Analyzing Evil: President Coriolanus Snow And The World Of The Hunger Games

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hello everyone and welcome to the 161st episode of analyzing evil featuring Cory Elena snow and the world of The Hunger Games a brutal and twisted Universe lorded over by the sadistic and cruel Tyrant who calls himself a president this series presents us with a dystopian realm unlike any other one where thousands are left to starve and slave for their oppressors a world where children are forced to fight one another to the death and sickening sporting events events that are catered towards punishing the people of this country in perpetuity for their past transgressions against the capital regime but there's a lot more to panm The Hunger Games and President Snow then meets the eye and in this video we're going to explore all aspects of this dreaded alternate version of our world so we might better understand all the evil that infests every nook and cranny of this universe to do so we'll be examining the hypothetical origins of panm the structure of this country and its government The Hunger Games themselves and of course the man responsible for refining the Glamorous brutality of this world president Cory Elena snow now without further Ado let's begin at the time of the making of this video the history of PanAm is largely unknown however we can make some pretty solid inferences about what time period this story takes place in by taking into account what we do know of its history if we consider that the Hunger Games universe is meant to be an alternate version of our own and by examining some of the objects and technology that are present in this world at the time the second panm Civil War concludes we can assume that panm had been around for at least 79 years as the first panm Civil War supposedly began around 3 years prior to the first Hunger Games that doesn't mean PanAm is only 79 years old though as this first iil war was instigated by the first district rebellion and in order for there to be a rebellion there needs to be some sort of history of Oppression that led up to it a history that we don't know much about but we do know that PanAm was formed after a series of ecological disasters and a global conflict that presumably eradicated all other peoples on Earth as were never given any mention of other nations aside from PanAm with that in mind I propose that the conflict in question was an extended World War II and the ecological disasters could have been brought on by a combination of natural phenomena and nuclear warfare how I've arrived at this conclusion is by factoring in various objects and technology that we see displayed in the films take what we see in the ballot of song birds and snakes as an example while the technology we see in this film is advanced in many ways it has that sort of antiquated technology feel to it which is very reminiscent of tech you associate with the 1940s and 1950s similarly in district 12 in Katniss's era which we can assume has come to a technological and cultural standstill due to the hardships they've suffered in their enslavement to the capital the clothes we find people wearing here would look right at home in this are ER of American history and to provide further proof to this notion we have the everin picture of their fallen patriarch which looks as if it were taken with a camera that one might find in this era and in the era preceding it so for the sake of establishing a time frame let's say World War II did not end in 1945 but dragged on until 1949 in this imagined scenario Not only was this extended World War causing intense turmoil to the various populations of the world but at some point in this conflict a series of ecological disasters began plaguing the entire world which includes what we can assumed to be rising sea levels which submerge nearly all of the world's coastlines adding further Strife to an already miserable situation now I'm not too sure that rising sea levels in a world war would have been the sole cause of the world's misery as there could have been a number of things alongside this event that contributed to it but for the sake of aing the possibility of this scenario let's say that alongside the rising sea levels there was some sort of worldwide infestation of crop eating insects or a virus that affected the majority of crops perhaps a prehistoric one that lay dormant in an iceberg that was released following the rise of global temperature and this caused much of the world's food production to come to a grinding halt which then turned this world war against competing Powers into a struggle for basic resources and this created countless internal conflicts and Civil Wars amongst the various populations of each country if we take all these things and apply them to the countries of North America we'll doubtlessly find that they experienc collapsed governments and a population that's been decimated by the various disasters they've experienced which is evident by the relatively small populations of the districts and From the Ashes of this broken World Rose a totalitarian power that Consolidated its strength in the center of the Rocky Mountains a geographical Fortress placed far away from any treacherous coastlines however there is one distinct Advantage this new government had over any other world government nuclear weapons in our world the United States finished developing nuclear weapons in July of 1945 and to end World War II they chose to drop two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki less than a month later in this universe let's say that due to the prolonged conflict the development of the atomic bomb was slightly delayed but still successful due to the ongoing War there was no immediate need to use the bomb right after its development but after the world went through disaster after disaster and this new authoritarian power secured its position they chose one of the most horrific ways they could have used these bombs rather than aiding the world around them they chose to drop atomic bombs on the remaining