An Unexpected Change

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this is behind the heifer barn where we just added on to only walk back and show you so this is what we added on to the hover barn and this is the backside of it and we have to move all of this equipment and stuff is this kind of where we were storing some of our sighting equipment but we have to change things around that because there's being changed for our heifer pasture I'll show you this over here so this is the pasture that we have all our bigger heifers running on right now but we are losing this pasture and so we have to make some changes this is just an issue as family not gonna say anything about it so we have some changes to make and we gotta move all this equipment and make all this pasture across the driveway faster so that which find in not a snail snail carries its shell this one's will sleep in sleepin sleepin then you got this other guy right there yeah what in the world that's it string ma that's what that's what this chlorine yeah cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go in the new pasture well it's new to them [Applause] [Music] yeah we'll have it cleaned up good well we got the pasture all moved and organized for right now we can only we can only let the cattle through that little strip for right now so we have to put up some more fencing and that's gonna take a little bit time I don't think they're gonna work at it yet today but but yeah we did get the cattle moved into a new pasture which wasn't my plans for today my plans were actually Kevin's plans were to take me away from my birthday for the day but yeah those plans got changed due to other people's schedules like us I will say so yeah now I'm digging up some potatoes and look at this one is this the weirdest potato you've ever seen it's like got 1 2 3 potatoes hooked together but I have a whole basket full and I'm gonna keep working and get this bed all cleaned out that way I can be kind of done with the potatoes kevin is hoping later in the week he can take me wherever he plans on taking me I don't I don't really know he hasn't lied on to me just keep it real with you guys not every day it goes as planned and today was one of those days so last night what I kind of knew about it last night because Kevin's like well how about if we don't go away I was like but that's okay and of course I'm digging in wet soil so there's gonna be some muddy potatoes and before they rock so that's why I'm doing it today Villas chilly this morning but she warmed up [Applause] Oh [Music] what do you have it on your shoulder for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] donut [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] you having fun yet [Applause] oh wait you're gonna work on this little team to help we're calling it a day [Music] I'm gonna make sure the fence no this way I mean look at this fun well that's all folks Oh shocked this guy is pretty again hope you're all having a very blessed day thank you all for watching take care everyone right
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 41,269
Rating: 4.9613991 out of 5
Keywords: Dairy farm, farming, homesteading, family farm, farm kids, farm, cows, cow, dairy, milk, homestead, country, life on the farm, diy, how to, Massey Ferguson, New holland, John Deere, tractor, crops, #homesteading life, #acresofclay, acres of clay, Michigan, dairy farm, calves, calf, homemade, canning, how to make, pasture, family issues, inheritance, lawyers, living will, brothers, fencing, building pasture, family pressure, sad, land, fence post
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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