An Interlude: The People of God in the Day of Judgement

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I would like you to look at Revelation chapter 7 and here's what we have as we approach Revelation chapter 7 if you want to kind of keep a running account of the the narrative in Revelation 1 you saw a vision of the risen Christ a vision of the coming judge with eyes of fire and feet like that glow as in a furnace and so there is a vision of the coming judge and then in chapter 2 and 3 you saw the seven churches you saw the the age of grace the interval before judgment of the church age and then in chapter 4 when it's over come up here you saw their removal before the judgment and their worship of God in heaven the first to cast their crowns before him and then you see in chapter 5 the period of grace is over and now the Sun lays hold of the book the inheritance of the father to the son Psalm 2 ask of me and I will give you the nation's as your inheritance and he asks and he takes it and then in chapter 6 as we saw last week the judgment begins of the seven seals six of them were broken and you got to take a sweep all the way up until the latter part of the Tribulation Period well here in Chapter seven we're going to see an interval if you remember I told you that in the book of Revelation you will see chronology it will talk about chronology the events that happen and then it will take a little parenthesis a break where the chronology stops and you look at biography you look at the people and you will find that the people that we look at are not simply peculiar to the tribulation they are people that are enormous throughout all of the Bible Satan the coming of Antichrist the false religion the the ten nation power unbelieving Israel believing Israel the 144,000 the tribulation martyrs you're going to see these people that are enormous to the Bible and they have been left kind of waiting to be resolved dangling and revelation will bring them all together and so it's almost like the book of Revelation saw ders your Bible it brings it to an end and so the first of the intervals we're going to look at the biographical interlude it's going to be before the chapter eight and you see the seven trumpets of judgment and the judgments get more severe and they get quicker until the bowl judgments that exhaust the wrath of God right before the sounding of the trumpets you see chapter seven and we're going to see that in the midst of the horrific nosov judgment there is the mercy of God we're going to see a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews that have been enlightened that become Jewish Apostle Paul's then we're going to see what they effected and it's a huge number of Gentiles as a matter of fact it gives an enumeration unlike we have anywhere else in the Bible a great multitude which no one could count from every nation tribe people and tongue standing before the throne the Tribulation Period will be a great period of harvesting you might want to tape this tape and give it to one of your lost buddies and say when you can't find me listen to this alright and so we're going to see this interlude of the mercy of God just stay with me here and verse one into natural disaster begins I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of heaven and that's not a good thing when the winds don't blow rain doesn't come and so no wind would blow on the earth to sea or any tree and another angel ascending from the rising of the Sun having the seal of the Oh God a rubber-stamp before this judgment hits of the trumpets the angel of God is going to mark the people of God so that judgment will not reach them even in the Tribulation Period there is the mercy of God protecting his own y'all remember in the book of Exodus whenever the judgments take place on Egypt there is a particular place in Egypt the judgment goes around because the Jews are present there and it does not hit those people it's called the land of Goshen and so even there God protects his people even in the wilderness journey God is a cloud by by day and a fire by night protecting his people and so here we see he goes out with the seal of the Living God and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom he was granted to harm the earth and the sea don't harm the earth and sea or the trees until we have marked the bond servants of our God on their forehead the protection of God's people and who they are is in verse 4 the number of those who were sealed were 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel in the Old Testament you had 12 tribes and there went the perfect rule 12 is the number in the Bible of administration here goes the number 12 twelve tribes that are a light to the world and the New Testament you have 12 apostles that become a light to the New Testament world the kingdom of God is expressed by them and in the Tribulation Period you're going to have 12 times 12,000 of the nation of Israel calling to the world of the what the book of matthew will called they preach the gospel of the kingdom he's coming come underneath us and be saved and so here goes a hundred and forty-four thousand and billy graham's out to preach but before they preach they have to be marked or you and I in a sense can God knew who is elect are the firm foundation of God stands Paul said having