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diversity growing up in California exposed me to cultures from all around the world some Mexico some from England some from Spain on Duras Japan everywhere it's fun guessing where you think someone's from until you get it wrong let's see what if I'm not the one who's wrong that is where DNA genealogy tests come in these tests allow us to send in small samples of saliva into a lab and in return we get a full breakdown of our DNA background pretty much what we are and growing up you know you're told oh you're this you're that from the grandparents or from the aunts they think they're this or they know we're that but do we really know what we are I have an ancestry DNA test right here in front of me it's been a long time coming I've been wanting to do this forever it's finally more affordable to take these aren't sheep so we're gonna crack this open fill up the to send it off and get the results so let's jump right into it here it is let's crack this bad boy open all right this is gonna take a minute [Music] let's see what's inside welcome to ancestry DNA we have bag' alright the spit tube okay the return box that looks like it that's it so now I think we need to go on my phone and activate this yeah okay let's do that activate kit it's activated now I got to open up this guy fill the tube with saliva two black wavy line replace the funnel with the new cap okay so without showing you guys the spit I'm gonna take this off and we are gonna place this new one on here tighten the release stabilizing fluid so I need to continue tightening this until okay it's in there you guys don't have to see this fit shake the tube for at least five seconds this will ensure your sample will mixes thoroughly the stabilizing solution so our lab can best process your sample now place the tube in the collection bag this guy all right Scooby's in [Music] this doesn't deal there is my sample that's it I wasn't too bad it took 15 minutes [Music] now we send it off alright six to eight weeks according to this I'm gonna guess three weeks from my special insider who's done this before but I say three weeks I meant three months but it'll be a flash for you guys the wait is finally over this past weekend I received the email from and the subject is your ancestry DNA results are in so I'm a little nervous this is it I'm finally gonna find out what I am so without further ado let's just jump right into it it's the moment you've been waiting for your ancestry DNA results are ready now it's time to discover what it is about your DNA that makes you uniquely you 40% indigenous America's / Mexico 37% Spain 14 other regions discover your DNA story Wow so right off the bat it says 40% Mexico primarily located in Mexico your ethnicity estimate is 40 percent but it can range from 33 to 40 so that I figured that one makes sense yeah growing up here in South California it makes sense that I'm give or take 40% Mexican I have family that's from Mexico born and raised in Mexico and yeah that one makes sense for sure southern Sokka Becca I don't really know what that is I guess here on the map in that general region all right fourth cousins that's that's really cool and then we also have Chihuahua Durango okay so that would be the more top end of Mexico reaching into Texas and New Mexico looks like I have a first cousin Oh where's my aunt my grandfather's sister Helen there she is and then I have a third cousin not exactly sure that is [Music] they don't look familiar but they're predicted my third or fourth cousin which is interesting so 40% indigenous Americas with that being said primarily in Mexico and then we have 37% from Spain so yeah I get that from my mother's side primarily from what I'm told so yeah that's pretty accurate I was told that I am Spanish there know how much but 37% that's interesting and then we have 4% Ireland and Scotland primarily located in Ireland Isle of Man Northern Ireland and Scotland it can range anywhere between zero and four percent ancestry predicts a time a 12% interesting in France Wow in French apparently estimated 3% French not much but we thought and then just below we have Portugal 3% Portuguese yeah I thought that wouldn't be a little higher we were told that we have some Portuguese I guess it's a Kurd you have some 3% it can range from 0 to 11 percent so that one was pretty interesting so far the two that stand out I mean it's not much but the two that stand out that I was never told you know that I can be a part of this was France and Ireland Scotland I've never once wrote to my family that or any bit French or Irish I mean it's a very very minuscule but it's there there's more Spain northern Africa interesting primary located in Algeria Libya Morocco that's interesting so and then we're jumping down to the one-percenters Greek Italian so all you people that keep asking me and my Italian or are you Italian because my last name in my resemblance I guess I'm 1% Italian so not really no Sweden Senegal Sardinia where Sardinia can we blow this map up Sardinia it's interesting it's like an island interesting that's full Nigeria 1% Nigerian alright alright I think I'm gonna use that to my advantage in the future 1% Nigerian was not expecting that at all 0 to 2% is where it can range from Middle East 1% interesting Congo European Jewish 1% I'm Jewish primarily in Poland Belarus Ukraine Russia Hungary and in Israel or hungry after you pronounce it Wow 1% not much definitely not much but it's there the big hitters 40% indigenous to America primarily Mexico 37% Spanish and then 4 which is you know a significant amount it's not much but it's more than one Irish and Scottish 3% French 3% Portuguese 2% another Spanish descent 2% North African which was Algeria Libya Morocco in Tunisia and and then we're getting into 1% of their so wow that was interesting very interesting I would have never thought growing up I'm told you're Spanish or you're part German or you got a little bit of Portuguese but German is debunked I'm pretty much not German at all if anything I'm primarily Mexican Spanish primarily Mexican in Spanish with some Irish Scottish French and Portuguese descent not much but it's there but wow this was this was very interesting I'm really happy I did this next is my sister for all of you that don't know my younger older sister I have two sisters that are younger than me but the oldest one Elena we share the same mother but we have different fathers so she has to do one of these I'm curious all I know what our differences are as far as my brother and my other sister it should be pretty close but you know nothing is exactly the same and then my father my father is gonna be doing one of these as well so that video should be coming within the next month or two so look forward to that one seeing what our similarities are but this was awesome this was pretty cool to find out it was only 50 dollars it was 50% off on Black Friday back in November so this was exciting thanks for watching if you'd enjoy this go ahead and give me a like leave a comment subscribe if you're feeling generous check out my other videos I have videos on sneakers I have weekly vlogs so go ahead and check that out but once again thanks for watching you guys have a good one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tony the Creator
Views: 74,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancestry, dna, genealogy, test, surprised
Id: 7GoUpZdVyOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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