An Installation And First Look Of Fedora 35

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today i'm going to run through a quick installation and first look of fedora 35. now fedora 35 was just released yesterday and fedora is a really great linux distribution if you like living on the edge if you like bleeding edge software and i'm not afraid of running things that maybe aren't the most stable distributions you know i i don't shy away from a little instability in my life but fedora i've actually found to be a pretty comfortable distribution like i could actually live in fedor and do all of my multimedia work for the youtube channel quite comfortably in fedor because the repositories of software is actually quite good the one thing about fedora though is like the main fedora edition of course use this good gnome i'm not a fan of the gnome desktop environment and people were really i had some criticism a couple of weeks ago because i did the ubuntu 2110 video where i took a first look at ubuntu 2110 and i was very negative very harsh against that particular version of ubuntu and their desktop environment which was gnome 40 that they extended you know for the proper ubuntu desktop and people were like man you're not giving gnome a fair shot here because what ubuntu did to gnome you know it's an older version of gnome and then the ubuntu crowd they extended it in some weird ways just take a look at fedora fedora give you a proper gnome desktop experience and that's fair enough and that's what i'm going to do today so i'm going to spin up a quick virtual machine a fedora workstation live with the gnome desktop and we're going to look around so let me go ahead and switch over to this virtual machine i created i gave this virtual machine two threads of my 24 thread cpu i gave this virtual machine six gigabytes of ram so plenty of system resources for this vm and we get our boot menu here start fedora workstation live is what i'm going to do that should send us directly into a live environment from the live environment we should be able to launch the fedora installer which i think they're still using the anaconda installer and not my favorite installer program i've always found the anaconda installer quite confusing hopefully though this time around i've installed fedora enough times now hopefully i remember how to use it this time because it's one of those things part of the problem why it always gives me trouble is i just don't use the anaconda installer that much pretty much only fedora uses it i don't install fedora you know but maybe once sometimes twice a year so i'm going to choose install to hard drive here and the installer has launched and english united states is the language for me it's already selected so i'm just going to click continue and then we need to set up i guess keyboard yes this is kind of weird and you know like you have to click keyboard you have to click time and date i guess you don't have to because by default english us is my keyboard so i guess i don't i guess i could bypass it uh but it's a little weird because most other installers make you at least verify that that's the case time and date uh america chicago for the time zone that's fine for me so really the only thing we need to do is the drives the installation destination so i'll click on that and this is the screen that always is confusing because i only have one virtual hard drive in this virtual machine so obviously that's going to be where i want to install to when you think there's a check box here right it's already selected so i just would click done right which this time i think it's going to work yeah it looks like it's installing all the software this is going to take a couple of minutes while that's going on let me show you guys a little bit of the release announcement worth the wait fedora 35 is here and uh one of the cool things about fedora again is that they push kind of bleeding edge technology they were really i think the first distribution that started shipping butter fs as default and they did that back in fedora 33 of course now we're on 35 so butter fs is kind of a mature project these days i think we can say butter fs is stable enough that it's okay to use it these days even though a lot of distributions still default to extend four they're using genome 41 they're also using weyland they've been using weyland for a while ganome of course defaults to weyland they also are using pipe wire by default now i believe this is the first release of fedora where pipe wire is actually the default audio server the only other thing of note that i see in the release announcement is firewall d is the firewall service that they're using now and i don't know anything about firewall d on most of the distributions i have if i play with a firewall i typically use ufw the uncomplicated firewall which is kind of a front end to uh ip tables but firewall d is kind of an alternative it's they call it a modern firewall server so it's something i don't know for a red hat itself is is behind the development of firewall d or not uh but again i don't know too much about that for most desktop linux users though i doubt they're gonna use a firewall so it's probably not something most fedora users are even going to explore and that portion of the installer completed just fine and now we need to click finish installation and that should reboot the system for us all right and we have rebooted into our newly installed fedora 35 and this is a setup screen so start setup do we want to turn on location services for privacy reasons i'd probably turn that off and that's just me you guys may have different opinions on that automatic problem reporting so this is crash reports i don't mind sending crash reports again though that's my opinion you guys choose which you want to choose on that third-party repositories now this is an important change in fedora 35 because third-party repositories are necessary to get especially some proprietary