this seal the Lord knows who our is what is our seal Ephesians 1:14 what is our seal the Holy Spirit of God has marked us and the King in the tribulation is the Beast going to have his people marked 666 and so God's people here will be marked now if you are a Bible genius which I'm sure you are the the first service is not but the second service this is where we invite like if you're a three 7 or above we invite you here you're saying that sounds familiar to my Old Testament yes it does I want you to turn and I'll tell how well you know your Bible cuz I want to watch you turn to the Book of Ezekiel go ahead I hear the pages being torn apart the Book of Ezekiel Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel the big three daniel follows the big four and so in Ezekiel chapter nine you're probably thinking the marking of the faithful of Israel during the time of judgment that's an old story in chapter 9 verse 1 he cried out in my hearing with a loud voice draw near o executioner's of the city of Jerusalem each with a destroying weapon and his hand behold six men came from the direction of the upper gate which faces north with a shattering weapon in his hand and among them is a certain man an angel clothed in linen with a writing-case at his loins the book of life and they went in and stood beside the bronze altar and the glory of God of Israel went up from the cherub on which it had been to the threshold of the temple and he called to the man clothed in linen whose loins was the was with the writing of the writing case and the Lord said to him go through the midst of the city through the midst of Jerusalem and put a mark how many of you have a term that says it's the Hebrew word tall ta W and it's a word in the English alphabet and to you it would be and I would be a team across actually what it looks like in Hebrew is like the sine of Pi in algebra that it's the sign that if you were to go to mark the front of your house with the blood of the Passover lamb and you put it on the lentil and on the doorpost you would do this you would do this then you do this everybody that goes in it's covered by the blood of the lamb and so it is like a tea alright and that's the mark you put it Passover I personally believe it's gonna it was the mark that God put for Cain to see that I will cover you is it the mark on us it's the mark of the cross the blood of the Lamb and that's the mark that God put on them that they are covered okay and in verse 5 go through the city after him and strike don't let your eye have pity don't spare uh turley slay old men young men maidens little children women don't touch any man on whom is the mark start from the sanctuary and they started with the elders who were before the temple and then interesting that the leaders get judged first and in verse 7 defile the temple and the courts with the slain verse 8 and as they were striking I alone was left our I was left and I fell on my face Lord God you're destroying the whole remnant we couldn't find anyone and the way you can tell the faithful it's because of verse 4 they sigh and groan over the abominations being committed how can you tell the faithful their hearts are broken by sin their hearts are broken by judgment can God tell who is our today the firm foundation of God stands Paul said having this seal the Lord knows who are his and let everyone who names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness they feel grief in their souls at their country amen they feel grief they're not part of the swill that is floating down they stand and so God marks them and there are not many back here to Revelation 7 once again we mark the people of God as we did it Passover we mark the people of God as we did in Goshen we mark the people of God as we did in Ezekiel we mark the people of God as we are all marked and sealed today who know the Lord our lifestyles bearing witness and we mark them here so is there mercy in the Tribulation Period yes there is the amazing thing is here we're not going to see just a few no we're gonna mark verse five through eight a hundred and forty-four thousand they are the faithful of Israel why because God made promises to a man a 75 year old in the middle of the Fertile Crescent and his name was Abram who was changed to Abraham the father of a multitude and God made a promise I'm gonna give you a child and that child is going to become a great nation Isaac all the way to the great nation of Israel Isaac had Jacob Jacob out of 12 they became the tribes were redeemed out of the incubator of Egypt across the desert and to the land under Joshua and they became a great nation and I'm gonna give you land to put those people call the Land of Israel and then he said he'll be a blessing to the earth in your seed singular one Jew will all the nations be blessed we probably represent in this congregation 20 30 40 nations what do we all have in common we are all blessed by one singular Jew amen he is a nail-pierced divine King I happen to be fond of him and we are all blessed by him and so why do you look in the beginning of the book of Acts and you see Israel trying to kill Paul trying to kill Peter killing James killing Stephen sick going out on a great persecution of the church you see them darkened and you see books like Rome Corinth Philip I that's what I could assist