Ancient YOGI Secrets to ATTRACT Your DREAM Life! | Sadhguru | Top 50 Rules

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Every Creature From a worm insect bird plant tree everybody all of them are trying to be full-fledged lives if one sees what's happening beneath the Earth in terms of the root systems it is an enormous effort for a plantar a tree to become a full-fledged tree well an apple tree is not trying to be an oak tree but an apple tree wants to be a full-fledged apple tree that effort is on in every life so is it in human beings but the problem with humanity is just this that for every other creature nature is drawn two lines Within These two lines they live and die so their idea of full-fledged is hitting the ceiling of their life but if a human being hits a ceiling he gets frustrated and miserable this process of evolution has delivered to us to a place where there is only the bottom line there is no Top Line though some human beings are trying to breach the bottom line and go below so essentially what human life is when life was in the other forms of life that you see on the planet nature determined a certain compulsive instinctive ways of functioning once to become human these lines have been removed what you call as human potential is not of any kind of measurable limit it can go as far as you desire for us as far as you have the courage to walk need motivation put your top 10 with police Nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because in my first business I quit on my business partner I was making 300 bucks a month and I didn't have the motivation to keep going and the thing that got me through was studying the stories of entrepreneurs who've had massive success and I hope that in sharing these stories with you you find a motivation to keep going and if I'm being honest I still need the source for myself today too so today let's learn from one of the best sad Guru and my take on his top 50 rules of success enjoy so when we say human potential unleashing human potential it is not about reaching the peak it is a trajectory because what our life is is a combination of a certain amount of time and energy time is rolling away for all of us at the same pace if you sit it rolls away if you sleep it rolls away if you do something it goes away if you don't do anything it goes away you're happy or miserable it goes away time is running out for all of us so it's only the energy that you can do different things with if you bring your energies to a certain level of intensity and possibility what somebody does in 10 years you may do it in one year this means if you live here for 100 years it feels like in people's impact that you have created it feels like you lived here for a thousand years simply because you have managed your life energies in a certain way so for me a human being being impactful means how conscious have you become this is very important because if you're in compulsive Cycles then your energy gets wasted in so many things if you absorb people in a day let's say let's take 24 hours in that anyway most people by prescription in America they sleep for eight hours so eight hours means one third of life is gone in the remaining two-thirds they have to eat they have to you know shower bathroom this that all this another two three hours gone so literally 50 percent of life is gone daily basis just for basic maintenance of this life fifty percent of the time is gone in maintenance remaining fifty percent what they have if you look at every single move that they may make with their body their thought process their emotions you will see a whole lot of it is happening in compulsive Cycles or in other words if you are little sensitive to life you will realize you are the biggest issue in your life so this is one thing that I'm trying to do with people that you are never the issue in your life I'm not the issue my thought my emotion my body is never the issue my thought my emotion my energy and my body are my instruments a function they are not impediments in my life but I would say for 90 of the human beings their own body then the compulsions of the body the compulsions of their thought the compulsions of their emotions or ruling them most of the time you are a product of this planet yes or no whatever nonsense individuals may think about themselves we are all just a pop-up from this planet you've seen those pop-ups on the computer screen pop pop yes you just a pop-up you'll be gone you can't believe you will be gone ah me I will be gone yes all the very smart people countless number of people who walk this planet before and you and me where the hell are they are not a sign all became top soil isn't it so one day pop-ups aren't you a pop-up you may think you have a great life and this and that as far as the Earth is concerned it's just recycling its soil yes throws you up and draws you back throws you up and draws you back so in this little pop-up the important thing and the most important thing is you create sensitivity within you such sensitivity that every dimension of Life comes into your experience before you fall dead is it not important you experience this life in this fullest possible scale yes or no experience means people think we must party every day no no same damn thing how many times you will do there is much more for the human life to explore you must become sensitive when I say sensitive because the word sensitive is used in the wrong way in the sense when people say oh she's very sensitive we are supposed to understand uh she will get hurt for just about anything yes no being sensitive to life and being ego sensitive are two different things being sensitive to life means if you walk into this Hall you experience everything that's here you don't miss a thing if you walk outside you don't miss a thing every dimension of life should come into your experience what a vision and vision means is say everybody has desires desire is an incremental way of enhancing our life today you desire I must have a home tomorrow you desire I must have this money tomorrow you desire something else these are incremental ways of arranging and rearranging Our Lives which are needed to do a few things when you say I am a Visionary what you're saying is I have a larger desire which is not about just incremental Improvement of my life desire is about me always vision is an all in all-inclusive process [Music] so this itself is a phenomenal thing if people instead of having desires if they have a vision vision is always all-inclusive desire is personal desire leads to incremental changes and improvements Vision can transform the whole situation so it's very important that there is nothing to miss out in life life is happening to all of us question is only if I miss this party am I missing out something if I miss this examination I am missing out something if I miss this job am I missing out something this is simply because right now who you are is not internally Managed IT is externally stimulated when you step out into the world if you leave it to the people to decide what happens within you they're going to drive you crazy in no time here it's all managed for you you're not managing this it's managed for you what should happen to you what should not happen to you somebody else is managing it when you step out on the street if you leave it to other people's hands that they can decide whether you're happy or unhappy you're going to be miserable for sure because they want to do many things what happens within you must be determined by you isn't it also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet design specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there no technology is harmful it is just that when human mind is in a certain level of destructive mode every technology is harmful everything you can take your laptop and slit somebody's head does it mean to say computers are dangerous suppose a few incidents happen like this in many offices it happened let's say in 10 different offices it so happened somebody took Apple Air and slipped somebody's head does it mean to say laptops are dangerous no human being so stupid whatever comes their way they know how to turn it against themselves when they've turned their own brains against themselves what else do you want [Music] now there are technology D addiction centers you know this like there are drug de addiction alcohol the addiction now technology the addiction centers simply because we are in a compulsive mode if we start eating we don't know when to stop eating that's a problem big problem quite a big problem if we start drinking we don't know when to start drinking stop drinking if we start shopping we don't know when to stop shopping if you start using the phone we don't know when to stop using the phone so the problem is not of Technology the problem is of compulsiveness when we say compulsiveness it's just absence of Consciousness isn't it if we were conscious human beings we would use everything for our well-being and everybody's well-being because we are compulsive we start doing something we don't know how to stop endlessly we will do the same silly thing so whether it's virtual reality or artificial intelligence or anything or anything the problem is not of Technology never because they are just devices created by us we are supposed to use it for our well-being that's ideal isn't it but see most of the Cutting Edge technology always goes into military usage in the world obviously we don't know how to use it for a well-being we are always using it to destroy something this has been the thing always not just now because we've never worked on human consciousness if human beings lived consciously if the leadership in the world was a conscious leadership a question of using technology against human well-being or the well-being of anything wouldn't arise isn't it is technology means enhancement of our capability isn't it if you wish about what may happen or may not happen right fear is not about what is what we are experiencing right now what will happen is always the fear or in other words your fear is about something which is not yet your fear is about something which does not exist this is all management people if there were a few somebody from a Psychiatry Department you could have asked them if I have fear about something that does not exist what is my condition they would have a title for you yes let me just close by I think you can always cancel that is also a premier Institution we are suffering something which doesn't even exist yes if you're suffering something that doesn't even exist it is not about life it is not about education it's not about career it is just about your mind being out of control is that not an important aspect that you should manage first before we allow you to manage an industry or a business is it not important first of all you learn to at least manage your mind hello isn't it important if you do not know how to manage your mind what the hell are you going to manage in the world managers are all freaking out and growing ulcers in their stomachs yes today it's become normal if you are a CEO by 45 if you don't have an ulcer you're not a great CEO because you are managing by accident like this the fear comes because there is an accidental possibility isn't it tell me let's say you don't know how to ride a bicycle you sat on it it was on stand you were just peddling for fun and it came off stand and started rolling anxiety or no started rolling faster fear or no very fast Terror or no [Music] it's not because bicycle produces Terror it is just that you don't know how to ride if you know how to ride faster it goes the better it is hmm isn't it faster it goes the better it is the very very uh basis why we created a bicycle is because we wanted to go faster than walking that's the