Ancient Mammals Made Dinos Look Like Puppies

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[Music] ah that's funny well everything is when you're a giant hyena patchy crocodile if you want to picture how animals from ancient times look like just imagine them way bigger with larger and sharper teeth and wait like that isn't enough yep you had to be one mighty beast to survive in such times when everything around you is like 5xl this hyena was up to three feet tall with a weight of 400 pounds that's the size of a modern lion and around three times bigger than today's hyena the ancient one also had shorter legs which is also the reason plenty of prehistoric creatures went extinct over time they ran out of food but couldn't run fast or long enough to catch prey also they couldn't escape quickly enough if there was some bigger guy nearby ancient and modern hyenas have quite similar habits diet meat meat and meat they both prefer to steal fruit from other usually smaller predators rather than go hunting on their own and of course they're both always smiling at everyone around cheese you always somehow picture sharks as those marine animals we should be afraid of right not whales they're mostly good nature eating their plankton spraying out water through that hole in their backs and stuff and of course they could get a little clumsy from time to time so they turn over a ship anyway they're not that into hunting humans well if we all lived in the time of this 50-foot 50-ton whale livia time i like to call toothy let's just say going to the beach would never be the same the beast weighed like six elephants and was longer than a truck oh yeah about that toothy thing this whale had teeth longer than your palm and a quite refined hunting instinct so it went after all marine animals including other whales too its only rival was the megalodon itself the only biggest and scariest shark that ever lived on our planet okay of course this list is full of giant and dangerous animals with extra sharp teeth who you're certainly glad they went extinct but there's also some close relative to a human ancestor here too hello um distant cousin paranthropus so our cousin p had a big brain well at least for those times and good reflexes which is why they could defend themselves against some bigger and less brainy creatures that were after them they mostly ate plants roots nuts soft fruits young leaves probably insects and seeds they were around five feet tall and 150 pounds in weight not that big compared to other prehistoric mammals but still big enough to survive those tough times way to go p the next one is yes i'm very happy these things went extinct prehistoric mammal gorgonopsia they were something between mammals and reptiles with of course very very big five-inch saber-like teeth an 18-inch long skull and the size of a modern bear at their beginnings these guys were really small no bigger than a dog after a while evolution did its thing and turned them into the biggest carnivores of their time which was over 250 million years ago i wasn't around that scientists still don't know if they had clear skin fur or scales but they do know these beasts had rather long legs compared to the rest of their body which means they could run much faster than many other animals from those times andrew sargents or andy my nickname for it is everything you would attribute to today's predators such as tigers wolves or hyenas only a bit more intimidating version of course with extremely sharp teeth who would have thought the biggest meat-eating mammal that ever lived is actually a part of the family where pigs camels and antelopes came from it had the size of a modern bison with a weight of at least half a time and he wasn't that picky with the menu so it went after most other animals that lived back then which was around 40 million years ago it seems ancient times where those wear tigers or some other predators were afraid of pigs unlike today yup step back terminator pig intellidot is on its way okay research actually showed they were more like hippos whales and its cousin andy but this cool nickname has already been given so we can't go back early terminator pigs were no bigger than today's swines but they grew to become cow size over time they also had short snouts but a couple of million years later evolution decided that's not scary enough and made their lower and upper jaws much longer oh and they got an even sharper set of canines a special how to creep your rivals edition finally an ancient mammal we don't have to be afraid of well at least if we're not in its way because if this giant accidentally stepped on you squish but at least its menu consisted of plants so we would be safe at some point let me introduce you to the gentle giant thunderbeast brontothurium it had quite a sturdy nasal horn weighed three tons and was 16 feet in length which is bigger than a modern rhino the size unfortunately didn't help it much andy was always just breathing down its neck praying at it and its companions such a list definitely can't go without the menacing saber-toothed cat around four feet long 100 pounds agile completely capable of hunting in coordinated packs but you know cats they like to brag about the catch they got on their own that's our mega mega tyrion you can find her and her companions all over the world in europe asia north america and africa now we often think all big cats are into running after their prey but megan wasn't built for speed at all nor did it sprint after a prey like some other cats no no she preferred to wait for the prey to get closer she would choose a good spot climb up some tall tree hide and simply chill after a while some innocent herbivores would go there to drink some water and bam surprise megan's down her hunting style is something we see in leopards today teeth were her main weapon so gotta watch out for those big upper canines oh finally a name i can more easily pronounce so i don't have to come up with my own the giant short-faced bear this beast could run up to 40 miles per hour after it cornered its prey the bear would rear up to its full height 13 feet so the poor animal knew nothing good was about to come cave bears usually prefer vegetables but as far as this short faced one was concerned nah meat is way better i'd like to hunt as well as collect what other predators would leave behind also as far as is known apparently no one ever asks the short-faced bear hey why the long face leo the prehistoric lion thylacolio gene sounds like a pharmaceutical anyway five feet long 200 pounds insanely strong jaws sharp teeth long retractable claws muscular body hey it's me no not really it also had a surprisingly powerful tale leo actually comes from the land down under where ancestral kangaroos lived and they also had quite strong tails to balance themselves okay speaking of kangaroos here's one small surprise leo's roots you would think kangaroos koala bears and giant wombats were there just to live a happy life until they became someone's breakfast but their family somehow raised an animal that looked like a saber-toothed tiger but with bigger teeth yes leah way to go breaking the stereotypes leo was somewhere at the top of the food chain in his times even though he had one quite strong rival a giant monitor lizard megalania or even some plus sized crocodile quincanna okay okay move guys this is not a video about reptiles wait your turn prehistoric age dinosaurs rolled all over the region making a mess while other animals shiver in fear and hide from them hey not so fast dinos there's mr r rapino mammoth a mysterious mammal that decided to stand up to the authorities he showed up 130 million years ago and was a badger-like three-foot long animal doesn't sound much compared to the t-rex and bigger dinos but was way bigger than some of those feathery dinosaurs from the same time not only that he would eat them we don't know how exactly but let's just say mr r had his own ways i'm guessing it was for breakfast
Views: 301,071
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, prehistoric animals, prehistoric giants, largest creatures ever, giants of the planet, paleontological discoveries, facts about animals, largest animals, dinosaurs, did mammals live with dinosaurs, what ate dinosaurs, biggest shark ever, megalodon, megalodon size, when megalodon lived, did megalodon live with dinosaurs, was megalodon a dinosaur, largest fish ever, lyviatan whale, lyviatan size, biggest reptile ever, biggest fish ever, biggest bear ever
Id: j9LXyS4gELw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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