How To Build A Lasting Marriage with Andrew McCourt

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[Music] we are in our series second week family 30 let me start by telling you this in 1992 there was a hurricane that hit the state of Florida that hurricane was called Hurricane Andrew now you cannot blame me for that everybody I bring a bit of rain but not that much okay so Hurricane Andrew Kim and it devastated thousands and thousands of home but there was a statewide investigation and research that happened afterwards and this is what they find that the Heiser's and the homes that were built to code survived the hurricane there was something about respecting the code that helped you in terms of longevity and it's exactly the same in the world of marriage everybody God conducted the first marriage God made the first marriage and it's important for us today to understand what marriage is about so if you're here and you're single you can't tap out right now because you need to understand this if you're dreaming of that wonderful guy or girl you need to hear this if you're married you really need to hear this but everyone in this room and online we need to hear this because marriage is under attack today do we agree with that marriage is really under attack but it's God's thing and God has something to say about marriage and it's contained in 23 words that God repeats five times so God said there is a code he put the code in 23 words you want to discover those 23 words here they are everyone they're amazing words it says for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh I'm gonna read it again because it's so important the 23 words that contain God's code for building something to last for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh so what's this whole love and marriage thing about well there was a group of six to ten year olds and they were asked some with these questions and here are their answers so what do most people do on a did so Martin each ten he said this on the first did they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second did how many girls remember that okay when is it okay to kiss someone I'm pom who seven she's smart she said when they're rich hard he just believes and keeping the rule TC eight years old he says this the rule goes like this if you kiss someone then you should marry them and have kids with them it's the right thing to do how do you decide who to marry and this is Alan age ten you got to find somebody who likes the same stuff like if you like sports she should like it that you like sports and she should keep the chips and the Deb coming Superbowl weekend everybody all right this kid's gonna have to grow up real quick okay hi can a stranger tell if two people are married Derek is it you might have to guess based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids this one cracks me up you ready how would you make a marriage work Ricky age ten tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck Oh Ricky yeah I don't know you need help son you really do okay hi to make love and your how would you make love and your errand aged eh she says don't forget your wife's name that will mess up love and finally what exactly is married marries is when you get to keep your girl and don't have to give her back to her parents that's sweet everybody that is so sweet so let's jump into these twenty three words that contain the code for a lasting marriage and here it is everybody number one is separation at the heart of these twenty three words is the idea of separate it says here for this reason a man will leave underlying the word leave that's the keyword here a man will leave his father and his mother so I've got four children three boys and I've only got one girl in this world her name is Abby gilt and Abigail means father's joy and that's what she is to me and I want you to know this the only reason I moved to United States was so that I could buy a gun that was it how many dads are with me and I'm not scared to use it again and and the Abigail used to say to me all the time when she was just small and she'd be sitting on my knees she would look me in the eyes with incredible sincerity she would say daddy I'm never going to leave you I'm never going to leave you don't used to look at her little eyes and think of my head you're a liar you're alive because this is the truth everybody this is the truth kids are designed to leave and if you're the parent of a teenager that's probably very comforting you need to get this Ferris and put it on their pillow and just you know keep it on the fridge text it to them things like that all right but kids are designed to leave and that stuff like a sub point in one maybe to write it in somewhere separation let go of parents letting go of parents for this reason a man will leave his father and leave his mother night before you leave I'm just gonna say this to singles singles before you leave okay I would really encourage you to go and see how your future spouse treats his parents or her parents I'm gonna say this to the girls the way that your future husband treats his mom is the way he's going to treat you the way he texts his mom is the way he's gonna text you and you know what if he never sends her flowers you're never gonna get them either so just watch that relationship that's just a by the way so what does it mean to leave parents to be separated from parents well obviously it means physically you need to move I don't be moving into mom and dad's house with your future bride or your future groom don't be doing that it means leaving physically but more importantly it means leaving psychologically it's cutting the emotional umbilical cord it's making sure that you get away and you know that for some people they can just live down the street from their parents they've left physically but also they've left psychologically it's good but I know some people they've moved across the world way far physically but they've never left psychologically the man's always thinking about mom's recipes yes they're on the phone every single day it gets a little bit creepy we got to leave