population centers across the globe to ensure that no external conflict could ever threaten their power again once this bombing had been completed over the next few years the remaining people scattered across the globe slowly perished from either radiation sickness the aforementioned lack of resources or any number of conflicts that flared up due to the hardship presented to them and all that remained as the ashes of this terrible period in human history settled was a singular Nation panm but for the leaders of panm a return to the governmental structure of old that created so much Strife was Unthinkable and so they chose to model their new government after the Roman Empire consolidating their power in the capital the new Rome whilst the provinces languished as vassals to their might and slaves to their will a country that provided a modum of safety shelter and sustenance for many so the few might experience luxury decadence and debauchery after establishing this fledgling system a period of reconstruction ensued that would bolster the power of the capital while leaving the districts they had established to wallow in poverty and while it's feasible that the first Rebellion happened shortly after the creation of panm I'm going to assume that it took at least a decade if not a few decades for real discontent to set in and for District 13 to consolidate its power so let's say that between 10 and 30 years after the Advent of capital rule the districts with the help of District 13's military might staged their Rebellion so if that's the case that would mean that panm was created roughly between 89 and 109 years prior to the fall of President Snow which would mean that the Year this story takes place would be between 2039 to 2059 now when you take a look at all the components of this scenario there seems to be one glaring flaw with it the tech that the capital has access to given the time frame it seems unlikely that they'd be able to achieve such achievements considering that the world and the human population has been broken all the body modifications medical advancements hovercrafts and terraformed Arenas seem like they' be quite impossible we don't know what our own world is going to look like in 2039 let alone 2059 but even this story does take place between these years their advancements are actually quite feasible at the time of the making of this video we're nearing eight decades since the conclusion of World War II and we haven't developed a lot of the advanced Tech we see displayed during Katniss's era and as we've seen during the time period the ballot of song birds and snakes takes place some of the highly advanced technology at the capitals employ that were shown during her era doesn't quite exist yet but it is a fair bit more advanced than what we had achieved during the corresponding era in our own Universe why it's possible that the capital was able to develop such highly Advanced Tech despite the conditions of the world they lorded over is due to the unique position they put themselves in with the elimination of all Global enemies and a sizable slave labor force available to them the researchers and inventors tasked with bringing glory to their fledgling Nation were provided with an unprecedented access to resources and unburdened time there were no more threats of war from outside Powers no limitation of resources by those Powers a smaller population consuming less resources and a Workforce that provided everything the capital citizen could ever need while they focused on refining and improving existing technology every brilliant mind in the capital was able to point their efforts towards realizing any technological advancements that they set their sights on without having to worry about any external factors affecting their research or production not only that but the capital wasn't focused on developing new technology for all of humanity or even the population of their entire country but solely for the benefit of the capital and this combination of unlimited labor resources time and efforts focused on only one population Center allowed for Accelerated in inovation in our world there are thousands if not millions of scientists and researchers all across the world endeavoring to solve thousands of problems for billions of people but in this universe there are thousands of scientists and researchers working to solve only a handful of problems for perhaps millions of people at most and so World War II era bombers and passenger planes became hovercrafts plastic surgery and modern medicine became futuristic Cur alls for nearly everything and locomotives became bullet trains capable of transferring people from Virginia to the Rockies in the span of a day with near limit resources time afforded to them by their Innovations and the labor of the oppressed the people of the capital were allowed to flourish in a sickeningly dazzling way so what does everything we've discussed so far have to do with all the evil present in this universe well other than being a bit of fun to try and figure things out we can draw further understanding of the core philosophy of the PanAm government and the idea behind the Hunger Games from what we've just discussed and from here we'll gain a better understanding of Pan's Elite's overall motivation for popping up this dreaded system I mentioned earlier that panm was modeled after Rome and to further understand understand in what ways we have the following conversation between Plutarch and Katniss in The mocking jay novel regarding the differences between District 13 and the capital but the significant difference between 13 and the capital are the expectations of the populace 13 was used to hardship whereas in the capital all they've known is panm Ed senses what's that I recognize panm of course but the rest is nonsense it's a saying from thousands of years ago written in a language called Latin about a place called Rome he explains panit or senses translates into bread and circuses the writer was saying that in return for full bellies and entertainment his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power