Ancestry DNA vs 23andMe: Full Comparison

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everyone is ally and in today's video I'm going to show you the difference between ancestry DNA and 23andme I'll show you the pros and cons of each company so by the end of this video you know exactly which one you should purchase for yourself both ancestor DNA and 23andme have ancestry estimates but they show their results differently let me show you the difference ancestry DNA provides national results so they break down the countries for for each results on the other hand 23andme they provide regional results so instead of the countries they just show you the region where your ancestry belongs to ancestry gives you detailed history of each country a lot of information which is very good very helpful while 23andme they give you a general regional description is really short probably three sentences so for the ancestry estimate ancestry DNA wins that category 23andme gives you two bonus tests with your DNA result now you have a group is a test where you determine your maternal or your paternal direct lineage now this doesn't cover everyone just your mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's and your father's father's father's father's fathers as a female I can only test my mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's side and in order to get my paternal side I'll have to test either my brothers or my father or any of my uncles or my grandfather or any male on that side that shares the same male ancestors as myself 23andme also does a Neanderthal test to show you how much Neanderthal is in your DNA that's something that I didn't take the test for but it's but the results are there for me so you do get that extra feature within your test results as well one thing that I love about ancestor DNA is free service is that you have the ability to build your own family tree when you build your family tree anyone that actually takes the test with ancestry DNA you can actually link their account on to your family tree another thing that I love is that each individual person has their own profile so when you put their information in like their date of birth or where they went to school or the date that they passed away ancestry creates a beautiful timeline of that person's entire life which is something that you can cherish for generations and generations to come so basically when you take the test both ancestor DNA and 23andme they connect you with everyone that you're connected to DNA wise these people can be your third cousins fourth cousins fifty thousand six cousins or even much much closer or much further away but here's the difference between the wolf 23andme has a vast board where you can actually see the results for each person that you're connected to if they opt in to share their results openly there is a feature called share and compare where you can put your results right next to that other person's results so you can see that what similarities you have and what differences you have as well I showed that in my video that I did with my boyfriend my gel we put our results right next to each other so we were able to you able to see the and what we had in common and what we had different ancestry in the other hand they give you the name and they also tell you how you may be related but to go deeper into it for example seeing their family tree or any information where you can try to see how you could possibly be related you know after you have to subscribe to their monthly program which can get fairly expensive for both companies you can message the person that you are connected to so there even when it comes to that ancestor DNA is $99 and at times it goes on sale so you can pay even less than that 23andme on the other hand is $1.99 if $1.99 is out of your budget 23andme has the $99 DNA package I will provide you with everything as sub carrier status wellness and traits information don't let the $1.99 scare you the $1.99 is one price that you pay with 23andme and you get all of their services on the other hand with ancestry you can pay 99 for the DNA test but to get more services and to get more information you will have to pay for their monthly service so you end up actually spending more money with ancestry DNA than 23andme both companies are equal when it comes to our DNA you can download your DNA from both ancestry DNA or 23andme and you can take it and apply it for different services such as jet match or nutria hacker or whatever companies that you would like to upload your DNA to get more results ancestry DNA has message boards while 23andme have forums so you will be able to participate in open discussions when it comes to DNA results and other questions or comments that you might have about your experience so they're both equal in that Department ancestry DNA has many features that are available to you when you join one of their membership programs you can find newspaper articles with certificates death certificates social security index information newspaper articles that mentions your ancestors names slave registries US census information and other important documents that can help you with your family research personally for me because my family is from the West Indies I haven't had that much luck with doing research through ancestry DNA and it's not their fault it's just that the documentation and the West Indies they haven't been sharing it at the information that I've been looking for it haven't been available through San Vincente Trinidad Barbados I've been able to get any information through ancestry so if you do have a European background the world Explorer and the all-access package will work for you if you are an African American then the u.s. discovery package will work really great for you you'll be able to find documentation from your ancestors in the United States so if you're African American or you're European American the ancestry DNA membership package will work great for you carrier status oh my gosh carrier status they give you a give