idea but if you do not know how to write how much fear it creates right now your problem is not with the world your problem is not with your education your problem is your education system right from kindergarten hasn't told you a damn thing about how to manage yourself people are having Disturbed sleep because of the way they're keeping their minds if you are in a comfortable state of mind if you go to sleep the body knows when to wake up one day it may sleep for this many hours another day it may sleep for half the amount of time it's perfectly fine body needs rest body does not need sleep restfulness is not in the hours it is in the drop of metabolic activity that you have generally in deep Sleep your metabolism drops approximately eight percent you sit for somebody your metabolic activity can drop up to 24 the restfulness that you are gaining in meditation is three times more profound than sleep then one thing that will happen to you is sleep quota will come down suddenly say everybody is looking for tidbits of life give me three points with which I will make my life one Mantra with which everything will be solved that's not how life is it's a comprehensive process the simple way to look at it is like this today you know because of medical Sciences that your entire body in a way is a chemical soup the question is only is it a great super a lousy soup so if it's a great soup then it tastes wonderful for you and tastes wonderful for everybody around you if it's a lousy soup then you have to manage with presentation when the chef is bad you know he decorates it all right these days food comes with flowers on it never ever outside situations will happen 100 your way but what happens within you if it's happening 100 your way you will be in the best possible State always you will keep yourself in the best possible way are you as good as somebody that's not the point are you full-fledged that is a point if you go outside in the garden and try to catch an ant the bhu ant who is born here who's grown up here and probably he'll die here that bhu and if you try to catch him he'll say okay to hell with my life okay crush me if you want is it so he'll do everything to protect himself he values his life isn't it very much tiny little creature that we may not even notice we may step on him without even seeing him unfortunately but he values his life immensely does he know he's got Spark but you a human being at least on this planet you're the peak of evolution physiologically at least yes if other behavioral aspects if you may have questions but physiologically at least the most evolved creature on the planet what the most evolved creature on the planet means is it has the most complex neurological system and it has the highest level of cerebral capability that means you can think you can remember you have memory you have a very Vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination an ant doesn't have such a vivid sense of memory nor does he have any great imagination here some but he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living because the education systems that you are going through right from kindergarten level is such that it is about everything except you it's about everything else somebody is PhD in tourism somebody is PhD in biotechnology somebody is PhD in something about this how does this function there is no attention at all a human being functions you know you have a caliber of a temple here what this means is a human being exists in three times he lives because of the richness of his memory how rich is your memory determines what you will do and what you will not do right now isn't it so so memory is important the present experience is important and how Vivid is your imagination for tomorrow is very important right now the problem is these things have all gotten mixed up because discipline of Faculty has simply not come nothing has been taught to our children that there needs to be discipline means people think English kind of discipline walking like this like idiots discipline of Faculty is not there because of this your own mind turns against you what happened 10 years ago you still suffer hello what may happen Day After Tomorrow you already suffer because there's no discipline of faculty you don't know how to use your memory you don't know how to use your imagination your memory Makes You Suffer you imagine makes imagination makes you suffer and you think you're suffering your life you are not suffering your life you are only suffering the two greatest faculties of Being Human Vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of hum imagination isn't it so if you suffer the greatest faculties that you have what can we do with you if you suffer ailment understandable if you suffer a disability understandable if you suffer your ability hopeless case yes or no you're suffering your capabilities if you are suffering your disability it's all right you're suffering your capabilities I must tell you this about four or five months ago I think you might have seen it on the news a young lady 34 year old lady who was a television anchor in Hyderabad jumped off the fifth floor window kill herself left a note nobody is responsible for my death my brain is my enemy how many million years it took to get this brain to this size and now it becomes your enemy she articulated this but this is true with almost 90 percent of the human beings they are suffering their own intelligence isn't it if you take away half their brain if you take away half their brain they will be peaceful foreign yes and that is why a whole bunch of idiots are going about saying that the ultimate goal of life is peace of mind such people will only rest in peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's like sunlight sunlight is available to everybody but only those who open their eyes will see that's the way it is but is it not there is it there only for me not for you there's no such thing it's available for everybody it's just that are you receptive when we talk about receptivity see the entire process of yoga the word yoga itself means this the word yoga means Union Union means what right now in most people's experience it is me versus universe this is how people are experiencing life otherwise why continuous anxiety fear they think they are fighting for their life all the time why they are fighting the whole universe individual and the universal being in competition with the universe is a stupid thing to do see right now what are the instruments of your experience you know you're here only because you can see hear smell taste and touch this is the only way you know that you're here right now suppose you doze off don't okay suppose you doze off you don't know that you're here isn't it yes even though you're here your heart is beating everything is functioning the world is on we are all here but you won't know that you are here nor will you know that I am here or anybody else is here isn't it yes all that's happened is life is on Full on even within you only thing is these five sensory organs have shut down so your entire experience of life right now is happening because you can see here smell taste and touch just look at the nature of the sensory organs in the very nature their Outward Bound isn't it can you roll your eyeballs Inward and scan yourself no there's a shall I give you a bad example sir your our nose is located right above our mouth suppose you don't brush your teeth for three days [Music] though this nose is right here it won't tell you you have not brushed your teeth the whole room will know you have not brushed your teeth but you will not know this is the human predicament it's very easy to see what's wrong with this guy what's wrong with her what's wrong with her very it takes a lot of observation to see what's wrong with this that level of keenness of observation is missing in most people they need to cultivate that if your friend uh is doesn't not do well you'll feel sad about it if he does very well you'll feel very sad about it so you have fixed yourself in such a way whichever way you cannot be happy [Music] you you were in a self-defeating mode no matter what happens you will not be happy if you want to understand what I am saying you go and stand out on one of the main streets in Bangalore City I'll leave the poor people who are selling karlekai on the street side leave them people who are driving there only look at those BMWs Mercedes and majorities and whatever is going around in Bangalore City only look at the dream cars okay because many of you may have dreams also of this just look at all these people you think they are in a perfusion of joy driving this car like that no only in case it's a stolen car you see the joy [Applause] otherwise no so success has not brought joy to them if they're failed of course they are frustrated because the very mode of approach is like this if this mode of approach comes whichever way it's not going to work because it's not even about you it's always about somebody here it's never about you the simple thing is this see if your joy your sadness your happiness your misery is determined by something or somebody around you the chances of you being joyful in your life is remote yes or no is it true that Human Experience is Created from within hello hello I'm asking all of you is it true that Human Experience Joy or misery Agony or ecstasy Madness or sanity everything is Created from inside at least if you're a manager if you're going to be a manager at least what is happening from within you must happen your way because essentially management means having situations the way we want it yes management means what having situations the way we want it well if the world is not happening your way at least this one must be happening your way otherwise what kind of management is this here there's only one person huh here there are a thousand people they may not listen to you they got their own stuff but here there's only one person at least here what you want must happen isn't it if what you want happened would you keep yourself blissed out or miserable what's your choice you must choose I'm going to bless you now if you had a choice would you be rather be blissed out or miserable no blessed out of course so if such a thing is not happening then all these problems come if things work it is a problem if they don't work it's a problem if you get a seat in this institution it's a problem if you cannot get out of this it's a problem you like this place so much you don't mind staying here it's not like that you must get in and you must get get out ahead of others everything it's never about you it's always about something else outside is a variable situation who these people are today tomorrow we don't know what they will say yes tomorrow morning we don't know what they will say if your way of being is determined by all these people then you are a mess you're bound to be a mess when it comes to what you want to do uh you must think clearly it's very important thinking clearly means the question is not about what will get me this what will get me that are you is your life precious to you all of you I'm asking your life is it precious to you so before you invest this life into something you must look whether today if I invest my life into this after 25 years will it still mean a lot to me after 50 years will it still mean a lot to me at the end of my life you will turn back under a look will I be proud of this or will I be ashamed of what I am doing right now it doesn't matter what other people say but you should not do anything that you did you it doesn't matter people say so many things everybody has opinion it's their business but you don't do something that you will feel ashamed of isn't it then you go turning against yourself somebody turns against you