coupled with our imagined scenario just these few sentences alone are enough to understand what the leaders of panm were thinking when they founded this horrid Nation the Panama Elite decided that they need and cater to the masses any longer they only needed to concern themselves with their own desires with the breaking of the world they were now poised to consolidate their power like the kings of old and indeed their new Society was modeled after that of a kingdom one where the the nobility enjoyed the succulent riches provided to them by the backbreaking labor forced upon their surfs and slaves for those in the districts no choice was given in this matter but for those in the capital only one ultimatum was offered give us everything and you may live a life of luxury and decadence that has no parallel in human history and so formed this new Sinister government and the society that they ruled one that had some of the trappings of the old to conceal their ill intent but one that didn't resemble any previous form of Republican or Democratic government in the slightest and many people would suffer greatly as a result but just as they'd eliminated any external threats they now needed to control any threats within their own borders to keep their power secure and while oppressing the masses went along way in accomplishing this feat the capital would soon learn that crippling them was the only way to ensure their new system survived the districts already suffered heavily due to their enslavement and the drain on all their resources the people of the districts lived in a world of constant surveillance poverty and hardship confined to the perimeters of their districts and forbidden from contacting other districts lest they co-mingle and start planning another Uprising but once the first Rebellion had been crushed and District 13 forced to agree to a ceasefire a plan to further break the districts was formed the Hunger Games as is revealed in the ballot of song birds and snakes The Hunger Games were not actually a creation of the higher echelons of the capital government but of two but mostly one student casa h Bottom future dean of the capital Academy and crashes snow father of Cory Elena snow when crashes and Casco were students they were assigned by their Professor volumnia Gul to devise a punishment for one's enemy so extreme that they would never be allowed to forget how they had wronged and after Casa offhandedly suggested a bloody sporting event like The Hunger Games he was coaxed into fleshing out his suggestion after crashes got him drunk thus a far-fetched idea created by a high school student became a reality after Dr Gul introduced it to the upper ranks of the capital following the war a means to eternally punish people who just wanted to be free so after being disarmed and forced to live as slaves these people who lacked basic adequate amenities like shelter and running water went from being the abused children of the capital to the shattered violent hordes that needed to be punished for daring to challenge their might more than they already were on a day-to-day basis so every year on the 4th of July no less 24 tributes from 12 districts were chosen to fight amongst each other and sacrificed their lives so one amongst them may stand Supreme as Victor a living reminder of the power of the capital and the continued punishment these people have not so rightfully earned for their forbearers transgressions but why what is the true purpose of these barbaric games well we have two separate passages from the novels to give us some insight here's one of Katniss's musings from The Hunger Games taking the kids from our district forcing them to kill one another while we watch this is the capital's way of reminding us how totally we are at their Mercy how little chance we would stand of surviving another Rebellion whatever words they use the real message is clear look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there's nothing you can do if you lift a finger we will destroy every last one of you just as we did in District 13 to make it humiliating as well as torturous the capital requires us to treat The Hunger Games as a festivity a sporting event pitting every District against the others the last tribute alive receives a life of ease back home and their district will be showered with prizes largely consisting of food all year the capital will show the winning District Gifts of grain and oil and even Delicacies like sugar while the rest of us battle starvation this ties into something the President Snow remarks in the films that the only thing stronger than fear is Hope yes the Hunger Games is an expression of the capital's absolute power but the chance they provide at granting the Victor in their district with riches they're typically deprived of adds a crucial component to the games that makes it so the rage the people of the districts undoubtedly feel towards the capital is tempered by hope no matter how small that hope actually is oppression without any sort of Hope baked into it somewhere is bound to cause rebellious intent to boil over eventually and the pageantry in pomp of The Hunger Games is quite the impressive albeit sickening aspect of the games however it wasn't always like this originally the games were crude primitive and exponentially more barbarous the arena that the capital used for the first dozen or so games was but an old sporting venue that they converted into a Thunderdome the tributes were trucked in from their districts in cattle cars dumped in cages at the zoo starved then thrown into this dilapidated Coliseum with an assortment of weapons and told to fight until one of them remained in these early stages of the games there was little incentive for the people of the various districts to watch the games save for perhaps the loved ones of the tributes but even then I doubt a majority of them were too keen on watching their children friends siblings Etc potentially get skewered or bludgeon to death by another starving child in a filthy rundown Arena perhaps if this overall miserable