Analyzing the Music of The Devourer of Gods: A Symphonic Masterpiece

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DM dokuros the Devourer of gods non-stop mix is a symphony it has one two three four five distinct movements a symphony typically has three or four each of varying lengths and each of varying tempos usually the first piece in a symphony is slow and thought out the second is a little bit more playful Allegro Vivace bouncy moving third movement is usually a Minuet in Trio or often times called a skerzo and the Fourth Movement is usually a mass culmination of everything that we've heard before and a new identity that's usually faster full of energy and enthusiasm and if you look at this non-stop mix all these different sections follow similar patterns we start off with Servants of the scourge then we move into scourge of the universe followed by Servants of the scourge finally with universal collapse Universal collapse being the absolute peak of this piece this is a pretty long intro if you didn't skip it well you have my respect [Music] gotcha we're stopping a lot in this video what is this it's setting the scene what we're doing here is we're taking a minute to establish ourselves firmly in this fight against these servants against the universal collapse against the scourge of the universe this there is a sadness in the air there is a sadness there is Decay there is Destruction come face to face with our enemies [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing the bells of Notre Dame it's actually uh sing the bells of the Devourer of gods you see how the bells lead us into this the bells the Calamity bells are the thing there's almost a holy aspect to this intro as we launch into this first section here it is again filling us with a sense of sadness and Dread and destruction and Decay we look around and we think wow this world has become completely dilapidated and destroyed we cannot stop until we have brought the world back and so those bells remind us I forget what the main motive is of the Calamity Bells but those bells are throughout this entire soundtrack as we launch into this fight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign that Melody line is full of plaintiff like desire for resolution of this conflict let no let's go back we can go back let's rewind time one by one we see these Servants of the scourge approach us and we take them on one at a time they could also be looking at us thinking we have to stop this character we have to stop this person from destroying what we've worked hard to to build or to destroy so that we could have our sense of peace there's there's a there's an antagonism here but it's an antagonism of pain there is a duality here between the characters Ambitions and the Servants of the scourge's Ambitions and so this melody line is Dire Straits and we understand that in every piece of music especially in battle sequences there always has to be Dire Straits the stakes are always very high it's not just casually brushing our teeth in the morning thinking I wonder what I'll do today no this is brushing your teeth while your house is on fire and that's the feeling we get here it's like okay well you know I guess I guess this is we this this stops here this stops now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] type w step up to the plate to face us and of course there is fear in type w because if type w knows what's come before perhaps there's this feeling of like ah why are the Calamity Bells so present with type w those Calamity bells are in his and that entire music featuring type w what does that signify but the stakes are incredibly high and there's a direness in this music Non-Stop dirness foreign [Music] type V steps up to the plate and says no not today this is my turn now you're going to get destroyed you can't be here this is my turn all right brutal confidence [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign steps up type S knows the type S is the last of these servants to be able to face us as we've destroyed the last two and so you hear that again more desperation and what's beautiful about this is that we hear three distinct sections in this first opening part of the Devourer of gods and in this section we hear three distinct voices three distinct Melodies three distinct rhythmic patterns three distinct note types and sound types and soundscape and all of this represents these three Servants of the scourge and we represent characters all the time in music and that's amazing because this is a little symphony a little pocket Symphony in and of itself right here as we shift into scourge of the universe as we reveal the scourge of the universe the Devourer of gods and we are present with the true entity now that the servants have been left on the Wayside [Music] foreign [Music] to me in some ways this music sounds like building oneself up okay can I do this can I really do this I don't know we have to look at the psychology right because we're not just fighting beings we're not just fighting Mindless NPC enemies these the scourge of the universe the destroyer of an entire universe what that is not just some MPC that is a huge deal and so we have to look at this music as Preparatory music if this music is based off of the internal psychological lives of these characters that we're fighting against then this is all prep music to face this brutal enemy foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign music very much is that everything has a Melody all of this stuff there's no there's no lyrics right but these are songs without lyrics and what's awesome is that the melody line is so really strong and really an emphasis while underneath we always have you could add lyrics and this would be a song that someone could sing and and again now we're moving into this desperate phase for the scourge of the universe where it's like fine take this take this take this take