And Such WERE Some of You

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are you ready to get into God's Word I want you to open your Bibles with me today to first Corinthians chapter 6 we're going to begin with verse 9 in just a moment and I've entitled the message today and such were some of you now my emphasis is on the word were and such were some of you so I'm gonna get right into the verse because I believe the verse itself will begin to preach the message for us and you'll understand the title as we get into the scripture verse 9 do you not know that the unrighteous now what does that word mean the unrighteous the disobedient to scripture sin is what the transgression of the Torah alright and so this is the Apostle Paul writing to the congregation in Corinth and he's saying do you not know that the unrighteous the disobedient to the scripture shall not inherit the reign of Elohim now he's not talking to the Lost he's talking to the congregation of belief and he's saying don't you know that people who are disobedient to the scripture they will not inherit the reign of Elohim he says don't be deceived what does the verse say right there do not be deceived what's he saying don't fall into the deception of the lawless you know the scripture defines a particular type of deception it's the deception of the lawless those who live like there is no law they're deceived in thinking that that's the appropriate way of yah obedience is what's important to the Almighty as a matter of fact Yeshua said if you love me keep my Commandments so he associates love with obedience do not be deceived neither those who that sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor homosexuals nor thieves nor greedy of gain nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers shall inherit the reign of elohim how does he no this is he just kind of making this stuff up is he getting some new revelation no he knows these things because there are Commandments in the Torah against these things amen and so he's telling us that no one who practices lawlessness no one who is a willful sinner is going to inherit the reign of Elohim look at verse 11 notice what it says and such were some of you again the word I want to focus on today is the word word and such were some of you Amen we know that all have sinned and fallen short of the esteem of Elohim but he's saying and such were some of you you were lawless you were sinful amen but you were notice washed everybody say washed the scripture says in Revelation chapter 7 verse 14 that that they the Saints washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb hallelujah and they were made white and so you were washed and you've been washed also in the watery grave of baptism that's the place where the circumcision of the heart takes place where the body of sin is cut away from the individual you were washed but you were set apart you were sanctified but you were declared right in the name of the master Yeshua and by the Spirit of Elohim so Yeshua delivers you from the bondage of sin he doesn't give you a license to sin can you say men it says such were some of you but not anymore everybody say no more he has a true disciple of Yeshua sin is not to have dominion over you in other words you're going to live righteously what does he say in verse 9 do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the reign of Elohim you are going to live righteously in other words you're going to be obedient you're gonna live according to the scripture now I know this flies in the face of some of the most popular modern what I call perverted grace doctrines that are going around in Christianity but I want to show you that the scripture is on my side we're gonna look at the scriptures today okay look at Galatians chapter 5 starting the verse 19 and the works of the flesh are well known which are these adultery whoring uncleanness indecency idolatry drug sorcery hatred quarrels jealousies fits of Rage selfish ambitions dissensions factions envy murders drunkenness wild parties and the like of which I forewarn you now who's he talking to is he talking to a lost world he's talking to the congregation of belief in Galatia all right he says I forewarned you even as I said before so he told him one other time at least that those who practice such as these shall not inherit the reign of Elohim so how does he know that these things are forbidden the things that he just listed the Torah tells us that they're forbidden all right and he studied the Torah so he's saying if you willfully practice these things in other words if you maintain a lifestyle of sin and you willfully practice these things then you will not inherit the reign of Elohim and again you have to understand who he's speaking to he's not out you know having an evangelistic outreach talking to the lost world he's talking to those who are part of the congregation of belief amen so don't be do don't fall into the deception of the lawless don't fall into the doctrines of perverted grace that says that you're not to do anything you're not to engage you know because if you engage in obedience then you have fallen from grace and now you're into law-keeping alright well if you're not a law keeper what are you you're a law breaker and the Torah yes the Torah defines what sin is sin is the transgression of the Torah but it also defines what righteousness is because the Torah depicts and defines the very nature and character of the Almighty amen when you obey his laws and right rulings then you are flowing within the context of his nature and character he doesn't waste words he doesn't give a law or make a right ruling for no reason it reflects his nature and character so we're gonna see in just a moment that when you get born again you get a heart transplant amen he takes the Stoney heart out the stoning heart of rebellion and disobedience and he places a heart of flesh in which means it gives you the want to people say I can't believe you're teaching people to obey the scripture obey what they call the Old Testament you're just dragging people into bondage and my answer you know my answer you've heard me say it many times it's not bondage when you want to it's only bondage when you don't want to