Saul these Gentile places we see in chapter 4 the church come up here and the next thing we see is a nation of Israel lives again isn't that amazing why they live again because God made promises to Abraham Isaac Jacob David Jeremiah the prophets that some day there would be a day for Israel can a mother forget her nursing son or failed to have compassion upon him these may forget but the will I not o Israel I've inscribed my people on the palms of my hands my eyes are ever before you it's a matter of fact our salvation and this Gentile day called the church according to Paul is Jewish oriented it is to make the Jew jealous that the Jew says what are y'all all assembling we got salvation how did you get that through the Messiah of God he came to us thank you kindly you didn't warn him you stuck him on an apparatus we took him we're under a new covenant that's promised us thank you kindly you didn't want it we were promised the Holy Spirit we got him thank you kindly you didn't want him and we took it where the Ruth's that came in through Israel's exile amen and so you have a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews because Paul said the calling of God is irrevocable that's why I am a pre millennialist I believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible and it literally says Israel now it's easier for me to preach this in the 20th century when we've got a whole nation that's on the front page every day how would you like to preach this in the 1800's when there were more Jews in Prague than there were in Israel there were more Jews in Brooklyn more Jews in Miami than there were in Israel now you can preach this but what we did earlier as we gave God some help and we took this literal text and we allegorized it we made the church Israel and we allegorized the rest of Revelation took it out of its historical context I attended Dallas seminary and I've paid good money to believe this okay and that's why we're premillennial and I also believe that history will not end in failure that history will end in the success of God and an administration that is suitable to the fullness of the times the heading up of all things back in Christ and I happen to believe God is sovereign over things that are of the spirit and things that are of history and things that are of science he is sovereign over all and so Israel is awakened and now a lot of you have you scan it you might see a tribe missing it's a tribe of Dan where did the tribe of Dan go I think that they got punished at the beginning of the tribulation the idolatry of Israel you see a Jew from the tribe of Dan blaspheming in the Book of Leviticus Leviticus 24 and God takes his life and the book of Judges you see the tribe of Dan embracing idolatry that would permeate the rest of the nation when the wicked King Jeroboam took over after Solomon Jeroboam the king of the north but a golden calf in bethel the southern reach of the northern kingdom and he put a golden calf in Dan at lay ish of Dan and that nation was prophesied in the book of Genesis as being a I'm sorry that tribe of Dan it was said that they would be a serpent in the way before the rider of the horse reared backward Samson was a Danite and could bring deliverance or the nation could be a dangerous thing like a serpent and that is what they can what they became and so I think that they are removed from this present privilege later on in the Book of Ezekiel you see Israel settled in the kingdom and Dan is there and just a little point of reference it's a sad thing that the Danites would be at the beginning of the tribulation would be punished they do not get a place in leadership you remember where Christ said I'm giving you you Christian leaders you twelve my children be careful that you do not cause one of my little ones to stumble do not mislead my children he said you are better to be cast at the bottom of the sea and have with a millstone and become crab bait and to have no memory of you because you disappear in the ocean than to lead one of my little ones astray the Danites led the little ones astray and so they do not get a place at the beginning of the Tribulation Period you think this text makes me nervous yeah you don't mislead children that are put in your care and they did but the Danites when Israel came through the wilderness journey there was a tribe that road trail and they were always looking for the weak that drifted back to save them from the reading Amalekites you know who the tribe the tribe was it was Dan and they were to protect any Jews that were weary and and dragging and so the people that were put to protect become the people that become the vector by which idolatry is introduced and God remembered it and so where is Israel now I mean they disappeared after the book of Acts and all of a sudden we see they started out the church was all Jew and then the Gentile started coming in and then the Jews began to persecute Peter and James and Stephen and Paul and eventually they were scattered in 70 AD and they have been scattered where are they now well remember in Ezekiel it says a valley of dry bones and the bones come together but there's no life in them till the spirit blows and they have life Israel came together in the 20th century they come together but there's no life in them we're waiting for the kingdom for