Andrew McCourt: Staying In Love - The Four Stages

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[Music] we're starting a new series today and it's called stayin and love can everyone say love Barry White's gonna be leading worship next wink we're gonna just be raising the temperature in here it's gonna be so good we're talking about this because it is so important that next week pastor ray and Carole are gonna be here on stage and they're talking about serve or at surviving the storms of marrieds anyone ever survived a storm in their marriage anyone ever created a storm in their marriage come on your that cyclone you know who you are okay and then the following week a pastor Kurt's gonna be talking about stayin sin when you have kids especially teenagers a whole section on that and you might be here today and thinking well you know what I'm single or I don't have kids or this is really important this is not just about for Mary people or parents listen this is about the Bible and it's about society how many people know that if you're single today even as a single person your very identity as male or female is under attack this is important stuff for us to talk about today that we get a theology about this marriage is under attack family is under attack and for every Christian we got to have a rationale for what we believe and why we believe it this has got to do with the eternal purposes of God this is about the very fabric of society so I'm gonna encourage you make sure that you get out in the following weeks then the last week of February we got a guest speaker it's a guy called Louie Giglio or something like that have you ever heard of louie giglio if you haven't heard of him he's amazing guy passion church over there in Atlanta and he's gonna be here and you are going to love that but today we're talking about an incompatibility okay still grinds for a great marriage Tolstoy he said this and it's such a great quote and said what makes a marriage kind it's not high compatible the two if you are but how you deal with incompatibility how many people know that guys and girls are different you are different everyone I'm gonna show you a video clip here and this is from laughing your way to a great marriage and this is a guy that's gonna examine a guy's brain and then examine a girl's brain and they are different everyone so here we go here we go we're gonna start discussing men's brains women's brains and how they're very different from each other now I want to start with men's brains all right now men's brains are very unique men's brains are made up of little boxes and we have a box for everything we've got a box for the car we got a box for the money got a box for the job we got a box for you we got a box for the kids we've got a box for your mother somewhere in the basement we got yeah we got boxes everywhere and the rule is the boxes don't touch when a man discusses a particular subject we go to that particular box we pull that box out we open the box we discuss only what is in that box all right and then we close the box and put it away being very very careful not to touch any other boxes now women's brains are very very different from men's brains women's brains are made up of a big ball of wire and everything is connected to everything to the car the cars gonna do your job your mother [Music] okay if you don't believe that you're wrong you're just wrong okay I'm in a guy's no dime we got a lot of boxes in our heads he goes on to talk about he goes on to talk about the biggest box and a guy's hair there's nothing box and that's the box that we like to go to the most because we love thinking about what guys nothing and a woman here sells thinking about what nothing okay it is so important we also have a myth out there it's the myth of total compatibility oh that we're gonna be exactly the same the truth is that we're not we're gonna read a passage here from Scripture and it brings in compatibility from the Bible and you are teaching today and it's so important let me start the introduction to that scripture by saying this anyone ever seen the greatest movie ever at the quiet mind with John win a Maureen O'Hara you know I'm talking about well it said in Ireland a John win returns to Ireland and he sets his eyes upon the beautiful Maureen O'Hara she comes across an Irish medal well that happened in Scripture when a guy called Jacob first saw a girl called written this is what it says in the Bible I love the Bible it says that when he saw her he noted that she was beautiful and lovely in the form thank you Bible and and so his eyes are drawn to her and he goes immediately to Rachel's father a guy called Livan and he said I want your daughter he said well you're gonna have to work for her how many guys in here know that you need to work for a great relationship more guys need to put up their hands cuz that's why it's not working alright that's why you're staying after school today you get extra lessons alright so this is this is really important everyone you got to work and then really so we had to work seven years but look at this I just this Bible is brilliant it says so Jacob served seven years to get ritual I look at this but they seemed like only a few days come on oh because of his love for her how can how many people remember that when you were romancing like the day I'm sorry the years or the months they just seem like days and neither days feel like years not him not for me obviously um then Jacob said to leave but give me my wife all right this this is good my time is completed and I want to make love to her doesn't make him a bad person