Ancient Aliens: Indian Gods Descend from the Sky (Season 5) | History

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1971 eastern india it was here at the sanskrit college in calcutta that eric von danican met with professor dileep kanjilal to study the vedic sanskrit an ancient language used in religious hindu texts professor dilip kanjilal has gone through old indian texts and made modern versions of it now it comes out in the old books the so-called gods the used flying machines to travel from heaven to earth according to the ancient vedic texts of india the gods descended from the sky in flying vehicles they refer to those vehicles as vimanas there are very detailed descriptions what these vimanas looked like how they traveled from place to place what was necessary in order to pilot them all those things are described in ancient hindu texts there are thousands of years old and for eric he naturally felt that these vamanas were real nuts and bolts aircraft and of course he's saying these are the vehicles of the ancient astronauts when eric first went to india he explored a whole bunch of different sites and he quickly came to the realization that india is a treasure trove for the ancient astronaut theory because all over india we can find these magnificent temple towers that are referred to as stupas and also vimanas and so we have to ask ourselves where did the form for a stupa come from another great contribution of eric is that he focused on india very few people had really studied the ancient indian civilization even though it is thousands of years old and what he saw there were structures which were alleged to have been replicas of vamanas so many hindu temple in the far east they are representations in their architecture what was going up in the sky so the upper part of a hindu temple often is seen as a flying object as a vimana then basically what we're being confronted with is the realization that these people built in stone objects which they seem to have seen in the sky when we look at the most ancient records we have coming out of the vedic texts in india there are clear descriptions of aerial battles taking place the manas so this really starts to raise the question about our own cycle of history is it completely linear or is it possible that we're just starting to rediscover ancient technology that did exist thousands of years ago ancient texts all over the world talk about flying vehicles people who could fly through the air flying horses but it was eric who really put it together that the gods weren't just flying around like superman they had to get into some kind of nuts and bolts craft just like we do and go somewhere and this was the chariots of the gods enoch tells us about the guardians of the sky who came down he says they uncalled fallen angels and they wanted to have sex with humans and the offspring of it were giants so there were sexual contacts between extraterrestrials and the humans what does this mean well it's very simple eric von danican's interpretation was we are nothing else but hybrids of an extraterrestrial race that jump started our civilization thousands and thousands of years ago you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 1,237,375
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufos, ancient ufo video, ancient aliens history channel, Indian Gods, India, UFO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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