New Hint Feature Tricks (2019)

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well welcome back to another episode on genealogy TV my name is Connie Knox a lifelong genealogist here to help you go further faster and factually with your family research now I've discovered some new things with some of the new hinting features on ancestry so we're going to talk about that today I've discovered another little trick with regard to the new the new hinting stuff we've talked a little bit about some of the choices that you can make with regard to some of the new hinting features but I also want to point out something a little tiny trick that I've discovered that I think you're going to want to see so we're going to jump into that here in just a moment [Music] all right we're gonna jump into it right now so I'm gonna put my glasses on so I can actually see what I'm doing and we're going to talk about the hint so you know as always they've had these little these little leaves on the hints which you know provides hints right so we click on the hints and we're going to go look at some of the hints here that are being provided by other people other members of ancestry so here is a map of Union Cemetery I happen to know that this is correct and just Before we jump into this I am looking at it with the beta view you can turn this off and it will reset or you can turn it on now at this moment you're probably not seeing a whole lot of difference until you get into the hinting okay so once we start getting into it so let's take a look at this for a second we want to take a look at this Union Cemetery map that was so kindly uploaded by a cousin so we decide we want to keep this so we can't save up here in the upper right corner and now with the new with this beta turned on it's asking us well why did we accept this hint well I happen to know that the relationships are correct and so we could also choose the name is right the place is right I chose the relationships are right I want to save and review these details for later I actually love this because I don't have time to really dig into this map right now I do know that that this is correct but you know you can also add another comment here as to why why you're doing that and so what I suspect happening with ancestry is they're using this information to help further solidify the source information to each person in the ancestry tree so we close we do that again we can take a look at it and choose as to why we are keeping this in this case I'm going to choose these two again because I know that I want to study this a little bit later but I I know the woman who donated this and it is correct so that is a really fast look at this new hinting feature now one of the things that ancestry did tell me is that as we go through now there's some new hinting information that once you clear out those hints in an in a period of time I didn't specify how long it takes but they are now regenerating hints again so you if you get frustrated with the fact that wait a minute I just cleared out all those hints and now on sudden I'm seeing a leaf again it's because ancestry is digging deeper on your behalf so don't get frustrated by that because they're finding more hints now based on on the information that you're giving them yes this is good no this is not good you know they're now starting to fine-tune what is available on ancestries trees and other what other members have and so on so you're gonna buy from what I understand about half of the ancestry membership right now are getting that it is still very much in beta and is going to be rolling out to everyone soon but if you have that if you see that your hints are regenerating it is part of that new feature that they're working on also don't forget please provide feedback thing they definitely want they want to know about that feedback you know if it's working for you you know AB Dan you can also get to the hints over here don't forget that they and I need to verify this woman I forgot to do that with my tags verified yes so don't forget that you have the tag features and your notes and comments as well in the workspace but if you don't like that you can always turn this back off it you could also get to it up here as far as turning it off and on from the extras the ancestry lab and you can enable or disable it here this helps them understand how things are going on the feedback side so so check this out I've discovered some new cool little techniques if I go and I'm back here at Wilhemina cost and she you can get to her hints from either the profile or the tree like we discussed so I go to her hints and I scroll down and I've got these two hints right and I've kind of left these here for demonstration purposes and so there's two hints here right and I've also got the undecided hints and get back to that another day and I've ignored these hints and again just as a practice I typically ignore other member trees first and I will go back later after I've gone through all of the records and documentation to review those other family trees other ancestor trees to see if I've missed anything right and I've accepted a bunch so I'm gonna go back to these to new so one of the things that I've discovered that I think is kind of cool if you scroll all the way down and you look right here didn't find what you're looking for discover more about Wilhemina Khali costs or you can view these hints for others in your tree now before I go there I want to show you something if we go back up to her and we say okay let's take a look at the siblings and you can click on the siblings and open those up and I do this a lot because it's fast and easy I want to note it I want you to note that there is a Sara levena costs okay just take note of that for a moment if we go and so we know we've got this sibling in here okay now we scroll down to the bottom and we click on this little tiny feature here and it comes up with all hints 928 pages of hints here now this is hints for my entire tree I will never get through all those right so what I do is I filter by name that lady's name was costs CEO SS whoops cos s and so I'm gonna search by just the surname and now look what happens so now I can filter down and I've got Wilhemina Lee costs the same two hints that I had before but now I've got Sara Lavina cost which is second great-aunt to me right so now I can look at all of these other details now think about this for a moment this speaks directly to cluster genealogy and researching the entire family clan and so here instead of drilling into all of those siblings I could have them all listed in one place and I could examine all of them to see if my gal Wilhemina is well she's not showing at the top here but whether my Wilhemina Casas is listed in any of this other detail here look there's an obituary let's open that up for fun by the way I don't know if you caught that I did it right-click open in a new tab so that I could pop over here and not lose my list and here is a whole bunch of information then this is not this is not a character recognition this is a photograph this is an image and so it talks about some of the other family members that are listed here so you're getting the idea so by going to this list now I can sit here and look at all of them now admittedly they might not all be related exactly to Wilhemina we have to make that determination but her family certainly here so that is another way that you can dig deeper just use that little tiny clue at the bottom of the hint page and then filter by the surname so that's I think worth doing well I hope you found that helpful I know when I found it the other day I thought it was wildly helpful so I decided that I would wanted to share that with you well if you found it helpful give us a thumbs up I'd love to hear any comments you might have about it and well until next time keep on climbing your family tree [Music]
Channel: Genealogy TV
Views: 35,373
Rating: 4.9405289 out of 5
Keywords: New Hint Feature Tricks (2019), new hints on ancestry, ancestry hints beta, new tools july 2019, hints on, how to use the hints on, ancestry hints, ancestry leaf hints, tutorial, genealogy tv, what is genealogy tv, cluster genealogy, new beta tools, ancestry com, ancestry thru lines, #familyhistory, #genealogy, how to research your family history, how to find family history,
Id: GcmyoHm6QdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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