you can leave them and go somewhere else if you turn against yourself you'll have to live with it forever so this is all you have to look at it somebody something will get you money something will get you comfort that's not the point what you choose to do will it give you a life when I say give it give you a life are you just trying to make a living or are you trying to make a life out of this is important making a living is not an issue a worm a insect a bird an animal all of them are making their life making a living isn't it so that even making a life out of it but definitely they're making a living so making a living with such a big brain is not an issue earning your food is not a issue making a living is not an issue only problem is you want to live like somebody else that's an endless problem I want to live is not a problem I want to live like you this is a problem so it is important if you consider your life as a precious life you must make sure you make a wonderful life out of this see as we sit here this is my body that is your body do what you want these two things will not become one this is my mind that is your mind do what you want these things will not become one they may overlap on some issues and we may feel that we are one with each other but my mind is my mind your mind is your mind isn't it but there is no such thing as my life and your life this is a living Cosmos you captured a little bit I captured a little bit that's about it but now we think this is my life and that is your life there is no such thing this is a living cop Cosmos you've blown a small bubble somebody might have blown a little bigger bubble did you blow snow bubbles when you were young oh yeah you still do yes so when you blue soap bubbles somebody had this big bubble somebody else had that big bubble oh went on saying this is my bubble this is your bubble but poop it went once it goes poop you did not say this is Maya and this is your air similarly there is no such thing as my life and your life there is just a living Cosmos if you capture more life then you will see you have more grace the depth Dimension and scope of your life is determined by how much life you capture within you it doesn't matter what kind of body you have what kind of intelligence you have if you have not captured substantial life within you you will live a small life that's how it is how do you do this there are systematic ways of approaching this or simply by involvement and exuberance by commitment people may capture a larger life by absolutely being committed to something focused on something somebody May capture a certain amount of life which is more than what is considered normal you talked one time I thought this was so interesting about how every time you get a belief it's like a conclusion in every conclusion is a death unto itself and it's like shutting a door on something yes otherwise see you just see you look at your own picture when you're five years of age it's like this slowly it's becoming like this what is it you're dying in installments the more conclusions you make the less alive you become this all that's happened to people they call this knowledge this is not knowledge this is just conclusions that you're drawing about everything see with all this scientific exploration the fact is that even today we do not know one single atom in its entirety we know how to use them we know how to use everything on this planet but we don't know a damn thing about anything over 90 percent or 99 of an atom is empty we don't know what that emptiness contains over 99 of the cosmos is empty we don't know what that is so this is like I give you a million piece jigsaw but you found in your hands you have only three of them with this three you make a picture and you're euphoric that you made a picture well I'm sorry there are million pieces to this has anybody gathered all the pieces no then don't make a picture there is thought and there is emotion people think these two things are saying different things they are not saying different things the way you think is the way you emote isn't it so right now if I think oh she's the most wonderful person on the planet I just have to think then my emotions become sweet towards her now I think she's the most horrible creature on the planet now my emotions become nasty yes or no I cannot think she's horrible and have Sweet Emotions I cannot think she's wonderful and have nasty emotions isn't it so but today I thought she is the most wonderful person and my sweetness was flowing suddenly she did something tomorrow that I don't like I think she's horrible thought is agile it changes Direction Just Like That Emotion is little sappy it takes time to turn around so that period you struggle as if there are two dimensions of thing happening because thought is saying one thing emotion is still going sweet because it takes time to become nasty everybody struggles but it catches apart no after some time hello today you touch his wonderful sweetness was flowing tomorrow she did something you don't like you thought she's horrible man the thought is clearly saying she's horrible but emotions are struggling because they can't turn quickly they take time to turn but after a week or 10 days or two months depending on how deeply you're engaged thank you after some time emotion catches up with the thought emotion also says yes she's not horrible so well let's be nasty to her so they're not speaking different languages one is agile another is little slow in his Corners if you focus whatever you're doing right now it doesn't matter what it is how simple an act you're doing right now it doesn't matter if you're absolutely devoted to that that you're doing right now depending upon various aspects things will unfold but because of Western influences we become too goal oriented goal-oriented means we are interested in the consequence but we are not interested in the process if you are not interested in the process you should not be an artist yes process is an end in itself if you are absolutely devoted to the process depending upon various aspects something will come out but now we are interested in the consequence not in the process this goal-orientedness I want to get there I want to get there where the hell do you want to get no I want to win the race see if you treat Life as a race if you have to win it you have to get to the Finish Line soon isn't it you want to hello if you get to the Finish Line ahead of all these people you won the race you know what the finish line is we'll be negotiating where to bury you I can show you thousands of people around me today when they came they thought they won't do anything significant half of them not half 70 percent of them are dropouts from schools and colleges and everything but you will see after a few years of sadhana suddenly they are functioning in ways that you won't believe possible recently we had a business uh you know event called Insight where over 200 CEOs from across the world are coming and participating all of them Wonder why our organizations don't run as smoothly and efficiently as yours I said that's because I all have all dropouts who are no good for anything they have a devotion in their heart they are devoted to what they're doing that's all because they're absolutely devoted to what they are doing they may not be mbas they may not be from iits and Iams they're simple people but because they're absolutely devoted they do wonderful things of all the pieces of engineering on this planet of many pieces of engineering a tree is a fantastic engineering even a mountain is fantastic engineering because it stood there for a million years that means it must be good engineering isn't it yes something that stands there for a million years must be well engineered of all this the most sophisticated piece of engineering is human mechanism isn't it so hello most sophisticated of all the pieces of engineering now because it's a sophisticated piece of engineering it needs a certain level of attention otherwise you don't figure it now that we gave you such a highly you know I take piece of engineering I am asking you did you read the users menu I I think there is no user manual or no how can I make such a fantastic piece of engineering without a user's manual maybe it doesn't come with a booklet attached to your neck when you were born but indications must be there isn't it how to use it huh is it true somebody who's an athlete or a gymnast or someone else like that learns to use their body then a whole lot of other people yes obviously at least one aspect of the physical engineering of the body they seem to have read the user's manual about the physical aspects is it true certain people are able to use their mind better than others maybe there are another part of the user's manual so now uh With This Heart manual and the Brain manual see the problem is most people are prejudiced against the brain this is a question or always comes to be sadhguru I want to meditate but thoughts are coming the common question everywhere I asked them see I'll make you meditate we will stop the liver we'll stop the kidney we'll stop the heart we'll stop everything okay so you want the liver to function when you're meditating you wonder kidneys to function you want even the spleen to function you want the heart to function but you don't want your brain to function for some reason this is simply because brain is a new equipment that you got in the evolutionary process this level of cerebral development happened more recently compared to the other systems if you could open any mammal they all have all these parts isn't it every part that you have here all of them have even if you open a frog most of you your biology Department even if we open a frog almost everything that you have he also has isn't it it is only the big difference is only the cerebral development which is a more recent happening because it's a more recent happening most people have not figured how to handle it so users manual is very important you don't read a user's manual just before you discard the machine you read it in the first few days isn't it hello if you buy a phone do you want to read the user's manual in the first three days or after three years when you're throwing it away it was three days isn't it so knowing how this functions is very important never did ever heart generate any thought or intention well when you looked at the young girl heartbeat more that doesn't mean it's saying anything it's just trying to compensate for the other levels of excitement that's happening fundamentally if people understand that the source of human experiences within you ecstasy pleasure of pain everything comes from within you if you understand this much if I understand suppose right now I think I'm miserable because of you there's no solution for my life isn't it because all you have to do is walk in front of my home I will become miserable so simple it is you don't have to kill me you just have to walk around in front of me I will die within myself every day if I understand the source of my joy and misery are within me then you know what's the obvious choice Joy the obvious choice isn't it so this one fundamental thing has to get across to all the human beings on this planet your experience is entirely determined by you this is what the word Karma means unfortunately it's become something else here Karma means action that means when we say your life is your karma we are saying your life is entirely your making 100 percent what happens in the world there are many many forces involved what happens within me it's 100 me 100 isn't it yes if you don't take charge of this then you're an accidental life when you're an accidental life anxiety is very natural isn't it suppose you're driving accidentally that is you don't know what's happening