Website Tour (2019)

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hey good day and welcome to another episode on genealogy TV my name is Connie knots a lifelong genealogist here to help you go further faster and factually with your family research today we are talking about my heritage and now you're going to want to stick around because there are record sets over there that are not available anywhere else so this is definitely worth your time to sit and watch this interview because I was surprised quite frankly all right so if you're new here make sure you subscribe and ring the bell so that you get notified each time we upload a video make sure you're hooked up with the newsletter there's a website at genealogy TV org and a comment section below if you have any questions links for everything we talked about are also in the show notes right below the video just open up the little description tab so you can see all of them there they are also located at genealogy TV org now I have a favor to ask if you would please at the beginning of our genealogy TV videos sometimes you'll see an ad if you will not skip through it but watch it it only costs you 30 seconds to watch those ads but it helps me support the channel I really appreciate it now on to my heritage I am an equal-opportunity genealogist and I want you to be aware of all the tools and resources available to you as a genealogist so I reached out to my heritage and I said who can you send my way that would be willing to do an interview with us and tell us about what's available over there at my heritage because we really haven't talked about it much on genealogy TV and Daniel Horowitz jumped in and said I would be glad to talk to you about that he is a genealogy expert over there at my heritage and he gave us a tour of their website so we're gonna jump into it right now [Music] welcome Daniel so much we really appreciate you taking the time to share with us about my heritage you know so the viewers at home also know this is not sponsored I just want everyone to get a little bit wider view of all that is available so welcome thank you very much Connie it's a really a pleasure for me to be able to guide you and to show you all the features that my heritage has for everybody and to be able also to alight your audience with what they can do with my heritage so we're gonna start with dummy 101 here like from the beginning give us just a little background on my heritage the the why and how it got started sure from the very basics my heritage started as an option for people to build their family trees and share them with their family members in multilingual my heritage is the only genealogy company that supports today 42 languages whoo yeah it was created here in Israel but our still current CEO and and head of the company glad Jaffa in actually he coded a lot of the features that were seeing today from the day one and he as a genealogist he didn't find anything out there that will satisfy all the needs for his family tree and his his genealogy so he decided to just build it himself and the company started in 2003 it came up to the public available to the public in 2005 I came to the comfort to the company in 2006 I was employee number seven today we have 450 employees around the world we have two offices in Ukraine we have one office in LA one of his in Utah two offices here in Israel this is where our headquarters are and we have millions and millions of users around the world enjoying my heritage holy cow well you know your enlightening me as well as everyone else that is not familiar with my heritage so thank you for that so I know that there is a free option right and then there is a paywall option correct that's right people can start building their family tree totally for free okay heritage will allow you to put up to 250 individuals in your tree with images with facts everything that you want to put over there you can invite an unlimited amount of family members to collaborate with you or just to see what you are doing and that is for free also very important when somebody opens an account on my heritage it will actually be doing two things at the same time is opening the free account and at the same time is building a family tree now my heritage understands that people may already have a family tree someplace else and there is a standard to move family trees from one place to another called calm so you can actually import your jet come into my heritage with no problem and is that part of the free option yes okay now there's a little secret here you can upload a jet come as big as you want and the jet come will go up you will be able to work with it for a couple of days still free still not paying and what is going to happen after a couple of days going to suggest you to pay you wanna pay it's fine we're going to freeze your tree meaning you will not be able to add more information you will not be able to change okay that you have a veneer but all the information is gonna be there for you you can browse it and you can share it with other people until you decide that you don't want it anymore and you delete it okay I'm also very aware of privacy and my heritage takes privacy very seriously so the default that living individuals are privatized and death individuals are totally public why I'm saying this because some websites and some softwares will allow you to export the gedcom privatized so the living individuals will not have their first names or the details so if I will not suggest you to do that I will suggest you to simply export a regular jet Khan and upload it to my heritage then you can decide if you want your my heritage website totally private and just close it so nobody that you don't invite it to see will see anything or you can just open it to the whole world and