the Spirit of God to blow and they will come to life where are they now Paul said whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their heart but when a man turns to the Lord turns to Christ the veil is taken away I can talk to God love them a Jewish man and they can talk about every area of the Arts and of whatever until we get to the revelation of God in the Bible and they can't see it they can't see it and I can talk to them of Christ and they can't see it because a partial hardening has happened to Israel Paul said until the fullness of the gentiles has been brought in and then Israel shall be saved as the deliverer will come from Zion and rescue the nation but for now they can't see it one time I got together with one of the leaders of dinner running for I've been mayor and I got together with him it was a Jewish fellow got together at the homestead restroom anybody member that okay it was a homestead run by rollin small and I sat down to eat breakfast with him he was a New York Jew and he said I just had his little glasses like this ball head I just like to meet with leaders in the town now you're a pastor of a large Church like to meet with you I enjoy this thing with Gentiles nice of the I enjoy visiting the Jews he said that's good I said especially since Christianity is basically a Jewish religion anyway this guy didn't have any east/west negotiations he was north/south and then he went this meaning explain what you just said I said yes Christianity is a Jewish religion that guys like me Gentiles are interlopers but it began with you and it will end with you I said do you remember the feast did you celebrate the feasts yeah were you conservative yeah you remember Passover yeah it's where everybody dies except those with the blood of the lamb about their doorposts do you remember the feast of unleavened bread that you would now remove leaven from your home and you take three rolls of nuts and the middle one was striped and pierced you would hide it and whoever found it received a reward yeah you remember the feast of firstfruits were you brought in the first Pentecost and then all the great multitude came in after that Christ was raised on firstfruits and on Pentecost the great crowd game you had two blows representing Jew and Gentile they all came and then you got a seven-month break right yeah and that's where you go out and you work in the fields and then you have Rosh Hashanah you blow the trumpet you go home and then you have what's that Yom Kippur Judgment Day for those who didn't want it and once you remove those that refuse the lamb now you have the Feast of Tabernacles where you celebrate being in the and I said that is the life of Christ and he looked at me he had never heard such a brilliance actually he'd never heard anything at all it was a gap in his learning and he just looked at me and he turned his chair to the wall turned his back and he did this and turned back around and said let's talk business became friends with him to the end of his life the dear fellow so he was brilliant he could have out talked me in anything except the Bible and he was in the dark and so all of a sudden these Jews come to light and they begin to preach you ever seen a converted you actually we're called converted Gentiles completed Jews a Jew gets trust Christ and he comes home you and I abandon our idols and we leap and jump ship to a Jewish religion a Jew comes home and everything makes sense no to him well the Jews believes and then in verse 9 look what follows after these things are great multitude where do all these Gentile people come to faith you wouldn't call them necessarily Christians because that would kind of speak of the church we would call them tribulation Saints who believe in Christ are they going to worship on Sunday we don't know Saturday may be the Jews will happen personally I don't know we don't know what they'll do but they now come to faith which no one could count every nation tribe people tongue and they're standing before the throne they've been killed they're clothed in white because in verse 14 they made it white with the blood of lamb they have believed in the death of Messiah and they come out of and verse 14 the great tribulation they are faithful till the death question is who are these people they're Gentile believers in the tribulation that come to faith why do they come to faith answer they're responding to the preaching of the twelve who are the twelve Jews Israel finally becomes the Abrahamic Oh in you Sheldon nations be blessed finally we have Israel a kingdom of priests finally Israel a special treasure finally a golden candlestick remember when you're God you get to be pushy you always get your way this was his intent after Genesis 11 comes Genesis 12 after the Tower of Babel Genesis 11 when the nation goes down like the nation's like milkweed all with their boundaries all with their new religions now you see as a solution Genesis 12 and God sets aside Abraham then Isaac then Jacob then the twelve and then the law given them and they go into the land and they Herald to the nations all around them the law of God under David and Solomon the Gentiles come just to look at him and then they dropped the ball God sent his son they killed him and God said I'm gonna give the kingdom to somebody else us and now we get