physically and psychologically yes when Isabelle and I first got married Isabelle's my wife by the way and Isabelle and I we first got married she was from France I was from Ireland and we were going to be setting up our life in Scotland and I gotta say this that was a blessing for us both of us had to leave our parents we missed our parents but it put in a fine dation off our marriage we were thousands of miles or hundreds of miles away from them and I remember back how many people can remember way back in the last century way back in the last century when we didn't have cell phones I didn't have cell phones so parents couldn't text they couldn't call or they couldn't stalk you and find my friends and stuff like that okay and we were gone out of their lives and Isabelle used to have one call a week it was like you know prison it was like one call a week and it was on a Saturday morning international call rates were expensive and it used to be on a Saturday morning and so that was our lives but it was a great foundation it wasn't easy for us and the reality was parents in this room it wasn't easy for parents either it was only after we were a couple of years married that Isabelle's dad told her this that the day that he left her off at the airport what was happening was that I was graduating in University and he sorry he brought Isabelle to the airport she was going to fly to my graduation stand the UK and then about a paid three to four weeks later we were getting married and the French people they were all gonna come to the marriage so dad brought her to the airport it was goodbyes and Isabel settled seeing a Montse at the wedding you're coming a week early it's gonna be so good she left she was really really happy because she was getting me I tried to remind her that happiness and but her dad got in the car and he told her this two years later he got in the car and on the freeway dine in France he had to pull over and he cried his eyes I cried and cried because he let go of his precious little girl everyone this is not easy but we've gotta let go physically and psychologically you see in a wedding so often it seems to be that the big moment that gets the clap that gets the cheer that everyone's waiting for is you may kiss the bride you may kiss the bride it's a very special moment but the really big moment in a wedding and don't lose this the biggest moment in the wedding is when the pastor asks who gives this woman to be married to this man and either the dad or the parents stand up and say I do we do you see the first one you may kiss the bride that's gonna happen a lot of times especially that night that's gonna happen a lot you're all with me don't get nervous everyone okay this is real life and but but the one of giving away she'd only happen once yes she'd only happen once it was an elder back in our church in Belfast and when he was giving his daughter away and the pastor asked a question who gives this woman to be married to this man he said I do he leant forward and spoke into the ear of his future son-in-law and he said I am giving you my daughter you can't bring her back so true everyone it's only meant to happen once there was a young couple they got married and one night mom and dad were back in the and the home and daughter rings died dad answered phones a look of concern immediately on his face he gets up walks out of the living room mum's looking like what's up goes into the kitchen talks for about 45 minutes comes back a mom says watch happened and he said the had their first fight they've had their first fight how many people remember that many people remember the last fight 15 minutes ago on the car yes he said the had their first fight and he and mom says well what did she say dad said she said she wants to come home my mom was like what what did you say told her she was home something that happened with dad where he said you know what it's not easy but you've got to stay there you got to stay there there needs to be a separation that happens psychologically your partner shouldn't have to compete with your parents can I hear an amen yes it makes wise feel insecure and it makes husbands feel inadequate so it's not only letting go of parents it's letting go of past relationships there's some parents we need to let go of but there's some people we need to let go of like ex-boyfriends ex-girlfriends ex flames from the past and sometimes even ex spices because when we don't do that it leads to two unhealthy things on healthy comparison and on healthy connection in the world of comparison it's these old relationships they start to play like an old video tip in our minds okay YouTube that we keep playing through and through and we start looking at the past and it starts to look better than it actually was and we start to say words like this if only he or she were like if only I hadn't broken off my relationship maybe I could have been married to that person it's called selective memory everybody you're running a highlights reel and it wasn't that good cuz if it'd have been that good you would have married them and they would have married you but it wasn't working it--and that's why you broke up yes and what's happening right now is you're facing the real world of a covenant relationship and what it is to work it out through the thick and the thing and we bring enough baggage into every relationship cultural baggage childhood baggage and you know what that relational baggage we need to deal with it and we need to sever it and it's pasture-raised 11th commandment thou shalt not have any exclaims as Facebook friends yes a man like privately stalking the national coot for your of mayuri's she looks great today he looks awesome oh my goodness that's not gonna help your marriage at all you maybe need to go through some old photos some older kinds separate yourself from the past so that can release you into the future do we agree on today everybody that's what we need to do and this last one in this point of the idea separation was let go of perfection we live in a world of Instagram I was out yesterday and four girls got together and I was like thirteen year