make everything public that is totally up to you okay I've got another question for you so I have a DNA test over ancestry and 23andme can i download the raw data and upload to your site yes definitely my heritage also has the DNA part since 2016 and we definitely understand that there are other companies that were doing DNA way before us so yes we allow you to upload your DNA from 23andme ancestry leaving DNA and Family Tree DNA the upload is free and you will get some of the features that we offer also free we have some premium features for the DNA and over there you will need to pay $23 one-time fee to open those premium features per kit so if you have you're managing multiple individuals in your family and you don't of course you don't want to pay 23 10 times the other option is to have a pain account and you can have what we call the premium a premium plus or a data plan and that will unlock the premium features of the VNA okay before we get into that too deeply perhaps you can give us a tour of the software which is all online right we don't have to download anything to our computer yes that's a very good clarification today with more than pleasure I'm gonna show you the website and the reason that I'm emphasizing this is because my heritage also has a software okay that you can download to your computer for free you can use it for free unlimited to build your family tree it will synchronize with the website with the limitations of the 250 individuals and a few more than I will tell you during the tour today wonderful dolls are we ready we're ready go ahead and share your screen and we'll we'll jump on over there and take a look at get it to way so I'm gonna jump directly into the family tree and and this is a demo tree that I have built to showcase the capabilities of my heritage you can see me on the bottom with a fake name you can see some relatives up here now very important is the boxes for every relative because in those boxes you will see a plus on the bottom of and that is the way that you can add more relatives to your tree so you select which relatives you want to upload to create them sorry and then you will fill the information for that individual parents by the way you can add it right from those squares above the oldest generation another very important thing is the pencil that you will find in the corner this will allow you to a quick edit meaning the very basic facts that every genealogy works with which means bmd birth marriage and death you have right here all the form and all the spaces to fill you can choose how you want to write your deep your dates if you are not sure or you have a range of dates the place says the relationship anything that you need to do very basically if you are a more experienced genealogy and you have other facts like education occupation you know all the facts of life you can go further down here and see the more advanced facts and forms that my heritage has for you but for now I'm gonna leave it right here up to the basic what you're looking also on your screen is the left panel that will reflect what you know or what you have about that individual in particular including photos and including adding more people or edit and something very important that I get this question all the time is if somebody made a mistake and they want to delete somebody from the tree how do I do it right on the three dots you have the option to delete this person so it's very important for your audience to understand that although my heritage is giving you the plan to build the family tree all the information over there is yours and you decide what stays what goes and what is done for that another very important thing that you can see in this menu is to connect or remove connection with people because you may have marriages between your family you know your second cousin from your mother's side decided to marry your first cousin from your father's side you don't want to duplicate those people so you want just to connect them or remove the connection also biological families adoptive families all those connections you can manage right there ok so I just want to make sure that we're all clear this is your personal tree right this is not like a collaborative tree like family search right that's right this is my personal and an ownership tree I can decide to invite people and normally you know what let me do that let me create a son for deacon right here and I'm gonna call him Daniel the son is gonna be alive very important also we already talked about the privatization on my heritage even if I don't know anything about the disease of this person if I don't mark this person as disease this person is leaving and privatization will rule over that individual so now you're seeing that I have the option here to invite this person to the website so I can just come here and type whatever email address I know for the person and this will generate an invitation it means that that person can come and can see or touch what I have here and that will depend on the settings of the website I always tell people to go over the settings of the website and making sure that the privatization and the name and and all the specifications is exactly as the person wants okay so when you're inviting somebody like that now you're inviting them to the entire tree not just that one person correct yes you he will be able to see all the website and all the tree and all the information that I have here so I was playing around with the discovery area last night so tell us a little bit about what that that's all about sure the discovery which you can actually see it up here or you can access it from the discovery menu as well is information about a branch of the family based on a match that we found in another tree in this case for example my