to preach and so now finally Israel becomes what they should become Genesis 12 follows Genesis 11 the solution to man is now being preached and if you'll look in verse 10 or in verse 9 they all have palm branches you know how they have palm branches you got a little note there in your Bible that says Leviticus 23 look close you got it here Cathy Leviticus 23 if you don't they'll get you a new Bible you ought to have a cross-reference says Leviticus 23 whenever Israel would celebrate the feast of booths all the Jews would show up in Jerusalem and they would remember when they were poor and they lived in the wilderness and they all lived under kind of like a koa they all lived under leafy little lean twos that they got under and now they're gonna do it again it's like the fourth of July that they'll never forget where they came from and so they all stay in booths is that the second coming y'all hear thunder is that right is that the commies okay I was just wondering always get a nerve when I'm preaching and I hear great sounds shaking a building you know do you remember whenever Christ came into Jerusalem that the Jews met him was something in their hands and they waved it before him we call it what Sunday Palm Sunday they took the palm leaves and saying you are the Messiah that's going to bring us home Zechariah says that during the kingdom the nations will come to Jerusalem and celebrate the feast of booths that God has brought the world into its kingdom and so these people in heaven are waving their palms which tells you there's trees up there they're waving their palms and they're recognizing to God verse 10 salvation to our God you have been the answer to all of our sins to all of our need of being governed you are the answer in the original creation Adam and Eve opened their eyes and saw God and everything was solid they got alienated from God and everything split into incoherence Christ came and gave his life and now men who believe come underneath the unity of God and someday he's going to return and before he does all of the heavenly Court will take their poems and say salvation to God anybody here remember the 60s we were all trying to find the answer the hope it's gonna be in Hugh Hefner it's gonna be in Timothy Leary it's gonna be in the Communists it's gonna be in Che Guevara it's gonna be in haight-ashbury it's gonna be in somebody is gonna bring peace to this mess they're all in heaven an innumerable multitude is going to say glory to God salvation belongs to you the way the truth the life and showers of blessing all right and in verse 10 salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb they are always in perfect cooperation and in verse 11 and now the second verse all the angels are standing around the throne you know one angel speaking in the Book of Isaiah causes the thresholds of the heavenly temple temple to tremble one angel causes a Roman guard to become catatonic what does it sound like with innumerable angels at the top of their lungs surrounded by the elders the raptured Church surrounded by the living creatures all of the heavenly company shouting in perfect harmony at the top of their lungs glory to God I think that if they Paul said that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God if a human being stood there I think that he would just disintegrate he couldn't stand it he would just disintegrate and so there is a sound that we have never heard there's a sight that we have never seen I mean we travel across the country look at the Grand Canyon it's a big ditch okay it's God well they fell on their faces and they worshiped is there going to be the glorification of God for final truth yes there is some day and in verse 12 they say all the heavenly hosts is to these tribulation Saints amen we all believe the same the angels the tribulation Saints the church the Old Testament Saints we all believe rightly it's called the mind of Christ and we say blessing glory wisdom Thanksgiving honor power and might the Sevenfold anthem of glory every single one if you want to write a book I'll give you the cover every single one of those notes of praise is something that is the highest seeking of man for man to bless his benefactor for his goodness for man to glory in his benefactor as being divine for a man to cry wisdom that you gave the truth that enables me to live and to enter into glory Thanksgiving that you have poured out such blessing on me that I recognize it's you it's funny but wisdom and Thanksgiving is like Christmas and Thanksgiving it really is the wisdom is the Christ become a man Thanksgiving is his blessing to us we're going to have it honor the recognition that it was an accomplishment of God power that it was an act of God's power might that they would be the crushing of all opposition every single philosophic spiritual need that a human being has goes up and a seven word anthem before God we have found the truth be to our God forever and ever it will never end and one of the elders staying staying with or answered saying to me who are clothes than white who are they and where they come from it's a rhetorical question he said my lord you know he said these are the ones who have come out of the Great Tribulation tribulation Saints because they have listened to the preaching of God by Israel why did we become Christians