situation had continued another Rebellion may have happened rather quickly but then Along came a man who would secure the mom power that the capital government held over panm for more than six decades Cory Elena snow now the second piece of information that gives us greater insight into the nature of The Hunger Games that I mentioned earlier is given to us through an exchange by Cory elanus and the Insidious Dr volumia Gul the original head game maker and Pioneer in Matti experimentation did you think about The Hunger Games Casa asked you what their purpose was and you gave the stock answer to punish the districts would you change that now Cory elanus remembered the conversation he'd had with sanus as they'd unpacked his duffel I'd elaborate on it they're not just to punish the districts they're part of the Eternal War each one is its own battle one that we could hold in the palm of our hand instead of waging a real war that could get out of our control and they're a reminder of what we did to each other what we have the potential to do again because of who we are he continued and who are we did you determine she asked creatures who need the capital to survive now this exchange not only gives us insight into the nature of The Hunger Games but the nature of tyrannical regimes in general authoritarian states are ever at War with their people or others who they deem to be enemies real or manufactured and it's their paranoid grip on their fragile iron fisted power that drives them to enact wholesale violence upon their own people in the case of panm not only do they oppress their people every second of every day but they choose to continually break their Spirits through these horrific games so they can always be reminded of the massive seemingly immovable power that rules all aspects of their lives but what this conversation also accomplishes is conveying to us that Cory Elena snow completely understands the Hunger Games and what they're meant to be and because of that understanding he became the ideal man to perfect and use them to further his own power and the power of His Nation Cory Elena snow was born into the powerful snow family a family that had acquired their wealth by operating a number of factories and Military research facilities in District 13 after the first rebellion was crushed and District 13 obliterated the snow family lost nearly all of their wealth and what little they had retained they spent during the Civil War so they could stay alive such a rapid loss of wealth in station may have been tenable for this family had it not been for the death of their patriarch General Crasher snow who was shot by a rebel while saring a battlefield perhaps if General snow had survived the war his contributions to the war effort could have secured some new business interests for the snow family but because he didn't the Snows were forced into draining their meager Savings in order to stay afloat and the warriors were as miserable for coriolanus snow as they were for many others within the capital and elsewhere in the districts during this time period coriolanus had to contend with Hunger frigid living conditions the terror of bombing raids and the uncertainty of survival on a minute-by-minute basis and he witnessed many an atrocity being committed by civilians looking to survive including murder rioting and even cannibalism all of which hardened this otherwise privileged boy to The Dread realities of the world along with these hardships and Horrors cor elanus had to deal with not just the death of his father but his mother as well who had died in childbirth shortly before his father's passing as far as how their deaths affected cor elanus his father was not a man he particularly loved but one that he had certainly felt protected by him his death was associated with a fear and a vulnerability that cor elanus had never been able to shake off the death of his mother whom cor elanus was far more fond of was a heartbreaking event that left Cor elanus in the wind without any real support from someone who loved and cared for him and coriolanus would frequently turn to a compact containing Roose scented makeup that his mother had once owned for comfort and security when he needed it now aside from the obvious trauma he was forced to endure during the war Cory Elena seemed to have had a fairly well adjusted upbringing and as far as the formation of the evil of cor Elena snow that's a large part of the problem when we're introduced to him in the beginning of the the ballot of song birds and snakes he along with his grandmother and his cousin Tigris live in their family's once prestigious Penthouse a place that has been essentially stripped bare of nearly all its fixtures in order to provide the remaining snows with continued shelter and basic necessities but rather than humbling cor elanus all the hardship that he's had to endure has only given him an intense desire to restore his family to their former glory when catniss is pondering the odd nature of capital personalities she comes to an important conclusion who knows who I would be or what I would talk about if I'd been raised in the capital and there Li is one of the most gargantuan hurdles that stands before each and every one of us when it comes to understanding and empathizing with others the bias is ingrained into us by our upbringing as sad as it may seem one's own personal cultural and familial influences have a far greater effect on us than any other outside forces do so when Cory elanus and his family were reduced to a state of Perpetual poverty he didn't count himself amongst the fallen and the broken nor did he identify that his struggles in the misery they brought were shared by others who desperately deserve to have those burdens lifted from their shoulders he only remembered who his family once was the power and Prestige they held and what he needed to do to get it back a sentiment that was spurred on by his grandmother a woman who embodied every horrid thought a capital citizen ever thought one who considered those in the districts to be subhuman monsters that deserved