and you're simply somehow going anxiety is natural or no yes any accidental moment creates anxiety so this is why Consciousness means this that you have taken charge of the instruments of life which on most fundamental level is our physiological and psychological space you're taking charge of this now your health your happiness your joy your ecstasy your misery everything is in your hands you exercise them as you want people keep asking me coming to me and asking me sadhguru please bless us nothing should happen to us I say hey what kind of blessing is this my blessing is let everything happen to you everything that's life must happen to you have you come here to avoid life or have you come here to experience life please you must make a decision right now have you come here to avoid life or to experience life experience life all the different dimensions of what this life holds must happen to you isn't it so if you come to avoid life there's an ocean right here you can jump into the ocean see if you want to avoid life you must die it's a more efficient way of doing things isn't it you're alive when you try to avoid life you'll become miserable if you feel insecure that's what you will do you will try to avoid life when you're alive and try to avoid life it will cause immense misery when you're alive you live when you die you die don't get up from the dead see there is scientific evidence to show at least 20 percent of your energy right now as you sit here in a restful state is being consumed by your brain if you bring this down that your brain is not unnecessarily fluctuating and you know hopping mad all the time if it learns to still be still and do only what's needed an enormous sense of personal power will develop you can't do this with your mind right now if you try to stop it it'll hop even more crazy good with your body your words and your physical moments reduce it by 50 percent if you want to look at this look at this you want to look at that look at that don't do this this with your body and your utterances if you do this slowly it will also start manifesting in your mind it will not do unnecessary things when you don't know unnecessary things the energy that you have slowly transforms itself into potential power if you have practices to keep yourself so open and so joyful life that's it what else life is an openness death is closing isn't it death is a closure life is a possibility if you're just alive everything is open tell me can you be alive suppose you don't like me so you don't want to inhale what I exhale stop breathing and exist for some time let me see possible yes without breathing for a little while how is little how much is little for you to hold my breath yeah I don't know 30 seconds 10 seconds 10 minutes definitely not 10 minutes so I'm saying if you don't like me your dislike will not go away in 30 seconds isn't it yeah for sure suppose I hate you I don't want to breathe inhale what you exhale I will die Within Myself isn't it yes yes this all people are doing to themselves I like this guy I don't like that guy this is uh somebody I love that somebody I hate this is belongs to me this doesn't belong to me they're just killing themselves step by step they are planning to die in installments if you want to live here you are you must make up your mind whether you want to live or you want to die you want to know the certainty of death in life this is called belief this is called belonging this is called identification because you are trying to find the certainty of death in the seamless process of life this happened at the Cincinnati airport in Ohio United States people had lined up to check in at the airline ticket booth one man just skipped the line and came straight in the front and thrust his ticket the lady at the counter she said sir there is a line he said no no I'm in a hurry she said everybody's in a hurry you're on the same plane please stand in the line then he said do you know who I am she looked at him promptly picked up the microphone and said there is a man here who does not know who he is can somebody help him so who am I is not a Christian that you ask somebody it's a question that you ask yourself make it more and more profound something will get you money something will get you comfort that's not the point what you choose to do will it give you a life when I say give it give you a life are you just trying to make a living or are you trying to make a life out of this is important making a living is not an issue a worm a insect a bird an animal all of them are making their life making a living isn't it so that even making a life out of it but definitely they're making a living so making a living with such a big brain is not an issue earning your food is not an issue making a living is not an issue only problem is you want to live like somebody else that's an endless problem I want to live is not a problem I want to live like you this is a problem so it is important if you consider your life as a precious life you must make sure you make a wonderful life out of this don't pursue enlightenment you cannot pursue enlightenment how can you pursue something that you do not know if you pursue something you will pursue only what you know what is the point pursuing something that you already know what is the point in running after something that you already know so if you have to step into something that you do not know [Music] the only thing is just to keep walking keep a steady Direction and keep walking maybe it's the wrong direction it doesn't matter just keep working after all planet is round inevitably if you keep walking and keep straight walking not round and round if you just keep straight walking you will inevitably get somewhere nobody can take it away from you you know if you have a dog at home you would know this if you just tickle him in the tail he will go chasing his own tail okay A lot of people are doing that [Music] they don't tell they're chasing even Enlightenment is their own Tale nobody told you there is such a thing but definitely you can see from one person to another person one person seems to be little better off simply the way they are not not because of their money not because of their wealth not because of their qualifications simply the way they sit and stand somebody seems to be better off than somebody else yes or no so there is room and scope for improvement relentlessly improve let's see where it gets you but if you have fancy ideas of what is enlightenment then you will chase that silly idea and that idea is never enlightenment because it's your idea in your book you talk about something I thought was so interesting to set the faucet to a certain drip rate and do nothing but focus on the dripping of the fossa for like seven minutes or something the idea is to pay attention to something which has no relevance to you say people are have divided the universe this is important this is not important this person is important for me this person is not important this is important for me that's not important for me you divided the universe you will never know anything this way indiscriminate Focus indiscriminate attention I am not attending to you because you are somebody with a cobra in your heart all right it doesn't matter who I speak to who I am with I'm the same way indiscriminate only when your attention and involvement is indiscriminate thus the universe open up to you you have discriminated naturally you close you know people come to me and say sadhguru I want to walk the spiritual path I say okay be here for three days let's see what we can do so in no such group day after tomorrow my uncle's daughter's birthday I have to go oh you want to get enlightened and Day After Tomorrow uncle's daughter's birthday also all right we got one and a half days you do one thing you do this this and this I said but I don't like this all right I'll give them a small piece of paper and say okay write down things that you like we'll do only do that so they won't believe it in this entire universe most people like only three or four things when you are so constipated in your head that you lack only three or four people or three or four things in your life how do you want to open up to the existence because life is happening because of its openness this is a fundamental difference between death and life is people are thinking it's just breath all right on one level that is also openness whether you allow this to happen or you don't allow it to happen whether you did it consciously or unconsciously but it's happening isn't it openness is on every subatomic particle is in communication with everything that's why this is going on breath is happening so much is happening in connection with everything it is only in openness you're alive as you close doors you are dying in installments dying in installments is torture see life is fantastic if you're alive and fully alive if you're dead it's good at least the neighbors may think so this may sound very not so compassionate but I'm saying everybody dies you and me will die all right if you're dead it's the game is over but if you're half dead oh this is endless torture to yourself when you are being tortured of course you will share it with everybody else if you come to terms with your mortality Security in security all these things will go you are living on a daily basis as if you are forever the fundamental awareness that this is motto this is here only for a limited amount of time if this was a you know a normal conscious thing for you you would put your life to best use for sure and if you come to terms with that one thing there would be no insecurity because there is nothing to gain nothing to lose in this life you came with nothing whatever the hell is happening you're on the prophet side yes or no isn't it so did you come with investment no you come with nothing so whatever the hell is happening you're always on the prophet's side isn't it and anyway they don't allow you to take a container in the end so all you have is how profound intense and beautiful is your experience of life so don't make too much fuss about it you're acting as if you're going to lose something no there's nothing to lose nothing to gain because you come and you go you may think oh my life my life no it's your your life on this planet is like a pop-up on the computer screen you've seen this pop-ups you just pop up and pop out in the meantime will you rise and shine is the only question all right so if anywhere you shine sometimes you may be seen by people sometimes you may not be seen by people the important is you sh you're shining within yourself and that's all that matters if people have eyes they will see it if they have no eyes they won't see it that's their problem but you are living an intense and profound life that's all that matters here if you understand this and if you bring this into your life insecurity will not happen because security can happen only in depth you may be wonderful but you are not loyal to your wonderfulness you are joyful you are sometimes Blissful you're even loving but not loyal to these qualities a beautiful flower throws out fragrance the flower is very loyal no matter if you pluck it also it's still fragrant if the cow eats it also it's fragrant if the bee messes around also it's fragrant it never got angry and turned into a skunk ever but you are not like that you are wonderful like this if somebody pokes you you will become a skunk only when you're in a pleasant state of experience your body and your brain works at its best there's no argument about them there's enough evidence to show that so whatever impact or success or reaching goals or growth or whatever you say on one level in the physical world it's about how well you harness your physiological and your psychological process isn't it