Analyzing Evil Remastered: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen From Dune

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to the remastered and updated 52nd episode of analyzing evil featuring Baron Vladimir hekinan from Dune well denille new's Dune part two has just come out at the time of making this video and it's proven to be a fantastic film that is certainly in the conversation when discussing the greatest films ever made so I figured now it would be the proper time to delve back into the daverse to discuss some harken and villainy now some of you might be asking why I've chosen to remaster the baron episode instead of create some new ones on say fade and Rabon two other harken and baddies who deserve to be covered in their own right well I'm actually going to do just that but in the wake of the release of Dune part 2 I figured now would be the best time to update that episode on the main Harkin and villain to include what we were given on the baron in that film and touch up this episode with a few things that I neglected to include last time around before moving on to cover his nephews so in the coming days and weeks alongside the other episodes I have scheduled for this month expect to see two separate videos on both Rabon and fade gracing your video feeds but aside from giving me the opportunity to cover a trio of intriguing villains these hekinan videos also serve as a vessel for you all to tell me how interested you are in seeing more Dune related content and there are some things in particular I think you all might be interested in seeing to help me out with this I've made individual comments down below suggesting each of the following options and I'd like the rest of you to like those comments so we can keep them towards the top of the comment section and comment with your interest on these topics so I can get a better idea of whether or not you'd like to see these things and perhaps some things that I hadn't thought about covering so I could make an episode on paulat trates the prophetic hero of our story Whose actions in the sequels are morally questionable to say the least but considering that vnu seems like he's going to make film adaptations of the sequels perhaps let me know whether or not you'd like that video sometime in the near future or when those films are released I could make an episode on Emperor shadam IV and the general minations of house Corino after their abdication of the throne that we see unfolding in the sequels I could also make an episode on Paul's son Leto atres II who ruled the Empire his father Left Behind for a grand total of 3,500 years as a human sandworm hybrid whose actions are also morally questionable I could also make an episode or separate episodes on the various morally questionable organizations that have a part in deciding the course of events in this universe namely the lrod choam the Benny jerit the spacing Guild the Benny Tac or the honored maters the last thing I had in mind for a video topic would be coverage of the prequels and the sequels made by Frank herpet son Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson because I didn't really see too much interest in the last video in exploring the prequels and sequels I'm not going to go into those versions of the story in this video or the Rabon and fade videos either mostly due to the fact that these books have quite the mixed reception and I'd like to make sure I give you the untainted versions of these characters so to speak however I've seen some pretty interesting stuff in those books despite their downfalls and well if you don't want to bother reading all those books to suffer said downfalls you could always make me do it for you and I can regail you with all the details in video form and for every video I make covering the main series I'd make a companion video for each covering all the information for that character or organization that we receive in those stories so that's what I had in mind as far as dune videos go and whether or not I actually make them is dependent on your input so again check out the comments down below to show your support for each of these topics all right so in this video we'll be exploring everything we're given about the baron and the Dune novel while we compare the source material to the three versions of this character we've been given those being Kenneth McMillan's portrayal in the 1984 film Ian mcnees is in the 2000 Min series and Stell and scars guards in the new two-part film Each of which have varying degrees of accuracy and we'll be discussing how they differ from the source material at several points in this video now I mentioned back when I made the original episode that the miniseries version of the baron was the truest adaptation of the first book that we've been given yet and after the release of Dune part 2 it turns out that's still the case in certain ways especially as far as The Baron's character is concerned while that might be true that doesn't mean that the miniseries is the superior experience far from it in fact as it's as campy as you'd expect an early 200 Sci-Fi show to be and as of the making of this video I'm sure most if not all of you have seen Dune part 1 and two will AG that it's the definitive visual adaptation of Frank Herbert's Masterpiece of