olds were thirty year olds they never left their phones died it was like hey no no no they put a different filter on that it's just we trying to always get the perfect image sometimes what we're doing is looking at other people's story on Instagram or their pictures of their perfect life and their perfect marriage and we're comparing that to ours perfection is not a possibility in your marriage because you're in it I'm gonna ask you a simple question what if you were married to you come on what would your marries look like if you were married to it would be a disaster for me I mean be an absolute disaster it's Isabelle that keeps this thing together everybody Benjamin Franklin said this keep your eyes wide open before marriage half shot afterwards hey man so number one is separation and then number two on our 23 words that God give and the code for marriage is the word permanence right that in a man will leave his father and mother and what be you now did to his wife if there was another word for separation it would be leave for permanence it's the idea of cleave to be united to cleave to the Hebrew word there means literally to be glued together to be pieced it together I don't know if you've ever pierced the two pieces of paper together and you lie them to dry if you try and separate those you can't do it neatly you rip them apart the two have become one and that's why God says listen to this God says I hid divorce I don't hit divorcees I feel for divorcees I hit the force because it shreds people's lives because you've left so much of you with another person and them with you and God is gone I get the force I can't actually understand divorce cuz I'm a covenant-keeping god and when I promised I will never leave you or forsake you I really mean it I am a true husband that's why God goes why are you doing this to each other it's hurting you I want you to feel so safe in the idea of permanence and this is so important everyone what is married and this is why it belongs to God and this is why we've got to keep educating people this is God's thing when a marriage happens on earth there's a celebration in heaven because what happens on earth is not just about what happens on earth between a bride and a groom it is symbolic of Jesus and his church and his love for you it's so remarkable and he thinks of this I'm never gonna leave you we're gonna stick together and I want everyone in this room please look at me we preach for the ideal but we pastor in the real so I know that right 9 or rim this side on Facebook the world this size there's people like there and they're struggling but I'm gonna preach for the ideal today we're gonna be tender we're gonna be gracious we're going to be really considered of people but for a moment we're gonna go to God's ideal the Jesus reinforced in the New Testament didn't back off but actually raised the bar why cuz he wants people to be together ha what is permanence about well its permanence through diversity is it ok to say in the 21st century that guys and girls are different everybody guys and girls are thank you so much mom all right guys guys and girls they're a little bit different and to illustrate this we've got our one of our favorites here in video his name is Tim Hawkins we love them so much and we're different in a lot of ways but one of the key ways that we're really different is how guys and girls text just watch this differently like when men text something it's just a couple of words that uh send that's all I had to say I have nothing left guy that I'm tapped out right now can I get another thought I will send that out to you but right now just a couple of crickets playing racquetball up there but women if we're in women text people are you doing oh you look like a squirrel holding a nut yeah [Music] [Music] carriage return on your phone this is my text to her right here hello my darling how you doing a day send and that's when the floodgates open now I'm going to read you her response good I'm just so tired went to chiropractor I'm super tired through shoulders and mid-back so we loosen that up he said it sounds like my brain isn't shutting up for some reason I asked him if it would be from playing electronic games before bed he said probably so he said try that have a sip of wine before bed but honestly good the next week come back try acupuncture smiley face I'm feeling very drag if it still is Jack and say see so cookie in the air habit Jackson played Xbox one for pets we could that same issues so I text back okay [Music] [Applause] actually was just okay that's all oh my good it's not everybody all right we're different Tolstoy said this what makes a marriage kind is not high compatible the two if you are but how you deal with incompatibility we are different God loves a celebration of diversity coming together in unity and our differences it's all about a choice here every one our differences can either divide our relationship or what deepen our relationship did you hear that they can either divide our relationship or deepen our relationship and then an insecure person rejects diversity I want the world to be like me but a secure person says you know what I'm loving this diversity and learning so much about you and who you are as a person and what's the difference between division and deepening what is the vision what what is the difference it's this everyone it's either we constantly bring guilt into the relationship or Grist you can look at what your spice is doing all the time and you're just judging that diversity and higher they are different and the things that annoy you guilt guilt your tunic and guilt guilt guilt you're doing it again or you can go caught he's been doing this for a long time I need some grease in this relationship I need some grease so in all of this its permanence through diversity but it's also permanent through adversity we're going to stick together of a friend in Southern California couple that we love so much Gary and Amy and they have a beautiful daughter and in her early years she was having a series of terrible fits which required open brain surgery and the day of surgery dirty little