whether your body and mind works against you or works for you this is a big difference so there is enough evidence to show only when you're in Pleasant levels of experience this happens best so obviously Joyce first then growth if you're joyful constantly and you have no fear of suffering because you understand all Human Experience comes from within you and so you have managed to create the kind of experience that you want now growth is possible and brittled if you have the fear of falling down and suffering you will not go very high isn't it perception happens to you in five different dimensions seeing hearing smelling tasting touching this is how you're perceiving life this data data has gathered within you only because this data has gathered within you now you are able to walk on a round Planet which spins it's not a small thing it is not a small thing that you are able to walk on a spinning round ball because all this data has gathered through five senses it is not intellectual information but it is a perceptional information if this information is not there you won't be able to walk actually you will not be able to walk straight this is what is happening for people when some people lose their memory and things like that suddenly they become unstable in their body because some of the data is gotten disconnected with their system so this data that you perceive is most important that's what a child is all the time drinking up everything you see how the child is looking at everything because he wants to drink up as much data as possible because instinctively he knows without the data he will not be able to function so how attentive you are how attentive your eyes are how attentive your ears nose tongue and touch is accordingly you have that much you know that much usable information so why one person is more efficient while you are an athlete why one person is able to catch a damn ball another person can't catch the damn thing what is it because that level of attention of exactly how that ball will behave how you can anticipate where it will go this is not there intellectually suppose you have a PhD in football you think you can play football uh if you have a PhD no I think you need to experience it as well if you just study it only yeah no that is that is not experience it's perception you are you're watching it out of your Keen interest you're watching exactly how a ball moves you may not be thinking the physics of it but you're watching it and perceiving it because of that perception you know something that you cannot know by reading 100 books about it why does one person need a well my prescription these days eight hours is it seven seventy eight hours seven hours sleep okay seven hours and why another person can do with half of that see one thing is as we already went through the very physical body that you carry is just the food that you've eaten isn't it you are looking at Food only as protein vitamin mineral like this but we're talking about a food chain that means they're all different kinds of lives what we consume is another form of life every animal consumes another form of life this is the way the food cycle is created so in what condition that life is will determine in what condition your life is in many ways so you food appears in front of me if I just look at it people have provided with elaborate care if I just look at it I say no this lady has brought it she's a very good cook she's very tasty I just look it in a channel simply because he's not alive enough for me it may be tasty but it's not alive enough for me if it's not alive enough I will not consume if you're just conscious of this one thing you will see your sleep quota will go down another thing is most people are eating at least 50 percent 50 means hundred percent more than what they need to eat yes you you will do one thing as an experiment just try this whatever you're eating cut it down by 50 percent if you're eating let's say uh two kilograms of food cut it down to one kilogram and eat variety of foods you will see you will neither drop weight nor will you become weak nor will you become less energetic only thing that will happen is your sleep quota will go down because you're putting so much food to generate the same same amount of energy you're eating more by compulsion of liking the taste or simply by compulsion of filling yourself up now the body has to press process so much food to create so much energy this extra processing is taking a toll on the system the amount of impurities that are there in the food will also determine how how much inertia you generate in the body let's understand it this way in terms of physical terms what sleep means is inertia right now your Dynamic this is life inertia said sin when inertia goes beyond a certain point that's death but sleep is a certain kind of death but it is offering you rest so restfulness is very important what is being restful means is if you sit here if you are a total ease you will see the body is naturally restful if you have you noticed on a particular day you are very happy on that day you don't need much sleep or food have you noticed this that's all you have to do if you remain very joyful every moment of your life the food will come down sleep will come down naturally the notion of the difference between pain and suffering I thought was very useful it's a pain is physiological it's there it was no pain most people would not even know how to protect themselves see just because there's no pain and they see what all you have done to it isn't it see there's no pain in this so that's why you took it off if there's no pain in your nose maybe you would have taken it off right because the many advantages you will take in about 22 extra oxygen if you just remove this one thing contraption [Laughter] wherever there is no pain people are messing with it like crazy isn't it they call this hairstyle they call it so many things yeah Suppose there was no pain in the entire body in Los Angeles people would pull out their stomach bag and you think they wouldn't do it no that's probably what only pain is helping them to preserve themselves isn't it so pain is good there's no physiological pain most people would not know I hear in United States there's one group they call themselves something I forget that word they're actually cutting their fingers off their hands off on the video wow they're posting it online there's a group like that whoa can you imagine this no in spite of so much pain if there was no pain almost everybody would have cut themselves off into in the name of fashion they would have cut themselves into ribbons wow so pain is a good thing physically because that is your preservation self-preservation mechanism but suffering is something that you do in your mind so pain that happens in your body you take it in your mind and multiply it a thousand times or a million times depending on how capable you are or how stupid you are and suffer it a million times over right now most human beings are like this what happened 10 years ago they can still suffer what may happen day after tomorrow they already suffer they are not suffering life they think they are suffering life they are not suffering life they are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that human beings alone have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination I don't know I never looked at Life as a series of mistakes learning from that I don't look at life like that well have you done made some dumb decisions here and there of course I wouldn't see them as mistakes I just see them as part of growing up and becoming more mature because Enlightenment is one thing you see things clearly but still operating in the world you need wisdom wisdom you have to earn it with experience there is simply no other way for that today it has become fashionable with all these management gurus and all saying You must learn from your mistakes you must learn mistakes that means you must keep on doing mistakes I don't believe that you must learn from your mistakes I would rather live a life where I don't do any mistakes because life is so brief you do a bunch of mistakes and then you will learn and where will you use it in the grave yeah and yes of yes human means means that we can learn from other people's experience from history we can learn we don't have to do all those things once again and especially you are from the aviation state if you are trying Aviation or if you're trying skydiving or something if you don't do things right the first time well that will be the last time don't utter the word freedom because freedom is a consequence it's something that you have to earn it doesn't come as a philosophy in 60s we thought it's a philosophy if you live responsibly you will see Freedom will come when I say responsibly not in the sense of civic responsibility if you retain your ability to respond to life without any prejudice without any restriction you will see you will become free your ability to respond if it is unlimited it is freedom there are many aspects to this fundamentally if you keep your life energies very exuberant now you will see the slip quota will naturally come down to keep it exuberant you should not be over LED largely in the ashram everybody young people also eat only two meals a day 10 in the morning seven in the evening our activity exceeds most people's activity in the world and we are seven days 365 days we don't know what's a vacation because we're enjoying what we're doing we don't want a break so they never go on a vacation there is no break there's no Sunday Monday nonsense nothing every day something is happening endlessly but you will see people are very energetic healthy sleep is very little so energetically a human being can be at different levels why this is important is see what we call as life is just a combination of two things a certain amount of energy and a certain amount of time when it comes to time it is ticking away for all of us at the same Pace flock doesn't run slowly for me faster for you there's no such thing whether you are busy you are lazy you're sleeping you're doing useful things or useless things it doesn't matter what you do or you do not do time is ticking away so there's no such thing as time management you can manage your energy if you raise your energy to a higher pitch of intensity what somebody does in 10 years you may do it in one year so if you live for 100 years it looks like you lived for a thousand years simply because your energy is pitched up this every human being can do the whole yogic system is one dimension of yogic system is just towards this if you sit here even if you simply sit here with your eyes closed you don't sit here in a static way you sit here in a dynamic way you never become Static because static is called as death if everything becomes static that is death if inertia really sets in that is death so sleep in yoga is seen as death you die every day how long do you want to die in a day you really must use this word for yourself don't tell anybody I'm going to die for yourself how long do I want to die in a day eight hours a day if you die one third of your life you did in 24 hours 8 hours your day means one third of your life dead another four hours goes into eating sleeping eating toilet bath this that where is the time to live I'm asking so if life is precious the most important thing to do is keep your energies in an exuberant way so that life becomes more life feels enhanced because you cannot enhance time one thing is the survival processes become easier than ever before believe me in the morning if you need a bucket full of water if you had to walk a mile to the river to get one bucket of water and your family needed 25 buckets of water you would have no time to mess yourself now you have a lot of time to