a novel that being said if you'd like to see either a mostly accurate representation of the book Baron or a completely off-the-wall grotesque and insane version of him it's still worth giving both the miniseries and the David Lynch film a watch and you can actually watch the miniseries here on YouTube a link to which I'll provide down in the description also just so you're aware I won't be mentioning The Baron's appearance in Children of Dune in this video as I'd rather wait for the potential sequels of the new film to be released before mentioning how he's portrayed there and if they do include him I'll be sure to make a separate video discussing those films when the time is right I know this has been a lengthy introduction but before we get going we should first talk 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monopolized space travel house Corino cemented their position as rulers of the known universe following the Battle of Corin which we can assume was fought between house Corino and the other houses vying for Supremacy during the immediate aftermath of the butlerian Jihad a war against machines like computers that had concluded 20 years prior to this battle and birth the orders of the mentats the Benny jerit and the spacing Guild so Humanity might replace through human power the technology that was now forbidden to them during set battle Vladimir's ancestor and possible founder of house hekinan Bashar aulard hekinan was accused of treachery by house at trates and was banished for his cowardice after the battle had concluded over the next 10,000 plus years house hekinan would claw its way out of obscurity and Exile through manipulation of the Ware Market eventually reaching a point of prestige amongst the great houses this caused Emperor elud Corino the9th father of shadam Kino IV to promote Vladimir's father to planetary governor of araus a year after Vladimir's birth in the year 10,111 AG while we don't know much about the reign of his father or his early reign as Baron we can assume that Vladimir ascended to the Barony somewhat early on in his life as I'm sure a man as cunning and conniving as Vladimir hinan would have taken any opportunity to supplant his father as Baron at the proper time and once he did he found himself Lord of a house who was on its way to becoming the most wealthy and Powerful house in the Imperium second only only to the Imperial House of Corino and with the profets Rolling In from their control of oracus in the spice trade and careful plotting on the part of the baron by the time the story of Dune begins they have accomplished just that no matter when he became Barren or how he propelled his family to the heights of power though it's said that the people of araus grew to fear the Harkin from the moment they were granted the desert Planet as their thief and considering their ill reputation with House of trates we can assume that Vladimir being the villain he is isn't an anomaly but a time honored tradition of house harinen that's been encouraged in their family for centuries however the penultimate Baron of Harkin may just have been the culmination of centuries of vile Harkin culture and he is without a doubt the greatest representation of the dread practices and ideals of this of riled Noble house from the very moment we're introduced to the baron in the book he comes off as a power hungry and greedy egotist as we find him classically flaunting his plans for oracus and the atres in front of his Twisted Menat pyer deers and his nephew fate rotha it was a relief globe of a world partly in Shadows spinning under the impetus of a fat hand that glittered with rings the globe sat on a free form stand at one wall of a windowless room whose other walls presented a patchwork of multicolored Scrolls film books tapes and reels light glowed in the room from Golden Balls hanging in Mobile suspensor Fields an ellipsoid desk with a top of Jade pink petrified alaka wood stood at the center of the room veriform suspensor chairs ringed it two of them occupied in one sat a dark-haired youth of about 16 years round of face and with Solen eyes the other held a slender short man with a feminite face both Youth and man stared at the globe in the man half hidden in Shadows spinning it a chuckle sounded beside the globe a basso voice rumbled out of the chuckle there it is pider the biggest man trap in all history and the Dukes headed into its jaws is it not a magnificent thing that I the baron Vladimir Harkin and do assuredly Baron said the man his voice came out tener with a sweet musical quality the fat hand descended onto the globe sto the spinning now all eyes in the room could focus on the motionless surface and see that it was the kind of Globe made for wealthy collectors or planetary governors of the Empire it had the stamp of Imperial handicraft about it latitude and longitude lines were laid in with hairfine Platinum wire the polar caps were insets of finest Cloud milk Diamonds the fat hand moved tracing details on the surface I invite you to observe the basso voice rumbled observe closely pider and you too fed Roa my darling from 60° North to 70° South these Exquisite ripples their coloring does it not remind you of sweet caramels and nowhere do you see blue of lakes or rivers or seas and these lovely polar caps so