the submission they had been forced into submission that she hoped her grandson would one day perfect as president of PanAm not only did he have his grandmother influencing him at home but at the Academy was one Dr volumnia Gall a woman I mentioned earlier as the first of the head game makers and a Pioneer in mation research cor elanus who would later go on to employ the extensive use of muts in Warfare and The Hunger Games earned High marks in genetic studies and came under the influence of Dr Gaul Dr Gaul was perhaps the greatest proponent of The Hunger Games a mad woman who thoroughly believed in her cause and the righteousness of it and she like corus's grandmother thought that the people of the districts were Savages whose place was earned in the social order by their rebellion and it was the capital standing between their selfish desires for freedom and the total Destruction of humanity and Dr Gul was hoping to transform Cory elanus into the leader panm needed to continue their very important work but there was one force in corus's life that nearly changed him for the better Lucy greybeard female tribute from District 12 for the 10th Hunger Games and Mente to corena snow throughout his tenure as Lucy's Mentor he showed her an unusual amount of kindness for a boy of his station kindness that was initially meant to serve as something that would make him stand out amongst the crowd and help lift him and his family out of the situation they'd been forced into but over time Cory Elan is grew to love this strange and eccentric girl from the provinces so much so that he endeavored to keep her alive during the games in any way that he could which subsequently earned him banishment from the capital to serve as a peacekeeper in district 12 for helping a tribute cheat in the games much like corus's experience with poverty following the war his time as a peacekeeper brought him no greater understanding of the plight of his fellow man and it only served to harden him against them to his credit though much like with Lucy gray it was never a cut and dry affair with Cory elanus and his feelings towards the peoples of the districts initially he struggled with some of the treatment they received and he was ever protective of Lucy gry whilst he was there entering into a relationship with her that was filled with love and affection that nearly saw him running away with her after he murdered two people to protect her fearing the repercussions once the peacekeepers trace the murder weapon back to him but despite all he'd been through up to this point coriolanus was unable to Sherk off his desire to restore his family to glory and when faced with the possibility of returning to the capital by destroying his murder weapon or living a wild existence with Lucy gray he chose to return following Lucy Gray's decision to run from him when he discovered the possibility of returning to the capital and as a Parting Gift he was bitten by a non-poisonous snake that would pretend his rise to to as the treacherous snake likee leader of PanAm his time spent in district 12 and Lucy Gray's betrayal confirmed everything to Cory elanus that his grandmother and Dr Gul had been trying to instill within him that the district folk were Lawless Savage and treacherous and tragically that love was something to be mistrusted and hated upon his return to the capital cor elanus realized that it was his duty to contribute to the Glorious system of panm at all costs to serve as a bullwark against the forces that sought to not just destroy the capital and its system but Humanity itself he here's Cory Linus's own thoughts on the matter that we received towards the end of the ballot of song birds and snakes sometimes he would remember a moment of sweetness and almost wish things had ended differently but it would never have worked out between them even if he'd stayed they were simply too different and he didn't like love the way it made him feel stupid and vulnerable if he ever married he choose someone incapable of swaying his heart someone he hated even so they could never manipulate him the way Lucy gray had never make him feel jealous or weak Livia cardu would be perfect he imagined the two of them the president and his first lady presiding over the Hunger Games a few years from now he'd continue the games of course when he ruled panm people would call him a tyrant iron fisted and cruel but at least he would ensure survival for survival's sake giving them a chance to evolve what else could Humanity hope for really it should thank him and indeed after becoming an influential game maker and making revolutionary changes to the games like the implementation of betting the Victor's Village vared Arenas mandatory viewings and the districtwide prizes is the Victor's people received Cory Elena snow clawed his way to the top of the PanAm pecking order a rise that is explained to us by fin Odair and now onto our good president Cory Elena snow such a young man when he rose to power such a clever one to keep it how you must ask yourself did he do it one word that's all you really need to know poison Finnick goes back to Snow's political Ascension which I know nothing of and works his way up to the present pointing out case After Case of the mysterious deaths of Snow's adversaries or even worse his allies who had the potential to become threats people dropping dead at a feast or slowly inexplicably declining into Shadows over a period of months blamed on bad shellfish or an overlooked weakness in the aorta snow drinking from the poison cup himself to deflect suspicion but antidotes don't always work they say that's why he wears the roses that wreak of perfume they say it's to cover the scent of blood from the mouth sores that will never heal they say they say they say snow has a list and no one knows who will be next murder torture subterfuge Espionage manipulation coercion flattery every Sinister trait skill or method you can possibly imagine and President Snow undoubtedly employed it during his rise to power by the time Katniss everine is chosen to be a tribute in the 75th