message yourself because our survival is better organized than ever before another thing is most human beings do not know how to manage their biochemistry without physical activity I have seen a whole lot of people particularly teenage boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 16 who come to me with some severe violent problems within themselves if you leave them like that they may kill themselves or kill somebody else they're in that kind of state many of them have even killed their parents you know it just happened all over the world and in 2017 when I came to know that in India which is not so much suicidal in that sense because there's a huge family support and stuff like that in spite of that in 2017 18 600 children below 18 years of age committed suicide out of which 7200 are below 15 years of age so 12 13 14 year olds who must be bubbling with life or wanting to take their own lives why obviously we're doing something fundamentally wrong with the society isn't it yes our goals and our stupid ideas of what is success is driving them nuts [Music] because we are trying to use our children like race horses that's interesting and when you say that as something to that represent us that we've turned into something amazing or in what way are they like racehorses see when you understand Life as a race if you're in a race what's the objective you must reach the Finish Line quick isn't it yes what is the finish line of your life death there you have it this may not be a conscious process but life within you is understanding it like that when you see you must understand this whether you are conscious of conscious of it or not any human being right now if you make yourself miserable you must understand you are sending a message to every cell in the body that I don't want to live you might not have articulated it in your head yet but when you become miserable you notice suddenly your body seems heavy and it's like doesn't want to get up from this chair have you seen this yes when you're happy you're willing to bounce at everything and do everything Bend backwards if necessary why this is happening is the message is gone to every cell in the body this guy wants to die they're all thinking okay what can we do to help him but by then of course you recover so you want to die you want to live you want to die you want to live the body is getting confused because you must understand this is a very intelligent body it's taking instructions from you every cell in the body has enormous sense of memory and intelligence if you keep sending wrong messages if they act you did because you're sending contradictory messages you are not dead you're half dead you can give it any number of exotic names essentially you have turned your intelligence against yourself this is supposed to work for you but now you turn it against yourself it's working against you first of all people are assuming that anger is happening to them or misery is happening to them no this is exactly what I said earlier maybe I didn't articulate it fully no you are creating anger you are creating misery you're creating Joy you're creating whatever all this is happening from within you but Human Experience is happening from within us isn't it right whether it's love or hate or anger or misery or Joy or anything is only happening from within us now simple question I am asking is what happens from within you should you have should it happen your way or somebody else's way it should happen your way of course because the world will never happen your way 100 percent because there are so many stakeholders in the world little bit will happen my way little bit your way that is fine but what happens Within Me must happen my way if what happens within me does not happen my way this is the worst form of slavery isn't it wow somebody decides what happens within me somebody decides where I should sit this is slavery everybody understands this now somebody decides whether I am happier and happy isn't this the worst form of slavery yeah so this is The Liberation that Humanity needs to work at this is what inner engineering means inner engineering is not some mechanical process because engineering means this essentially you will say something is well engineered only if it works the way you want isn't it if this one doesn't work the way you want what the hell are you expecting other things to work the way you want it's just an accident when you live accidentally anxiety is normal he or she is hot now they say you must see this one come here come here come here you must see how she's laughing at every joke huh [Applause] she's cool people think I have knowledge no my head is empty that's why to make look little substantial I have a turbine it's totally empty always but I have Clarity Clarity means what you see things the way they are knowledge means what you have fixed information about everything if the things have changed you will not see it the way it is that's as good as being blind say people think owls are blind it's not true their vision is far more sensitive than yours but because of sunlight they're blinded because it's too much when light goes down he sees very clearly not because he's blind because his eyes are super sensitive so it's important that you bring Clarity to your life not knowledge because knowledge is conclusions that you gather knowledge is okay when you're trying to do something physical material in the world but not with life is it true what you thought was absolute at the age of 12 today is not true yes or no are you sure that whatever you think is this is it right now will be this is it in another three years time of course not you know that so you know you're wrong [Music] yes sir no so you know anyway you're wrong so why assert the wrong things well right now we are wrong at least let's manage with little little more conscious if you know you're wrong you will walk carefully isn't it hello but you you think you're absolutely correct then you will do stupid things and you blunder around the world if you know you're not seeing properly will you walk carefully or no if I asked you to walk through a dark room suppose we turn off all the lights and close it down everything pitch dark if I ask you to walk suddenly will you become super alert and conscious as to how you walk but when the lights are on you just going unconsciously bumping into everybody so if you learn to walk every moment like there are no lights and you're looking at everything absolutely carefully then what you see clearly you go through it what you don't see see clearly you hesitate some places you take a little bit of chance but if you are just confident you will blunder through life we don't know where you will get in and what you will get trapped into most people are trapped into their professions their family situations their social situations in such a way they all became like yes already I'm seeing not just older people youth have become like this what will happen to me at the end of my life what will happen to me at the end of my life I'm already revealed the secret you will die foreign what to do if that happens what to do all those things will happen it's not that everything will happen in your life the way you like it things will happen in the way you don't like it it once happened Shankar and pillai got fired from his job simply because he asked a question smoking or not smoke non-smoking how can you get fired for asking such a simple question smoking or non-smoking he asked and he got fired because what he was supposed to ask was cremation or burial so many times what you do thinking I am right may be irrelevant to the situation in which you exist so the most important aspect of your life is your relevant not right you're just relevant to the existing situation you're relevant I am right I am right I am right this is confidence you being right nobody cares all the idiots who think they are right nobody wants to listen to them nobody wants to be around them isn't it people who always think I am right I am right you want to be around them no the important thing is you're relevant to the situation in which you exist if you have to bring relevance into your life you must extinguish your confidence and bring Clarity you should not be a motivated person generally somebody when we say somebody is motivated it means they have an agenda of Their Own Life Has No Agenda it's for you to be a full-fledged life a grasshopper is trying to be a full-fledged grasshopper earthworm is trying to be a full-fledged earthworm a bird is trying to be a full-fledged bird a tree is trying to be a full-fledged tree a human being should strive to become a full-fledged human being is all our businesses but each one of us start creating our own agendas and doing all kinds of things no no you're just a piece of life don't take yourself too seriously because before you and me countless number of people have come and gone yes or no where are they all those people you think they were all idiots they were all idiots and they died is it no they were also like you maybe they were also officers maybe they were Kings more than you all kinds of things all topsoil now this will also become top soil just a little bit of time life is a bit of a sparkle [Music] how old is your sunshine 25. so 27 years ago where was he sir so if somebody is not here we say they're dead isn't it 27 years ago he was dead we will give him 100 Years sir 80 years later he will be again dead [Music] yes or no so 27 years ago how long was he dead sir huh [Music] long time so 85 years later or 80 years later how long will he be dead sir very long time so all of us will be dead for a very long time they're alive just for a brief amount of time yes very brief amount of time we will be dead for a very long time I want you to look at it in this perspective how long will you be dead you can't imagine so let us say 10 000 years we are dead or 100 000 years they are dead or a million years we are dead all right how long are you alive compared to that very very brief what you call is life is a brief Sparkle the only thing that you have to do is rise and Sparkle as a full-fledged life when something is needed around us we will do that naturally because when you're doing wonderfully well you will do what is needed isn't it when you're miserable you will be motivated yes tell me when you are very happy have you looked at yourself how nice and wonderful you are you're willing to do anything for anybody Bend backwards if necessary yes or no when you're little frustrated whoa how difficult it is so don't teach your children to become motivated about something these are all nonsense that's coming from the West all those trashy self-help books motivate yourself build confidence believe in yourself you believed in God and destroyed so much of this world now you believe in yourself what will you do when Gautama the Buddha was asked is it better to walk alone or in company he said it's better to walk alone than to walk with a fool well that's him not me he was quite sure that only a fool will walk with you so he said it's better to walk alone than to walk with the fool certain lore in this country says when you want to do a short and quick Journey Walk Alone when you want to do a long journey walk in company but the important thing is who is walking with you not always being together is a good thing many times being together can be a nuisance so first and foremost unless you are a twin even then we come along and we go along if one does not know how to be by himself or herself then being together can be a lot of nuisance we are referred to as human beings human beings means every other creature is what it is simply because of what he does but a human being can simply be which is a unique quality of the human being that we can simply be