small could anyone mistake this place a racus truly unique superb setting for a unique Victory now the most defining physical trait of Baron Harkin and and all his variations is without a doubt his obesity a trait of his which is the result of uncontrolled gluttony but it's interesting to note that the baron imagines himself as a man of control as during this conversation with pyer and fade the baron and pyer argue back and forth about several key elements of The Baron's plot and when fade grows impatient with this arguing expressing said impatience with an outburst the baron responds by stating that fate aspires to rule his Barony yet he cannot rule himself when you consider this as coming from a man whose physicality indicates that he also has an inability to rule himself this might seem like quite the hypocritical statement however the baron is specifically speaking about emotions here as though he might not be able to put down the fork he's certainly well composed and put together on an emotional level as a man who has plans as far-reaching and devious as Baron hekinan must inherently have control of himself on a mental and emotional level despite this in private the baron is egotistical and self-absorbed as I've already mentioned and while much of that seems to be derived from his high opinion of himself and his capabilities as a manipulative ruler we have to consider that these traits often manifest in members of royalty or nobility due to their literal status as important people in their respective societies a corrupting influence that has filled many a person with delusions of grandeur and such is the case with the baron for along with his ego and his pride in the achievements he has garnered comes a heightened sense of pride in his lineage and the accomplishments of his house and the baron is a man who has an overwhelming sense of self-importance putting himself on a pedestal is a great and powerful man the Magnificent and ingenious ruler of the greatest clan in the Universe a claim which actually isn't unwarranted as he is indeed powerful holding in his hands the resources of a great house that has been Shoring up its wealth for nearly a century through its domination of the spice trade and proximity to the Imperial household we find that the baron is prone to talking down to his subordinates while highlighting his own Grandeur pointing out their faults and shortcomings in comparison to his own cunning but recognizing their strengths and utilizing them appropriately however the baron isn't exactly boastful and he in fact becomes inwardly angry with himself for boasting to Rabon at one point in the novel but he does enjoy floating and he derives Exquisite pleasure from besting his opponents and shoving their failures in their faces though the baron does have a massive ego because he only displays it privately it doesn't do him much harm as he's a cautious and slightly paranoid pragmatist one who utilizes manipulation Advanced planning and an understanding of human desire to achieve his goals and the greatest example of The Baron's intellect can be found in how the baron has put himself in his house in a position to realize their dream of ridding themselves of their Rivals the atres and securing unlimited wealth and the Throne of the Imperium for himself and his air and all of who the baron is and what he's become as a result of his rearing as a s of house harinen resulted in a plan that was nothing short of masterful for some time the emperor had been fearful of house at trates and their Growing Power and knowing this the baron had likely whispered into the emperor's ear for many years promising him that his power could be secured while his hands remain clean in the process with the help of the noble and most loyal Baron to do this the baron has taken measures to ensure that the atres are greeted by sabotage and Uprising on araus buildings and Machinery stripped of their usefulness and settlement sent into an uproar to distract the atres from the true intention of the Harkin not only that but he's placed spies amongst their ranks as well as an assassin that had been planted in the atres new residence prior to their arrival one that was sent to kill Duke Leto's a and caused further disruption in his house before the baron Unleashed his master stroke from here the baron with the help of three battalions of dreaded Sardar disguises harken and troops swiftly invaded oracus with an overwhelming force a force that would be aided by the Cornerstone of this plan the cultivation of a Traer in Dr UA to place amongst the ranks of the ATR IES a traitor whom the baron turned to his cause by holding the wife of Dr UA hostage or so UA thinks in order to persuade the doctor to betray his Masters in exchange for her freedom and it was UA's incapacitation of Leto and his family that ensured the baron could eliminate his rival without having to wonder whether or not they had escaped in the chaos of his invasion though this act would still have its repercussions seeing as how the doctor enables duetto to endanger The Baron's life the baron approaches his handling of this situation with the utmost caution having pider dispose of the doctor once he served his purpose or in the latest films doing so himself by brutally cutting U's head off citing that he