Andrew McCourt: The Life Of David - Growing The Giant Of Self Control

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I want you to grab this car did everyone get one of these cards today when they come in you should have if you didn't raise a hand then the ushers will get you one this is a really big deal this weekend we do this every year at Bayside it's called our spiritual growth card and we're gonna be making some decisions around here that we believe that are gonna affect the rest of our year talking about making decisions decisions are not easy everyone they're not easy have you ever been sent a safe way to get some ice cream and you'll walk up there to Ben & Jerry's and you're thinking I'm not gonna go for the chocolate fudge brownie or the fish food always like my how many people like to face food you like your fish food oh yeah and you going to face with but it's not easy everyone because they've got 60 different flavors so have you ever been standing in front of the glass doors and you're just like standing and standing and standing you go in for ice cream but you come out with shaving gel because you just be standing there for so long you know I'm saying it's not only that yeah pastor Kurt's favorite is the Oreos everyone 68 different flavors if you go to buy a car in America today there's 275 different types of cars that you can buy in the US today and it gets even harder if you go to listen to music how many people got Spotify Spotify has over 30 million different songs how many of a different generation here can remember when you only had four albums you remember when life was easier and he's just like choices were easier it wasn't this excess of choices and then you go on Amazon they're killing us everyone look at this Amazon sells 1161 kinds of toilet brushes it's just a toilet brush but there's 1161 and a top of that this is how many items that Amazon currently stock 562 million three hundred eighty two thousand two hundred and ninety two products altogether on Amazon anyone feel like we're wasting sometimes sometimes just making decisions this is the reality today we've been talking about defeating your Giants and we can focus all defeating the giant of excess trust me everyone this is the generation that we live in the biggest giant today is excess it's not just enough to have one dessert at the meal we can have two it's not enough to have one drink how many people know there's too many people havin too many it's not just enough to have or watch one episode of something on Netflix how many people said oh that was a great episode before you know it's 4 a.m. 4 a.m. and you're on season whatever you say it's not enough it's not enough just to have one partner God says and this was the great advice that I was given in life one fast woman one fast car that's all if you're lying in life I've got the fast woman thank God a fast woman means one of these everyone I'm working on the fast car but do you know what God says have one partner we go no no we gotta have we're gonna have more than that God says choose from one sex and we're saying no I want to choose from both this is the world that we live in today it is XS now we can then have a strategy and go well you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try and kill and defeat the giant of XS where I would say to you today the better thing to do is grow the giant of self-control instead of trying to shut Amazon dine young people high school students so important that in your life at the seats try to grow the giant of self-control and David did that in his life David was a guy that grew the giant of self-control and we're gonna talk about three areas so important that helped us grow the giant of self-control number one is this ideally time with God and this is all about David's spirituality how many people know that in 2018 we need to spend more time with God and it starts with every single day of our lives and I'm going to spend the time with God you see David he was fully committed to some things number one was this he was fully committed to the worship of God I don't see everyone this is massively important for us look what he says in one of the Psalms son number 63 says you God are my god you're not just a God or the ego your real personal you are my god earnestly I seek you I actually thirst for you my whole being longs for you and I love this because your love is better than life how many people know that you see David from a young guy put this India's life from a teenager he was spending a daily time with God and three things that David had you can write this in the white somewhere David had a hill and David had a harp and David had a heart that's the three things that really helped him have a great daily time with God he had a hill his little hillside he had a place can I encourage you to try and find a place where you do your devotions one guy recently told me he goes into work really early in the morning and no one else is in the office that's his place for some people it's in the car they're listening to the scriptures on the Bible and they're worshiping God there as well find your place I encourage you with this as well do it with coffee everything's better with coffee yes I call a Christian crack it's Christian crack everyone they just life is better with coffee get your coffee with you as well find your place get your coffee and then like David get your heart how many people got a harp you know I'm gonna harp well of course we go to harp it's called Spotify back to the 30 