that we are not compulsive action that's what it means our action is conscious and judicious but generally when people get together generally people are in compulsive action it can be an association where there could be a purposeful action or it can be a gang where there can be more purposeful action or it can be a crowd which can be a compulsive action so essentially to be human means we have reached that point of evolution within ourselves that if we wish we can simply sit here just be we can consider as to what action to take and what not to take this is definitely individual when individuals come together we say it's we in in plural but still it is individuals who have to come together to be an individual means you are not further divisible that means you're just one people find different ways to divide themselves within themselves in India with eight ten thousand years of cultural history we have invented various words to divide ourselves it's very common for people to talk in terms of Atma paramatma Ankara this one and that one but every every culture has this in their own way when things are going right when good things are being done if you ask people they say yes I did it when things don't go right when things go wrong then they will try to find somebody if they don't find anybody he is always there when they are very wonderful of course they take pride in being how wonderful they are when they turn nasty they say it was my ego Mr ego is always a Fall Guy so individual means but if I'm wonderful it's me if I am nasty it's me all of you are you 24 hours wonderful hello are you 24 hours wonderful no no sometimes wonderful sometimes nasty sometimes beautiful sometimes ugly it's okay if we understand it is me who is capable of being absolutely wonderful and it is me who is capable of being absolutely nasty another moment then gradually the number of moments of nastiness will keep on receding if I see what is wonderful is me what is nastiest in India we have many words it's my karma what can I do now you must fix this being an individual is very important that means you're not further divisible if I am wonderful it's me if I'm nasty it's me if I succeed it's me if I fail it's me you have to fix this learn to be like God never intervene in anything every day in the morning every kind of idiot will tell you what you should do today you just listen just like God marriage will work it may not work with your profession say yeah you're misunderstanding this you're trying to make this into some kind of a value system you're trying to make it your philosophy I will do only what works [Music] well you took a oath I will do only what works now you don't know what works because what we what works will not come with a oath or a commandment what works comes with constant observation and evolution of who you are isn't it hello the same things how you made them work how clumsily you made something work 10 years ago the same thing you may be doing it with ease today isn't it so or you may be doing it clumsily today you're doing it well at one time whichever way whichever kind of evolution has happened so what works is not some kind of a formula it is an evolution of a human being to come to what works on all levels of life okay uh this is like really I mean you you're just falling out of a self-help book no I am not a self-help book do what works do whatever the hell you want what's my problem but what's the point of doing something that doesn't work hello I'm not telling you you should do only what works do whatever the hell you want but for your life because it's a limited amount of time what is the point doing something that does not work isn't it either it should work for you or it should work for people around you if it doesn't work for you and anybody around you what is the point of doing that damn thing this happened soldiers American soldiers were leaving on duty so one of them told the other you know Steve's wife she read Three Musketeers and she delivered a triple delivered triplets he says oh my God my wife is reading Birth of a Nation what am I supposed to do that's not how it works so don't make this into some kind of an ethic or a philosophy I will do only what works well just to see what works needs lot of application even for the smallest damn things isn't it hello to do a smallest thing like hitting a ball or kicking a ball straight you know how much it takes somebody who can take a ball where he wants wow the whole world is worshiping him just because he kicks a damn ball yes or no because people understand what it takes nobody is worshiping worshiping him because he kicks a ball because people can see what has gone into it isn't it so people can see what has gone into be able to kick a ball the way he is kicking what has gone into it his life has gone into it so don't make philosophies and ethics out of everything or don't tell yourself a commandment I will do only what works it's a good commandment but now you don't know what works so no no you you need to be conscious and apply yourself to every damn thing you should just learn this much that you don't decide what is important and what is not important I would say this literally no human being who is not confronted with a thought and an emotion like that but they managed to brush us aside it doesn't bother them enough the pain of not knowing doesn't tear them that's the whole problem they come to terms with ignorance they make a deal with ignorance they will build relationships where everybody will confirm this is the best way to live off Comfort companionship love affection these are all things you're seeking I know a whole lot of people have raised human emotions to Heavens if you say love they say Divine love if you say Joy they say Divine Joy if you say Bliss they say Divine Bliss you don't need any God's help to be joyful loving peaceful as a human being you end out with these qualities so all those who deprived themselves of that they either seek God or they settle for a dog yeah usually because they want a unconditional love this is a demand because the nature of Love is such that it's like a flower if you don't watch it for two minutes It'll fall it'll wither and fall right there either you want to let it fall or you have to nourish it every moment or you have to concretize it that means you take a picture and keep it on your phone screen or you institutionalize it with marriage or this or that so essentially well I'm I'm not against any institution because institutions are needed in the world to operate otherwise there will be chaos that is a different thing but you cannot institutionalize Joy or peace like right now we think United Nations is the institution for peace no no you cannot institutionalize peace you cannot institutionalize Joy you cannot institutionalize love or anything for that matter institutions are functional instruments in a given Society I have utmost respect for them because without it people a whole lot of people wouldn't know how to live you need institutions there is a government there is a democratic process there are a variety of things all right there are quotes there are parliaments well ninety percent of the time some nonsense may be happening there but still these institutions are important because without that there will be total chaos so I'm not talking against institutions but institutionalizing things that happen within a human being is a silly effort in the yoga culture first eight years or actually eight and a half years is considered childhood so these are not counted though balavastha is up to 12. it's the eight and a half years where you're a real child you know it from your own experience after you're eight and a half only your parents thought you were a child but you were secretly many things yes adults think that you are a child but you know you are not one because your childhood in many ways ends at eight and a half so if you take two side solar Cycles which is uh 24 years or little less than that and add eight and a half years to it it will become 32 and 3 4 or something like this 32 years in seven months are somewhere there exact calculations we can make but it's nearly 33 years so when these two cycles end the balavastha living that when it ends it is a possibility this is a time when your life could take on a different level of propulsion if you have prepared yourself well either with education or some skill or yoga or inner dimensions of your life if you have prepared yourself on any of these things that is the time when it can Propel or that is the time when it can start crashing you know in the western societies they talk about mid-life crisis it usually starts around 33 34 years of age suddenly people don't know what to do with themselves life getting meaningless or those who are successful they find traction and suddenly they explode into different levels of success or well-being all this can happen because within the system it has completed a certain cycle either it can take off or it can crash let one human being honestly say when you are with your most loving parents however doting and wonderful they were to you that you never felt this is not where you want to be that is a dishonest human being because love gets tedious somebody's fondness gets very tedious Comfort gets tedious because the nature of life is it wants to constantly expand if there is no room for expansion it doesn't matter you are kept in a uh whatever I won't use because everybody uses the word Golden Palace I think Golden Palace is totally anesthetic in my uh my visual perception I hate Golden Palace but whatever is the most wonderful Palace or as you say Shangri-La whatever you will it'll get tedious all the heaven-bound people they don't know how bored they will be within three days in that place of goodness so I am saying it doesn't matter it's not because there's something wrong with your parents they may be most wonderful people but the very nature of a human being is such only if you are a pet animal if you have reduced yourself to that you're just happy with the means that you're getting and somebody is fondling you once in a way and you're happy with that for that you must be a pet animal you should not be born as a human being once you're born as a human being it is natural wanting to break barriers so when you're young as a child or a teenager you think barriers means they're all physical before you understand the barriers are not really physical whether you build your own house or you live in your parents house or you live in a slave master's house the house and walls are not the barrier it is all within us before you realize that or how soon you realize that will lead to either transformation or frustration you can simply sit if you learn to simplicit you will become tremendously intense right now your energy simply expanded by doing unnecessary endless activity when you have so much mental diarrhea how can you have energy suppose you have diarrhea do you see how weak you feel yes or no right now this mental diarrhea that's why people have no energy they want to just eat and sleep all the time because mental diarrhea is very exhausting [Music] if you have physical diarrhea you know how exhausting it is yes this is also equally exhausting people are sleeping eight hours ten hours a day not because they are working so much or their body is in such a bad state it's just mental diarrhea if you stop the mental diarrhea there's enough energy to make this very very intense now how do I stop mental area if you have diarrhea physical diarrhea what is the first thing to do what yes run to the toilet I know that all right as a as a corrective measure what is the first thing you do no as a corrective measure what is the first thing you do [Music] but diarrhea means in some way we've eaten something that