can't ever bring himself to trust a traitor even one that he's cultivated himself the baron also planned to ensure that the other houses knew that it was he who brought down house of trates which further highlights The Baron's cunning as he recognizes the necessity of the Lesser houses knowing that it was he who brought down the Duke knowing that he needs to instill fear into the other Nobles in order to secure his position following his re obtainment of oracus the baron planned to have pyer rule over at his Duke anticipating that he would utterly subjugate its populace and further their hatred for they already reviled house harinen a position that's taken by his nephew Rabon after P's demise after a sufficient amount of suffering had been inflicted upon the people of arachis the baron planned to install his nephew fed rotha as duke painting him as the Valiant savior who would put a stop to the suffering of the people and allow him to Garner a reputation as a valiant and Noble youth who could one day assume the Throne of the entire Imperium by marrying one of the emperor's daughters becoming the son he never had in the vnu adaptation this part of the plan plays out a bit differently as rather than expressing that it's pyer or Ran's job to pave the way for fade Rabon is instead the one who takes over oracus without any mention of pyer doing so and it's after some time when Rabon fails to subjugate the fan that the baron decides to have fade take over for him so not quite as devious but it is rather brutal the way he casts aside Rabon in favor of fade now this is quite the complex and wellth thought out plan but by shifting through the particulars of The Baron's plot we can discern ever more important details about his character one thing about The Baron's character that may surprise some of you is how his pragmatic mindset gives him the capability to understand that violence should be used sparingly as well as the fact that violence is one thing that the baron doesn't necessarily derive pleasure from in the introductory conversation between the baron fade and perer that we discussed earlier he cites P's pleasure in committing violent acts as concerning and during that same exchange he actually expresses his pity for Duke letto as he knows that the plan is concocted and the Duke's knowledge of that plan's particulars will undoubtedly be a terrible realization that the baron can find Sympathy for the baron shows himself for a certainty to not be a SST here either as he explains that he inflicts pain out of necessity and just because this is how his plan must be carried out that doesn't mean that he has to like it later on he even expresses his reluctance to torture Duke letto partially because he doesn't enjoy violence but also because he knows if he tortures him that it could set a violent precedent one that would show that the nobility can be harmed in such a cruel way a cruelty that the baron envisions coming back to bite him in the future which is a notion that only further highlights the pragmatic nature of his mind even in his request for his nephew to subjugate the people of oracus he advises him to crush its people into submission rather than wipe them out as if he completely exterminated the populus of oracus who would be left to toil for the baron and provide him with income there are several instances in the novel where the baron makes threats of violence or orders violent acts to be carried out though particularly when he's angered or frustrated like when fade makes an attempt on his life and he orders his co-conspirator a slave master and the slave girl's fate enjoyed to be executed and his film adaptations seemed to have no quals about committing violent acts and while the denil version isn't what you would call a stist he does kill Dr UA himself rather than having pider do so orders rebond to kill all the fman when he's asking him to rule over oracus and he also kills three of his bathing attendants in a fit of rage when things aren't going according to plan on oracus but the David Lynch version actually does seem to be a stist maniacally reving in the suffering of others and even taking out one of the bizarre heart plugs of one of his slave boys that all the Harin and seemed to wear in this film which is pretty on point for this version of the baron as unhinged would probably be the best way to describe him now though the baron has far-reaching and intricate plans in place to secure his family's position the baron is well aware that none of his machinations would be possible without the resources to accomplish his plans and there is no resource more important to any other plan than Manpower some leaders Inspire loyalty a sense of Duty or a common cause to be championed within their subjects and those leaders are off beloved and venerated as Noble just and righteous but then there are leaders like Baron hekinan leaders who control their hordes of minions through fear violence and Keen manipulation of their desires the baron is a man who inspires little to no love from his people but the baron is wealthy and his wealth enables him to pray on the greed and vices of his very ious minions he promises pyer lady Jessica as a play thing once they've taken oracus and later offers him the dukedom of oracus in exchange for his continued