Ancient Debris World Eater

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to us a redstone and automation video today I wanna propose one possible strategy to form lots of ancient debris which requires a Croft in you Nazarite tools arms and weapons but the block itself also is quite useful first let's discuss where I can find the edge debris and how rare it is we can find the ancient debris in the nether dimension most commonly between layers 9 and 21 for maximum at slayer y 15 it's really rare in one chunk on average you can find about 1.7 ancient debris this is a 16 by 16 area going from bottom of the desert to the bedrock level you can only find one point six ancient debris on average so if you would completely mine a 100 with 100 area you could get about a stack of ancient debris it's that rare can also quickly check if you would yeah for example try to mine for ancient debris or how much you could find so I'm just gonna remove this your lay up a layer and let's see if you can find some in the wall it's really super rare there's always four thousand blocks I'm removing and so far we haven't exposed any now we're lucky in and got two so yeah there's a lot of digging involved but this might actually be the best strategy if you just need a handful ancient epu to upgrade your armor of you maybe wouldn't yeah to get a full set of tools as well then mining or using just TNT manually and lower Naza regions might be the best strategy but today I also want to discuss what might be the best strategy if you want to supply a whole server that stuff personally a really welcomed addition of ancient debris and Nazarite and the challenge of getting it since lately had a feeling the game is getting easy and easier and doesn't impose any challenges on you anymore if you take for example look the effort it took to get perfect enchanted gear this was reduced a lot over a year so first you needed 50 levels random and sharpened ostrich was laid it down to 30 levels related three levels and you get a preview which enchantments you can get and our case it still didn't like what you got you would get some of the Expedia ghin and your tool armor of the grindstone and additionally you can buy all the diamond tools and almond all from villagers you don't even have to mine it for it anymore so yeah apart from maybe defeating the end of dragging at the Whizzer and exploring some entities there wasn't really a lot of endgame content that the game had to offer and you had to keep yourself motivated somehow so what I would stress to get a lot of ancient debris is modify a machine like this one here a so-called morality eater Dave you get TNT tubers going back and forth and at both ends they're getting pushed down sort of TNT reaches all this one block lower and at the bottom we got another flying machine that takes care of the liquids that remain and that can't be blown up by TNT so now it's getting pushed down again he takes out the next layer and you've got the sweepers clearing the remaining is a lava water sources so the problem of course if you would try to use a machine like this one here it needs a lot of head clearance at the top which is a problem in the Naza with a bedrock roof and the ancient every year can't be blown up which is good that's this way we don't lose it but of course to sweep us at the bottom sooner or later would collide if the engineer Bri and would get stopped and yet and the whole functionality of removing the lava and the nozzle would be lost so this yeah wouldn't be good because the lava would also shield the blocks below in a case so we need to modify this machine and here we have a variety eater that was shown by fallen breath that deals with the issue of not having a lot of space in the Naza the bedrock roof so here we got a second flag machine under the TNT duper catches the TNT and drops it down so it's probably best for us to take a look at that how it works launch it here and as you can see the TNT has caught here and drops down a couple seconds later then explodes much higher so this way we could fit this under a better roof in the nether dimension but of course we would still need to modify the sweeper at the bottom in order to make it work the ancient debris is that a sweeper stone gets stuck I think one of the best that year steel if the ancient debris is to modify the sweepers at the bottom so it could also push down so they're no longer just focused on liquid clearing they would also push the Asian debris down so that in T would actually blow up the blocks under the ancien debrief and it would run the whole distance down to the bedrock and afterwards the player I can just pick up all the ancient debris that got exposed this work would work also especially well compared to maybe pushing all the ancient he breathed to the side because the amount of ancient debris is limited Patchogue so the game would only try to generate two veins I think one centered around layer 15 I think is something like 8 to 20 and then another vein is generate between layer 17 and 117 as far as I know so you wouldn't have more than two or three ancient we have on top of each other ever so this could be a problem to try to push all the ancient EP to the side since he would run this machine over hundreds or even thousands of blocks and dead at some point you could get multiple ancient libri in a roll and then the machine it maybe pushes those to the side would also get stuck so just push everything down then you can mind it afterwards if you would try the solution with a single row of Pistons they pushed down and we could run into the following an issue so you would have some lava left over Indonesia that actually shields the blocks from the explosion by Laura Angley Bri then a sweepers go across remove the lava at the ancient Greek couldn't be pushed on because there's looks below it then in the next run the Pistons are getting pushed down are now at this level then obviously they would need to push the ancient debris to the side so we would need some additional Pistons that push it first so they are out of the way of those pistons and we would need those Pistons on both sides so depending on which way we go so I spent a lot of time signing is such a sweeper with the double row of Pistons and added it to the top of fallen breaths Perdita it's kinda nice falling brave actually based some of his redditor on my machine now I take some of his components and add to it again all right so this is the double row of Pistons we get raw Pistons in front got alternating slime and honey blocks then here we got like the the main Pistons that remove most of the liquids and also push down and then we got another row of Pistons for coming from the other side all right so this machine in serie can be run completely unsupervised unlike in the over dimension we need to worry about obsidian they can't be moved and doesn't get blown up there's really nothing in a way of disparate either so even non mover blocks like chests bonus you could find for example in another fortress or not an issue at all could really run this yeah over the whole distance and just completely afk this machine and a pick up the edge and debris afterwards obviously