Andrew Dice Clay on Being Banned from MTV

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 24 2023 🗫︎ replies
The Joe Rogan Experience let me tell you something when you're the first guided I'm the first guy to do what I did yes you know I mean I always looked up to Eddie Murphy I think he's the absolute greatest from stand up to to the films he's done and that's sort of the career I want that I figured I would just go from doing you know uh millions of people on the road to just movie stardom you know but you know I got the backlash you know you were the first to get the back yeah but yeah I was the first man from MTV so Ben from MTV Ben from MTV for jokes let me you're bringing up stuff I want to bring up but let me all right so with the MTV this is what you'll love this is the part you don't know well didn't they approve that set anywhere no they didn't move anything they didn't know no see you know this is the thing you know I always had an expression nobody [ __ ] with dice dice does the [ __ ] in the past the president the future in a day dice ultimately in the Multiverse does the [ __ ] that's it in the Multiverse so I come for the rehearsal and my whole job was to hit my mark and ladies and gentlemen I remember the last Puritan share and I make that move with my hand right yeah okay so I'm getting ready and that uh they already had a couple comics on that just tanked you know polarize it and I think he's great but you don't come out on the MTV Awards at the universal Amphitheater and talk about the hats Sinatra War I'm looking at my friend going look at look at the crowd nobody it's like he's not even in the room you know my friend says to me he goes well you could go out there and you could either be a teardrop well you could be a tidal wave you know you Okay so I don't really want to go nuts I'm trying to do the right thing I got the biggest manager ever Sandy gallon who had everybody from whoopee to Stallone to Dolly Parton I mean I'm sure you know the name Sandy gallon okay so biggest manager in Hollywood so I'm trying to do the right thing and um so now I don't know a minute before I go out arsenio's the host Here Comes Dick Clark who wow it's Dick Clark you know you grow up watching this man and he comes over just to hear him call me dice was hilarious and he goes look nice if you got a stretch Arsenio will come over to you and you'll play around and go whoa wait a minute what do you mean stretch stretch what you know what am I stretching my dick what are you doing no I'm not even kidding he goes no you know because Cher might not be ready I go no no we didn't work anything out me and Arsenio and I had no problem with Arsenio but you know this is a standalone spot you know and he goes well this is the way things are I go don't [ __ ] tell me how things go okay you're not my boss you know and as I'm getting angry at him which in my mind I'm going are you really getting angry at Dick Clark they start introducing me well I come out then now I'm angry now everybody's going to pay now everybody will be disciplined and I don't know how I did the set but I went into the poems now you got to understand this is not HBO or Showtime this is MTV this is everybody gets this it's free you know I go into the poems and uh what was the poem uh oh that got me banned I go Georgie Porgy putting in pie jerked off in his girlfriend's eye whenever I was dry and shut Georgie [ __ ] that one-eyed [ __ ] oh and the crowd's going [ __ ] crazy so I figured go into my fat girl stuff and that ended with you don't know where the tits begin and the belly ends it's like one big glop of [ __ ] right and I go now I go because they gave me a signal ladies and gentlemen the last Puritan share and she comes out singing If I Could Turn Back Time which is what everybody was thinking in the room if we could turn back time about eight minutes but in the meantime while I'm doing the ACT Dick Clark goes to charge me and Arsenio jumps on his back and tackles him the car's trying to stop yourself the clock was gonna jump he went out of his [ __ ] mind messy I'll put it to you that way so now now I come off the stage Eddie right Jamie listen Jamie young Jamie young Jamie so now they're taking me into the Press tents not one question was asked and and it was all the press in the world Sandy gown calls me at home he goes I was praying that what I was watching on TV was only coming through my television then I get a call you know from a club owner remember Rascals and Western the owner Mark Magnum yeah great greatest guy so Kennison was there who I always say he was having a rivalry with me I was happy for him when his career took off I was thrilled for him he had no problem with me because I was on the show Crime Story at the time but and he was doing I don't know four or five thousand seats a night he was the guy before I took off when my career took off it went straight to Arenas I was doing 80 to 100 000 people a week and he just couldn't handle it for whatever reason but he goes so kennison's watching this going that's it he's done he's finished in the meantime the reality was I went from doing one arena show let's let's say at the Spectrum in Philly the two Arena shows but three Arena shows where Bill Burr saw me at um in Boston at whatever Arena I did there I had one show it went to three shows it just got bigger and bigger and bigger nothing was hurting and so the next day there's this big meeting at MTV and Rick Rubin was there you know and you know my my people that I worked with uh Sandy got all these but it was the president that banning me for life you know which is hilarious I'm not even a singer you know and uh yeah I'm like some band what do I give a [ __ ] look at the numbers right and um but Dick Clark This is why Dick Clark became Dick Clark because the guy that was trying to tackle and beat me to a pulp for what I was doing is standing there his hair is now fixed the next day and he says to a room full of Executives when they're banning me for life he goes are you sure you want to do that because Rick Rubin told me he goes this guy is the biggest thing in the world right now and you're Banning him for life it was just one of the crazy moments of the backlash of my career
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,085,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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