heritage recognized Simon's thenor from here and we recognized him in another website and we can based on your approval we can bring you in this case 38 but it could be up to 50 individuals from another family tree okay it's another family tree on my heritage not okay just one yes this this is based on a previous technology which is called smart matches and smart matches are all those green circles that you see on the corner of the card this means that my heritage recognized the match he recognized this person in another family tree with more or less information now you can click on that and you can see you know what allow me to go first here you will be able to see on the left side your individual in your tree on the right side is the individual in another family tree so in this case I know that Richard hope from the United States he has the same Simon Steiner and this is the information that he has and my heritage is telling me that I can add more information to my tree know if a person is under the free plan will they be able to review view this match good exactly that's why what I wanted to clarify you are seeing all the information right now because this demo account it's a premium account okay the basic account will not reveal the information we will tell you that we have his birth year birthplace name of the parents name of the wife etc then you can even go further and review the match but again you will not be able to see the information itself only if you pay you will be able to see the information except the match and extracting information from the other website into yours okay fair enough another of the premium features is and I will recommend this to everybody else out there is before we run and we copy all this information that my heritage is finding I should first get in touch with Richard and I should ask Richard why you have my great-grandfather in your family tree where did you took all this information from that I don't have what are your sources what are your citations contacting the other administrator it's also a premium feature okay well that's good to know so and and this is speaks to exactly what I'm always preaching about verify your connections before you connect definitely definitely now let's go back to the family tree because just as we already said that and you were asking about the discoveries and I will go with the discoveries that I have up here the discovery as I said it's based on the smartmatch so the first thing that my heritage is going to ask me is if this is my person once I have clicked and I said okay yes this is my person so my heritage is going to tell me okay so look I have all this information coming from another website hopefully I will have also pictures I will have a lot of information but you will not be like you see who managed the tree from where but the discoveries will not allow you to contact this person upfront or pick and choose which of those individuals your want it's kind of an all-or-nothing now I understand we understand it's a risk right when you do this you will see a new tag on each of those individuals on the tree so you can later on contact L Smith in this case you can review the information you can decide to delete or leave the information the new information in your tree and keep the process of genealogy wonderful okay okay now one more thing about the instant discoveries and the reason for this is because we know that there are a lot of very expert genealogies out there that will say my heritage will not bring me anything new I already have all the names and everybody and all the details but you know sometimes we're missing pictures and photos are a very important part of my heritage so in the case that my heritage finds photos out there that are missing in your family tree we will give you the photo discoveries again under the discovery page is the internal instant discoveries that we're covering now and I'm selecting photo discoveries right here so my heritage is telling me that I have some pictures and and some personal photos from people in my tree that I'm missing and I will be able to go in to see again who is the person contact the person here or simply accept or reject and add those images into my tree at the left always the people in my tree who are missing this photos beautiful all right so is there anything else on the discoveries that you want to talk about before I yes because we talked about the smart matches but we also have other type of matches which is record matches my heritage has a database of almost ten billion nine point seven five seven eight billion historical records from all over the world so in the matches you can see matches by soil so you can see matches by people for the record matches I like to see them by oh I don't have any pending matches here but I'd like to see the matches by source I will see different collections here where my heritage found your family in the records very similar to the smart matches you will be able to go over the different individuals with the records and you will be able to compare the information and accept the match and extracted into your family tree direction let me ask you to make sure that I we are clear on the difference between the smart matches and the record matches go ahead no I mean that's the question what it exactly what is there I want to make sure that we're clear on what what a smart match is as opposed to a record match good so smart matches are matches between family trees on my heritage okay it's a my heritage user that builds and manage another family tree you have a person that you can contact you can interact with and you can get more information from him record matches or records yeah now there is there is a small exception to that because under the records that we have and let me go to