Services all the while holding his other Pleasures above his head like his addiction to spice as leverage he entices fed rotha with the promise of one day inheriting his position and sometime later when fate is conspiring against him he assures fate that if he keeps his uncle living that he can help him achieve a greater power the Throne of the Empire it would also seem that the baron is fond of testing his subordinates as when fate is fighting in the arena rather than sending fade a drugged fighter as usual he sends in a former ATR Soldier who's completely Lucid which would have accomplished one of two things either fade would prove himself or the baron would lose an unworthy Heir which serves to further enhance the devious nature of Baron Vladimir harinen when he recruits a new captain of his guard nef food he ensures that this man will be loyal by using his knowledge of his addiction to samuta a type of drug to entice him assuring him that he'll never want for his precious drug again should he remain a faithful member of his Entourage in the aftermath of the invasion of araus he persuades the ATR mentat thufir hawat to join his forces by promising him a place in his ranks a purpose with a superior master who allows haat to operate at maximum efficiency now that he's not limited by an inferior Duke and the Benny jeser witch that he believes ruined all he stood for as something that's missing in the new film and in the 1984 film as well is a plotline where howat suspects that Jessica is responsible for the downfall of House of Trades and it's this belief that pushes howat to join the baron once he's captured by him after the invasion but underscoring all of these promises is an even greater problem prise the promise that if anyone should betray the baron there is always someone else caught in his golden web who's ready to do his bidding and dispose of any treachery among his ranks and every promise the baron makes to his people is always made with his own interests in mind pyer was going to be used to subjugate oracus to pave the way for fade to come in as its savior as we've already discussed and the baron was ready to do the same thing with Rabon and cast him aside once he'd outlived his usefulness fade was his air presumptive who would realize his dream of having a harkening on the throne nefud carried out The Baron's dirty work and hawat was L known as one of the greatest mentats in the known universe who could assist the baron in furthering his position and the baron made sure he would do so by poisoning him and continuously supplying the antidote to him in his food something that the baron was more than ready to take away if he needed to however his subordinates do learn from his behavior and none are particularly loyal to him pyer and raban both Express disdain for their uncle and hint at possibly murdering him at some point thefood is only loyal to the baron because he's dependent on the baron supplying him with his chosen drug howat is only loyal because of the poison but also because he believes he can seek out his revenge at some point by allying himself with the baron but fade turns out to be the most treacherous of all as in the novel as well as the miniseries he attempts to end The Baron's Life by playing on The Baron's own desires planting a poisonous needle in the thigh of a slave boy the baron enjoyed highlighting how the treacherous behavior of the baron isn't without its repercussions no matter how pragmatic a person may be and it should also be noted that the baron often finds himself in a disadvantageous position due to the bumbling efforts of his incompetent subordinates an unfortunate byproduct of employing morally corrupt henchmen who are chosen for their respective jobs not because they're necessarily qualified for them but because they'll do whatever the baron says so long as they too get what they want though the baron will provide people useful to him with wealth and security it would seem that the people he rules over receive no such comfort as during a ceremony on Gat Prime to confirm fate as his Heir the count as Fen ring observes that the capital harco is filthy and in disrepair which indicates that the baron Hoards his wealth just as he Hoards food sharing little with others unless he absolutely has to which only serves to highlight his immense greed and further evidence for this can be found in the fact that the people who have gathered to celebrate Fade's birthday celebration in the fighting arena were forced to attend and in order to Plate them afterwards the baron organizes a festival to keep them distracted from the terrible reality of their lives under the heinens again in the newest film this event is portrayed in a much different light both literally and figuratively as it would seem that the people of Gat Prime are actually quite enthusiastic about their rulers which is something we'll discuss a little more later on now why is the baron so Adept at manipulating people through their desires because the baron doesn't just understand human desire the baron is human desire human want made flesh the baron may not be a sadist but he is a grossly overindulgent hedonist and The Baron's desires are what fuel every action he takes he's pursuing greater wealth for his house in order to provide himself with a