will you tell a child don't play in the street because you know that for his or her safety they need to stay out of that danger zone and they don't want to do it it's bondage to them in that right but when they want to obey it's not bondage it's not bondage when you want to and so what does he have to do what's the difference between the original Covenant and the New Covenant in the New Covenant he's given us the indwelling Spirit set apart spirit we say set apart because we want to be able to talk about what the action of the spirit does in the life of believer it sets you apart you're not gonna be like everybody else so don't even try to fit in you're not gonna live like them you're not gonna act like them you're not gonna talk like them you're not gonna do like them why because he's giving you a desire to a want to be obedient to walk in his laws in his right rulings Amen you want to live your life within the context of his nature and character amen he's defined righteousness through Torah in that right hallelujah he's given you the want to but then it says he places his spirit in you and the Spirit gives you the power to now why does he do that because he doesn't want another failed marriage the first marriage covenant put too much on the individual on on humanity you do this you do this you make sure my words in your heart you write my words on your gates amen you you write them on on your doorpost you teach your children you teach your grandchildren you talk about it but in in the New Covenant he says and I will exercise that old heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and I will cause you to walk in my laws and my right rulings and you shall do them when he causes it it is by his favor or what your Bible may call grace see see grace gives you the power to be obedient it doesn't give you a license to be disobedient amen all right are we still in Galatians verse 19 and the works of the flesh are well known which are these adultery whoring uncleanness indecency idolatry drug sorcery hatred quarrels jealousies fits of Rage selfish ambitions dissensions factions in the murders drunkenness wild parties and the like of which I forewarn you even as I have said before that those who practice such as these shall not inherit the reign of Elohim now does he make it plain there you see how this flies in the face of the perverted grace doctrine today I call it the doctor and a personal irresponsibility because you get all the blessings but you don't have any responsibility in other words he's not gonna hold you accountable for anything if you want to be obedient then you've fallen from grace and now you're just a law keeper well it's a devilish doctrine and I'm gonna call it out because it needs to be called out because many many hundreds of thousands of people especially in what's called the church here in America are being persuaded to take the broad way that leads to destruction and we've got to keep preaching that they need to get on the narrow path narrow and difficult is the way that leads to life and there are few who find it amen Yeshua is the righteous one he's defined by obedience amen the anti Messiah is the lawless one he's defined by disobedience what camp do you want to be in you can choose hallelujah all right go with me to Ephesians chapter five verse three says but whoring and all uncleanness or greed of gain that's covetousness let it not even be named among you as is proper among the set apart ones what sets you apart your obedience to the commandments neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor coarse jesting which are not fitting but rather Thanksgiving see so many people think Paul is just making this stuff up as he goes along you know but he's just reflecting the context of the tories he's reflecting the context of the nature and character of the Almighty because these prohibitions are in the law he's just restating it verse five for this you know that one who nor unclean one nor one greedy of gain who is an idolaters as any inheritance in the reign of Messiah and Elohim he's calling out sin folks he's saying you can you can say you're a believer you can come sit in the gatherings you can say hallelujah and all the right places you can clap your hands and know all the words to the songs but if you're living a lifestyle of sin you're in danger of not inheriting the kingdom now I say that with love I'm just speaking the truth amen why because I don't want you to lose out on the kingdom and for a preacher to preach he's got to preach himself first amen look at verse five for this you know that no one who nor unclean one nor one greedy of gain who's an i dollar has any inheritance in the reign of Messiah and Elohim let no one deceive you with empty words see that's the perverted grace doctrine today it's a bunch of empty words it's the most popular doctrine amongst American quote Christians that there is why because you get all the goodies you get all the stuff and you don't have to be responsible for anything it's like sending a child into a candy store and saying you can just get whatever you want but when the teeth rot out somebody has to be responsible amen let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these because of what these transgressions of the Torah the wrath of Elohim comes upon the sons of what this obedience so there are sons of obedience and there are sons of disobedience which son are you sure we'll made it very plain here and he's talking to the congregation of belief he's looking straight into the eyes of people well he's writing a letter but he means it to be directed straightly to those who call themselves believers and he's making a distinction he says they're sons of disobedience and there are sons of obedience which son are you by the way it also includes the daughters Amen you say well you know the scripture says that we're all sons of the almighty and that irritates me as a woman yeah but it also says we're all the brides of Messiah hallelujah look at verse 7 therefore do not become partakers with them with whom the sons of disobedience notice for you were once darkness it's almost like he's he's having a moment where he's trying to tell believers in Messiah you were once darkness