all right so leave and brought together all the people off the place and give a feast but this is where the switch happens he doesn't tell him about a custom that really the first the oldest daughter is meant to be married first but when evening came he took his daughter Leia and brought her to Jacob and Jacob made love to her must have been all dark and quiet everyone and living give his servant Shilpa to his daughter as her attendant and look at this the greatest understatement in the Bible when morning Kim there was Leia Oh Oh embarrassing so Jacob said to leave and what is this you have done to me I served you for ritual didn't I why have you deceived me here's a big reality a lot of people maybe not just after their honeymoon but into marriage they feel deceived why because they felt that they were marrying one person and they got another person yes there was Leia it's like there is this guy who is this guy that's a guy you married everybody that's the guy you're married so this is the big question today is what do you do when you work for one marriage and ended up with something totally different this is it everyone what did Jacob have to do keep working that is the secret here today is you've got to keep working we're gonna be speaking to everyone today we're talking about the four stages and the four questions of relationships and we're gonna start talking to the singles any singles out there come on signals that's good we're gonna speak to the singles and this is a question that we're going to ask the singles what if you were married to you what if you were married high school students you're still single good that's good good encourages okay we all still think what if you were married to you okay Laura messy an Italian last year she proposed to herself she proposed to herself and guess what she said yes she said yes and she was involved in the very first self ceremony herself married ceremony in Italy and she invited all her guests by herself and 70 friends and family came along she had a kick okay with the figuring of who on top hurt herself that's right she took all the photographs herself they're called wad that's not true that's a joke by the way and and she paid for the wedding herself and then at the end of it she went on honeymoon to Egypt by herself does this sign like the way God wants it to be just think about this for a second if I were to marry me it would be a disaster everyone it would be a disaster I couldn't live with myself as a single person I couldn't do that what is singleness all about singleness is a journey not towards marriage this is really important that we get this today if you're right there and you're going please Jesus get me that guy or get me that girl singleness is not a journey towards marriage singleness it's a journey towards godly selfhood did you hear that towards godly selfhood this is what I've discovered in life the two half people can make a couple it's two whole people complete people that make a couple of God wants you to journey with him as a single person towards completion so that a partner won't complete you because they can't it's only God can complete you and what you want to do is get your focus on the Lord and not on the possibility of a partner so that you're entering into marriage knowing who you are because you know what if you don't know who you are you can't introduce yourself to somebody else you hear what I'm saying so it's this incredible journey towards God himself and towards godly selfhood so write this one in here so important it takes two whole people to make a couple takes two whole people to make a couple so all the singles right from the high school students to whatever age you are as a single some advice starting with all the single guys all single guys you listening to me single guys listen to me okay some advice to you number one is it's an Irish saying to settle yourself would you settle yourself your mum I'm older used to say that we are finishing it in church would you settle yourself son I'm gonna say settle your self we had the San in Ireland that a single guy okay he would have cheese paper on a windy day you know what I'm talking about anything with a skirt he would have chance paper on a windy day just just just settle yourself okay you don't have to do that how do you sell yourself by submitting yourself to God last your question hi did Adam in the garden of Eve gal Garden of Eden see what I did there want to close that door right there I wanna close that door okay oh my god the Garden of Eden hi hi hi did he how did he get a wife I mean God looked on he saw the elephants they were good he said that's good he saw that you're after good the Lions are good and he looked at out of me but that's not good it's not good for him to be alone so we've got to get him a partner well how did he get Adam a partner this is what he did okay really old students you with me single guys he put him to sleep he completely took him out of the equation and said if you want a godly girl I gotta get you asleep and you have to enter into a godly rest in order for me to get you a godly woman you see see what's happening because I gotta pull something that's from within you the girl you're looking for is not outside of you she's actually inside if you at this moment I'm I got a grow something inside of you and take that from you so I can introduce you to your best other in life you gotta go to sleep so look at me all the guys in here look at all guy all the guys let God put you to a godly sleep and maybe even just say I'm gonna bill go on a dating embargo for six more and I don't care if Wonder