darling was in that hospital bed and she was about to be wheeled away for the surgery and after they had kissed her and hugged her and said the goodbyes they the risks were enormous they were just enormous she was wheeled away the first thing that Gary did was took his wife Amy and to the family room sadder Donny got down on his knees and he looked a me and he said Amy I don't know and we don't know what's gonna happen we don't know if we're gonna see our daughter again but I want to tell you something what is it I want to tell you something I will never leave you I will never leave you and look at me you are not allowed to leave me you're not allowed to leave me because Gary knew the statistics that often when a family is hit by a serious trauma it can lead to the separation and divorce of parents there's maybe a little fracture there and when the pressure comes on it just leads to this level of separation and he said in the moment of adversity we're gonna stick together and look at me marriage is there and so is adversity and no matter what you do okay adversity is gonna hit your life but there needs to be something inside of us that says God we're gonna stick together two things that you need to know number one is this that God has put us together and at some point I'm going to encourage you get your whites Hank at your husband's hand it doesn't have to be here some time later look him in the eye and say you know what he always was God's plan that we would be together and the second thing you need to know is our life choices will echo for generations pastor ray said this last week that Hank is for like a hundred and thirty or forty years of his family there was divorce in every single generation every single marriage until he and Carole got together and said we're gonna chop that family tree line and we're gonna plant a new oak and they've been together for 35 years now we're going to have some positive decisions that are gonna reverberate for generations and good marriages are not the result of commitment or a good marriage it's a result of commitment not convenience this is so important Greg Rochelle says this by making him our one he makes us one now this is important don't go home today and say to yourself you know what I'm going home today after what pastor andrew said i am going to fix our marriage look at me everyone do not do that go home today and watch the Super Bowl in the name of Jesus but this is the important is to say we're gonna go home and sometimes what we do is we focus on the things that we think divide us and if only he would do this and if only she would do this and stop doing this and we focus on those things and you know what if you try to do that by yourself you'll get so far but you'll just fall again what Greg is saying here it says focus on God when you make him the number one in your life so at this moment in time your lives that might feel like you're in the same house but your lives are going in separate directions how do you get back yeah your marriage neat specs but I'm gonna courage you with this what if both of you said for the next 30 days we're gonna make good number one in our own lives we're gonna pray together every day we're gonna pray apart from each other every day we're gonna book or we're gonna reserve a time in the prayer room together as well we're gonna pray and pray and pray and pray and pray we're gonna read the Bible we're gonna say from our last series Jesus would you grow the fruits of the spirit in me all nine of them grow them in my life and you know what when you make him the number one in 30 days you'll be shocked at how close you've come together will your marriage still never you need some help maybe even some professional help yes but you've made him the number one get back to God is everyone with me in that one so it starts out with the idea of permanence these 23 words God's code it's the idea of leaving and then sorry it starts out with separation and then it moves to permanence the idea of cleaving together but look at this writer than number three is unity right that in unity it says and they will become one flesh what's not about sex no no we'll talk about that in a minute this is about weaving so it's leaving its cleaving and then saying I don't weave my whole life into yours and yours into mine and the two are going to become one you see soul myths aren't find they're forged sometimes you think whether it be a dating app or Lord I'm gonna go to a Bayside service Jesus would you show me the one Lord just get me the writer sure to lead me to the right seat beside the right person in the name of Jesus soul mates aren't find their forged together in the whole world of unity what is unity about unity is on so many levels it's intellect so we're gonna think together and some projects we're gonna minds together we're gonna pursue the same goals in life it's recreational we're actually gonna go outside and we're gonna have some fun I don't know what your thing is plant can us together cycling together just do something where you enjoy being in each other's company spiritual we want to pray together again prayer room everyone book in reserve it get one are awake just for the discipline we're gonna turn up we're gonna pray do it every day do it once a week physical we're gonna get the bad in the next point so no one can leave early today don't miss the juicy stuff and then emotional what is this it's learning together it's learning together my desire in life is to get a PhD in Isabel I need to know that woman neither study that woman I still only feel like you know after 25 years I'm gonna go like a bachelors in it you know I'm still a little bit there's some areas I don't understand how many man just know here you really need to sit and listen and learn no man said Amen man you should be sent out well here here's a little video to help you with that man okay there's all this pressure you know and sometimes it feels like it's right up on me and I can just feel it like literally feel it in my head and it's relentless and I don't know if it's gonna stuff I mean that's the thing that scares me the most is that