An Enjoyable New Roguelite About Destroying the World With a Zombie Army - Necrosmith 2

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd Castle today in the world of Indie Games I've actually got something a little bit special for you that you can check out uh necr Smith 2 I had no idea that there was a second one being developed but I'm really really glad to hear it because I thought that necr Smith was one of those little games that like I think the scale of the game was established when they were developing it without knowing that it was going to go like crazy viral and everybody was going to love it and so if you never played the first game I'm happy the second one is getting attention they're getting a second one because the first game had a lot of really interesting ideas it was one of the very few unique games that comes out every year uh and so necr Smith 2 if you've never played the first one before this is a game where you're an evil Overlord it's one part Auto battler it's kind of like one part Diablo it's kind of like onep part World conquest and like research simulator you're effectively a necromancer that's trying to conquer the Earth by wiping out a bunch of cities that are all over the map and you do that by assembling monster Parts out of the people you kill and different combinations will give you different bonuses or different splashes or they'll give you special abilities and it's got kind of like that research and Discovery I think angle going for it that really really produces dopamine for a certain type of gamer and so the first game was great I'm glad there's a second one it's in play test right now you can go play this play test go to their steam page I've got it for you down below in the description and you can just say request access to the play test and it just let me write in and so I assume it'll do that for all of you as well like literally the second I clicked it like there was no review process and you can go play this demo right now on top of that down there in the description you can find a link to my Discord and my twitch stream just in case you wanted to hang out live uh but let's go ahead and see what we can do here and play the game it seems like there's going to be a lot more interactables in this one than there were in the previous game there's like things everywhere that look like they can be upgraded and fiddled with oh that just takes me back to the title screen okay I thought maybe there would be more floors up above us since there was one down below us as well let's just play the game and see what happens man I I have no idea what's going to happen here or if it's going to be awesome or like what's going to happen but it's all of War they usually do good work uh the dead can be revived on the Arcane enchanter assembled the first Dead by filling all your slots looks like they got an upgrade to their Sprites the Sprites look cleaner in this one all right so we put a chest on in there and as you can see that's added a little bit of health and it slowed the monster down a little bit we put a skull in there and now they've got 17 Vision range which means they can see interact and attack things from 17 away they'll converge uh from there we could go with like a magic wand on that side and that gives them what looks like four ranged attack let's make him dual wield wands that sounds like fun and then we got to put some leggies on them so there's an orc leg or there's a skeleton leg let's keep our skeleton nice and simple for right now and let's revive him there we go skeleton is up and running he's inside of our facility right now was that an orc chest cage that I put on him why did it look so big oh it was it was an orc skeleton body no wonder it looks so big so as you can see right here he's going to go out and he's just going to start Gathering things if he sees something that he can interact with he's going to go and interact with it just like the previous game this is probably going to be reasonably hands off but you can influence the way that various conflicts go around the map uh with spells so later on in the game we're going to get big Fireballs that we can drop on the enemy and like lightning bolts and like clouds of gas that cause everybody to melt except for our mobs uh things like that and it looks like over here they're Reviving the dead they found a few more little spots that we can get goodies out of good uh we can start to get another skeleton going I think so let's go ahead and we'll just do a bare basic like sword and board skeleton I guess that sounds like that one has armor right there yeah give him some armor then throw some armor on it and then we need some leggies so we've got an orc boot right there and we've got like a zombie leg right there I'm just going to revive him night is over and the sunlit day lies ahead and the day time you're dead will rot out of the hot sun and receive damage bear that in mind as you plan on releasing your dead okay all right I don't remember them melting during the daytime in the previous game did they was that a thing that they added later on I don't know either way we're clearing out a lot of fog of War right now so we'll kind of see how this whole thing plays out it looks like he has found a village a library of the Ancients if you loot it you can find the tower add-on blueprints oh nice that'll be good too I'll probably try to release this guy once the sun goes down I guess because it doesn't look like they take like ridiculous damage but we captured a building uh what does this one do so this one probably generates Mana yeah it brings you Mana every Nightfall good cuz we need Mana in order to resurrect more dead guys that'll Rampage around the map kind of kicking people