle general knowledge who had of the Challenger Mike no pressure the pendulum for into the presence it will not be completely measured to the highfalutin your baby can we make the limousine well sure [Applause] [Music] what do you think about this condition but your parenting game and what do you think that is respectful to my destiny what you think our disabilities no character justification to agree with well here's my biology a very serious question and I people don't get to terrible but sexuality the characters Arthur's there is something about a Sherlock employee of Archie they're obsessed with each other how am I going to be much Bob relationship into the form of uncertain in some way at your job and under is that a thin line between love of pace and of course like any great and antagonistic royval on in Toronto there's going to be the sort of free from sexual free simple we live in the Internet age in the digital age and people are allowed to project whatever they choose to project onto the characters it's not what gives them pleasure it's not something that we should take a leap from no absolutely not but at what all great origin is it is its permanence to inspire and to give people confidence and and it's my job to play the character as a success and if people see something the characters relate to their sexuality whatever to our sexuality maybe and that's up to them to interpreters I am certain ideas about sexuality in the character comments and if people and see a part of the character then brilliant another thing another good input that I have to keep that close to my pattern in my imagination in the same way that I think about and more airings and familial situation is related to his family his relationship with his country his relationship with everybody and that includes his sexuality so that people don't I think people who are wine or the reliving a series is that people sexuality and for it's not stimulate people its own age for and for for currency which reducted reduce just and to fit a sort of afraid to feed a frenzy and so I'm very aware that should be government in fact I'm it's something I've spoken with with our producers about before and well yeah people will not want anyone see the characters gay straight bisexual asexual whatever floats your boat ducks and that's up to you and I think it's finally embraced every different type of sexuality he does another lumpy Herron's identity the supportive about them no way super witch [Applause]
Channel: akari kuro
Views: 202,340
Rating: 4.9848514 out of 5
Id: p_0rYmvic6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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