Woman of God turns on tomorrow I'll tell her to wait six months I'm gonna get some rest in my life I'm gonna let God do it some advice then to all the godly single girl tell all the single ladies here come on okay all the single ladies I really gonna encourage you with this there's a guy called John Graham we're gonna show you a video clip of John Gray I think that we still got that video clip and John Gray is incredible communicator and this is him speaking at a women's conference and and this is what some of the advice he has to give to the girls so hopefully this works I've been here worshiping you perfect in all of your ways but I'm still saying though here's what the scripture says he that finds a wife finds a good thing didn't say he that finds a girl that he's attracted to who he then begins to date who he then calls his girlfriend who he then buys a ring proposes and makes her his fiancee who he then marries later who becomes his wife you're not a wife when I marry you you're a wife when I find you you become my wife when I marry you but a wife is not the presence of a ring is the presence of your character too many women want to be married but you walking in the spirit of girlfriend ask the Lord to deliver you from that spirit and carry yourself like you're already taken and I promise you when you carry yourself white like a wife a husband will find you but if you keep walking like a girlfriend boys will play with you Wow oh it's pretty good isn't it come on all the guys in here all the girls let's lose the spirit of boyfriend let's lose the spirit of girlfriend and let's say I'm gonna live even as a single person like a husband or like a wife waiting for the right person that God is going to introduce me to is everyone good with that everyone good that's good okay so the question here is write this in the question at this point is not what do I do while I'm waiting you know but who do I become while I am waiting before we leave this point some of the fights were all a single couple so you are single but you are in a relationship you really love each other you're in a relationship I just need to encourage you here with a scripture you all ready for this it's a little early in the morning hopefully have had a coffee but this is palt advice to young couples night to the unmarried and the widows I say it is good for them to stay on married as I do what he was saying at that point is hey this is first generation of the kingdom of God let's live as missionaries let's go out there and spread the good news but he says if they cannot control themselves does everybody know what I'm talking about yes it wasn't that they were fighting that comes later um this is what he said but if they cannot control themselves they should marry they should marry for it is better to marry than to burn with passion everyone say passion I should burn with to burn with passion is not a bad thing because who put the fire inside of us go and put the fire inside of us so don't try and put out the fire okay but you got to make sure the fire gets into the fireplace y'all with me are on the too cryptic this morning okay fire and everyone look at this here high-school students look at this here all the singles in the here this here is a fast pass to the fireplace you're with me oh yeah oh baby when you when you are mine enough mine enough to look a girl in the eye and say I'm gonna give you the rest of my life I'm gonna take care of you want to love you I'm gonna do all of that then you can talk about fire time but not before that not before that what God wants us to do and what God is saying and every all the singles you've got to hear me hear you've got to hear me you gotta hear Paul you got to hear what God is saying through Paul there is only let's just head straight there's only one place for sex and that's within the marriage and there let it please baby after that let it bliss let the passion burn is every one with me all the married couples you're like [Applause] yeah [Applause] go to the I write raise my hand table or some we're gonna help you alright but God is saying well goddess end there's only one place for this and I'm gonna just I'm gonna try and encourage all the younger couples here that don't get into one of these relationships where it goes on and on I actually had a one service a young couple came to me absolutely beautiful young couple and said could you pray for us and I went yeah of course it could said we're just praying about whether we should get married or not I looked and they were gorgeous I mean and they were looking each other everything was going yes and I said well how long have you been dating three and a half years three and a half years I'm going I don't know how you can burn are you with me I'm just showing you better man than me I'm just saying here guys everyone listened to me be careful jumping into the dating thing until you think you know what when we're gonna have an end it to the dating thing cuz if it goes on for years and years and years it really is hard to contend the ridge the passion the fire everyone good yes or is just the Irish feel like this sometimes alright I know it's a California thing to you okay so we're talking to the singles but listen the singles not the magical happens when you put a wedding ring on it's still you that gets married and that leads us to the next one newlyweds I did something so hot get so cold so quick that's our question how I did something so hot get so cold so quick what teens night if you're in this room and you're a newlywed and it's still like super hot well god bless you but if some of you like our