the research card which is where my heritage has the search engine with the records we have a collection of family trees from family search and from Genie now Genie is a my heritage company we acquire them a few years ago we decided to keep them separately because of the way the GD manages the profiles and the family trees over there it's more a collaborative family tree family search style as you pointed before and we have also collections from family tree from family search so those two are considered records because we don't know we don't have the capability to put you in contact with the creator of that family tree the for us those are records so do you have qualms do you have record groups that are different or are you guys out there actively purchasing record groups that are maybe different than some of the other companies definitely besides that the records that everybody has and everybody exchange with everybody we also have of agreements with groups and archives we are also acquiring exclusive records sometimes and let me tell you this secret now we have in a country very close to here we are having a digitization project where we are putting people and equipment to digitize the records and very soon there were going to be index as well and be part of the my heritage collection we have a special emphasis in Europe we have very good collections from countries in Europe and we are acquiring and we're looking for more and more records every day definitely yes wonderful so this is an opportunity for people to cast a wider net when they can't find what they're looking for maybe on their their primary service that might be different than my heritage yes and not only that but remember I said my heritage supports 42 languages yeah I'm saying that we have an emphasis in Europe and you know some countries don't speak English or don't even write in Latin characters because I'm pretty sure you can search German records polish records and and besides the accent characters you will actually be able to find your people but what about if you are looking for your Russian cousins or Ukrainian or Greek or Hebrew those are totally different alphabets so my heritage has a special technology embedded in the search engine so whenever you are looking for your relatives if we found them in Special Collections non-latin characters we will allow you or we will transliterate the name and we will retranslate rate the names of the results so you will be able to evaluate every result even in a different language but you will still be able to understand if this is your guy or not well that's amazing and I'm sure it is no easy task especially you sit 42 different languages well yeah you can build your family tree you can browse my heritage in 42 different languages the languages that we have right now in the transliteration mode are for the English or Latin characters for that matter Russian Ukrainian Greek and Hebrew wonderful well that certainly sounds to me like an advantage for those who might be looking in those areas because I'm not aware of anybody else that's doing it quite to that extent we're the only ones no let me take this pause to make something also clear you can search for free you will see the results with again not displaying all the information but we will let you know what information we found for you in order to see the record you may need a data plan my heritage has separated between the family tree part and the records you know some people they just want to go for the records they don't want to pay for the family tree other people just want the trees and not the records for whoever once everything we have something called complete and it's not by countries or by regions in the world is like everything whatever my heritage has if you have the data plan you will see all the records if you have the complete you will get all the premium features from the web from the tree and all the records from the the search engine well and the reality is for the folks at home this is not a cheap adventure for these companies to do this it costs a lot of money to acquire these records it costs a lot of money to maintain these records that's a lot of money to maintain the search engines and such so at some point you know it all can't be free if you need to to help support these companies so but we do have a few collections for free for example one of the probably the best ones I think it's a partnership that we have with billion graves so you can search on my heritage and you will find results from billion graves the advantage is that when you do billion graves out of the United States the transcription of the tombstone is in the language that the tombstone is written so if you are searching directly on billion graves you will not be able to catch those languages if you search through my heritage my heritage will apply the transliteration and those records are free and those are not the only ones we have a very good number of collections that are available for free and yes the other ones just as you said are we we're investing we're investing in technology were investing in people and in work and yeah we need to charge well it's amazing what you guys are doing over there all right let's talk about the DNA piece for a minute do you wanna do we I don't think we really got too deep into that so you can know your DNA and now you guys sell DNA kits specifically yes we do have our own DNA kid it's a swap is a cheek swab okay we don't want you to spit on anybody else very similar to other companies cheek swab you swab your cheek you send it to the lab you get the results now we do have some limitations on certain countries one of them Israel where we are today where I am today where I'm now so I will not be able to show you the different features that we offer but