because we listened to the preaching of God that came from Israel from the Bible and from the twelve and in verse 14 rather they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb they're called Christians faith alone in the substitutionary death of Christ that's why we're here and they are before the throne and they serve Him day and night they're like a new priesthood and their worship in his temple and he who sits on the throne will spread his Tabernacle over them I can show you in the book of Revelation that there is every article of the Jewish temple it's in the eternal presence of God that's why Hebrews says that the earthly temple is a copy a shadow and a pattern of the heavenly it's almost like a Platonic reality with the the the Primus substance and just the shadow down here that the ultimate reality is in heaven and so here is the temple of God in heaven and they are all there and he spreads his Tabernacle over them they are home where in the Old Testament do you see a great man of Bethlehem of Judah sitting at the base of the enormous wealth and blessing of his grain and a time of famine he is at the it sits at the base of his grain and a woman comes to him and she is a Moabite and she kneels at his feet and says do your duty as the kinsman redeemer and he takes his garment and he covers her with his garment who is the woman Ruth who is the man Boaz whenever a Jewish man marries a Jewish woman he will cover her the Bible says that Maine abandons his wife covers his garment with deceit and so he covers his people and he says to them you're home when a man does that to his wife he says you're safe I'm with you and in verse 16 they will hunger no longer or thirst any more nor will the Sun beat down on them or any heat why did they suffer so greatly in the Tribulation Period these people will not bear the mark of the beast you cannot buy or sell nobody wants to be around you you are cast out they suffer with the Jew so in the Tribulation Period will there be a section of the world that is Orthodox calling out the gospel of the kingdom yes there is do you remember in the book of Matthew Christ is speaking to the 12 as representative of the Jewish remnant that will be there during the tribulation and he says to them that when he returns I'm gonna gather the Gentiles and the Jews I'm gonna and I'm gonna get the Gentiles and I'm gonna put the sheep on my right and the goats on my left and I'm gonna say to the Sheep I'm gonna say come into my presence forever because I was hungry and you gave me food I was thirsty you gave me drink and I was naked you covered me and I was in prison you visited me and I was cast out and you brought me in they said Lord when did we see you like that whatever you did to the least of my brethren that you did to me question who are the brethren that these Gentiles will recognize ally with and suffer with the 144,000 the Jews that's the way you can tell the real believers these people suffered for their king and they died and he says the first things are passed away and verse 17 the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their Shepherd and will guide them can God take you through verse 16 the pain of life if God brings you to something God can bring you through something yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death that's when death comes so close that you can feel it thou art near me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy will follow me like two little sheep dogs all the days of my life and then when I end I will dwell where is it the house of the Lord whatever our Shepherd will take us home and and if you say God do I have to die doing it he will look at you with his nail-pierced hands and said yes same as me just commend your soul to him at the end of your life he will guide them all of them to the springs you know why it says the springs it's the source of life at the Garden of Eden there is a motif that begins all the way through your Bible at the Garden of Eden there is a spring a river that goes up and separates into four if you look down on it look just like a cross and it goes out to water the earth Adam was to take care of that spring he was like a priest to the earth that came from him take care of that spring and then Israel is in the wilderness journey the rock opens and water feeds him a spring they go into the land of Canaan of Israel they set it up and there is water that comes down on Hermon fills up the Sea of Galilee the Sea of Galilee if you look at it from above it looks just like a harp it's called kynareth the Steve the harp it's like a thing of praise and then it runs down the Jordan into the Dead Sea there's always water in Israel you had a spring outside called and they brought it inside the city and it was called the pool of siloam meaning the sent one God sent life to them during the kingdom age it says water will come forth from the throne of God in Jerusalem and go out and water all of the earth about and turn the Dead Sea fresh incidentally do we have a spring of water in us springing up to eternal life it's the Holy Spirit given to those who would believe we have a spring in us and in the eternal state even in heaven today I gather that there is the spring of life it's the source when you die well I tell you you ever read Narnia chronicles the very last