story Genesis 29 25 I've woken up one morning looked across the bed and said who's that that's the guy you married it's a girl you married but a reality is starting to kick in of what it really does mean so look at at Genesis of 29 verse 25 says when morning came there was layer so Jacob said to labor Ward is this that you have done to me reality was coming India's life Nathan my youngest son when he was about 8 years old sitting on the sofa one day just a little in the lines and just out of nowhere he just said this he said Oh dad see when I grow up I said yeah so I'm not gonna get married it's not right he said I'm just gonna stay peaceful I said do you mean single he said no peaceful you don't know what it's like lemma Isabel and I you know what some of us we're thinking in our lives you know what the reality of just like getting married what is it like it is all up I work at every single as every single age the question is sometimes hearted idea one person and marry another how did this happen there's a quote by Gary L Thomas and he said that's a great quote I think most of us who've been married for any substantial length of time realize that the romantic rollercoaster of courtship eventually even side to the terrain of the Midwest interstate long flight stretches with an occasional overpass I think it's better than not Gary but you can see what he's trying to say my reach starts with what it starts with leaving now this is really encouraging for parents this is a verse you're going to underline and maybe send it to your kids here you go for this reason a man will leave his father and mother look at me everyone God has designed your kids to leave kind of here hallelujah okay especially if they're 30 and they're still in your house put this first on their pillow there you go and be for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh leaving it so so important it's the thought of leaving parents of just actually said I'm going to leave them I don't know if you heard the story about the young couple madly in love they got married but a month into their marriage they had their first fight took them a month had their first fight and she distressed calls her dad dad's at home with mom he takes the call she can a mom can amend immediately send something so dad takes it into the other room talks to his daughter and after 30 minutes returns to mom mom said what's wrong he said yeah they just had their first fight mom says well what did she say she said well say she wants to come home well what did you say told her she was home told her she was home okay do you know that some parents have problems with the whole leaving thing as well yes but there has to be a sense of leaving but some people in this room you're going leaving the parents absolutely you have no issue with that you can reverse still remember your first day at college when you went to college yes you immediately changed your cell phone number but you remembered your parents bank account number you never forgot that then yes but leaving the parents is not a thing but actually your issue is leaving singleness you want all the rights of marriage you want the fireplace without the responsibility you hear what I'm talking about and it's actually saying goodbye to singleness in our lives so great marriages they start with leaving but great marriages they last with a thing called cleaving where we say we're not gonna entertain anyone or anything else Greg Rochelle says when it comes to your marriage if the grass looks greener somewhere else it's time to water your own yard you're gonna work you got to keep working so we're speaking to the singles were speaking to the newlyweds and I were speaking to married with children and he married with children right there come on come on okay and the question here is honey how did we shrink our marriage can I put this thought idea how did we shrink our marriage because we inflated the kids because we inflated the kids so the court order for success number one is this being a healthy single remember we talked about this so single - you're not to switch off you need to come back next week listen to Pastor Ray and listen to Carol as they literally coach you on the person that you're becoming for an incredible marriage in the future it all starts with being that healthy single that is journeying toward godly self salford and then it moves to commit a couple of where you say you know what we are committed to each other now here's a question that we need to answer are we spices or parents high school students you got to get this and you got to help your parents are we spices or are we parents well number one is this everyone we're spices before we are parents obviously we are both but we need to be spices first we need to have those awkward moments in the kitchen where dad is grabbing mom and all the teenage kids are gonna move over totally sick I'm going to my room hood weight high school student you know what I'm talking about yeah leave her alone dad and yes and you know this is the truth that for every single kid there is nothing better that will bring comfort and security into their lives that when they know that mom and dad still love each other there's still some passion burning you know what I'm saying they they need to know that it's a really really important thing but answer the question what are we first parents or spices spice our parents we're spices first and it's important that we grasp that that we grasped that I have four children I have one daughter haven't got one daughter and I love her very much and I clean my gun every single day of my life