Analyzing Evil: Bill From Kill Bill

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before we get started with this video i have something to share with you all that i've been waiting to unveil for some time now introducing the vilest merchandise you've ever seen by clicking the link in the description you can head over to my shop where you'll find a multitude of great products featuring this design i hope this beautiful piece that features some of the most iconic villains in cinematic history excites all you movie lovers and vile fans the idea for this concept came to me a while back and it's finally been brought to life by the wonderfully talented hare schneider whose work you can find more of by checking out his instagram using the link down below and speaking of instagram if you head over to mine by clicking my link in the description you'll find that i'm holding a very delayed giveaway to celebrate the channel passing 400 000 subscribers head over there to find out more details i'm eager to hear your feedback on this design and i hope you all love it as much as i do now with that out of the way let's get started with the video hello everyone and welcome to the 81st episode of analyzing evil featuring bill the snake charmer from kill bill one of the most likable villains to ever appear on the silver screen bill is a master assassin leading a pack of vicious killers known as the viper assassination squad and through their combined efforts working as international assassins there's no doubt that bill and his cronies have sown their fair share of evil during their time pursuing this dark profession and when you add in the fact that this man and his companions were willing to utterly destroy the life of one of their own a person who happened to be bill's favorite you have the perfect recipe for making one criminally twisted man but this man has a lot of altruistic style to his character the kind of grace dignity and humility that you don't often see in a murderer of his caliber so this video is going to be as much about examining all the positives in bill's character as it will be about dissecting where his actions and the actions of those under his charge fall on the scale of morality and how this magnanimous individual is able to be so charming despite a critical flaw in his character a flaw that leads bill to committing the only verifiable act of evil in this duology now bill's style is quite groovy but no amount of stellar clothes can hide a bad haircut or discomfort and that's where our sponsor for this video manscaped comes into play manscaped is a company dedicated to revolutionizing self-care for men by offering cutting-edge products that utilize their skin safe technology helping to protect the most sensitive areas of your body during those lengthy maintenance sessions as some of you may know the human form that i'm forced to occupy from time to time has unfortunately received the short end of the evolutionary hair stick and i'm always looking for better ways to manage my thick coat with great products like the 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without further ado let's begin there's not too much to say about bill's past but we do know that bill and his brother bud were raised by a single mother somewhere in mexico though bill and bud grew up without a father beatrix states for us when she goes down to mexico to find bill that bill had always been looking for father figures during his lifetime and one such figure he found was a local pimp by the name of esteban fijo whether it was by watching movies with his pseudo-father figure or through curiosity alone bill became interested in martial arts at some point in his young life and thereafter chose to pursue a path that would lead him to becoming one of the most deadly assassins in the world trained by both paimei and hattori hanzo bill's training would encompass kendo the japanese art of the sword and bakmay a school of kung fu that some consider to be the deadliest martial art after becoming a master of both bill would go on to form the deadly viper assassination squad and he presumably did so with his brother bud after he completed his training because of the close relationship between bill and the members of his squad it stands to reason that each one was handpicked by bill himself to become a member the reason why he chose bud is obvious as he's not only his brother but it's said that he's the only man that bill ever loved as far as the four women of the group are concerned nobody would blame you for initially believing that bill included them in his squad because well they're beautiful i'm sure that's part of the reason as bill seems to be a womanizer of sorts and while we don't have a concrete background for vernita we are given partial explanations regarding how beatrix oren and elle join the squad beatrix either started out as bill's lover and then joined the squad or the reverse happened regardless bill either felt she was worthy enough to become a skilled fighter or trusted and loved her enough to make her his lover which of course earned her a spot as his right-hand woman in the squad a popular theory regarding oren is that bill was the man who killed her parents on behalf of boss matsumoto if that's the case it's possible that oren was the third member to join the viper assassination squad as perhaps bill was aware of o'ren's existence when he murdered her parents afterwards keeping close tabs on her so he could one day induct her into a squad once she was ready whatever the case may be oren had made a name for herself in the tokyo underworld by the time she formally met bill and her skills as a merciless combatant without a doubt contributed to her induction into bill's squad no matter whether or not bill had been keeping tabs on her for much of her young life now elle worked for the international policing agency interpol and was on a mission to apprehend bill prior to meeting him but upon meeting bill she fell madly in love with him at the time bill and beatrix were still lovers but even so l was so strongly attracted to bill that she chose to join his group anyway and i'm sure she hoped that one day she would be able to replace beatrix through legitimate or illegitimate means however l was already likely a trained expert in firearms and hand-to-hand combat so introducing her to the group and giving her further training in martial arts must have been an easy decision for bill so with all this in mind it is possible that bill just wanted to fill his ranks with eye candy but it's equally likely that he chose each member of the viper assassination squad based on their skill alone prior to the breakup of the squad following the massacre at two pines it isn't clear just how many people bill and his squad were responsible for murdering and how many of these people deserved it or not but at the very least we can attribute seven murders to bill even though they weren't all committed by him directly those of course being the murders committed against the people who were in attendance at beatrix's wedding people who definitely did not deserve to get murdered well except perhaps for beatrix as bud points out during his conversation with bill as beatrix has killed who knows how many people herself however it could be the case that she only killed people who had it coming so to speak so we can't truly judge the quality of her character in this regard now despite his profession bill seems to be quite the pleasant person although he's a killer we never hear tell of any sadism or cruelty on his part and whenever he's on screen he's polite well-mannered respectful calm amiable