software but it's not in the core fedora repository and before you had to jump through some hoops to enable this stuff now you can actually enable it right there and and that's it there's nothing else for you to do just click next and now you have those those repositories enabled you want to connect to your online accounts your google account next cloud account microsoft account i'm not going to do that not in this vm and then let's go ahead and create our username and password my username is going to be dt alright and then next let's create a strong and complicated password for the d2 user for privacy reasons and then confirm the strong and complicated password and all done start using fedora linux so the first thing i'm going to do for purposes of this video is hit super and type display well i guess i have to take a tour of gnome41 no thanks and now let me type display all right i didn't know there was going to be a gnome tour which i probably should take because i don't know that much about the gnome desktop environment but i mean it's it's not complicated i don't think i need a tutorial on how to use it so now that i've set the screen resolution to a proper 1920x1080 screen resolution for my monitor here let me go ahead and click on activities and if i go to show applications now the one thing about gnome and i still don't understand why they do this is that first screen if i hit super why is this the first screen why isn't this the first screen why is that two actions to get to your applications because that seems like what most people are going to want to do is get to applications most people are not hitting the super key to get to their virtual workspaces i i just don't understand that i i again maybe they've tested this maybe they've done some ux testing with like the community and and maybe they've discovered people are constantly switching virtual workspaces enough to where that needs to be the main screen instead of what you traditionally think of as a menu system is actually your applications menu but i i don't know this is i find that a little weird but i'm going to go with it so let's talk about the installed application so we have gnome contacts gnome weather gnome clocks good old maps and these are all pretty cool applications i actually do find applications for example like the weather application is kind of neat if i wanted to launch it if you guys have never seen it you could select a location i'm not going to give my location but since we chose chicago for the time zone i'm nowhere near chicago but i could use that and if i do a search for it i think there were multiple chicagos i actually have to select a specific one okay there it is so chicago illinois you know they give you the hourly weather the daily weather let's see how cold it is so uh no below 27 degrees tomorrow that's pretty chilly chicago before continuing i did notice we got a notification there's a critical software update ready to install the fact that they say it's a critical software update uh i'm going to go ahead and update the system because that's probably maybe like i said this was just released yesterday and probably already they've discovered some kind of major security flaw or something so the fact that it they labeled it as a critical update yeah and restart and update so yeah that was a serious update probably a kernel update i'm guessing oh wow this is almost like a windows 10 update installing updates so it restarted the machine but you get the little update uh bar percent bar here um but it's one of those things you know it's not a forced update you know i i had the ability to to decline that update it's one of those things and i see when we criticize those forced windows updates as linux users some windows fanboys come back to me well you have to update ubuntu and fedora and mint and all these other distributions too you have updates and you know you're constantly is it'll notifications are on the screen you have to update yes it's not you have to update but strongly advised i can decline all the updates uh it's it's different with the windows 10 with the forest update so that that's going a little bit too far in my opinion we don't have forced updates on linux alright the machine reboots one more time after that update and we get our login manager so let me enter my password it remembered the screen resolution so i don't have to reset that so everything looks good here let me open up a terminal so control alt t is a key binding that works on most distributions uh it doesn't look like it's a fedora keybinding though or maybe not a gnome key binding what would be the gnome keybinding for a terminal surely they've got one set maybe super t that would make sense alt t i could just hit super and start typing terminal i guess that's just weird when you don't have the same key bindings that pretty much everybody else uses everybody uses ctrl alt t to open a terminal by default it would just be nice if fedor added that i'm going to do a you name dash r because this gives us the kernel version 5.14.14 is a very recent kernel so when we talk about fedor being bleeding edge this is what we're talking about that is a very very recent kernel let's run h-top for system resource usage h-top is not installed so i could install it so sudo dnf dnf is fedora's package manager install h-top and give it my sudo password and this should just take a second or two all right and that took about a minute to get to this yes or no answer it had to sync some repositories and that took about 60 seconds or so to sync all the fedora repositories including some extra repositories remember we turned on the third-party repos that's going to be these rpm fusion repos that's where you're going to find a lot of proprietary software that you need such as your nvidia driver which of course is proprietary now that i've got h top installed let's go ahead and run it because this is essentially on a cold boot because we did the update and