every every day of my life and when she was younger she she always used to say to me daddy I will never leave you I will never leave you and that's when I got her to sign forms about going to a convent when she's 16 and she said I will never leave you I will never deny used to go I'll never leave you two I'll never leave until daddy I'll never leave you but I knew she was lying I know she's lying everybody I know she's that remember we said it earlier on the truth is that she's designed by God to leave she's designed by God to leave it's it's to go it's okay for her to leave I pray at the right time and who really pray with the right guy in the right set of circumstances that there would be that godly commissioning to the next phase of her life but there's six of us in the house four of them can leave you can tell them that after the service text informing four of them they can leave but there's one person in the house kind of leave and that person is Isabel she can't leave I tell her about everyday you can't leave that's why I've changed the locks and you can't leave she can't leave why can't you leave this is you gotta get this my kids can leave because I never made covenant with my kids I've only made covenant with his Abell she can't leave you got to stay everybody I gotta stay why because we made covenant and this is really important as well just over two years ago pastor ray I brought Lincoln and Kurt and I onstage and it was incredible moment of generosity in his part of the saying I want used to be senior pastors here and I want you to do this and he put a charge to us and it was really clever it was really unintentional in his part and it modeled to health in his merits and health in his family he said this I'm once used to make pledge in these orders I want you to pledge that you're gonna love God with all your heart a healthy single I want you to pledge you're gonna love your wife then you're gonna love your kids and then you're gonna love the church you see Andrew McCourt Lincoln Brewster Kurt all the pastor's all the staff pastor ray we never made covenant with the church we love you Bayside but could we give our lives for you we'd do whatever but listen we never made covenant with the church we made covenant with our wives and I believe this that when we get to heaven yes Jesus will ask me questions by Bayside but he'll ask me quite since about Isabel first you hear what I'm saying here because that's the order that it goes in covenant is so important and it's really really really smart that parents understand that they are spices first and you need to put each other first make sure that you keep the D at night so make sure that you get the occasional time away make sure that you're constantly texting each other make sure there's fun there's passion and there's romance still in the marriage make sure that you do that sir and you do that mom make sure that you take care of each other the godly order for success is this number one that would be that healthy single number two to commit it a couple number three and I love this adventurous parents adventurous parents come on parents look at me here let's lead our children into an adventure for the kingdom of God we live in a Dany age of where we're trying to keep our kids see if there is just so much fear around yeah we got to be wise parents we're gonna take the necessary precautions but let's get them ready to serve Jesus Christ come on how much adventure are you modeling for the kingdom of God are you being the missionary in your home leaning your children into missional living all around you or it is who god bless us for no more circle the wagons come quickly Jesus you know what I'm saying living these unrestrained lives for the kingdom of God proverbs says this 22 verse 6 this is partial train up a child in the way that they should go even when they are old they will not depart from a tree and what are we training our kids in there are so much training today with our kids we train them in education I mean you go to some of our school events right here when the nights that the parents are invited it's incredible you can't get near the police parents are camping out the night before they're going in with all the reports that want to meet with every teacher we got our kids we're training them in sports oh my goodness Americans were sports we got them on football on a Monday we got them a baseball on it on a Tuesday night we got the middle across on a Wednesday night we got them swimming every single morning of the week at 4:00 a.m. just you know what I'm talking about I mean just keep going and keep going but the truth is then it comes to Sunday and they're too tired to come to church any parents in here can you hear me they're too tired to come to church we train and we tree in and we tree in and we tree in and we tree in and we tree and sometimes I think actually in America kids have become the new God we've put kids on the throne of God on the altar instead of God on the throne and listen to me and I mean there's kids on the altar Lord Jesus we want you to take their lives form them and ship them for your kingdom God has called us to be healthy singles committed couples and adventurous parents for their kingdom of God last one is this crossroads crossroads I want to speak to a bunch of people who are here today video cafe watching online and you are here and you're going this is not easy right now here's the question pastor ray asks how do we walk hand in hand when we don't see eye to eye when really incompatibility has come in it's pronounced it's big-time Henry Ford who started the Ford Motor