and in accordance with his moniker as the snake charmer he's incredibly charming he's got a penchant for the abstract and the philosophical as well and he displays a significant degree of quiet charisma emotional intelligence and sentimentality a majority of these aspects of his personality can probably be attributed to the fact that bill has undergone extensive training by two masters of martial arts and although one of those men is exceptionally rude and belligerent students of martial arts are often taught to be respectful and even tempered so it would make sense that bill developed these aspects of his personality alongside his training though it is possible that bill was always this way as far as his mannerisms are concerned much of how bill conducts himself reflects his down-to-earth personality he isn't fussy fidgety or stern but serene and almost elegant in the way he moves and speaks and for the most part those movements are slow and deliberate yet they're almost flippant at the same time and that gives us the impression that bill is a man who is relaxed and utterly sure of himself a man who takes his time and only acts when he's absolutely certain that that's what he wants to do the carefree air about him serves to charm and disarm the people he comes into contact with and his appearance does a great job of accomplishing that as well with kind eyes a warm smile and a relaxed 70s style everything about bill makes him into the perfect image of a laid back every man who digs the old school and one could almost label him as half a hippie if it weren't for the fact that his background lifestyle and training bring him more in line with a sort of new age shaolin monk however just because bill is a pleasant man with an admirable sense of style that doesn't make him a saint obviously we have the fact that he's a professional murderer but all the evil that lies within bill can largely be attributed to the one thing that's present within every brand of evil selfishness you have of course his ability to murder people for money without qualms but even if we found out that every murder bill had committed or ordered to be committed was perpetrated against villains and scoundrels the fact still remains that he and his associates killed his erstwhile lover's friends and fiance and attempted to murder her in her unborn child because he had been hurt by her betrayal of him now again beatrix isn't exactly an innocent person herself and i'm not saying that beatrix running off and keeping bill's child from him was the right thing to do even if her reasoning for doing so is pretty sound but she definitely didn't deserve to die for running away from her lover but it turns out that this may have been the best thing beatrix could have done for her daughter as during her encounter with bill and bibi towards the end of the second film there are two moments that show that bill was perhaps already on his way towards molding his daughter into one of his assassins the first is the conversation they have about bibi taking her goldfish emilio out of his bowl and stomping on him in this conversation we're given no indication that bill reprimanded his daughter for suffocating and then killing her goldfish rather he simply marvels on her ability to differentiate between life and death at such a young age and he attributes this to the fact that she was fully aware of what she was doing this might not be outright encouragement of this behavior in his daughter but it does show that he's potentially willing to allow it to happen so that she becomes desensitized to death the second moment is a minor indicator but it is an indicator nonetheless that being bill allowing his four-year-old daughter to watch a violent film like shogun assassin while it isn't the most terrifying film you could show a child it certainly isn't a film that most parents would expose their kid to at such a young age and the fact that this film has assassin in its name is another indicator that perhaps bill was attempting to condition his daughter into becoming an assassin as she aged even so in accordance with his pleasant persona bill appears to have played the role of a loving father quite well as bibi seems well taken care of and quite happy when beatrix reunites with them but training a child to be a happy assassin is still training a child to be an assassin and though it's certainly a parent's right to raise their child in any way they see fit some ways are decidedly less than ideal than others and i'm sure most of you will agree that this is one of those ways now the last positive thing there is to say about bill is that he at the very least recognizes the faults in his character as prior to instigating the massacre at two pines he does admit to beatrix that he's never been nice and during their final exchange bill admits that he's a murdering bastard who overreacted when he first reunited with beatrix but all that we've discussed about bill so far is negated by the sad truth that being that bill is an evil man that takes his pleasures where he can and however he pleases and when those pleasures are in any way meddled with he has no problem harming others even if those others happen to be people that he loves however a good part of the reason that beatrix tells bill that his reaction to finding her was so surprising is because of all the positives in his character that we've discussed in this video positives that linger in the mind of beatrix as she has her final conversation with bill showing that even despite the fact that he attempted to murder her and her unborn child the fond feeling she had for this incredibly mesmerizing man were hard to shed but in the end bill gets what's coming to him recompense for the attempted murder of his former lover and mother to his daughter and the murder of her friends and fiance losing his life at the hands of the woman he likely loved more than anyone else in his entire life a woman who surpassed his substantial martial arts training to end him with the revered technique of their shared illustrious master and at this end who was bill he was a stylish assassin molded by 70's chic and the elegance of martial arts the quiet badass with an aura of charisma that we can all admire however one's personality and style are a poor substitute for the blackness that lies within their heart and no matter the errors that bill put on he was always one thing a murdering bastard who only ever looked out for himself bill may have had an aesthetic that left us all in awe of his person but when you peel back the superficial layers of a carefully crafted glamorous facade you find nothing more than a man a man who chose to dedicate his life to sowing evil thank you all for tuning in to this episode of analyzing evil and i hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on bill did i miss anything let me know down below and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured while you're at it if you liked this video hit that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already a big thank you to all of my subscribers and to my patrons and a most vile thank you to those whose names you're seeing on screen now join the channel's discord server and reddit to interact with myself and the community and follow me on the social media platforms listed below to keep up with the channel as always thanks for watching and i'll be seeing you soon [Music] you
Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 356,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: teFBjh2O6ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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