in the nuts and generally stealing their Kit Kats and being an overall Dennis the Menace nuisance all right it looks like we've got some more fun parts to play around with inside of here I don't really have any more wizard parts that I'd like to play around with but we do have some orc parts so like I could go with like an orc shoulder pad right there with the extra armor we could like give them an axe what does the axe do at night time your body parts appear in the tower and all buildings captured by your Undead will generate their Income At Night enemies grow weaker and they will stay in their layers yeah we'll go ahead and I I think probably put that back real fast and if we go to our facility let's go ahead and release our second skeleton and it looks like he's going full on melee mode so that's good and we've got an orc helmet right there we've got an orc shoulder pad we could probably fit in like a orc axe right there I don't want to give him the wizard body though and then maybe we'll just drop in a couple of orc leggies there we go revive that guy and release him let him cruise around uh brings two skeleton or zombie parts at nightfall when we capture a crypt good and we found an upgrade blueprint uh this was a thing that existed in the previous game you get upgrades and those upgrades will buff certain types of mobs or they will buff your spells they will buff your resource generation and what you're getting out of the map every single Nightfall so it's a good idea to have these I don't have enough iron right now but we got to wait for them to collect it and then we should be good there's a tenth iron right there and if we build that it should actually get added on yeah to our Tower right there you can see it and so now we're generating some free body parts every single night uh whenever the game kind of gets towards that Twilight period got some more Mana over here oh good we got another for more body parts nice I'll probably I want to make a wizard but we're not really getting any wizard parts are we as you get further on into the game you're going to get orc Parts Lizard Man Parts you're going to get Draconian Parts you're going to get vampire Parts uh there's all kinds of things and they all synergize with each other in interesting ways there are also differentiated enemies that are strong or weak versus certain types of things oh we fought our first enemy over here good they're starting to attack us so by default the dead do not react to enemies and only collect resources but we can change that behavior so they now have an order they're prioritizing attacking enemies what does this one do is it defend the tower I don't think they're stopping them we may have to whip up another we may have to whip up another zombie here let's go book of ice we'll go spell right there we'll go wizard hat we'll go wizard robe and then maybe we just need a couple of leggies in here there we go revive defend that's your job right now so they're going to go out and fight the enemy right there and as you can see we're popping them as they're dropping good stuff and we're getting little paychecks from killing these guys too which is even better you love to see it we don't have the kitty gatherer right now one of the running gags in the first game was that you had a a pet cat that worked for the Necromancer and it would run around the map Gathering resources for you and it was drawn in kind of like a super Ador able like Adventure Time way I guess that's what the art style kind of reminded me of and what's not to love about that sort of art style looks like we have more enemies coming on in one of the big problems in the first game was that you it was difficult to track how many enemies were attacking from what directions uh it looks like they've added a little bit more nomenclature like a better way for you to see that like hey enemies are coming and you need to deal with this Nightfall is upon us so let's spend some of this Mana here to see if we can get some better stuff to defend our Hideout it looks like we've got an orc skeleton head right there we've got a crossbow we can go for a crossbow and like maybe like a skeleton arm right there and then like we'll make it like an orc body I guess we'll make it like one of them big body Stompers and then we'll give them like a a fresh orc leg not a fresh orc skeleton leg and then maybe we'll put like a a zombie head in there I don't know uh we can't revive the dead cuz we don't have enough Mana but we can generate more Mana as the tutorial is telling us by burning Parts like so and so I forgot about that mechanic it's a good thing that they reminded me it's been a while since I played the last one he's a little goofy looking but maybe he'll get the job done ah we found an enemy layer uh so these right here are the big dogs these are the ones that want us dead and are actively going to try to attack US during the daytime they send special units at you and if you conquer these in the first game they dropped I think a piece of like a Doomsday device or something like that that you were trying to build and so we've got the lightning catcher the cost of Reviving body parts that have flesh is reduced by one very nice hopefully they'll get the city down here too and kind of like dookie on it dookie on that thing right there go dookie on that thing right there why where you guys going you're supposed to be inifica all right well apparently they're not going to Duke on this place hopefully my range guy gets it done before he dies but I have my doubts they're they're kind of like defending themselves to an an admirable standard and we've killed a lot of stuff over there that's good I don't know where my second guy wanted off to didn't I have two