limitless well from which he can draw his deepest desires from without restraint he's Waring against his enemies to secure this wealth but also because it serves to enhance his own power a power that he enjoys taking just as much as he enjoys having it as whereas the baron doesn't enjoy violence on a carnal level he is a cunning tactician and he enjoys the plotting and scheming that come along with a good malicious plan reving at the thought of his forces overcoming his enemy due to his own intelligence and he absolutely enjoys the political maneuvering he must employ in order to get the better of his enemies which he's quite Adept at considering he's managed to so effectively Place himself adjacent to the Royal Court though we have no knowledge of the baron enjoying drugs or alcohol save for in the newest film where he's seen smoking a hookah like Contraption his other vies more than compensate for a lack of addiction to mind-altering substances and the baron has an intense addiction to food one that is cost him to reach 200 kilos or 440 lb a burden that requires him to use suspensors to help him walk in the book he does indeed walk but in the films and the TV series he's portrayed as either being too lazy and he instead floats to move around perhaps the most revolting aspect of the baron though are his pederastic sexual desires the baron appears to be gay or at the very least bisexual as he did Father lady Jessica when he was sampling many different things in his youth but aside from that one encounter we're given no indication that he engages in any sort of traditional romantic relationships instead the baron prays on young teenage boys specifically slave boys who he abuses against their will for his own satisfaction and he even expresses his admiration for his nephew's body several times showing us that he likely has no qualms about engaging in incestual relations if it suits him after disposing of Duke Leto he even goes so far as to request a specific slave that looks like Paul to be brought to his Chambers drugged so he doesn't have to bother wrestling with him and considering that Paul is 15 at the time he makes such a request that should give you a clear enough idea of what sort sort of heinous depravity that the baron regularly engages in one thing to note here though and something that I wasn't aware of in the previous video is that Frank Herbert was decidedly homophobic and though it's never been confirmed it's more than likely that the baron is gay because Frank Herbert considered homosexuality to be immoral thus the most immoral character in his story is a homosexual that's definitely not okay and being gay isn't evil or immoral but seeing as how praying on young adults is meant to reflect the abhorent debauchery of his character which is evil no matter your sexuality I feel I'm must include this aspect of his character in this video this component of the baron is absent from the newest films but it is present in the David Lynch film somewhat as the baron does murder a young boy in a rather sensual Manner and what we're given in the novel as far as this aspect of his character is concerned is very much present in the miniseries aside from what I've already mentioned all of what we've discussed so far regarding The Baron's personality and machinations are more or less present in each iteration of his character but now we need to discuss the biggest differences between all four iterations his outward personality appearance and manner as in the book The Way the baron speaks or acts isn't described in detail all too much but he is said to have a basso voice and his choice of words indicates that he's pompous conniving and factious and he speaks to people in a sickeningly affectionate way often referring to people as my dear so and so the way he moves is obviously sluggish and awkward and when he walks he's described as performing an odd mixture of waddling and gliding he does have a tenderness to him caressing objects or himself when he speaks a compulsive touching highlighting his movements but other than that the the obese Baron isn't a man who is prone to moving much other than being extremely overweight the baron is described in the books as looking baby likee in his features with chubby cheeks and fat hands reminiscent of a newborn and he wears multiple different types of finery adorning his hands and clothing with jewels of many extravagant colors in the denal new of adaptation we receive a more muted version of the baron one who's clad in plain clothing and who has his suspensor grafted to his spine his smooth features not quite baby likee but certainly close and the oversized robes he seems to be fond of wearing adds to the enormity of his already enormous frame especially when he's floating this Baron is neither tender nor condescending instead he's more so hotty and reserved speaking little and projecting a much more menacing Aura one of the primary characteristics of not just the baron but all hinin in this version of the story is the fact that they're all bald and hairless which is expanded on in part two when we learn that the reason for this is because gate Prime is a world that's shrouded in the monochromatic light of a black sun and as the muted ruler of a muted world the baron and his people appear as almost alien-like