one all of the kids well three of them get to glory one time I walked in my kitchen I saw him I was reading them books to my boys my wife was in the kitchen about 2:00 a.m. crying I said what's the problem she said I read ahead and have the four kids one of them doesn't stay faithful till the end it's a story treason well in that final book the kids enter into glory and there is the tree of life with fruit every month different like Revelation says and one of them takes the fruit and bites into it and CS Lewis it's a great picture of heaven he says he bites into the fruit and there explodes in him the sensory memory of every joy he has ever known but it is exponential recognizing if there was not a glorified person they couldn't endure it they would explode because the child is at the spring of the water of life every delight every good meal every embrace of family every joy in competition every comfort by a loved one every sunrise every bit of good music every bit of a hearty laugh every delight you have in life is the Delta you dig it's not a delight in itself unless God makes it a delight and so every delight you have ever enjoyed is the Delta flowing from the throne of God that God gives men remember what the word Eden means delight God gives delights and I think that that is a great picture of heaven that when we get there is the recognition that everything I have ever loved I now get this you ever have a deja vu when you'll hear a song and remember your high school graduation or you'll see a pair of pants and remember when you weighed below 275 or something like that you you just see them and you have a deja vu you'll smell something and it'll take you back and it's haunting you'll see a picture of something that's my grandfather when he was a boy and I remember that that glider over here it stayed around till I was a kid you're just amazed remember Ebenezer and the spirit of Christmas past takes him back and he's amazed at this stuff can you find the way Ebenezer can I find it I had find it blindfolded he's so delighted in the memories of these delightful things to me the greatest delight of my life was a Saturday morning on a cool Saturday morning when the Sun came up my parents were still asleep I woke up the Sun was coming through my window I always had a book and I would read my book there in the bed and then I would go get those powdered sugar donuts and I would eat 63 of them you remember him and you had to eat him with chocolate milk and then you watched real cartoons no sponges in these cartoons Yosemite Sam was my favorite what was your favorite Debbie Wiley coyote yeah because you're sadistic Don what was you did what was your favorite cartoon Yogi Bear hey boo boo foghorn leghorn why Sun awesome that's a ticket Saturday morning cartoons and then I go out with my buddies I always had a football we go play football we'd sneak in the Baylor Stadium and go down throw the football down on the stadium and you had all Saturday to look forward Friday night you got to watch rawhide and then you'd go Saturday I think it was like Peter Gunn or something then Saturday night it was Lawrence well don't turn that channel two channels what days and I thought and I think it was simply that I was young you had health that you didn't even understand people loved you in my house anyway I always knew I was loved I had grandfathers grandmothers I had aunts and uncles and and I grew up four streets away from the hospital I was born in my school was eight blocks north and there was just joy and somehow matter-of-fact Malachi says that in heaven it says they will break forth like lambs from the stall just springing with life and that's what I think is going to happen when we get to the spring the origin I listened one time to a musical piece I was watching a Gary Cooper movie and there was a got playing in an Italian restaurant [Music] stay with me and I'd never heard that whole tune and I said that is unbelievable and I called Rob Emerson in our church I said what is that and he gave me this big name he said yeah that's this guy and he's freakish good and he did a deal called gypsy air and I went and had a guy burn it all right and I would listen to it and I said to Rob Emerson how does a human do that you'd have to just listen to it and the guy plays to such a speed and when he finishes you hear the crowd come to their feet I said how does a human do that how does a god make a Mozart how does God make this guy that can do that how does God make da Vinci how does God make an Einstein you find the source of the Delta of life and you know what I think we're gonna say when we get there we're gonna go of course of course you won't that's why Jesus said you won't leave it you won't need a wife or a husband it'd be baggage there just like a seven you're back at the essence of who they are I remember one time doing a sermon and saying you won't need a husband in that day or a wife won't be any marriage because you will have the essence of love and all of its beauty right there you don't know how God could fulfill that but he can and I remember leaving and a girl was back in the office there back in the kitchen and she was crying what's the matter now to a lot of us if you had to be married to your mate forever that would be like a judgment you know this is yours forever I