million different songs Lincoln's got a whole bunch on there everyone bring Lincoln home with you you all right our in the car would ever get some worship going and I want to carry to everyone how many people were encouraged when you were younger maybe if you were brought up in church to have a quiet time you ever have a quiet time why do we call it quiet time sometimes it's gotta be a long time yes if I'm in the car by myself it's gonna be my long time everybody yeah I'm gonna sing it up I'm gonna shine a tide and it's gonna be embarrassing just for me but it's worth the Jesus loves my voice everyone he loves my voice and then it's just it's all about having a heart David had that he had a passion for God he went after God it's about setting the tradition it's about creating the habit just last month Isabelle and I we had the privilege of being invited to a leaders conference guess where it was everyone Windsor Castle in London winter oh yes very posh and we went to Windsor Castle and we arrived in Windsor Castle and really cool thing was the flag was up what does that mean everyone at Queen's home Queen's home I swear us or we even at me I really liked she was like yeah and and so we went up to work we went to Windsor Castle and also we noticed just as we were approaching there was a ton of cameras outside and guess what had just happened Harry and Megan had just got engaged so this is going kids and then they came the next day to see us no no no Kim the next day to see the Queen and and tell her all about it but on our first morning there Isabella and I got up early in the morning we went to this place it's called sin George's Chapel this is where Megan and Harry are gonna get married okay King Henry the earth is buried in there and we had devotions inside if it was pretty awesome okay not as cool as Bayside obviously but pretty good if you live in London a good Church and so we went there and then Isabella I just like this little bit here we had we had communion we had communion and it was so special and like The Vicar comes in like like the minister he comes in and he prays he puts his arms out like this and over the bread and the wine it's a whole Christian thing Christian deal really important to us he holds out his arms like this closes his eyes and he said father I want to thank you that communion has been held on this very spot every day since 1348 1340 America wasn't even built back then okay I mean 13:48 everyone and not incredible do you know what it got me thinking some people are just saying I'm gonna do this every day they set up remarkable traditions and it makes a difference generations after generation look at me everyone this is not just about you having a daily time with God this is about setting something in motion for you for your marriage for your children for your children's children and for the children I'd keep going everyone hi many years can we go 1348 come on Bayside we've been going 22 years yeah but let's keep it going for generation after generation so he was committed to the worship of God in this daily time but also the Word of God David loved the Word of God the Word of God then was the Torah the first five books of the Pentateuch and David just loved the Word of God this is what he says in Psalm 17 and he says this the law of the Lord is perfect do we agree with that it refreshes the soul the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy making the wise so simple as a church we build our church on the Word of God every year we get a verse of the year the verse of the year this year is on the front of your card and it's also the the verse for our motion campaign and it's real simple every one Ephesians 3:20 says 9 to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us how many people agree with us that a good verse that's gonna set our year it's gonna get our imagination going David loved the Word of God let's grab here one of his Psalms and this is all about the power of spending time with God number one it does this it reconnects your relationship if you're here video cafe and you're just thinking know what I'm just I'm not as close as I used to be get your daily time with God he says this apart from you I have no good thing it reconnects your relationship next one is this and I love this it restores your appreciation this first is one of my favorite verses in the Bible look at this the bindery lines have fallen for me in Pleasant places how many people believe because we live in this area the boundary lines have fallen for us and pleasant places there should be a deep appreciation in our hearts simply because we get to live here I mean people have breakfast this morning how many people had a shower I mean don't raise your hand if you didn't okay don't don't do that I'll be nasty for other people we got running water we got electricity we got much happening for us and you know what I need to reproach you Bayside because you were holding ID on me I only discovered something this month that I should have known from day one landing in America you know what I find out that Costco deliver to your house why didn't you tell me that why did I go to that sorry place I'll fight the traffic and you know and fight for a parking space and join the line that was going to Canada I used to bring my passport everyone the line was so long why didn't you tell me this little woman she turned up at our house just last week and then she she brought in our grocery she was like a Marvel hero I mean it was incredible she walks in and I jest not