it's quite a lot of effort to build such a flying machine but you really have to sink large-scale when it comes to this so this is just a demo version that I run over 100 blocks but if you would run the whole machine over ten times the distance then it's still the same effort to build it but you get ten times the ancient debris if no extra effort apart from making you need to make a three by trench on the side so it's really revered if you use a machine like this for large-scale not for just a measly hundred per hundred but maybe make it 250 wide and run it over two thousand or five thousand blocks that's what I would do alright it's time to try it out so you can start and stop the machine by placing a redstone block next to those Pistons I can previous version of the rotator and you can turn it on both sides all right here we go okay for us the TNT tubers are launched then it takes a while to the sweepers closed as well so they don't get blown up and here we go it's probably gonna take a while until first ancient debris is exposed more just blowing up here at the top of Tunisia all right here we get the first ancient debris I'm using carpet not to run the game but faster than usual you can see the blocks below it will just get blown up it doesn't get pushed down yet you have to wait for them next turn around of the sweepers and then we can see that in action okay here it comes again and it's just lowered webblock in this good yeah keep happening until it's pushed all the way down to bedrock it's also quite interesting it now we got some lava below so we might actually run into situation better nazan ride or at the ancient debris is shielded by the lava and actually requires the extra row of Pistons at the top so there's probably about yeah two or three turnarounds until that would happen and here we got exactly the situation the ancient debris was shielded by the lava and now gets pushed down twice alright and I'm gonna run the whole machine down to bedrock unsupervised if I wanted to could also adjust it a little bit use some honey blocks here at the top instead so I can just put a minecart on it and an afk it this would be interesting if I would run this over a larger distance there's some of the machinery I otherwise would get unloaded if I were stay stationary so it wouldn't be any problem at all to adjust this and just put a mine cut on it by the way it's also really nice that nazzer quartz has a higher blast resistance then as iraq so while the machine is running could also spend some time and just picking up all the orders getting exposed so it's a really good way to get nasa quartz let's also quickly take a look at the leg this machine is causing unfortunately 1.15 1.16 isn't as optimized as 1 / 12 anymore in terms of flying machines but here we get the numbers so I can run this 120 wide machine add mostly around 13 MS pity so there's still potential left my system to make this machine even wider it could probably go 300 or 400 white and at that point the game would start lagging so I could still make this quite wide but it's not as Mac efficient as in 1 / 12 anymore maybe to put it into perspective in one part well if I was running a 500 wide similar machine not as many flying machines obviously at around 17 m/s PT so I would say there's at least a factor of 2 2.5 that rushes past one point 12 we also got a bit more ancient debris exposed but now so I totally found sweet so far and we're almost down to the big lava lake layer so really the bulk of the ancient debris can be found around Y 15 in case you win a mind for it manually definitely go for the lower layers can't find much between 20 and 120 of course it will bring up the point that you got a clear 24 blocks below the bedrock in order to make space for a world-eater so if you need to spend so much time clearing the top of the Nezha couldn't you just bend the time digging below as well yeah that's definitely a good point but it's so much easier to clear the top of the nazzer compared to the bottom of the knee so now using tunnel boss you can also later show you those again in case you don't know it was basically 18 TD opposite shoot in T forward and can clear an area this is very doable at the top of the Nezzer because there's only a couple of single lava sources here and they're running a tunnel bore at the bottom of the Naza now since the new Nezzer terrain had changed is so much more effort because you got all those lava filled caves now that are in the way of the tub or so this would be a lot more work to run a tunnel board is low so that's why I think the effort to clear large areas to top the Nezha is so much lower compared to the bottom layers that it's actually referred to build this road eater so we're down to my 15 and now a lot of the ancient debris got exposed okay and I ready to reach the bottom of the world now of course nice side effect you get a nice perimeter out of that and here you can see the ancient debris that was left over and it can be picked up at a player now of course could also pick it up while I worked it is running is also no problem all right let's illustrate it a little bit I'm going to replace at all gold blocks so you can see this is 64 blocks okay let's turn it back to H debris so it's the ancient debris right either the best option to get Nazarite I'd say for most people probably not it's a really good option if you think very large-scale so if you just need a couple of ancient debris for your tools and armor then don't bother such a huge machine but if you're into technical minecraft anyway and maybe want to make a perimeter and anneza definitely consider using this version to get the additional engine debris as well and yeah if you run this over thousands of blocks it might even be a viable alternative really depends how efficient we can make those tunnel balls at the top so this is the main work you would need to put in manually but yeah so said it's also a nice side effect you to get a perimeter and while this is running you can pick up a lot of NASA quartz is getting exposed as well so it's actually a good option probably not the best option to actually get ancient Nubia but you can definitely discuss that all right yes by the way one of those tunnel bores I've been talking about it would use something similar to clear the area under the bedrock in the Naza so this it's definitely a lot faster than digging it alright so this was the ancient debris right eater I perfectly aware that this is overkill for average minecraft player but I still find this stuff quite interesting and we also still working on more concepts to use machines in order to get the ancient debris but it's really tough all the lava is the biggest issue really in the nether do you get down there everything is filled up with lava which makes it really hard to build machines all right let me know what you think about it thanks a lot for watching and see you in the next video bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ilmango
Views: 1,157,216
Rating: 4.9527445 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft
Id: MFvWqUZC8pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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