I don't know if it's ever gonna stop yeah you do have a nail in your head it is not about the nail are you sure I mean I'll bet if we got that out of there stop trying to fix it no I don't know I mean I fix it I'm just pointing out that maybe the nail is caused you always do this you always try to fix things when what I really need is for you to just listen that is what you need I think what you need is to get the nail okay fine I will listen fine it's just sometimes it's like there's this a key I don't know what it is I'm not so good at all and all my sweaters are snagged I mean all of them really hard Oh on if you would just talk my guess is that it's not about the nail hey we're gonna be exploring so much more this stuff in our marriage conference we're gonna have a marriage conference here at Granite Bay you need to book in it sir don't send your wife both of you need to come to this conference and it's gonna be happening on the 29th and 30th how many people remember mark Clark remember mark Lowry credible communicator he's bringing his wife Erin pastor ray and Carol are gonna be here we're gonna give you all the details next week and hi you can book in and it's going to be remarkable so make sure I get that end so we're talking about the 23 words 23 words and when we focus on separation we focus on permanence we focus on unity when we focus on leaving cleaving and weaving we get 13 extra words 13 extra words and what are those words will write in the word intimacy and there's 13 verses here are words from the Bible it says the man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame everyone when you focus on the 23 words and you say God I just gonna leave my parents you want to cleave to my wife no we've our lives together it's amazing how the intimacy thing takes care of itself it says they were in the garden and they were naked or let's say naked yeah they're in the garden all naked and it was like you know the Garden of Eden if you look at that in Hebrew it means Disney everyone it was Disney and all the rides were free and there was no lines and you know he was naked getting the Matterhorn ride with no clothes on yeah some people are gonna never going back to this you just ruined that you just ruined that for me I mean oh when Adam saw Eve for the first time you know what that's why she got her name he went whoa man woman there you go everyone and they were naked together and this is really really important they sinned in that garden and sin came in and because of that they felt guilt and shame and what God wants to do through Jesus Christ and in marriage everybody is take out the shame and take out the guilt so that whether in clothes are out of clothes that the marriage has no shame or no guilt well there's absolute acceptance and love of each other not just when you're in your prime all right your best but when you're at your worst your lowest points when life changes when you hit the curves did you stay together everybody and I want to encourage the guys here for a second that when you really really work on the first three leaving cleaving and weaving separation permanence unity the intimacy thing just Falls that the kitchen becomes as important as the bedroom that's where real love starts right there everybody one of the favorite places that I have in the world I love to go to to London I love this city of London I really really have the privilege in my life have been so many great cities but I love London I love the Kensington area of London I love the Brompton Road where Harrods is and just I love watching the cars go past and just being in that general area but it's pretty amazing and the hustle and bustle of London you can just quickly go off the Brompton Road and you'll go into streets like this and I'm down there and I'm looking for Mary Poppins I'm looking at the sky to see a woman in an umbrella you know what I'm talking about and it's just I mean these beautiful like billionaires homes they're just lying and you can go down into the you know from the hustle and bustle India a quiet street and suddenly that quietness that quietness is interrupted why because you'll hear shouting playing laughter and in front of these homes there's these shared gardens shared gardens and the really pretty and they're really beautiful and I've made the mistake in the past of like trying to get into them but can't get into them because they're locked I go to the little key I cook a little kid and try to get in but they're locked and I don't have the key in order to get the key you got to be a resident to get in to their little garden into their little park into their little playground God's design for Humanity in terms of sexual activity and intimacy is that we would get back to the garden everybody but to get into the garden you gotta have a key everyone this is the key to the playground and when you get into the playground you can play but if you don't have a key you're trespassing you're trespassing I think it's important for us to acknowledge today that God is not a spoilsport look what God says song of songs it says you are a garden locked up my sister my bride my oh man you're a spring and closed to sealed fightin hi beautiful is that when was the last time you use words like that man you looking hot no you're you are a garden locked up and God locks up his garden of intimacy and sexual activity but wants to give us a key why does he lock the garden up why is it good to keep it in the garden well number one is this it pleases God everybody it pleases God I don't know that doesn't mean a lot to everyone today but it really does please God when you keep yourself for the one the God has planned for you and you restrain yourself and we live in a world today where there's little restraint our society says today you know what just go for it and God says no there is a garden and it's gonna be so much better if you learn to win number one it pleases God number two it protects you some simple things up here it protects you it protects you against diseases it's not just smart God doesn't want you to have these diseases number two it keeps you from disappointment