Defenders over here I don't know where they went oh well what can you do uh we do have a couple of projects that we can work on over here can't say that we can afford most of them but that lowers our Resurrection costs so I think it's not a bad idea to go ahead and add that on into the tower we've got like a faank skeleton over here cool yeah let's make like a fully armored Skeletor like let's armor the hell out of this guy do I have any like body parts that I can okay so his body is going to be kind of like not super well defended but we can give him that big chunky orc arm right there that sounds dope let's do that um I guess just release him out of here ah you can change individual orders now which is pretty cool I think one of the big things that frustrated people about the first game is that you had like a lack of control and so having like a really good run ruined by the fact that like your guys aren't attacking the objective you want them to attack or do what you want them to do I think really really tilted some people and so let's go ahead and yeah take that guy you can also control them by the way uh so you can take your undeads and you can be like in charge of that Undead and then you can just walk him around so you can see I'm controlling this guy right here useful for if you're trying to like close a gap or hit like a very specific objective along the way or if your characters just aren't picking up the things you want them to pick up like the gold and whatnot I'm going to take this guy down to the enemy Hive and see if he can get there before he melts and we'll see if he's only got to hit it like once and then he'll be good to go my axe zombies are doing a pretty good job out there too my guys all seem to be melting pretty good though we're going to need to bring in more Mana for sure there's 20 Mana right there so that's good but I'm still trying to work my way down here so that we can attack this place and knock it over and kind of see what beautiful bonus the game is going to give us come on get in there perfect wiped out the enemy spawner so we don't need to worry about that do I need to visit these locations to get like the Mana at nightfall cuz it's got like an 80 over the top of it like when do I get the when do I get the 80 that I want right there maybe it fills up every day and then eventually it stops I don't know we got this guy right here let's go ahead and unol him I guess there we go just let him run free be free little Skeletor if you guys could go grab that money that'd be good uh the money in case you are wondering the money is metagame currency so you use that to unlock upgrades that exist inside your main Wizard Tower and that's going to give you access to new body parts that can spawn during a playthrough it's going to give you access to like better lightning spells things that level up and kick ass better than what you would normally expect you guys if you guys can knock that place down yeah there we go blood soaked body parts now get plus three HP very nice that right there is a tower if I remember correctly it clears out the of War haven't seen any super new mechanics yet but we have seen a lot of new items and a lot of new parts so that's good uh We've unlocked another portal too so if we wanted to we could spawn our minions out of these portals that we find to sort of like guide them towards the destination that we want them to go towards we've only got seven minutes left I don't know what's going to happen inside that seven minutes or how that's going to affect me it's probably going to be bad though let's go with an orc Skeletor arm over here with a big orc Skeletor sword on that side do I have a yeah give me the orc Skeletor helmet right there we'll use like some orcy legs right there in order to get him up and mobile and then we got like some orc boobies around here there we go get them orc boobies rattling along and yeah release them from over there I want to see what's over on this side it looks like he's actually run out of map from what I can see for right now so that's probably going to be the effect of this having been a play test uh is that the map is probably going to be a little a little bit more limited in size just because the game is not done yet like this game is still in active development and so we'll get yeah get a crossbow right there get him a helmet that sounds good maybe throw together like maybe throw out a couple of those and like a couple of those is there a hotkey I can push to like automat there we go you can just right click on them good so anything that we've got like a ton of just kind of like let's cut back a little bit you know what I mean budgetary Cuts make sure that we've got got the Mana to burn before we start building some of these things and then what you'll find is as you go through the game some of these combinations have names and so if you make one of the like named undeads uh you get a lot of bonuses from having those named undeads yeah come out of there and release go and start scanning along the edge of the map on that side I don't know if this is going to be the duration of how long we're allowed to play or when it like forcibly like kicks us out I don't know what's going to happen in all honesty I kind of went into this play test completely and totally blind because this wasn't playing the first game it was a pretty simple game that didn't require that much explanation like the runway to playing the first game was not that difficult what is that the blood priest mask when a player kills one of their creatures the rest get 5% HP in order for the artifact to take effect you need to equip it for your next session okay so it's not going to be working right now but later on it will be working