creatures who seem to be more akin to Orcs than anything and though this version of the baron is only slightly similar to his book counterpart and appearance and personality his understated Persona and Casual villainy come across as a menacing extension of his people a people who seem to be thoroughly shrouded in darkness and this version of the character while still a political maneuverer and a manipulator seems in many respects to be more so a dark lord ruling over a horde of evil minions the David Lynch version of the character is the exact opposite as he is much more over the top in maniacal his depravity manifesting more outwardly in his devious cackling and his erratic white-eyed movements and speech the baron here appears with a shock of red hair on a sweat covered balding head that's riddled in pules and blisters an infectious manifestation of the rot that festers within his soul in this rendition he wears no finery whatsoever instead opting to wear a leather trench coat over the a dispenser contraption that surrounds his body the miniseries Baron is the most decadent of them all appearing is more of a classic nobleman who's clad in red luxurious clothing this Baron has a full head of red hair and a much more composed and smug demeanor and he's also prone to rhyming and the self-satisfied and grandiose manner of speaking that we would come to expect of the baron we see in the book but he does differ in his delivery and his mannerisms being much more dramatic and mobile than his literary counterpart and he's almost Shakespearean in the way he's presented to us however none of these differences matter too much in the end as safe for the newest version of the baron who meets his end at Paul's hand they all meet their deaths at the hands of Aaliyah at trates the granddaughter he never knew he had from a family he was Clos or two than he could have ever imagined a knife in the dark that The Baron's planning could not account for despite his careful planning and makavelian maneuvering the baron had a fatal flaw in his character that ensured that this moment was an inevitability his self- assuredness that led him to underestimating his subordinates and his enemies there are a few times in the novel where the baron is surprised at the intelligence of his nephews or of his minions like nefud and just like with those closest to him the baron underestimated the power of the freman writing them off as a population of savages whose numbers weren't more than that of a few th000 and because he was so sure of himself and so sure of everything else around him everything that he ignored slow slowly built up until they became strong enough to Encompass his downfall the baron was a man who was off secure in a far-off palace ordering horrendous actions to be done but never taking a large part in the Fulfillment of those actions so whether or not it was the blade of Aaliyah and the machinations of the prophesized quizat hak and inevitable fman resistance numbering somewhere in the millions or a knife in the back from those closest to him the baron harinen who had made evil his business was always destined to fall to some extension of that very same evil whether that be through the people he wronged or the Cy elements that he had surrounded himself with so in the end who was Baron Vladimir hekinan he was a thoroughly hedonistic and overindulgent man with immense planetary power at his disposal one who sought to supplant the powers that be and place himself and his family at the heights of Imperial power in his quest to see this dream realized the baron employed every underhanded tactic in the book you can imagine manipulation sabotage subterfuge intimidation torture murder and surprise military action all for the benefit of a few people Chief among them himself he's a gross representation of what ter terrible things a terrible man can do when he has access to immense power and wealth the embodiment of a self-serving hedonist who sees only what he wants and what the people around him can do to satisfy those wants cruel gluttonous and greedy Baron hekinan was a man whose Ambitions lay solely in satisfying his own desires a man who took advantage of who knows how many lives and ended who knows how many countless more a thoroughly repugnant and abhorent man who is as rotten as the system he was a part of and a man whose abundance of corpulent flesh hit a malignant and calculating evil thank you all for tuning in to this episode of analyzing evil and I hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on the baron let me know down below and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured while you're at it if you like this video hit that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already a big thank you to all of my subscribers my patrons and anyone who's decided to honor me with a super thank and a most vile thank you to those whose names you're seeing on screen now join the Channel's Discord server and subreddit to interact with myself and the 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Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 241,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, evil, villain
Id: wD4Xn08Fdu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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