with your results you're actually getting two things you're getting your admission estimation please please please it's an estimation like we genealogies we don't do this for the initially I don't have to do a DNA test to know that I'm 86 percent Ashkenazi Jew believe me I knew that before so what you get besides that is the matches matches with the people again from all over the world with a very specific emphasis right now in Europe I I don't know how many of your audience out there are aware of the song contest Eurovision that just ended here in Europe my heritage was the sole sponsor of of this year competition so we have a very strong presence in all Europe we're selling DNA kits all over Europe so you're getting your matches and we're also getting a lot of success stories we have a project called DNA quest where my heritage donated 5,000 DNA kits for adoptees or people looking for their biological family and and we are actually reuniting sisters brothers families parents with the kids thanks to those tests and like I'm talking about for example two sisters in in Scandinavian countries with with a brother or a sister in the United States that otherwise they will never find themselves and the very last thing that we released in the world of the DNA is the health product so if you have a my heritage DNA test yourself you can upgrade that and get the health report besides your matches and IANS so your health report is that similar to the 23andme health report or different are you testing for different things well right now we're just starting to do that so we have kind of a small limited number of reports but again it's it's in the same way we have carrier reports and we have risk reports and you will know like what are your risk to some of the sickness that you can get health problems that you can have a or if you are a carrier of one of those and and you will transmit that also to your kids with the time we will add more and more reports over there so can you download your DNA results from my heritage and perhaps upload it to like something like jed match if they want to do this the third-party software definitely yes it's your information you do with it whatever you want yes maybe we can run a search for a record and show you a little bit about what we have here absolutely so Connie why you don't give me a name from any of your ancestors and let's see what I can find in my heritage for them so I just wanted to clarify like any good magician right that we didn't synchronize before we didn't arrange this you're just giving me one name for the first time I'm hearing that name and let's see what happens all right you ready I'm ready now we have Henry Henley G do you want to give me a year he was born in 1862 okay that's probably a little bit of heart person but let's give it a try okay so we found probably your guy in another family tree managed by Thomas Stubbs you're nodding but I don't know if you know this person or not now you can see here how the privatizations worked right away all those children are marked as leaving so I only get the last name and not the first name and then I have other records like interment or the eteland and wells censuses I can choose from the different categories let's say for example immigration and travels and and probably this is not your family anymore but let me show you here for example Ellis Island it's also a very nice collection that we have the reason why I'm very proud and again I'm just working with this as we go the reason why I like the Ellis Island collection is because we have indexed not only the name of the person that came on the ship but also the name of the family that was in the United States which is normally you know appears in the other page not on the main one but on the next one like side-by-side so if you're looking for somebody even that let's say your relative never emigrate or or immigrated to the United States probably he was mentioned as the relative of somebody else that came to the United States so still you will be able to find it over there and as you can see you can see the image perfectly with no problem and you have all the information right here now if your Ellis Island records are indexed earlier yes not only again by the person that it's not only by the immigrant but also by the family mentioned leaving in the country wonderful okay you know you're what you're saying is basically the same thing I'm preaching all the time is make sure that you're like on census records for example make sure you're doing five or ten pages in either direction in fact I do a whole series on on how to export that information and make it easier to find but how many people find a relative on the first line or the last line and they don't bother just to turn the page and have the rest of the family right there and they're missing it that's right yeah yes so this is wonderful now is there a if you scroll down just a little bit is there an actual typewritten version of that on the screen I see them yes okay let me go to the England's and wells census just to show the audience the different senses you have here like all the information with all the family that you can copy/paste in this case we have a button to see the actual image um but egg okay exactly so side this record so you have all the information from the source you can copy to your clay board whenever you save this record to your tree the source citation will be will be added automatically that is awesome because yeah another one of those things I'm always preaching is cite your sources and and I am teaching that you need to be putting those in footnotes so this is really makes it easy just to copy it and put it in your footnotes so mmm yes Jeff just by clicking here everything is copy and paste and that's it now Connie one more