Small Animal Made Dinosaurs Run in Fear

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over 100 million years ago dinosaurs were all the rage and mammals cowered in their huge shadow but then there was a badger-like creature that lived in asia at the time where most mammals were small and quick to get away from trouble the rep anonymous was way bigger it was the size of a large dog researchers think this creature wasn't too fast because it had short legs but it was surely a carnivore and surprisingly there were dinosaur remains found in its fossilized belly turns out mammals were already evolving to rival the huge reptiles and repe nomamos was one of the first to hunt them down instead of being hunted it's not clear yet if the giant badger was a hunter or a scavenger but it was big and bulky enough to be both dinos beware then there was the opania you could easily carry it around with you but whether you'd want to is another matter because it had not one not two but five eyes the opa binia looked so strange that when scientists reconstructed it in 1972 they first burst out laughing the opania had a trunk-like mouth which it used to fish around the mud for food but because it didn't have teeth it probably only ate soft food the terror bird a large carnivorous bird that looked like it stepped out of a horror movie it had a sharp beak that had the force of a sledgehammer which wouldn't have been good news for its prey the terror bird was one of the most dangerous predators in south america during its time it was a flightless bird but it was also a very fast runner the only way to outsmart it was to take sharp turns while running for these birds could only run fast in a straight line the megalodon was the largest fish that ever lived female megs were nearly twice as large as the males its name megalodon means big teeth and no surprise its teeth were three times larger than those of the great white shark the megalodon appeared after the dinosaurs became extinct now it's extinct too but when it was alive it seemed to have lived in nearly all parts of the world except antarctica if you thought modern day piranhas are bad you should have seen the mega piranha that lived in south america millions of years ago if you compare its size to a dog's it was as long as a golden retriever and weighed as much as an adult cocker spaniel the mega piranha could exert a force up to 50 times its own weight pound for pound that's more powerful than even the t-rex's bite there were lions in north america that disappeared around 13 000 years ago this was around the same time that mammoths went extinct these lions were almost 25 larger than those of today fossils of these ancient lions were discovered in the la brea tar pits in los angeles along with many other interesting creatures an armored fish the dunkleosteus didn't have teeth but that didn't matter because it had razor sharp bone protrusions that were like a pair of shears it could snatch its prey by opening and closing its mouth at a speed of 50 milliseconds some scientists believe the dunkleosteus swam sideways like an eel fossils of this fish can be seen in many museums all over the world the titanic boa was the largest snake ever discovered this giant crushing machine was even able to consume a crocodile it lived 60 million years ago in the tropical forests of south america and looked more like a boa constrictor but acted like a water dwelling anaconda although the titanoboa is now extinct people still find it fascinating there is a full-scale replica of it in midtown manhattan the tully monster lived 300 million years ago but researchers learned about its existence only about 60 years ago from what we know it had a soft torpedo-shaped body and vertical fins the tully monster was one of the most bizarre creatures ever and scientists just couldn't figure out what it was first they thought it was a type of worm then a sort of squid now they say it's closest to a lamprey which is a parasitic fish the largest member of the canine family was the epision which is now extinct the term epision means more than a dog and it certainly was it was as long as a lion and weighed just as much and its huge skull had a lion-like shape to it the epicyon may have either gone after prey or scavenged for food but they ate everything from rhinos to horses there was nothing to smile about if you ever came across a smilodon but don't worry it went extinct many years ago this saber-toothed tiger lived in the forests of north and south america until ten thousand years ago the smilodon had impressive upper body strength which helped it wrestle its prey to the ground this was bad news for all the mammals in its area because it was especially fond of having bison and camel for breakfast the jay kilopterus was a giant scorpion that lived in germany 400 million years ago it was longer than two yardsticks laid end to end and it was the largest arthropod that was ever discovered its fossilized claw found recently was longer than a loaf of bread the jaycallopterus was called a sea scorpion but it preferred to live in rivers and lakes it was not a picky eater and it ate fish and other aquatic animals smaller than itself even the smaller ones of its own kind weren't safe when the larger ones were around [Music] one of the biggest flying insects of all time was the mega neuropsys it looked like a dragonfly but its wingspan was unbelievably wide these insects probably grew so big because there was more oxygen in the atmosphere then which fueled their growth mega neuropsys lived in north america in the prehistoric era it was so big and hungry that its diet included small lizards and young amphibians to get rid of this creature only a swatter larger than a table would be of any use and a piece of its wing is still preserved at the harvard museum of natural history whales were once land dwellers and moved to water only 50 million years ago the bacillusaurus despite its name was not a dinosaur but one of the first marine species and it was much larger than other early whales it was longer than a four-story building had a gigantic head and a bite to rival the t-rex fossils of some smaller whales carry the teeth marks of the basilasaurus this is not surprising since it was one of the top predators of its time it ate nearly anything but its favorite food seemed to be dolphin-like creatures if you thought grizzly bears were bad you should have seen the arctoda seamus this short-faced bear could run really fast faster than wild horses and antelopes one study suggests this bear consumed more meat in a day than most people would eat in a year it used to dwell all across north america until 11 000 years ago it used its enormous size to intimidate smaller predators such as saber-toothed cats american lions and dire wolves if you don't like rats then the joseph fortigacia will be your worst nightmare the only thing worse than its name was its size in fact this rodent was as large as the bull of today the giant rat lived in south america around 3 million years ago it had fearsome front teeth that enabled it to ward off predators it also made full use of those cutters to crop grass and other vegetation the first bird was the archaeopteryx some say was the missing link between birds and dinosaurs it was actually very small no bigger than a raven this animal had very sharp teeth three fingers with claws and a long bony tail the glyptodon was one of the armadillos ancient relatives heavily armored with a round bony shell it looked like a turtle but was as large as a car it was an herbivore but it had a flexible bony tail which it used to defend itself from predators and to fight its own kind the neurolagis rex was the t-rex of rabbits and it was nothing like the cute bunnies we're used to for one thing it was massive weighing six times as much as the european rabbit of today it ate roots and yams and lived in an idyllic insular environment that had no natural predators perhaps that's why it could grow so huge
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, prehistoric animals, prehistoric giants, largest creatures ever, giants of the planet, paleontological discoveries, facts about animals, largest animals, dinosaurs, did mammals live with dinosaurs, what ate dinosaurs, biggest shark ever, megalodon, megalodon size, when megalodon lived, did megalodon live with dinosaurs, was megalodon a dinosaur, largest fish ever, largest bird ever, megapiranha, when mammoths went extinct, titanoboa, largest snake ever
Id: p0kdFsBfSnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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