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hi everyone welcome back to acres of clay a few days ago i put out a video of me mowing um some hay in the hay vine and not having air and all that good stuff but i also mentioned that i was back i had taken a small break from youtube you guys have blessed me so much i got emails lots of emails lots of messages and a ton of comments wondering where we are wondering if i'm gonna put up videos if we're okay um you guys just your concern was overwhelming and i just say thank you you guys blessed me so much because i really didn't think um you had noticed i thought oh i'll take some time off but probably nobody would even notice that i was gone but you guys have shown that you did miss us and i i'm just blown away it blessed my heart to know that i have some awesome subscribers who love us and want to continue to see what we're doing on the farm and the homestead and probably just in our lives generally so thank you i'm back and i'm here to stay and the next time i need to take a break i'll give you guys a warning if i need to take a break um and i won't leave you hanging for so long crowds are being naughty this morning they got out and now we have to change pastures around [Music] they're running and running there's still one out [Music] sanders is up there trying to get it can't really see it though [Music] i ordered a truckload 15-yard load of mulch and i've been working at putting it all around the garden as you can see i like to put the mulch in between because it helps keep the weeds down so in between the beds not in the garden itself so here's a quick overview of what the garden looks like right now this is the first part of june june 4 i believe and yeah this is what it looks like today um quick rundown this is a lettuce bed right here different types of lettuce arugula greens um i have a new row coming right here you can't quite see it that has the onions um what else is in there let's go look onion spinach and some radishes and this is the herb bed which is going good i just planted some basil in there so hopefully that will start growing soon this is um my peas these are peas that don't need support they're kind of a dwarf pea um and then i have a row of onions a couple pepper plants and i have rats tail radishes down at the end and these are potatoes it's a potato bed this bed over here has kale in it right here and then i just planted some chinese cabbage so that's just starting to come up i planted that by seed down here on the longer beds um you can see me this is a row of onions red onions then i have four four different kinds of peas variety of peas growing on this trellis and they're growing pretty good on the front part here there's a row of peat no green beans just snap beans um i have borage which is a flower parsley which is growing like crazy these are beans these are um yard long beans which will grow up this um chalice up here okay and then i have peppers in here also and i have more beans on this one um we are long beans and more peppers and then i have a different kind of bean for for here these are scarlet runner beans this bed has nothing in it yet and this is my strawberry bed which is pretty weedy this bed has nothing in it this one just has some potatoes this is um i haven't tilled this because over here in the corner there was some bird kill deer eggs and i didn't want to disturb the mom so i only worked a little bit of the ground and now i see that they're all gone i tried to catch them but every time i looked there was one egg missing so i figured the birds had all already hatched so now they're all gone and i never got to see one baby but anyway over here this bed is kind of weeds so i've got carrots in the front here cabbage down the middle and then again i have um scarlet runner beans here and this is a random sunflower i left grow and i have four clocks growing at four o'clock morning glories growing up in here and i have a lot of morning glories growing because this is where i had them last year so i'm just letting them grow and i'll probably transplant a bunch of them this bed is kind of not got much in it at the moment um i think i did rolled carrots in the front um i have cucumbers on this is that cucumbers yeah cucumber's running up there okay so that's where we are and then turn around here this one here it's still got my junk here but um it's all peppers down here i'll go through the different varieties of peppers on another video but and i'm not going to take the time to do that today and then this side it's kind of hard to see it but i have tomato plants see them tomato plants and they're going to grow up onto this trellis over here we do a little span this is my raspberries and this here is where i have to mulch all this yet i didn't do this last year so that's why i have such a big pile of mulch and this is another tomato peppers same with this one tomatoes on one side peppers on the other these two beds have not um i've got the ground ready but i haven't um planted anything yet i'm thinking this one will be cucumbers pickling cucumbers and this one i don't i'm not sure yet exactly um it might be green beans this is just a flat it's not like a bed but it's