you're not that any more for you were once darkness but now you are light in the master so walk as children of light how do you walk his children of light obey the commandments for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth well that's within the context of Torah is it not goodness and righteousness and truth proving first to improving or you could say or doing what is well pleasing to the master so how do we know what's well pleasing to the master we find it in Torah at the time that he wrote this letter there was no what the what Christians call the New Testament there was no New Testament so his reference concerning Scripture is going to be the original Hebrew Scriptures of course you know he started writing letters and the letters were sent originally his his letters were considered spiritual commentary on what had already been written amen proving or doing what is well pleasing to the master look at verse 11 have no fellowship with the fruitless works of darkness how much fellowship are we to have no fellowship with the fruitless works of darkness how do we know what the fruitless works of darkness are through the Torah amen through the law it's well defined in the law and Paul is saying to believers you're not to have any fellowship in other words with disobedience you're not to be a son of disobedience or a daughter of disobedience notice what it says there but rather convict or expose them amen how do you convict the fruitless works of darkness by living a different way by letting your light so shine now Yeshua said let your light so shine that men and women would see your what good works what defines good works the Torah that's obedience to the Torah that men and women will see your good works and have a desire to glorify your Abba your father who's in the heavenlies how do you convict or how do you expose the fruitless works of darkness you let your light so shine in other words you let your life be an example of obedience to the Torah amen and by doing it you set an example to a lost and dark world you expose the fruitless works of darkness amen all right quickly go to second Corinthians chapter 6 beginning with verse 14 this tells us don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers again this is this is Paul writing to the congregation in Corinth he says do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers beavers will to be yolk with an unbeliever then you have to walk with an unbeliever how can two walk together lest they be agreed and so for you to walk with an unbeliever you have to behave like an unbeliever you have to think like an unbeliever and you have to act like an unbeliever and you have to talk like an unbeliever and you have to do like an unbeliever and Paul is saying to believers do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers alright for what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness see you were once lawlessness but not anymore and what Fellowship has light with darkness you see you once were darkness but not anymore and what agreement has Messiah with Billy Isle you once were an idolaters but not anymore or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever you once were an unbeliever but not anymore and what Union has the dwelling place of Elohim with idols the answer to that question is none Amen no Union everybody say no union for you are the dwelling place of the Living Elohim as Elohim has said I shall dwell in them and walk among them and I shall be their Elohim and they shall be my people now where does Paul get that Leviticus chapter 26 verse 12 Exodus chapter 29 and verse 45 both of those are in the Torah he's quoting Torah by the way he quotes the Torah often the Torah is the foundation of his authority in all of his writings for you to say that Paul took the book of Romans or the book of Galatians and abolished the Torah that exposes your ignorance of the scripture I say that would love if you only knew the number of times Paul quotes the Torah in the book of Romans the very book that people say he uses to abolish the Torah if you abolish the very body of Scripture that gives you your authority to speak what do you have you have no authority can you say men hallelujah for you are a dwelling place of the Living Elohim as Elohim has said I shall dwell in them and walk among them and I shall be their Elohim and they shall be my people in verse 17 therefore come out from among them from among whom unbelievers from among disobedient people Amen come out from among them and be separate says yah in other words don't do what they do and do not touch what is unclean and I shall receive you he's quoting Isaiah 52 verse 11 and I shall be a father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to me says Yahweh Almighty so he's quoting Isaiah 43 verse 6 and Hosea chapter 1 verse 10 again he's always quoting Torah in the prophets amen so it doesn't mean that we have no interaction with unbelievers we're supposed to take the light of the truth to unbelievers it's that we're not to do what they do we're not to be yoked with them we're not to agree with their way of living in their behavior can you say Amen in other words our relationship to them ought to be as diverse as light is to darkness can you say good amen so if you're trying to fit in quit if you want to be accepted in darkness stop it if you want to look like them and act like them and think like them and talk like them stop it it's not appropriate for believers to do that can you say Amen you have to let your light so shine not your darkness agreeing with their darkness can you say good amen all right look at Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 now this is the tall and many people would say well Paul came up with this really wonderful concept of the circumcision of the heart they considered a breach Hana Shaw or a quote New Testament concept but when Paul was preaching the circumcision of the heart he was quoting the Torah folks the circumcision of the heart is a Torah concept it's not some new thing look at Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 and yah your Elohim shall circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed to love yo your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being