Hunger Games panm had become everything its Founders had dreamt it would be it was a veritable Haven of decadence luxury excess and debauchery all overseen by the man who took the rose as his symbol the scent of which brought him comfort in his youth the scent that he uses to hide the brutality of himself and the world he overseas and a flower that while beautiful on the outside holds a treacherous undercarriage just like his precious Capital as far as who corilanus is as a person when he was younger he was considered austere reserved respectful unemotional and ambitious and in adulthood he was much the same person only now After experiencing the hardship of his beginnings and immersing himself in all manner of evil to acquire and maintain his position he's become merciless ruthlessly pragmatic brutal cruel and holy without empathy a man who is best described as the the living manifestation of panm however effective this dreaded man was as its leader though he as well as pan as a whole had one fatal flaw that ensured that they would be destroyed eventually arrogance when Katniss has her first private conversation with President Snow at her house he offers her the following courtesy right away I think we'll make this whole situation a lot simpler by agreeing not to lie to each other now that might not seem like too nefarious a statement on the surface in fact it seems rather nice of snow to offer Katniss the truth but he's only offering to establish common truthful ground with her because he is so absolutely sure of his power that he feels that it doesn't matter whether or not he lies to her as she can't really do anything to him even if he tells her the truth throughout the entirety of their struggle against one another snow constantly underestimates Katniss and the rebels that were inspired by our Defiance in the games believing that no matter what they do he can control the situation as snow always does as we know though Snow's efforts ultimately fail but not before he had entire populations firebombed bombs dropped on hospitals and children used his human Shields to prevent his own death a man who as he puts it only takes life for very specific reasons but those reasons are some of the darkest you can imagine what his defeat inevitably came down to was his hyper fixation on the mocking jay a figure that he had coveted when he was younger is Lucy greybeard who has perhaps come back to haunt him as the young catness everine and of course his arrogance as believing that you are so powerful that you can wly flaunt your power in front of your enemies without repercussion is a Surefire way to ensure your eventual destruction it's interesting to note how men like snow and the regimes they prop up operate with such a volatile mixture of paranoia and arrogance men like snow will do any horrid thing to stamp out any threats to their power but when it comes to recognizing the capabilities of those threats they seem to falter for as tight as the iron grip of a dictator is they often cannot see the small threats that slip steadily through their fingers until they coales into a power greater than their own to Snow's credit at least he was able to look inward at his own faults and realize where he had gone wrong before he met his end which is more than we can say for many a person who has been in his position now as much as Snow's rise to power was for personal power wealth and Glory it was also geared towards an honest attempt at preserving the system that his progenitors had created Cory Elena snow believed in panm and as much as he was manipulated into becoming its Leader by his grandmother and Dr Gul it was his experiences growing up under a system that afforded his family wealth Prestige and honor that drove him to viewing the tyranny of PanAm as the last line of defense against the legions of ignorant heathens that sought to destroy all the glory they had wrought and even Humanity itself because for coriolanus and the elites the status quo was the only thing standing between civilization and Anarchy however such a system is brittle as we've learned through the Rebellion that eventually crushed it but that fragility is viewed much differently by President Snow and the capital Elites when Cory elanus confirmed to Katniss that the system was fragile during the conversation at their house but not in the way that she thought he meant that it was fragile because it was surrounded by unwashed hordes waiting to collapse The Shining Beacon of civilization that was the capital it was not Capital government an but the threats that it was besieged by upon all sides that was constantly at war with threats that could not comprehend what corolina snow and the capital Elites believed was Perfection given governmental form again were given a show of these people's arrogance believing that they were the anointed few destined to guide Humanity through the treachery that is human existence and for that and all the crimes they committed in service to their cause they deserve the utmost condemnation snow was the hero of pan the champion of all its ideals and its greatest representative he was everything that his family and Nation needed him to be and while he is assuredly a villain to every life outside the capital and quite the number of lives within it he was exactly what this horrid Nation looked to inspire and for that reason snow is both a hero and a villain but panm and its foundations are villainous by nature and if he is the hero of the villains well there isn't too much Merit in labeling him as one even if it is technically true but even amongst causes heroic you'll find villainous figures and one such person is Snow's presidential counterpart president coin coin is much like President Snow personality-wise and I imagine that she even had a similar or even identical upbringing to him we don't know this for certain but it stands to reason that the first rebellion was not aided by District 13 because of some Noble desire to unite the oppressed people of panm but because the coin family or its predecessors desired to usurp the power of the capital