this is the truth I actually got teary I got teary eyes she handed me a fully cooked chicken fully can you believe that I'm serious everyone I just thought to myself I live in a part of the world where the boundary lines have fallen for me in Pleasant places but I can sit in a computer computer click add chicken to basket yes the car and some woman goes here you are a lie scoot everyone are you with me yes if it's not if you ever if you're feeling dying order chicken right now from where you're sitting just order a chicken we'll be there for you going home okay there you go restores your appreciation I love what GK Chesterton says he says when it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude yeah everyone getting that it's so good let's race through the rest of them it resets your rest my body will also rest secure it does something physically to you next one is this it refocuses your confidence I keep my eyes always on the Lord and then I will not be shaken next one is it restarts your joy and we live in a world today where so many people are low on joy you will fill me with joy we're in your presence high school students there's only one place to find lasting joy and that is in the presence of God you'll find a better happiness at the mall or wherever but lasting joy is in his presence and the next is it redirects your life you make known to me the path of life if you are lost get back into daily devotions having your quality time how do we grow the spiritual giant of self-control by spending time every day by putting God number one in our day I'm not gonna let my day run away with excess but I'm gonna capture my day with self-control by putting God at the heart of it so that was number one number two is this write this in a weekly tithe to God and this was all about DF its generosity David's generosity now if you're a visitor here today to Bayside you're thinking oh my goodness I came on the Sunday when they're talking about money I can't believe it bad luck I should have gone to about other church that's way cheaper than here just listen to me if you're a visitor the day just relax okay you're just getting in on a family conversation hey BAE ciders we're gonna talk money is everyone okay with that we're gonna talk money because money is important this important of life is important in church there was a family went to church mom died and their little girl and after church they'd barely got out of church a mum and dad they started mourning they just started morning dad said hey that preacher was way too long it wasn't Bayside my preacher was way too long okay oh that choir the mom said the choir they were just off shooting but then the little girl chirp then she said hey wasn't a bad shul for 50 cents she was watching mom and died you see we're not here to tip a god we're here to tithe to God and also when we tithe what we're saying is this that we're putting self-control and do our finances self-control is in the dealy of our lives in the worship but it's then in the weekly of our lives in our finances why is ty than if you're year I've never even heard of it what is tithing tithing is bringing the first 10% of my income back to go it's bringing it to God so what we're saying is it's the first it's the first fruits it's not the last thoughts it's not when I've paid all of my bills what's left over for God it is before I even look at my bills the number one thing that I do in my life is put my tithe aside that's what I do God is number one there was a little girl four years old and her dad thought that he would teach her about money and about godly generosity he give her two dollar bills and he said darlin I'm gonna give you two dollar bills okay one belongs to God the other one belongs to you the one that belongs to God you give that to the local church the second dollar bill that belongs to you you can do whatever you want with it oh she was delighted she's ran down the street with the two dollar bills in her hand towards the candy store and there was a gust of wind and one dollar bill flew up in the air and went down a storm drain and she immediately said oh god there goes your dollar bill no no no no if God comes first everyone do you believe that God comes first Malachi 3:10 teaches us this and this is the revelation that we need to get into today now this word here high school students as well everyone underlined the word bring we're gonna come back to that in a second bring the whole type the 10% all of it into the storehouse we believe that to be the local church now this next lines very important that there may be food in my house well what does that mean for us today it means this that the local church would have the right resources that came from the generosity of God's people from the right financial understanding of what to do with our tithe that we might actually have something that we can make a difference in the world everyone that we wouldn't be constantly scrimping and scraping and making apologies for lack we're not talking about praying preachers crazy money or anything like that it doesn't happen right here what we're talking about is that when disaster hits when the community needs resources that the local church is there bill Hagel puts it this way that we've become a force in this world instead of a farce there's everyone with me that's what the local church should be that we should be the number one stop in all emergencies it says pass me in this says the Lord Almighty and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it