disappointment we believe the lies of Hollywood of Netflix of just you know what you barely met him you barely know his name and you can just jump into bed or bed with her and it never shows the emotional carnage and this is the next one fragmentation it just leads to fragmentation of a person where you've given yourself a bit of yourself to that person and a bit of yourself to that person and a bit of yourself to that person and this whole area of intimacy was meant to be the work working off the code of God the intimacy was meant to be something that was locked up within separation permanence and unity he was meant to be the safest place in the world for one person where you are complete with them forever but what's happened you've given so much of yourself away to others there's a bit of you left in so many different scenarios and what's really unhealthiest back to comparison that when you get into a marriage and you've had multiple partners before it is amazing how the enemy can start replaying those videos those highlight rails of this person and that person this is not to give people a guilt trip today tonight we tend to have a younger crowd at night more college-age we have every age at night but I would say the bulk of it is a younger millennial cried how many people think it would be wise for me to preach this this is this is we're not here to be spoiled sports we are not here to be spoiled sport God is saying this that if you get the key you can have the fun but we have four the key hold off and dude I'm gonna repeat it one more time I'm just gonna say it honestly sir look at me focus on separation focus on really creating a culture of permanence of creating a culture of you are safe with me no matter what unity of weaving your lives together I really do believe that the intimacy will look after itself amen I finished with this today how many people have ever heard of a little church down in Southern California called Saddleback you ever heard of that little church yet it's pastored by Rick and Kay Warren and a couple of years ago Kay wrote this very honest article she says this I know what it's like to be cracked open by catastrophic grief and to share it with your spouse when you're so different to figure out how to grieve and mourn together when you're mentally ill child takes his life in a violent way and your grief is public because you're in ministry and your glasshouse fishball existence is fodder for scrolling headlines on CNN we've beaten the odds that divorce would be the outcome of our ill-advised union hi honest as this woman we've weathered my breast cancer and melanoma we survived the mental illness and suicide of our son Matthew and I we know we know we are the best thing that has ever happened to each other we wouldn't be who we are today without each other I'm a better Christian a better woman a better mother a better friend a better minister because of Rick and he says he's a better Christian a better mind a better father a better friend and a better minister because of me the shrieks of iron sharpening iron have often signed that like gears grinding on bare metal but the result has been profound personal growth in both of us let's pray I want you to stay where you are you're only gonna get wet stay where you are it's safe in here stay where you are if you're married or engaged in this room would you if you're not already would you take the hand of your spice take the hand of your spice just just hold take their hand I know for something that's so easy but for others got it's a stab of fear come on don't think guilt get some grits hold hands if you're here and you're single and you are believing for the right person one day you're praying Lord I want to be married would you put your hand on your heart would you do that just a little act of faith this is simple put your hand on your heart Lord I pray for every person in this place I pray for very precious married couples Lord some here Lord there to celebrate and celebrating and others are tolerating and tolerating and I pray Lord that no matter where they are at in their marriage that you would give them strength please God give them strength father I pray secure their marriage where their separation issues can lead them through where there's maybe at this moment in time concerns of a permanence Lord may they just Lord this day kneel the issue once and for all covenant is important to you it's essential to them help them Lord to weave their lives together and I pray Lord that out of all of this that intimacy would be the incredible celebration of marriage I pray Lord for single people wonderful single people that are here want to be God honoring that Lord can see the garden can hear the laughter but are saying that they're going to keep themselves for you I pray go give them grace give them strength give them strategy Lord help them Lord to wit for the right person and Lord keep the Covenant with you at this moment in time in their lives and really importantly if you're here and you're not yet a Christian if you're here and you know you're going goodness I want a great relationship in the future I want a great relationship with my spouse right now but actually I've never had that relationship with Jesus the relationship that changes all relationships if you want that relationship why not right now why don't you just pray this prayer with me it's a really simple prayer right now if you're not a Christian but you're going I want the most important relationship pray this prayer with me real simple dear Lord Jesus I want you in my life because most importantly I'm a sinner Jesus forgive me my sin take it away and Jesus come into my heart come into my life become my god Lord I want to do life an eternity with you forever you [Music]
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 3,014
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bayside Church, Bible, Hope, Compassion, Love, Andrew McCourt, Family 30 series, Marriage, Strengthening Relationships, Healthy Marriages
Id: Gcr4VNq-4y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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