raised dirt mounded up and i have my melons and my uh what else squash winter squash in here so they haven't come up yet i just planted them not too long ago i watered them last night because the ground was pretty dirt the ground was pretty dry so we'll give them a few few days so that's what my garden looks like in the bright sunshine of the morning this one's so weedy but i was waiting for everything to come up before i start pulling the weeds okay so most of you saw in a couple videos ago maybe three or four videos ago that we got a kitten and we named her jenny she's all black and she is the cutest most um friendliest little kid and she is so playful right now she's outside otherwise i would show her i'll put a clip in here of her though so you guys can see her she just sits there she's watching the bird the birds at the bird feeders silly kitty kinsey brought home another kitten which i don't think i even showed you but i talked to you guys about it and she was just a baby she needed to be fed with a little bottle and she was doing so good and she just loved her um and i'm kind of talking past tense and the reason behind that is because they are they're being raised in the house um just until the weather's nice and they you know they get they're growing they're getting enough food and everything um especially the little baby one but during the day on really nice days we have both of them go outside and play and you know get used to the farm the other day ethan and i were gonna take off in his truck to go somewhere i have no idea where but um we didn't realize and i didn't even think about it that the kittens were outside and most likely i didn't pay any attention i didn't look for anything and most likely what happened was the kitten saw us and come running and when i got up in his truck i didn't see the kitten but he ethan started his truck and we left and while we were gone i get a horrific text from mackenzie and she had seen that we had hid the kitten obviously it had gone under the truck and ethan had backed over it so that was a very sad day and i don't like to really even tell you guys because i'm probably gonna get flack for this but you know when you're living on a farm and there's equipment going by all the time it's just sometimes hard to pay attention especially when things are so little like that kitten and um you just don't notice it so i just wanted to give you that little update on the kit and situation so we will be seeing jenny but you won't be seeing cora so that is what it is we had to bring a chain for a very special reason let me show you you've been buried the tractor plus something's wrong he's hiding in the woods uh looks like you didn't quit [Music] [Music] um here we go we're gonna try it i don't know what he's gonna do [Music] [Music] we're heading home so what's the problem well yeah the breather tube shoved into the dirt and that was closing it so the air that is released while compression that's going on through the heads and you know through the crankcase and all that stuff didn't have no place to go so the more likely i was shoving oil into the exhaust so what do you have to say for yourself sydney is with ethan sydney took the other tractor and is going to pull him out we're going to miss it because he didn't take the camera but the rest of us have a the sheer privilege of covering the silage pile both piles we have the rye pile the cover and the hailage and that's gonna be exciting um it's one of our favorite things to do who knows not so this is our haylage actually it's not a lot of not like alfalfa hay this is mainly grass hay uh we haven't done the alfalfa actually this afternoon okay uh this afternoon i plan on mowing the alfalfa hey but that'll be separate it's already starting to heat you can feel us this is hay high moisture hay high moisture hey not dry hay we're gonna get this covered up this is the pile of rileage that we made rileage for whatever reason has a waxy type film and it was pretty dry so it doesn't pack well but we did their best that we could but we're just going to cover it all up with plastic and seal it with tires and let it ferment let's get down you can see it's starting to heat smells really good some of these longer pieces you can see that my knives are starting to get dull at the end anyway so that's the pile of rye that we're gonna cover also [Applause] [Applause] so this is what we look like this is what we look like when we're done with this mileage it's okay we're hot it's sweaty and my boots are full so we're mine yeah we wore gloves though but it's all over us all right let's go home and get some water
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 34,106
Rating: 4.9672275 out of 5
Keywords: Dairy farm, farming, homesteading, family farm, farm kids, farm, cows, cow, dairy, milk, homestead, country, life on the farm, diy, how to, Massey Ferguson, New holland, John Deere, tractor, crops, #homesteading life, #acresofclay, acres of clay, Michigan, dairy farm, calves, calf, homemade, canning, how to make, how the farm works, farmers wife, farmers daughter, farmboys
Id: lLJtKZf-NlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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