you see there's some some people that just get this and I believe that we're starting to get this your are a remarkable bunch of people I want you all to look at me here Granite Bay you're incredible your level of giving your level of sacrifice consistency is remarkable I think we've been taking this serious and we've been saying yes Lord I'm gonna put you first in my finances a whole whole bunch of you are tithing and tithe and you do it regularly and I believe the Lord is opening the windows of heaven now it's not all about money but how many people from the scripture know it it's something that's about money and you know that listen to this here just the last two weekends and if you include Redwood covenant church where we're providing all the ministry every single weekend and taking care of that church that we've had over 19,000 people like the last two weekends on each weekend 19,000 people in each weekend I believe that God is pouring out blessing that we can hardly contend and you know what part of it comes down to is the faithfulness of God's people not that they're paying for it when we put our tithe first it's a sign of trust I'm trusting you in my finances god I am putting you first so look at this what is tithing tithing is not giving look at this just for a second it's not giving it is bringing offerings that's giving from the 90 percent what we choose to do in things like a capital campaign over and above or in an emergency offering that's different but tithing is bringing what belongs to God all three they're giving from what belongs to you but tithing is bringing what belongs to God that first 10% is God's yes and we bring it to him it's like your taxes everyone don't think of yourself as an incredible citizen you're so generous I'm gonna give the government more know you're bringing your taxes yes that's what you do tithing is having this revelation and this is it okay either we give out of reason or we give out a revelation you see if you just sit down with what you think is your money if you just sit in time with that and try to do all your built-in and put God at the end you're not a good steward that's not the way to do money what we need to do is say I have a revelation from God that the first 10% belongs to him we bring that to the local church and I'm gonna trust them that the rest the 90% is gonna go further than everything else than the hundred percent this is the revelation that we need to get in life when it comes to generosity with God I shovel I God shovels him but God's got a bigger shovel yes God's got a bigger shovel I just can't give him that's just going to work and that comes with a revelation they don't get nervous with me here today everyone don't get nervous with me there was a man and he was on vacation he was walking past a hotel and he saw a mother frantic frantic and her little boy he was clearly choking clearly choking and the man just like went into operation mode and he ran off just as the small kid grabbed the kid by his ankles turned him upside down I've never seen this done before turned him upside down and just shook him by the ankle shook him by the ankles and after about three or four really robust shakes suddenly a quarter just came out of the kids might the court has choking on a quarter came out of the kids mouth and the mom just said Wow to the guy that was amazing you just seemed to know what to do are you a doctor he said no I work for the IRS everyone look at me I don't work for the IRS I'm a Christian I'm a present sorry that's I'm fine no sorry oh sorry if you work for the IRS Jesus loves you we're catching up and I'm not working for the IRS listen I'm not even talking to you as a pastor I'm talking to you as a Christian this is something that I value this is something that I've been doing from when I was young for my very first paycheck ever this is something that I at Isabella and I've been doing all our lives this is something we want our kids to get the revolution with everybody it's so important David got the revelation first chronicles 29 look at David I mean this was way beyond tight and he lived in a culture of tithing he's not talking about offerings he goes with all my resources this is when it came to building the temple I have provided for the temple of my god in my devotion and this is where it all comes from everyone the revelation I'm devoted to this to the temple of my god and I give my personal treasures of gold and silver he's no longer the little shepherd boy on less than the minimum wage he's my king with resources but he's never lost the heart of generosity and for the temple of my god over and above everything I've provided for this holy temple he says basically I want to leave a legacy I want to leave something that lasts forever something of the kingdom of God I want to leave this temple on earth after I'm long gone I'm long gone you see as we sit here to talk about this today there can be three possible problems in the whole world of tightness you're sitting right now you're processing this if you're not like fully on board it normally comes down to one of three areas in life a number one is this comes down to you stroke me comes down to Austen's people and I would say this is one of three areas one remember disorganized your may be sitting here today and going this is brilliant I completely agree in it but I keep forgetting you want be faithful but you're forgetful that's why on the back of this today and we're serious about this today because it's so important for our lives we've