technology that I would like to emphasize and is this little guy that I have at the end of this record and this may or may not appear remember the Ellis Island record didn't have it this is record detective and what is happening here is that my heritage just took all the information not only from the main person Henry Henley which is the one we were looking for but all the rest of the people mentioned here and search for them and brought you right here the results so he not only appears in the I'm sorry this was the 1901 census but he also appears the 1891 and the 1911 nice by clicking here okay you can see the information and you can simply jump to the very next record okay and keep discovering new information and this record detectives exactly beautiful he's both taking information from the other family trees you see that now I have more people because this generation was recorded in family search for example or other record or another family tree in my heritage piano this is like what I like to call this is like a snowball coming down the hill and the reason why we genealogies don't go to sleep before four o'clock morning because you can this clicking and evaluating more records and getting more information that's too funny yes yes yes we I don't think there's probably a single genealogist who's watching this right now who hasn't spent a late night or two chasing different rabbit holes yep yeah and again you can always be on top of what my heritage is releasing new collections we have a collection catalog you can search and filter here buy different collections the new collections you can see what we have here from the different periods from the different locations and very soon like we're going to announce probably more records every every two three months we are doing a big release of collections coming up now I noticed in the research tab newspapers which is always one of my favorite things where are these newspapers are these innovative from all over the world like you have the first ones from Australia then you have American history newspaper you have in Sylvania Massachusetts different states from the United States some European newspapers as well we have newspapers from England as well so are these exclusive to my heritage are they linking to other sites like newspapers calm and Dhamma some of them are exclusive we don't work with newspapers calm alright so one of the things that I'm always professing is to research by locations before researching by surname so if we want to see what you have for say the state of North Carolina how do we do that well you have two options you can do that from the catalog right here okay or if you scroll on the search engine page a little bit down you will have a map and then I can select the continent or in this case Canada or the United States and then if it's a continent you will see all the countries from the continent if it's United States you will see advise state which one you mentioned before North Carolina which I see that North Carolina right here so now the search page is going to be focused on North Carolina only and you will see like all the results are going to be related to North Carolina and those are the collections that we have from North Carolina a point of information here because I know also a lot of people complain well I choose a particular region and you were bringing me a totally different collection well probably yes but if you notice maybe we brought you I don't know death in California but the guy was born in North Carolina so even that the death happened in California this may be a relevant record for you so that is why sometimes you see other our collections reflected on the result even that you actually was searching only on North Carolina records okay let's talk about prices let's talk about the price of a DNA kit and a price of the service here if we want to sign up let me play by ear DNA kits are regularly $79 ok and as any other company we have specials Father's Day Mother's Day Independence Day it can go down to $59 Black Friday and Cyber Monday it's not a secret it goes down to $49 when we are and conferences people can buy that the DNA kit for $49 as well okay so this is the price list and let me go back one step because I want to know people to know how I got there normally you have the price list on the bottom of of every page there is a black ribbon or a gray ribbon over there and you will see prices and here you will see the prices for your country yeah here because I am selecting an Israel so I one second yeah I'm seeing the prices in shekels which is the currency in Israel but if you go there you probably will be able to see the prices in dollars for you and not only that but you will see exactly what are you paying for you have like the premium account the premium plus the data plan and the complete so you can decide you can learn more from each of those and you can decide which one you want to buy now the price is a year price yearly price what happened the second year if you don't want to renew well you don't have to the information will reside over there would still be available on the on the website as I said before the the website is going to be frozen meaning you will not be able to edit the information or add more individuals you will not be able to communicate or with the other administrator or accept the matches whenever you feel comfortable to come back you can just reactivate repaid and and reactivate your account then continue your genealogy research and so everybody everything will still be there right yes yes not less unless you do need it everything will keep me keep me there and can you do a gedcom export of your tree from my heritage yes okay yes yes yes then we talked about uploading from a gedcom but I didn't but you can also download