things I can't here here you know like I will stop at nothing take take take you know and uh it's it's exciting music it's fun to listen to foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so what we're doing here is if that repeated again it would be very good to listen to but it wouldn't have any uh variation and so what we're doing here actually is we stop we reset which is exactly what we heard at the very beginning and while this music continues to Loop and it makes us feel like holy there's a lot of intensity to this a little rest goes a long way [Music] let me gather myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so here there's a bit of a resetting so we have this incredible EDM fast pulsing that's my drum um we have a we have a a pivoting point where we have this one more final burst of energy where now we have to stop take a second regroup and we say to ourselves okay this is a rough situation how do I improve this how do I defeat this character how do I stand up against this thing oh [Music] wow wow wow I forgot about this but when I listened to this on the live I forgot about the guitar first of all God I love this melody foreign why do we choose the guitar here you answer in the comments to me personally we use the guitar because the guitar is this pure instrument we've had all this electronic music the church bells and this the orchestral thing with like EDM and trap elements and beats and rhythms sharp rhythms and hurling fireballs and whatever and now all of a sudden we have the Servants of the scourge again and there's a there's a there's a recap of those Servants of the scourge Melodies but those Melodies now are like internal like oh what are we gonna do there's there's a real introspection a real quietness as we debate okay what do we do how do I serve my master you know there's a real intimacy when we hear this guitar [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] to me really quickly before we shift into Universal collapse to me Servants of the scourge part 2 type D to me is a final last titch effort by let's say a new servant the last servant that we didn't see that was sort of protecting the the world from allowing the universal collapse to occur right so we have you know we have the three servants then we move into scourge of the universe with the scourge of the universe is theoretically a colossal bad character you know a real true Nemesis the scourge of the universe do you even know what a Scourge is a Scourge Scourge definition a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering and then to shift into Universal collapse the complete destruction of the universe the collapsing the destruction what's collapsing to get to fall down in to give way to this thing is going to completely collapse the universe so it's almost like type D was the last Bastion of protection from the universal collapse and so even though these our hour as players are Nemesis standing in our way the servants in some ways their job was to prevent the scourge of the universe and the the universal collapse and and I'm just making stuff up but this is the power of music and I love that we have you know similar motives with the bells and with this like opening Melody that we heard 10 minutes ago we've now heard this melody throughout each of these sections that is the common motive and now we're shifting it to something completely different [Music] that Melody too that comes back but now it's in the harp and again the harp is a Celestial instrument it is meant in orchestra music it is meant to signify godliness a piety peace Celestial resolve calm [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign get the sense that we are in fact fighting against the universal collapse we have a hearkening back to Melodies that we've heard throughout the last 13 minutes we get Melodies we get rhythms as as that we get repeated rhythms from scourge of the universe and I understand this is the second half of that boss battle with the scourge of the universe and the Devourer of gods you know this is incredibly complex music and it and it's funny because it's not in it's not written for a symphony it's it's written for this 8-bit 16-bit style and yet it carries with it so much emotion and it carries along with its similar structures to classical symphonic writing based around Symphonies which have been around since the classical time period And I think that's what makes this so fascinating and so really interesting to me as a lover of video game music and a lover of music is that there is an immense amount of complexity from the perspective of characters that we're fighting against you get the sense that there is the sort of protective barrier around the scourge of the universe person the Devourer of gods to prevent the Devourer of gods from being Unleashed into a universal collapse you know and and so it's it makes look when we talk about acting and we talk about theater what makes something really good and worth watching is when it's three-dimensional because two-dimensional tropes really don't work on a modern audience anymore because we can smell and so what's really cool about the Calamity mod music is that there is an immense wealth of diversity and intricacy in character development and in musical development which is lovely and really really interesting to me from both a operatic character perspective and from a perspective of a voice actor and an actor so this is really really cool I do want to feature more Terraria Calamity mod music on this channel there's some over here if you want to check them out and as always thanks a ton if you like this sort of stuff feel free to like subscribe there's links in the about section I'll talk to you later bye
Channel: MarcoMeatball
Views: 444,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TX915ejpOmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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