put God first in the daily with our devotions and then we put God right first in our finances and here are just some efficient ways Izabella night that's what we do we don't bring cash we don't cut a check we are digital online people we make that decision every single year with our finances we get organized we become faithful and not forgetful givers because of this the next one is dead some people just don't get because they got in their lives I'm not asking for a show of hands and if you're here today that is very real and the emotions are very real but can I encourage you with this in the whole area of debt make a move towards God if there is like something that's so big in your life and often we get into debt because we have not put God first in our finances do you know what make a step towards him and say God I'm gonna start with this percent and God I'm gonna get you involved in my finances or just plain and simple the last one can be disobedient I'm stingy it's all about me I want the hundred percent I don't want got involved in all okay I want a member life but not my money that's it kind of strange isn't it but I don't want I'm involved at this point you need to have a conversation with you you need to sit down you know have a big conversation with yourself okay it's really important next one is God unless one it can be disappointment disappointment people we we just get disappointed what does that mean that we were tithing we were giving and we were believing that maybe in another area of our lives God would come through and he hasn't come through yet and we end up what disappointed and then we give up on God we might even attend church but we give up on God in some areas and it affects and I would say at this moment in time it's nothing to do with money listen to me God doesn't need your money well God is looking for is your obedience and your faith that's what God is really what this comes down to God doesn't need money what he's looking for is a fifth act God I'm putting you first in my finances I'm trusting you so at this point it's not about having a conversation with yourself you've tried that doesn't work you need to have a conversation with God you get on your knees you need to work that last one is you can have a problem with us and sometimes it's the area of distrust I don't know what Bayside's doing with our finances well ask us have a conversation with us I don't know why they bought that or they did that sometimes what you imagine is not a reality and it's a small minority I'm talking a fraction of people sometimes in church stop tithing because of like you know this wrong thought in their head about what could have been done with money can I say that we are here we have a whole finance department we can help you with this it's real simple people this is important in our lives it's a biblical principle that the church has been practicing since its inception Billy Graham said this now everyone Billy Graham you don't know who Billy Graham is there's like Jesus here couple of steps below there's Billy Graham everyone agree with me Billy Graham he's breezy pretty much he said if a person gets his attitude about money strip it will help strip night almost every other area of his or her life how many people know that to be true we can have jesus the lord of our past or present on her future and not have him involved in our finances so growing the giant of self control it's all about having a daily time with God a weekly ties to God and this one's really important to be in regular fellowship regular fellowship and this one was about David's community pause with me for a moment well this word fellowship what's that all my fellowship was lord of the Rings fellowship of the ring me watch that fellowship is doing life together at a really deep level and even knew what that was right these areas and David connect it with broken people First Samuel chapter 22 says that everyone who was in debt who was disheartened who was disconnected in life guess what they all came and they hung out with David they with David this is what we call the original circle of group if you're not familiar with that terminology this is what we said they say it's great on a weekend whether in video cafe or in this room to do life on a roll but to really get connected to Bayside we need to do life in circles at the weekend we do life Andros but during the week we do life in circles that leads me to the next one is David attracted courageous people in his life he had what was called a three who were like the commander of his guys and then he had the thirty and these were fierce people do you know that one of the thirty actually killed 800 people in one battle by himself it's pretty wild guys are did their courageous people I have a circle up group and it's one of my favorite appointments every single week we meet on a Monday night tomorrow night I'm out of time I'm reading cuz I'm gonna miss my circle of group and yes we do studies and yes we worship but you know what we do we do the life together I love meeting with these people I get the mentor then get the love on them a little bit but you know what they get to mentor me and love on me it is something that I look forward to I am better my marriage is better my family is better because of my circle of group people want you to look at me you can't do life by yourself marry couples look at me you can't do life by yourself find a group I find out tomorrow night we have new group starting in our young professionals five brand new