rebooted so that's why i'm running it now i just want to see what the system resource usage looks like on gnome on fedor 35 compared to gnome on ubuntu 2110 and it's rather heavy on both so one gig and we're using one gig of the six gigs of ram on a cold boot i don't think that's great you know that that's just to me that's unacceptable for what genome is there's no reason why it's why i should use all that gram so let's get back into the menu system and search for some of the default programs again so hitting super or clicking activities once again you get the virtual workspaces rather than the uh application grid but uh again that's going to annoy the hell out of me we've got good on photos gnome videos that's your video player gnome calculator which is kind of a nice calculator i don't mind the gnome calculator but we have like 100 really good calculators available on linux back into the applications menu that i've got to click unnecessarily twice to get to the text editor of course is g edit which is actually a really cool plain text editor g edit 41.alpha there's a ton of good extensions for g edit as far as getting your color scheme syntax highlighting line numbers so you can kind of turn g edit into a proper ide if you want to we have our document scanner we have libreoffice calc and then down here we have libreoffice impress and writer why are they not all in the same group they're not alphabetized in this i don't know why this menu is like this it's kind of weird that like well you would think the library office all of them would be grouped together maybe in their own subcategory or even if they're not all in like an in a subgroup they should at least be next to each other i don't understand how it chose the order of these applications but that's a minor gripe let me open up libreoffice account let's see what version we're running here so libreoffice calc of course is the spreadsheet program this is your alternative to microsoft excel and this is version 7.2.2 which i believe is the latest libreoffice version and then let's get back to the menu so click activities click show applications let's see what else we have uh the system monitor gnome system monitor we already checked the system resource usage using h topo gnome boxes this is a virtual machine program it uses qemu which is the similar virtual machine technology that vert manager uses which i love vert manager uh i think i could just very easily port my virtual machines from vert manager into gnome boxes if i wanted to use genome boxes but really it doesn't make sense to use gnome boxes if you're not using gnome i guess which verb manager already kind of works so i'm sure there are reasons why maybe you would choose gnome boxes oververt manager but i don't think my understanding is gnome boxes doesn't have as many of the bells and whistles as many options available to you as vert manager which has been around for many many years and on boxes is kind of a new program we have the gnome terminal as well which is a fine terminal emulator let me zoom in here one of the things i don't like is i don't like that they chose a plain color scheme which is just white text on a black background so i would go in here to preferences and i would go to profiles click on unnamed profile that's your default profile and then go to colors and see if they have any color schemes that are built in so unclick use colors from system theme and solarize dark it's a good one and now we have you know something that's a little easier on the eyes while i have the terminal open again since i didn't do this previously let me do sudo dnf i believe it's list installed or it could have been installed list i forget no that was it that generates a list of packages that are installed by default and you guys have seen me do this without you guys have seen me do this with pacman uh depending on what package manager on your distribution once you have a list of all the packages installed line by line all you need to do is pipe it into the word count program wc and give wc the l flag for line count and that will tell us exactly how many lines were in that output which means that's how many programs are installed by default 1723. let's get back into the menu system and take a look at the rest of the programs that are installed by default you have a utilities subcategory here which is some of the system tools disk usage analyzer gnome disk which is for partitioning drives i guess you could use it for to write to usb sticks and things like that you have your image viewer you have your document viewer your document viewers your pdf viewer screenshot utility which i've never actually used the gnome screenshot utility let's see this is screenshot 40.0 so that's the name of the program screenshot very nice name let's go back into activity show applications i hate that that takes like two clicks or there are two keystrokes as it was again i'm sure there's a maybe a simpler way to get to that it's just it's weird that that's the default in more libreoffice stuff we have cheese which is our webcam program we have rhythm box which is our audio player now rhythm box is one of the best audio players available on linux this is rhythm box three 3.4.4 so i actually am a big fan of the rhythm box program and then other than that we have tour which i'm assuming was that guided tour of gnome or maybe guided tour fedora i forget which one yeah it just gives us some tips i guess how to use the desktop environment and h type we installed ourselves and that's it wow that is not very many programs installed by default definitely not bloated well i say it's not where is the software center well we have software here so maybe if you have a program pinned to the dock maybe it doesn't appear here because the file manager also is here but it's not in here so i guess there's a few things the calendar files software let's do the software center welcome to software of course this is gnome's software center and if we