so that you might live now there are other passages that in the Torah that say that you should circumcise your heart and not be stiff necked and rebellious anymore but I see that as the difference between the two covenants in the New Covenant the almighty says I'm going to take on the responsibility if you believe in Yeshua and will submit to the indwelling set-apart spirit I will take on the responsibility of circumcising your heart and you will love me the way I want to be loved and Yeshua made it very plain how the almighty wants to be loved he says if you love me you're what keep my Commandments did he not say that so we see it right here in Torah this promise that our hearts would be circumcised that we would love yah the way he wants to be loved and that's through obedience to his word someone who disobeys the word but says they're a true believer is a liar I said that with a smile on my face amen because if you're a true believer you have a want to you want to be obedient you want to obey because that's the way the Almighty wants to be loved can you say good amen look at Ezekiel chapter 36 starting with verse 25 this is a prophetic word Ezekiel was an original Hebrew prophet and he prophesized of this dynamic of the circumcision of the heart and I believe he was prophesying about what happens in a heart in the heart of a believer when they believe upon your shoe up and submit to the working of the set-apart spirit ezekiel 36 verse 25 it says that i shall sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean you remember that first verse we read Paul said but you were washed but you were washed and such were some of you you were sinners you ride Allah ters amen but he says you've been washed we'll look at verse 25 I shall sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness from how much of your filthiness so so if you're submitting your life to the set-apart spirit and you're in complete submission and not rebelling or resisting do you have a promise here that all of your filthiness will be washed what does that look like believer what does that look like that all your filthiness is washed well he's speaking to us to our highest potential amen but that's what he promises us if we'll submit to the ministry of the set-apart spirit and you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols I cleanse you that's a work that's going on right now there are people in the quote church who are having their eyes opened and their ears opened by the Ruach he's bringing us out of idolatry and and the mixed form of worship that we find in the quote Christian Church we're so mixed up you got a little bit of the word and you got a lot of paganism amen I'm not criticizing people I'm just reporting just delivering the newspaper today I'm a newspaper boy it is what it is I was a I was a pastor in a Sunday church very large Sunday church for for many many years and I'm thankful the almighty opened my eyes and popped open my ears you say how did that happen because I've always been a seeker of truth always and I've always been willing to cast aside a tradition of man when I come across the truth does that make you popular with the masses no we grew from several thousand to several hundred hallelujah amen but I'd rather be here speaking the truth than somewhere else speaking of partial truth you know you know a half truth is a whole lie did you know that okay look at verse 26 and I shall give you a new heart that's a heart transplant and put a new spirit within you he's not gonna put a bandaid on the old heart he's gonna give you a new heart and he's gonna put his spirit in you and I shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh who's gonna do it he's gonna do it the heart of stone is the heart of rebellion and resistance it's the heart that wants to disobey you've seen a child that doesn't want to obey his parent I mean they'll just drop to the ground and throw a tantrum kicking and screaming and running in circles on the floor amen you've seen it in the in the natural I wonder if that's what the almighty sees when he looks at people that call themselves believers in Yeshua Amen because they have hard hearts and they need a heart transplant amen I shall give you a heart of flesh in other words he gives us the want to and want to obey and put my spirit within you that's the power - and I shall what calls you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings and you shall do them this is Ezekiel okay so what laws and right rulings were there in his day the Torah all right now we know that the New Covenant is defined by yah placing his Torah in our minds and riding it upon our hearts okay that's Jeremiah 31 all right he places his Torah his laws his right rulings in our mind and writes them on our hearts how foolish it would be for the almighty to place and abolished law in our minds and write it on our hearts amen that is definitive of the New Covenant alright because under the original covenant you were supposed to get his word in you you were supposed to write it on the doorpost and the gates etc etc you were responsible for those things all right that original covenant failed not because of the Almighty or because of his Torah but because they discontinued walking in it they were disobedient he doesn't want another failed marriage so what does he say he says I am going to place my same law and right rulings deeper into the individual I'm gonna do it myself I'm gonna I'm gonna personally put it in their minds I'm gonna personally inscribe it upon their hearts why I don't want another failed marriage amen and so when you when you get that understanding then you stop being an enemy of the Torah and you love the very thing that's definitive of the New Covenant that you're in can you say man and put my spirit within you and I will cause you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings and you shall do them he gives you the want to the power to you said well I just don't want to well you know the heart transplant Karen simple I want to do my own way well that's what the scripture says the almighty chastised the people because they did what was right in their own eyes when you do what's right in your own eyes you