Company here in America was famous for his Model T his Model T and when he had come to that great moment in his own life of being married for 50 years it was celebrated in his anniversary a journalist asked him the question should mr. Ford what is the secret to marriage he says that the seamless the car industry just stick to one model just stick to one model just keep on it you see this is what I find in life without Jesus differences they deepen or sorry they divide our relationships without Jesus differences divide our release in ships but this is the truth everyone without Jesus as a single did your life work no it didn't I wasn't a great single I would lie to myself I put appointments in the calendar that I had no intentions of turning up - I wasn't agreeing a single Paul says this in Romans chapter 7 the things I never wanted to do I always ended up doing them and the things I wanted to do I never ended up doing them until Jesus came into my life till Jesus comes in so the difference as a single is Jesus and the difference and everyone look at me the difference as a couple is Jesus with Jesus differences deepen our relationships with Jesus Isabel and I we were we are different when we first met we were different she was French I was Irish everybody she used to eat snails and I was like why do that now I love them gargle with different cultural backgrounds linguistically we were different I speak like God you know match that honey we're different life we're different but this is what I find that the more in our lives and our marriage and we get on grit but it gets even better when we focus on Jesus when we focus on the one he helps us to become one but if you're here today and you're thinking at a crossroads and you maybe even at this point you said the S word separation remember you've dared to say the D word divorce if we want a kind soul we want a pastor you want to implore you today to keep at it Malachi says this and this is the message version and so powerful God not you or the government made marriage not correct his spirit inhabits even the smallest details of marriage missus what God says I hid divorce now real careful here everyone God has never said at bayside will never said God does not hit divorcees God does not hit but why does God hit divorce just read this here I hid the violent dismembering of the one flesh of marriage I know God says I hear what divorce does to people I had hurt so bad and I've never been divorced but in 25 years of pastoring I've met enough people who've been through divorce you know what I find sometimes the people who've been through the pain and the hurt of divorce it's actually for some worse than a death the sense of grief the loss in their lives and even how to explain it is so so difficult God say so watch yourselves and don't let your guard down you see Jesus in Matthew 19 was questioned about this area why people separate why the divorce and actually at this point he sort of like brings up God confusion can God ever be confused around this area possibly the Pharisees were can it's okay to get divorced it's okay to lead someone sure Moses said it would be okay but look what Jesus said here Matthew chapter 19 jesus replied Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts because you hardened your hearts but it was not what God had originally intended this wasn't God's Way people let's just try and get an understanding here he says God's never developed a hard heart God's only got a soft heart and God is a covenant making God and he's a covenant keeping God and God can't understand why you would ever leave each other because he's promised that he will never leave you or forsake you and he knows more about you sir and he knows more about you madam he knows more about your husband he knows more about your wife than you do and yet he's still committed to them and he goes I'm not here today please hear me the judge on any one and there's some people in here and I've had this in my life where I've had situations where I've had to say to people you need to get out immediately because this is an abusive situation and it would not be safe for you to go home tonight you cannot go back to that I could not have that on my conscience you need some good advice I'm not talking into that situation I'm saying grace over you whatever has been your story in that area and actually what I'm saying here as well if you today if you're going I need help this is just staring something in me you can text there are useful number five six three one six you don't have to do it right now but when later on you can do this five six three one six counseling and one of our really good pastors will connect with you and encourage you but what I'm speaking to is a bunch of people in here that are just going my marriage is hit hard times and is really really difficult I've gotta say this you got to keep going Isabel and I we've got friends a couple live here in the United States we've known them for years he did missions work with us and in Ireland and just a really good guy and we journeyed with them they had two lovely boys and sadly they heard that one of their boys had a brain tumor and after a long battle with cancer he lost his little life you can only imagine the grief in the pen they actually came to our house on the first anniversary of his death and we just loved on them occurred and and whatever and then then the Rebeck well a while after that even though we'd stayed in touch a mutual friend contacted me did you hear about them not couple they've separated he's alright he's left he's driving away and I went what and he changed