the body doesn't want it's trying to throw it out yes you've taken something inside which the body doesn't like it wants to throw it out first thing is [Music] stay away from food for some time you eat bad food and then try to stop diarrhea it's not going to work so similarly bad food for the mind is just this you have gotten identified with things that you are not the moment you get identified with things that you are not mental diarrhea is inevitable it's bad food for the mind now it will run endlessly do what you want you do any damn meditation you say Shiva Rama it's not going to stop it's not stopped isn't it because bad food is being eaten every day you're getting identified with more and more things and you want to stop your mind you do whatever kind of circus it is not going to stop if you disidentify with everything if you understand what is you and what is not you if you keep a little distance from that mind will become still if you want you can use it otherwise you can keep it now my hand is there if I want I can move it otherwise I can keep it this is a useful hand suppose it starts jumping like this okay you clearly know there is some kind of an ailment isn't it yes or no so if hand is jumping you know it's an ailment if mind is jumping is it an ailment or no the element has come because continuous wrong diet you tell your mind that I am this I am this I am that I am that he's having diarrhea you stop giving it wrong food if you clearly see what even if you do not know what is me at least you know what is not me isn't it this much you do tonight before you go to bed sit on your bed and sit down and discount everything that is not you this house in Europe in which you're living is this me no this loving parent or mother father wife or husband or child they're wonderful but is this me no no these nice clothes I'm wearing is this me no now my body I like it but is this me no now I am having so many thoughts is this me no now I'm having wonderful emotions is this me no like this everything that's not you before you sleep keep it down and go to bed tomorrow morning you will wake up considerably more intense than today this happened in your school maybe later in your University later in your work it's happening to people maybe not everyone but a whole lot of people their commitment to success is weak they want to succeed they will take three steps then something little interesting happens here they will go away here they'll go over there they'll go with it hey I want to live foreign [Music] situations can impede you from doing what you're doing very easily many times it happens to everyone but when this happens people weaken their commitment for their success maybe physically they'll feel a little weak they will weaken their commitment to success maybe their emotions loss around a little bit they will weaken their commitment to success this is very important right now however long it takes this virus you must come out of this successfully that means you will stay alive that's an important part [Music] and commitment to staying alive should not be slackened no matter what happened somebody very dear to us passed away all the more important we must live [Music] people around us are all sick all the more important we are healthy to take care of the people around us so our commitment to success should not weaken because there is social drama going on or physiological drama or psychological drama whatever happens your commitment to success should not weaken that is what get you across so many lines in our life so many barriers in our life so uh what does success look like what does it take [Music] you must understand those who made any significant achievements in their life uh they did not you know I don't want to take any personal examples of anybody I'm trying to avoid obvious things that are coming to my mind well you know I know family and friends who always have their breakfast on time and after breakfast of course they must have coffee after coffee of course they must light up a cigarette and sit there nicely because they're trying to become peaceful [Music] and then they will go to work come back home exactly on time for lunch eat lunch rest for one or two hours sleep then evening have on tea and then smoke and then again go to work and at eight eight o'clock 8 30 they're back home for dinner and then maybe other things drink and this and that and whatever thank you well that's their priority it's fine I'm not complaining it should not be that way but those who have been very successful either in music sport art business spiritual process doesn't matter what those people never know when they hate when they slept when they got afternoon rest I have not seen such a thing in my life so uh uh those who are committed to being successful with whatever they are doing one important aspect of their life is they are not settling down wherever it's a bit comfortable because Comfort will happen when they lower you to in the grave very comfortable you are you know hello so just do this one thing stop discriminating what is important what is not important if you pay the same level of absolute attention to every damn thing you will see that what is the right thing to do is a very natural process but you have already decided what is important what is not important how will you evolve what is the right thing to do half the world is already been given up because it's not important you are paying attention only you even look at somebody properly only if they are of something to you no I looked at everybody absolutely every life every damn thing every Pebble every moment that was happening in the earth in the atmosphere everything not as a study simply because I had eyes and I had an attention span I paid attention to everything today they are saying this is something phenomenal I was just laughing and saying see I just wandered aimlessly everybody thought I am just a vagabond but now this aimless wandering has is paying off in a huge way because it doesn't matter what the hell you're doing small things are big things if you are absolutely involved absolutely you will see you will know what's the right thing to do you trying to live here without involvement this is why you have morals you have ideals you have ideologies you have values you have ethics you have Commandments because you are trying to live here without involvement you want ready-made formula what is the right thing to do thou shall not thou shall not thou shall not did the world get fixed I'm asking every goddamn school-going children knows what is the right thing to do has it worked it's not worked because you think there is a substitute for involvement there is no substitute for involvement where there is no involvement there will be no life so don't try to make formulas or ideals or ideologies out of life all life takes is absolute involvement unbridled involvement not distinguishing who is who what is what just absolutely involved with everything that you're in touch with right now if you do this one thing program according to your level of intelligence and you know nature also should yield with all this you will know what is the best thing to do given your perspective of course see right now if you bring a man of certain capability he may do something in a given situation that's not the right thing to do for you isn't it you must know what is the right thing for you to do in a given situation you won't be able to do what he does you must be able to do what you can do to the best of your ability that is the right thing to do in your life you don't try to do like somebody else so that will be the problem the moment you decide what is the right thing to do now there is no ready-made solution involvement there is no substitute for environment where there is no involvement there is no life this happened in 1941. this is just when the Nazi moment was building up in Germany and in some parts of Europe so one day in Austria a bunch of German soldiers came broke into the homes the Jewish Family a rich family they broke the home and took away the adults took everything was robbed and these two children a 12 year old girl and a eight-year-old boy were taken away they were taken to a railway station this is the month of November and December kind of time when it's becoming very cold so they were kept in the railway station for three days because the trains did not come boys little boys being boys they started playing football so they were playing football and then suddenly the train came the train is not a passenger train it's a cargo train a good train so when the train came the soldiers came and rushed everybody into the the wagons which are there everybody got in and the little boy and the girl also got in but the little boy forgot to wear his shoes he left his shoes outside and they pushed him into the wagon so without shoes he came his sister a 12 year old girl saw her kid brother coming without shoes and she got mad with him she held him by the year boxed his ears scolded him nicely slapped him he said you eat it already we are in enough trouble now you come without shoes because in Germany in Winter no shoes means you may lose your feet so she's angry about that in the next station the boys and girls were separated after four years after the war was over she came out of the concentration camp to find 17 members of her family including her little brother all had vanished no records no sign of them they just evaporated at that time the only thing that bothered her was the last few things that she said to her little brother she loves her brother but the last few things that she said to him were such terrible things it rang in her mind and troubled her these are the last things I told my brother and after that I'm never going to see him he's gone so she took a wow if I speak to anybody in my life I will speak in such a way if this is my last word I will not regret this one thing transformed her life in such a way she went on to United States she died in 2006. she did some phenomenal work built a hospital somewhere near Chicago I think she lived a fruitful life I am saying even if you put through the most horrible situations either you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess so whenever something hurts you there are two options you can either become wounded or you can become wise this is the choice the more things hurt you early on in your life the wiser you should have become isn't it but unfortunately most people become wounded this is simply because they just need an excuse to turn their own intelligence against themselves that's all especially if the world around you turns against you is it not very very important that your intelligence stands up for you because you may you might want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for 10 more amazing rules from check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there problems happen challenges happen struggles happen issues happen misunderstandings crisis has happened Financial crunches happen markets go down and that happens all of that happens
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 548,721
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Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, sadhguru top 10 rules for success, sadhguru, life advice, sadhguru’s motivation, success motivation, sadhguru interview, best of sadhguru, motivational speaker, entrepreneur motivation, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael top ten, sadhguru latest, sadhguru quotes, sadguru speeches, sadhguru latest speech 2022, sadhguru english motivation, sadhguru meditation for success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 11sec (7751 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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