yes we were mentioning about the DNA's and again the health if you have a DNA test you can upgrade or or get the health component for a hundred and twenty dollars if I'm not mistaken 199 again is what I remember is the the price for health and ancestry kit Oh beautiful yes 199 not just as I remembered we're looking at for the audience at home we're looking at my account here in the United States if someone wanted to purchase from their free account how do they do that well you just click on the health tab on the on the menu and you have order on the the last option which is order DNA kit on the menu or you go to the landing page right there and and you will trigger the order process this will be as I said before this will be health and ancestry care meaning you're gonna get both the health and the and the Enda matches and the ethnicity estimation here we are looking at in a different way different view different design premium climbing process and complete this is for the family trees or the records the complete will include the records and you have over there the prices monthly and annually how much we're charging you and of course for the audience this is in US dollars now this changes if somebody in the UK is watching this our Canada this changes per per country yes you will see the price in your local currency okay put your mouse over the DNA and then go to or their DNA kids yes and and you can upload right from there as you see I just want to make sure about the price so yes as you see device 79 right now I I wasn't aware of this special of fifty nine and then you can add the complete plan first month for free so you can see everything from the DNA and you can you can experience by heritage with all the features um and if you have I think more than more than two or three DNA kits the shipping is free depending on on the on the promotion um yep free shipping right there okay and and remember that this colorful DNA kid is only matches and ethnicities but we definitely will will need to and I have a demo account that we can use later on not to affect privacy of leaving individuals and other users and and I can show you in detail or what it's related to the DNA and the health bar thank you this has been wildly helpful did we miss anything um no I think we got a pretty much good overview of of everything again I would love for you to dedicate a little bit more of time to your family tree I'll do that yeah I would love to be back answering questions probably that the audience will do on on your videos on YouTube I know that a lot make comments and make questions over there we can talk about the DNA in health and or just go bye-bye any other subject that you would like to touch fabulous so if anybody at home has questions put them in the comment sections below the video and we'll get Daniel back on here and answer some of those questions and maybe talk a little bit more about the DNA side that you wanted to talk about new collections new features are there coming yes definitely well and the audience at home does not realize that it is very late your time and we really appreciate you taking the time the time difference between Israel and the United States is significant so we really do appreciate you staying up late tonight to talk to us and normally my pleasure I appreciate it and next time you're back in the states may be will will will bump into each other at a conference or something well yes some actually next month gonna go fly to the US for a couple of conference fgs in Washington then I will need to come back very fast to Europe because my heritage is having its second own conference this year it's in Amsterdam last year we hold it in Oslo and we are having two days of fun lectures about my heritage we have support people we have product managers our own CEO is gonna be wandering around and and chatting with people with the users and we're gonna have a blast over there fabulous this is September 6 to 8 so if you are still on time just make your reservations there you go all right well thank you so much and we will we will certainly chat again when we can we can square away the time for both of us on the on a little bit more about the DNA site because I'm I know everybody's always very interested in the DNA side so we really appreciate it thank you pleasure thank you hey Thank You Daniel for the interview and the tour of the website I know I learned a lot so if you at home have questions you can leave those in the comment sections below also there will be more information about any show that we do in the description fields below and at genealogy TV org make sure you bookmark that website so that you can find it again easily all right now we promised that we would get back with Daniel here in the future so if you do have any questions make sure you put them in the comment sections below we'll gather those up and see if we can't get Daniel to answer those again for everybody at home to watch he was also going to tell us a little bit more I think about the DNA side too so there you have it it's time for you to get back to your family history research so until next time keep on climbing your family tree
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Views: 21,490
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Keywords: How to use, how to use my heritage site,, my heritage tutorial, myheritage dna login, myheritage dna test, myheritage, #familyhistory, myheritage setup, #GenealogyTV, #genealogy, my heritage search, genealogy, family history, genealogy research, family tree, how to do genealogy research for free, how to find family history, myheritage review, myheritage cost, is myheritage free, billions graves, how to use my heritage family tree builder, myheritage dna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.