make yourself Elohim is that how you want to enter into the judgment you want to argue with the Most High you say this is making too much sense yeah it makes a lot of sense when you make it clear makes a lot of sense people can grumble and Rumble around on the inside and well that's because you don't want to he gives you the want to and the power to now things change when you get to want to and the power to then you love his law and you love his right rulings can you say man all right quickly go to Colossians chapter 2 we're going to begin with verse 11 this is the circumcision of Messiah and it is the fulfillment of the prophecies that the almighty will circumcise our hearts and he'll give us a heart transplant and give us his spirit look at Colossians chapter 2 starting with verse 11 it says in him in whom in Messiah you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands see it's the circumcision of the heart we're talking about that's a reference to Deuteronomy 30 verse 6 and also Ezekiel 36 verses 25 through 27 in the putting off of the body of sins of the flesh notice it says putting off of the body of sin not continuing in them by the circumcision of Messiah who's the circumciser so every believer if you've truly submitted to the Ministry of the set-apart spirit every believer has been circumcised male and female your heart has been circumcised and Yeshua Messiah is the circumciser you know the Jewish people may say well rabbi so-and-so circumcised my my baby boy well you could say Yeshua Messiah circumcise me amen he's the one that circumcised you and it's the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh look at verse 12 having been buried with him in immersion that's where it takes place water baptism in which you also were raised with him through the belief in the working of Elohim who raised him from the dead you were buried with him in Baptism you were raised to walk in newness of life verse 13 and you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh in other words you were not in covenant with the Almighty and in that state you were dead okay he has made alive together with him having forgiven you all trespasses see when you believed upon messiah elohim forgave you all your past sins but he expects you to discontinue your a lifestyle of sin and walk in obedience to the scripture now this is where the perverted grace doctrine goes way wrong they'll say you were forgiven past present and future and people will take that as a license if I've been forgiven of my past sins and my present sins and my future sins then I don't need to be concerned about sinning I can sin because he's already forgiven me my sins the fact is when you received your schewe and you submitted to the work of the Spirit your past sins were forgiven now he's empowered you to walk in righteousness and he expects you to live a lifestyle of righteousness as defined by Scripture if we don't have to obey the scripture why do we have the scripture if we don't have to obey it why do we have it why why did he give it to us amen so he wants us to obey the scripture and we do not continue sinning willfully but if we make a mistake if we miss the mark praise yah we have a high priest and he's in the temple in the heavenlies his name is Yeshua Messiah he ever lives to make intercession for us if there was no need for ongoing intercession why is there need to have a high priest whoever lives somebodies world's getting rocked about right there because it's the truth if we don't have any need for ongoing intercession why do we have a need for a high priest who ever lives to make intercession for us so we don't want to sin we don't willfully sin but if we miss the mark then we go before our high priest who isn't ever-present help we come humbly and what do we do we confess our sins we repent of our sins all don't repent because if you repent you've fallen from grace now you're a law keeper utter nonsense don't believe it you repent which means you change your mind you change your course what is your High Priest do he goes before the high court of heaven before the Father and he pleads your case not based on what you did or didn't do but according to what he did when he died in your place taking your sins upon himself and he was buried and raised from the dead that redemptive sacrifice he presents before Abba Abba has no other recourse except to forgive you of your sin of your transgression of the Torah and you rise up from that place of humility and repentance and you go on to produce more obedience more righteousness see that's the difference between the two administration's you have one eternal Torah one eternal law it's immovable it's immutable you couldn't abolish it if you wanted to you have two administrations one is under Moshe by the letter including all the death penalties associated with the commandments nine out of the ten words have a death penalty associated with it so if we're going to Minister the Torah according to the administration of Moshe we're putting to death a lot of people so under Moshe what do we have if somebody sins a sin that leads to death we have a dead sinner so why is the New Covenant more glorious than the original covenant because under the administration of Yeshua if a believer trespasses the Torah he didn't do it willfully he made a mistake he comes before his high priest he confesses his sin the Almighty is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness then what do we do when we've received that forgiveness we rise up from that place of humility and we go on and we produce more obedience we produce more righteousness that's why the New Covenant is more glorious than the original covenant because under your schewe you don't have a dead sinner you have a forgiving saint hallelujah praise yah all right quickly go to Ephesians chapter 2 beginning with verse 1 it says and you were dead notice we've been emphasizing all the words that was your condition but it's not anymore and you were dead in trespasses and sins in which you once walked not you're still walking according to the course of this world according to the ruler of the authority of the air that's hasatan of the spirit that is now working in the sons of what is now working in