and claim it as their own just as snow was bolstering his police state to keep the peoples of the district subdued the coin family Was preparing a disciplined military force to finish what their forbears had started claiming the power of the capital for themselves why I think this might be the case is because of coin Shady activities namely her attempts at murdering Katniss because she saw her as a threat to her power ordering the bombing of the children placed outside Snow's Mansion proclaiming herself as interim president and her willingness to host another Hunger Games to punish the capital's Elites all of which point to her motivations being less than admirable I believe it's not too far-fetched to assume that president coin though she was helping the oppress Sher off the oppressors was not doing so for their benefit rather than viewing PanAm as an oppressive state that needed to be brought down she saw it as a club that her family was denied access to and she didn't just want back in she wanted to lead it and this just goes to show that it's probably a good idea to be fully aware of who you're allowing to lead you into battle as no matter what sort of Rose tinted Sheen the person championing your cause might appear to have there can always be a Thicket of thorns lying deep within their soul in regard to the unfortunate reality that there are selfish and destructive individuals out for their own gain who are willing to harm countless Innocents on any side of a cause we have the following musing from Katniss on all that she's witnessed and experienced I think that Peta was on to something about us destroying one another and letting some decent species take over because something is significantly wrong with a creature that sacrifices its children's lives to settle its differences you can spin it any way you like snow thought the Hunger Games were an efficient means of control coin thought the parachutes would expedite the war but in the end who does it benefit no one the truth is it benefits no one to live in a world where these things happen war and violence are indeed a tragedy of the human condition that no one really benefits from tragedies that countless people are forced to suffer through every day however that doesn't mean we need to give up on Humanity despite all the misery the people of this universe have been put through the outlook for panm at the end of this series seems to be tentatively promising early on in the mocking J novel we're given the following exchange between some of the rebels and the high command of District 13 if we win who would be in charge of the government Gail asks everyone plutar tells him we're going to form a republic where the people of each district and the capital can elect their own representatives to be their voice in a centralized government don't look so suspicious it's worked before in books hitch mutters in history books says plutar and if our ancestors could do it then we can too towards the end of the novel after the war has been won Katniss and Plutarch have the following conversation when Katniss asks him if he's preparing for another War oh not now now we're in that sweet period where everyone agrees that our recent Horrors should never be repeated but Collective thinking is usually short lived we're fickle stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction although who knows knows maybe this will be it Katniss what I ask the time it sticks maybe we are witnessing the evolution of the human race think about that true enough accusations but hopeful sentiment that we can all look to for some Solace there is always the opportunity for Humanity to emerge from a period marked by evil and reinvent our society into one that will never repeat the mistakes of our past once something has been broken it's a difficult road to repair it and as Kat has remarked during a conversation with finck and mocking jay it takes 10 times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart however I left aming catness offered out of the exchange with the high command we went over a moment ago that says a lot about the possibilities of their new Republic correcting the errors of their past frankly our ancestors don't seem much to brag about I mean look at the state they left us in with the wars and the broken Planet they didn't care about what would happen to the people who came after them heartbreaking but true we're all so caught up in our own immediate wants and needs that we seldom pause to think what our actions might cause to occur later down the line and as a species our long term planning has often left much to be desired none of us are Sears and we can't be expected to monitor every single thing we do because of what could be but the world would be a much better place if we all took a moment every now and then to think about what we're doing and how it might affect others and those who will come after us for as surely as we're capable of ushering in an age of prosperity and peace we're always in danger of slipping back into an age of darkness and evil thank you all for tuning into this episode of analyzing evil and I hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on this story and all the evil in it did I miss thing let me know down below and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured while you're at it if you like this video hit that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already a big thank you to all of my subscribers to my patrons and to anyone who's decided to honor me with a super thank and a most vile thank you to those whose names you're seeing on screen now join the Channel's Discord server and subreddit to interact with myself and the community and follow me on the social media platforms listed below to keep up with the channel as always thanks for watching and I'll be seeing you soon
Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 246,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, evil, villain
Id: PrThav1S9jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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