explore something uh how did we do this let's see i was looking for some categories or something uh this is kind of weird create work play are these clickable play i'm assuming would be games yep and this is kind of laid out a little differently than i i remember the gnome software center uh installed of course lists all the installed applications explore i mean i guess i could just search for something let me just search for games for example uh maybe i you know just search for the word game and maybe i want to install super tux i don't know click install super tux is kind of a big game though i probably should have picked something a little smaller yeah this is uh taking a while it's hung here at installing at 49 for a few seconds here i'm wondering if the vm surely the vm isn't running out of disk space i created a 25 gigabyte drive for the vm so uh i should have plenty of space available yeah i've got 20.4 gigabytes available nowhere close to running out of space so yeah it's weird that that was kind of hanging on the install of course if we installed it from the terminal using dnf you know if there was any kind of error i'd get that error message i'm not sure if you get the same kind of error messages through the graphical software center here it says loading application details now though and then it finally come back to the super tuck screen it says installing at 99 now that was kind of weird and now it should be installed if i clicked open let's make sure super tux actually runs it does all right and i have to change the screen resolution make it full screen at 1920x1080 and all of that you guys probably know how to play supertux if you don't know how to play supertux cart definitely install it one of the best free and open source games available on linux and it's cross-platform too i think you can play it on windows i know it's available on android it's available in the google play store as well so that's really it for your desktop applications that are installed on fedora not a whole lot again mostly it's under the hood stuff where for the door kind of differentiates itself and using a butter fs it's using weyland it's using pipe wire one thing i do want to do i want to check on the backgrounds so i'm going to change background so right click choose change background i want to see the wallpapers that are installed and the wallpaper pack actually does look quite good yeah i don't know i'm assuming this is probably a fedora wallpaper pack because some of them are actually branded with fedora i'm assuming these top four because the rest of them starting with this one look like the standard gnome wallpaper pack that gnome has been using for a couple years now yeah all the rest are standard gnome wallpapers which hey are kind of cool well here's one that's specifically fedora because it's got the fedora logo most of these others though i think i've seen before yeah but not bad i really like that one there that little abstract art there that's not bad that one's kind of weird i think i'd use this one here a little what are they buttons with the little fedora logo on it overall i think fedor 35 is right i think of fedora 35 kind of like i thought of fedora 34 and fedora 33 it's a solid distribution i'm not a fan of the desktop environment i think the desktop environment makes things weird you know as one of the things that i don't like is right now we're at a point especially with windows 11 kind of putting off windows users and windows users wanting to explore other options you have linus tech tips talking about switching to linux from windows on their machines and you potentially have the opportunity to convert millions of people from windows to linux and i do wonder you know i don't want them to have a bad experience out of the box and i think with fedora and with ubuntu their recent release having good gnome as their default desktop environment i don't think that's a great experience for the new to linux user i think that could be off-putting i think maybe in the future if i take a look at some of the future releases of ubuntu and fedora i need to spend more time on the alternative desktops i need to you know spend more time taking a look and highlighting their variants as far as their kde plasma edition xfce editions and things like that overall i think it's a solid release and i do want to congratulate everybody that contributed in making fedora 35 now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank the producers of this episode devin gabe james matt mitchell paul scott west comey alan commander angry kurt daiyokai miss some stuff gregory heiko lee maxim michael mike nitrix ariane alexander peace argento polly jack raver red prophet stephen and wooly i hope i said everybody's name although maybe not in the correct order i want to thank these guys they're my highest tiered patrons over on patreon without these guys this quick look at fedora 35 wouldn't have been possible the show's also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well all these names you're seeing on the screen these are all my supporters over on patreon because i don't have any corporate sponsors i just have you guys the community if you like my work and want to support me please subscribe to distrotube over on patreon all right guys peace and yes i do like this better than ubuntu 2110 you
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 151,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, gnu linux, fedora, ubuntu, ubuntu vs fedora, gnome 40, gnome 41, fedora 35, linux distro, linux desktop, windows vs linux, linux distro review, installing fedora, fedora 35 features, fedora os, fedora workstation, desktop environment, gnome, gnome desktop environment, linux review, desktop linux distribution, best linux distro, linux tutorial, installing fedora linux, switching to linux, distrotube
Id: Ne2YIdRu4O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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