the sons of disobedience so there's a whole body of people out there right now considered to be sons of disobedience contrasting that there's a whole body out there right now who are considered the sons of obedience which camp are you in and if you're a son of disobedience then hasatan is at work in your life well if your son of obedience who's working in your life you shoe up by the set of Park Spirit amen bursary among whom also we all once lived see all have sinned and fallen short of the esteem of Elohim that's Romans 3:23 that's in the past tense you once lived that way but not anymore in the lust of your flesh doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature children of Wrath as also the rest so if you're a son of disobedience your nature is of sin and that warrants the wrath of Elohim now what does religion have to do with any of it you know you can be very religious you can track along with religious traditions you can even go to a quote church service every week and still be a son or a daughter of disobedience amen the religious context doesn't have anything to do with it if anything it's deceptive it'll allow you to sleep thinking that you're all right that everything's okay you just live in your life according to what religion taught you doing what's right in your own eyes and you don't even realize that you will be held responsible for obeying the scripture let's look at verse 4 but Elohim hallelujah everybody say but Elohim now Elohim didn't want another failed marriage so he promised to do some things but Elohim who is rich in compassion because of his great love with which he loved us shall I take a moment and just kind of open that up everybody says well God just loves everybody he just loves everybody I know what they mean but according to scripture the Almighty displayed his love at a particular period of time and his love is defined by an event and the event is Yeshua dying for the sins of the world on the tree if you want to know if you're loved the scripture points you back to the tree if you want to know that you're loved you have to look back at the tree where Yeshua died there that is the all my T's definition of love that sacrifice so when you know that this verse makes sense verse 4 but Elohim who is rich in compassion because of his great love with which he loved us he loved the world at the tree amen now that's an unconditional love for all people why is it unconditional because the people of the world were in no condition to meet righteous conditions he couldn't require a righteous condition from the people of the world so what did he do he loved first we love him because he first loved us he had to get us in a place where we could return the love that he expects so he had to love first hallelujah because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses when we were dead in trespasses not that you still are in your trespasses as a so-called believer you're still disobedient though you were dead in trespasses not anymore not anymore are you dead and not anymore are you in trespasses and what I mean by that what I mean by that is a lifestyle of willful trespassing are we making it clear today even when we were dead in trespasses made alive made us alive together with Messiah for by favor your Bible may say grace you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Messiah Yeshua look at verse 8 for by favor you have been saved through belief through belief in Messiah and that not of yourselves in other words you didn't save yourself or gain salvation by your own efforts it is the gift of Elohim it is not by works of Torah apart from belief in Yeshua everyone who's going to be justified must believe in Yeshua it's not by works so that no one should boast your salvation was not according to your own effort or work in Torah observance look at verse 10 for we are his workmanship so who's doing the work he is he's the one doing the work created by Elohim in Messiah Yahshua now here's where the Torah fits in unto good works alright good works as defined by what the Torah see we're not justified by good works of Torah but we are justified unto obedience to the Torah there it is plain and simple shall I read it again in it interesting how religion will grab one half of a verse and leave another half out for by favor you've been saved through belief and that not of yourselves it is the gift of Elohim it is not by works so that no one should boast in other words your salvation doesn't come according to your own effort verse 10 for we are his workmanship he's the one working because he created us created by Elohim in Messiah Yeshua but here it is unto good works which elohim prepared beforehand that we should walk in them so let me ask you a question what was prepared beforehand the torah or justification through belief in yeshua which one came first paul makes that very plain the torah came first in the torah actually leads us to justification in your shoe can you say men so what is this telling us that he prepared the Torah in advance that we should walk in it after we're justified by belief in Yeshua now can you grasp that concept see you had a whole body of people the Jewish people who would say well we don't need this Yeshua we have Torah and we're justified by keeping the Torah so Paul had to make it plain that you're not saved are justified by keeping the Torah apart from belief in Yeshua that's why he said so often you're not saved by Torah observance because he had a whole body of people who actually embraced the idea that they could be justified by simply observing Torah he had to make it plain that no you need to believe in Messiah believe in Yeshua so he's saying you're not justified by Torah observance but you are born again unto obedience of the Torah can you say Amen you
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, uncompromising, Message, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Yeshua, Messiah, Christ, Jesus, God, Elohim, Abba, Truth, Set-Apartness, Holy Spirit, Holy, Grace, Forsake Sin, obedience to Scripture, Master Yeshua, righteousness, And Such WERE Some of You
Id: vJcnwxHMjCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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