his cell phone number but you know what how many people knew this a good friend will track you dine well hon you can run but you cannot hide I went after him I got on I was in Ireland I got on the phone and I tracked him down he was on a highway literally driving across United States and I tracked him dying and I said hey it's me Oasis all bad news travels quick I said no good friends act quick quick he says it's over I said it's not he said I'm leaving her I said no you're not it's finished and I said it's not he said you need to tell that to her I said I will I'm phoning her next and I just said them I said if we had your plan of rescue because we're not gonna let you go will you go with it well if she will if she will so called her and she said well if he will he will if you will a bunch of friends and everyone chipped in and we flew them to Ireland for a few months got a whole marine stand some of the best just consoling in love around their lives and man that's still the grief of losing that little boy a negative emotional attachment there was lots of stuff to work through but they rebuild their lives and last summer just listen to this last summer we were in France visiting Isabelle's parents we had a couple of days in Paris and we met them in Paris that couple to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary the 20th wedding anniversary everyone look at me this is not just about your marriage it's not even just about the kids that's really important it's about what people would think look at this cool here look at this corner here this courts amazing as long as the couple is married they continue to display however imperfectly the ongoing commitment between Christ the simply sticking it out becomes vitally important and I wanted to be honeymoon all the time yeah my yeah well how many people know sticking at it-- sometimes a really good mood is haparanda and what does it really about everyone it's a bite a bigger narrative and there's about Christ and His Church and how Jesus said I know you're not perfect but I will give my life for you my very blood for you and I will never leave you and forsake you you will be my bride I will hold you I will love you and I will care for you for ever and when you see a couple standing at the front of a church a guy and a girl with all their frailties it's not about that that is a bite yes which is Jesus's eternal commitment to you and I to love us unconditionally and that's why we need that stick it right oh man I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes please can you stay in your sleep singles would you do this for me singles high school students I want you to do this I want you to take your hands and I want you to lock fingers just a single people both hands take both hands lock fingers lock your hands together I want you to think one hand let's say the left hand is your right hand is God and I want you to say Jesus I am committed to you first and foremost Jesus married to you Jesus I am NOT my own but I've been bought with the price first Corinthians bought my own I've been bought with a price Jesus our player to myself I keep myself I find my love I find my identity and you I am complete and you Christ can we all do that yes Singles completely in you Jesus keep leading me on the journey towards godly Telford married couples if you're not doing it already I want you to reach over and I want you to take your partner's hand now don't do one of those like kumbaya holes I want you to do locked fingers remember like you used to do at the beginning like rule locked fingers okay locked fingers and some of you it's real easy you've been holding hands a whole service but others you're just it's hard dude - gone crab crab crab the person's hand beside you grab their hand only as if it's your wife or husband crab their hand don't be doing some silly prophetic thing okay rob their hand come on pray with me Lord Jesus I just pray in your precious name for people here video cafe the God you would love on them God do you would care for them God you would wash over them the God that you would grease them give them strength God to stick a nightstick Lord newlyweds Lord married with children at a crossroads we pray for our loved ones we pray for maybe children are not hearing to go through difficulty again everyone just if you're not yet a Christian I'm gonna I'm gonna courage you you need the ultimate relationship and it's called Jesus Christ Jesus Christ you need him in your singleness and you're gonna need them in your marriage in every relationship you have really as a parent you're gonna need them I'm gonna encourage you to do this at the end of this service instead of running out to your car with a little table over to my left there's a Bayside friend over there go over there it might seem like a long walk it's not you're gonna make a meet a great friend talk to them about I need Jesus in my life as a single I need Jesus in my life as a married as a parent I need Jesus that's where you start with today I know you're tempted to walk away you're probably a friend brought you today why not say go over with me will you they'll take you over walk over there Lord Jesus for everyone in this room I just pray your blessing I pray your encouragement I pray your strength upon their lives in the name of Jesus [Music] you
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 3,337
Rating: 4.7209301 out of 5
Keywords: Bayside Church, Bible, Hope, Compassion, Love, Andrew McCourt, Staying In Love
Id: wC5wv7lZR6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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