circle of groups are starting tomorrow night women if you want to get in a group here on Thursday morning we have the most incredible women's ministry if you want to get in a group get outside today and put your name down for a group your life your marriage your family will be so much better regular fellowship it's what the early church did it's what has got the church through the hardest times is people doing life in a group and then even valued honest people this verse is incredible look at this first here everyone it's pretty amazing he says this here let me just find this where is it done here he says let a righteous mind strike me that is kindness let him rebuke me it sounds like marriage here doesn't it how many guys in here have a wife with a spiritual gift of honesty they'll just look you in the eye sometimes ago are you smoking dope I mean why are you on we need friends like this not as oil in my head my head will not refuse it he had some people in his circle of group yeah who loved him and give him the encouraging words but every nine and I had to give him a reality check we need that in life we need that in life but this last one this is like massively important d haven't missed essential people high school students you're gonna well you don't do Facebook anymore most of you put an Instagram or Twitter or whatever you do you'll have some people who follow you and you know and you call your friends but they're just your social circle your wider social circle high school students every single person in this room we need godly friends in our lives I can influence you a certain of mine from the stage here but I'm not gonna do life with you one on one I can do that with a few people can't do that with everyone and David he did not replace an essential relationship in his life look at this he heard and he wept and he cried that his best friend in the world Jonathan had been killed David and Jonathan they were like brothers I mean they were inseparable and Jonathan got killed it nearly broke D of its heart the best person in the world closest body in the world has anyone ever had a body like that we just go by goodness I trust them with wife and life anything they are just the most amazing piece but David never replaced them and I think that was a mistake in second Samuel Chapter eleven it is one of the scariest chapters in the Bible David is at his peak every one David it's like the gold in the era of Israel and this is what it says in the time when kings normally go off to war David sent Joab who was jawad jawad was a false substitute for Jonathan Joab was the commander of the Lord's army he was like a colleague but he wasn't the friend that Jonathan was he wasn't the friend that Jonathan was and David said normally Kings go off the bottle at this time but I'm gonna stay on the balcony when I should be in battle instead of going out and doing call of duty I'm gonna stay at home and play on the PS whatever it was back then I'm gonna stay home and as he was there on the balcony in the middle of the night because he'd been sleeping laying in the morning hanging around not fighting not in the gym not being disciplined not being focused he got up late at night walked out on the balcony a Hart middle east night and there was one of his neighbors I don't know what she was thinking everybody but a girl called Bathsheba was I on her balcony having a shower can I just give all the girls a little bit of advice would you kindly shower indoors could you just do that for us guys we're thrilled we're fragile all right to stay indoors and the event Bible says terrible words he sent for her he committed adultery can I submit to you today that I don't think that would have happened if Jonathan had still been alive you see Joab didn't have that relationship with them Joab just did whatever David said go to war okay I'll go to war whatever Joab just came to dev and he said what are we doing but Jonathan would have saw Steve at a different question he said how are you doing not what are you doing I'm care Jonathan didn't care about how many people he killed how many Goliath he didn't care about that he said I want to know how your soul is doing you see some people are there to help you with a project other people are there to help you as a person you see the difference and look at me you're not a project I'm not a project where people we're not human doings human beings correct and we need people that are going to help us to be human beings not just human doings quality relationships in our lives David never filled out David got into trouble people we need each other look at me you need people I need good people fallen people broken people we need each other few years ago Isabelle and I we were in the Royal Albert Hall we do other things in life rather than just go to nice places okay - Christian conferences but we were in the Royal Albert Hall and I remember where we were sitting and Pastor Rick and Kay Warren from that great Saddleback Church dinosaur in California it was their first time at a conference after the death of their son Matthew 27 years old who took his own life and the most tragic circumstance it fought all his life with depression and it was the first time that they had been on a stage at a conference and there wasn't a dry eye in the room there wasn't a dry eye in the room just recently I had the privilege of meeting Kay Warren and I I just recount it to her you know that moment and a high impactful it was and she thanked me for my words but this is what she said