said you won't need him in their day then she divorced him three years later so nature what kind of guy makes a Sequoia what kind of God makes a Sequoia what kind of God y'all got time yeah you got nothing to go home for there is a plant that is a carnivorous plant and it's got a little stem that goes in a corkscrew and it's got a bulb that is sky-blue on the inside and it's broken up into octagonal and it's got a rosin at the bottom of it that's sweet it's got one opening in the octagonal panels a fly smells it crawls in gets disoriented against the sky and can't tell the way in he smells the sweet he starts down the corkscrew little times on the score corkscrew pointing down once you enter you can't go back and you never see where it ends cuz it's beyond your vision and you go down and it's a digestive juice I can believe in a Sequoia better than that plant and I was on a plane flight one time and the guy next to him I said you ever heard and I started describing it yes I wanna sound like that he said yes it's the most amazing carnivorous plant there is I said how big is it except not like this that's all it is unbelievable what can I God can make something like you're gonna get to the source of all of it and you're gonna see it and you're never gonna run outta fun and it's gonna go on forever and forever and every tear will be wiped away from your eyes you will never sorrow again I think thank you we didn't do any chronology we just stopped and God said this is Israel they're finally gonna come around and they're finally gonna be what they should so there's hope for man but there's a high price maybe your life and the Tribulation Period best gravestone have ever seen with a little kid named Frederick something either and on the gravestone it had two words the first one was in parentheses in quotations it said Freddy questionmark Freddy and below it in quotation marks was yes that was the gravestone for Frederick Freddy yes meaning he's still alive you can't see him Freddy yes he's there he's just where you can't see him Nathan let's have a hymn is there a hymn we can sing listen to this there was a woman back in the 1800s her name was Ann harbors Sean she was an English woman that was an Old Testament scholar and she was Friends of Charles spurred she was friends of Dwight Moody and Ira Sankey when they came to speak over there when RA Tory came with Charles Alexander to speak she met him [Music] I will do y'all stay with me and she got to doing him riding in Charles Alexander ari Tori's song later he said could you write us some hymns because she was a great poet and she wrote 200 of them for him and Charles Alexander got ahold of one of them and made it into a very well known him but that him it has victorian words but the tune is it was kind of hard to follow until Johnny Cash's in-laws got a hold of it y'all ever heard of the Carter Sisters June Carter they got a hold of it and they took these Victorian words and they put a little Bristol Tennessee spin on them and gave us a different tune and it got famous and I tell you what the song is about it's very and when you sing this song watch the words watch the words have you ever looked at a picture of your family from old days my mother was one of six kids her father her mother aunt or many my grandmother's mother they married six others there were 12 of us we had cousins and they took a picture of my grandfather and his they gave him a bathrobe and all of us around with a big table to eat and I look at that picture I was probably about 14 years old and I look at it and as I look at it it's a sweet picture but there's a deep melancholy all six of the kids are gone all six of their mates are gone my cousin our birdie is gone my brother Bob is gone and I just look at the picture and I see all of those that joined in that meal in that circle and now it's broken the name of the song was will the circle be unbroken ever something that if no soft baked [Music] you thank God for Tennessee they are loved in the glory who's there forms you often miss [Music] when you close your earthly story will you join them [Music] the circle beyond bro by [Music] there's a all my way [Music] in the sky [Music] amen [Music] in joyous days of child if they told for us pointed to the dying Savior now they dwell with you the [Music] Oh let's go [Music] salt what you say [Music] hymns they taught our songs of [Music] you can picture happy [Music] round the phone [Music] tell when they left [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] Saints Row one by one [Music] yes has been broke me please [Music] the sky [Music] give a hand for Tennessee Heavenly Father we thank you for such a hope and the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us come soon Lord Jesus take these bones can they live our Lord you know let them come together and then return o Savior and let them as the psalmist said blessed be they that volunteer of thy people in the day of battle and will thank you through Christ our Lord amen you
Channel: Denton Bible Media Ministry
Views: 4,045
Rating: 4.7692308 out of 5
Keywords: Denton Bible Church, Tommy Nelson, Sermon, Song of Solomon, Church, Pastor, Denton, Bible, Denton Bible Media, Media Ministry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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