you a long list of different illnesses and diseases that might run in that runs in you know people's families and they test you for it to see if you are acquired for any of those things which is really really great for people who are contemplating starting a family it's really nice to know if you are hired for certain things or if your mate is a carrier for certain things so lucky luckily enough I was not a carrier for anything as um for anything on the list they test for stuff like sickle-cell anemia uh sure syndrome different different diseases that can run in your family and they let you know whether you have a trace of it whether you have traces of it in your DNA or not which is very helpful when I took the test it was approximately thirty nine different diseases that they test for but I'm sure as time go by they're gonna keep adding more and more illnesses to the list as well traits ohmygosh traits is so cool it lets you know what traits runs in your DNA for example it told me that I have little to no unibrow which is true because my eyebrows they're very far apart from each other it spoke about me being a light sleeper it spoke about me consuming less caffeine than the average person which is true it spoke about me being lactose intolerant it just gave me a whole bunch of different traits that is there and things that I already knew about myself but within my DNA it just showed me exactly what you know exactly what my DNA says so I loved the fact that in the lab they've never seen me before but when I send my DNA out there they can give me back all those traits that I did not tell him about but it shows up in my results it was really good seeing that information and just seeing how detailed they were when it came into that I love both companies because my sister went with ancestry DNA and I went with 23andme we took our DNA and place it into Jett match I really do love the fact that we use two totally different companies and they both came back and showed that yes we were blood sisters and yes we had this amount of DNA that we had in common also the DNA relatives that we have in common all relatives on ancestry DNA they're my relatives as well because we're sisters and my relatives that I have on 23andme it's her relatives as well so I'm glad that we went with two different companies so we were able to share the DNA matches that we did have so if you do have more than one family member taking the test it's good to go with both so that you will be able to see who is related to who on what side your choice will depend on exactly what you're looking for if you're looking for your ancestral makeup and you would like to learn more about each individual country manually build your family tree and research both and death certificates go with ancestry DNA you get a lot of detailed information on every country that's in your DNA if you are more interested in your ancestral origins and connecting with your DNA relatives they go with 23andme $99 plan with that plan they'll give you not only your ancestral composition but they'll also give you your half a group results that's your maternal and your direct paternal line they'll give you information about Neanderthal ancestry you'll be able to connect with your DNA relatives much easier you'll be able to actually see their results you'll have the share and compare feature as well if you are interested in finding out health information like your carrier status certain traits that you have and wellness traits that's how your body reacts to certain things go with 23 Emmie's 199 plan if your parent also gets the 199 plan we 23andme 23andme will also show you exactly what traits you've inherited from that parent which i believe is really cool any choice you make is a great choice so now's the time to choose think about what you really want ancestry composition and history of each country with ancestral DNA or ancestral composition have a group DNA results and the results of your DNA relatives as well that would be 23andme the choice is all yours I am going to use ancestry DNA for my mom and 23andme for my dad the reason why I'm using ancestry DNA for my mom is because with my sister's results we would like to see those DNA matches if they're related to us on my mother's side on my father's side so if my mother taking the test with ancestry DNA I know that if they're not related to her then I know that they're related to me on my sister on our father's side and then of course if they're not related to my dad and I know for sure that they're related to me on my mom's side of the family the reason why I'm using 23andme for my father is because as a man I'm able to get my paternal ancestry through his test and as well I'm gonna get his maternal ancestry as well it's not the same as mine because of course my maternal ancestry is my mother's mother's mother's mother's but when I receive his results I'm going to get the results that I'm gonna get the results my grandmother's maternal lineage my paternal grandmother it's also going to be the same results as if his sisters would get if they took the test as well so if you took the test already who did you choose to go with let me know in the comment section and if you're contemplating which one to go with let me know which one you decided to go with as well if you liked the video please give me a thumbs up and subscribe so you can see more of my family's results I hope this helped you with your decision and if you haven't already check out my result videos they're all on my page thanks for watching bye
Channel: Alison Clarke
Views: 2,055,258
Rating: 4.8613071 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, ancestryDNA, DNA, 23andME, Autosomal, DNA Test, Haplogroup, maternal, paternal, ancestry, GedMatch, Family, Family Tree, sisters, siblings, Alison Ryce, Tiffany Ryce, Clifton Harrydass, 3ShadeBlue, Trini, Trinidad, West Indies, African, allieIBC, Black Girl Magic, Genealogy
Id: iqUEBGLIhc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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