I just so wish that I never needed to be incredible on that day I just so wish I could rewind time and everything was different powerful powerful woman but this is what they said they said when they feared the worst that wasn't confirmed but they feared the worst the authorities were called they were standing outside their sons apartment and at that moment in time there's a standing on a curbside Southern California they didn't call the big preachers of California or the worship leaders you know who they called small grip they called their small group the small group they just left their jobs wherever they were they just rushed to be with them and the worst news in the world was confirmed and this is what Rick said at that moment it wasn't that our small group knew what to say because no one knows what to say at that moment in time it's just they knew how to hug hey big boots guy out there look at me sir you're so strong you've never even said the V word vulnerable it's not in your dictionary look at me sergeant whoever we all need a hug sometimes I know you're not writing that dying you're glad is not a fill-in hug but we all need it we all need each other and they said so what Rick and Kay said they told us the five thousand people so I can tell you this they said that night he couldn't just go home themselves they needed help said the whole whole small group four circle of crew came to their hosts they all slept the sofas wherever they could go so we hardly slept we're up all night just walking people with us hugging hugging there's one thing that Rick Warren says people need time they need touch to things that people are looking for in this work time they want to know that they matter they just want to touch appropriately how many people know that that's true three-man pit of their hands lots of women did free hugs over here at the end service come on everyone it's important this isn't it everybody this card is like really important it's not something like a Bayside tradition well we've got it through this no this is what the church is built on I want you to grab your card grab it come on be Korea just grab your card real simple everyone a daily time with God how many people know you got to do that come on yes you got to do that you got to get that in your life you'll be a better person a better husband wife single whatever you are in life parent you will be a better person because you download every day next one is a weekly tide to God how many people know we've got to get God in our finances yes we're gonna agree with that we need God in our finances this is one thing that we do at Bayside look at me if you are here and you're going I've never done this before I'm scared this is one thing that we do is that if you would write a letter in to us and said I'm gonna start tithing here's my name this is how much I'm going to give we will say that for three months if at the end of the three months God hasn't come through for you we'll give you that three months back again that's if that's gonna help you today you go I I'm so scared because this might whatever if at the end of three months you give a full tithe to the Lord write us in a letter you need to write us in a letter and you know who you are okay and so just put on let that helps you we're gonna do that and then the last one is being regularly involved in fellowship you want to say come on look at your husband say we need another group you do this yes take him by the hand lead him out there I'll hug them in their crib all right so I'm gonna pray and then I would love you to sign this we're not gonna bring these in and check who did or who didn't this is a you and God thing this is more important than your visa card everyone we want you to put this in your wallet I want you to place it in a proper place I will have this in my wallet for this year remembering this or okay are you ready let's pray father as we approach this and I would call it Lord like an altar moment where we come to a place of significance where it's it's me and you God it's awesome you god I just pray God that you get people the courage right now to live Lord intentional lives in the name of Jesus this is where I find everyone great lives are not accidental they're intentional the wrap-around great decision can I encourage you to sign that right and I just take a moment sign it I'm a bit of courage to do that and say Lord in 2018 like David I'm making these big decisions spiritual growth decisions I'm gonna grow the giant of self-control I'm gonna do that in the name of Jesus I'm not looking I'm not checking just be wise high school students do that come on how many parents knows some of your kids have more money than you come on start right now in your life okay I'm gonna pray one more time for you can you just stay with York is this important father thank you that your word instructs us that you lead us Lord that father you you also give commands Lord that are there for our good we submit to you Lord here at the beginning of the year and we just say Lord for the remainder of these months we just pray God give us the courage the conviction and the faith Lord to live this out in our generation we pray man you [Music]
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 1,555
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Bayside Church, Bible, Hope, Compassion, Love, Andrew McCourt, The Life Of David, Self Control
Id: glP0U9aFGSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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