yeah I'm guessing These Are biomes or something that haven't been developed yet like they don't exist what kind of what kind of enemies are we looking at right now my defense Squad seems like they're still doing okay I'm going to wait till Nightfall we'll see how much Mana we get out damn those axes are good dude because the enemies tend to travel in single file kind of like tuskin Raider format uh you sir I need to control you because I need all this Mana over here that's just like backing up and going to waste wow this guy's slow he does not move quickly chat he does not move quickly we've created ourselves kind of a a clunky dunky monster of a creation right there there we go that's where all the Mana was hiding at now we can prep for theight and get some more guys out there to sort of like regenerate our forces I guess all right you guys get back on defensive Duty there's nighttime right there we'll drop him off back by the tower I want like an actual proper orc out here all right I want a proper orcy git so let's go get I only have one orc leg H when a creature dies a powerful oh we found a new Relic when a creature dies a powerful explosion deals enormous damage to nearby enemies but the artifact has a 10% HP debuff when you equip it okay good to know I like that they're incorporating sort of like these Binding of Isaac or slay the Spire style artifacts into the game that's the good he's going to have one skeletal leg there's not much that I can do about that uh which door do I want him to go out of that one that one sounds good off off and Away you go my ory minion Rampage throughout the countryside and bring villain and filth and death to those that stand against The Necromancer we'll go ahead and get like a big skull in there what else we got around this way two big old clumpy Stompy orc legs sounds good to me man release him over there good good stuff all right so we've replenished our forces a little bit oh look at that they're bringing in like Valkyries or something that can actually take a couple of hits all right well the fat lady might be singing right now what does that guy do does he steal Parts off of him oh he's not fast enough to like capitalize on his like strategy he is showing good self-preservation though they didn't used to do that in older builds of the game like like they didn't self- preses very well in this one you can see them kind of like kiting and you can see them kind of like falling back and trying to avoid the enemy I think most of my builds are airing on the side of too slow so we may need to speed them up a little bit looks like they're spawning from a building up there or something like that too but anyways these are good observations for future runs so I have outward scouts over here that are doing their thing oh he made it to the ocean the tower is now under attack that's fine that's okay Tower can be under under attack oh the axe guys rock them okay so like what kind of the throwing ax it's that bearded axe right there give me two of those then we'll go with two of those and we'll give you like two leggies right there so you're like a little bit quicker and then we'll go with kind of like a lightweight body over here and maybe like a really lightweight head or something you know like he's not going to have a lot of HP but he will be pretty tough oh what is that a lizard man body hold up we got to slot that in dude we have have to like a lizard man though bro you got to get a lizard man in there give me a little bit of Mana so that I can summon this guy there we go revive this dude revive at the tower and lizard man I kind of need you to be on like spicy defensive Duty that's what I kind of need for you so like if I can look at your yeah we've lost some Defenders so I want you to hang out over here oh no dude that axe does like the spinny thing I don't feel like giving him 60 speed made him altogether that much more quicker I don't know man he's kind of ridiculous looking if you really think about it I don't know why but just looking at him he's got like a clumpy dumpy thing going on that makes me want to laugh I don't know it's kind of hilarious to look at do need to pre prioritize some of these guys going and getting some Mana let's go ahead and control him for a little bit there you go wipe them on out and I'll do the Mana sweeping down here we got a lot of enemies coming on in the the mini map's very very clear though and I like this iconography that they've put in to let you know where attacks are coming from like regardless of where you are in the battlefield like I actually really really dig that you guys come out this way grab a little bit of that maners for me dude little bit of the little bit of the old maners so it looks like if you're being attacked by like other are those Undead no those are just like buzzards apparently California Condors are the main recipient of all Mana in the kingdom and that's where I'm getting the Mana of my realm from Piggies wipe out some Piggies he's getting himself into a little bit of trouble over here nothing bad's going to happen it's going to be okay you march back on over there and defend the tower I believe in you the fact that they during the daytime I don't know why I don't remember that from the previous game I feel like during the day they kind of just rampaged around as normal but it does give you kind of like this feeling like in the daytime you definitely feel like exposed and weak and hunted and then in the night time you're like the apex predator and I think that juxa position between the two settings is actually pretty dope let's give him like a little bit of that right there we'll give him some armored leggies he might be too slow though we might want to give him some some bigger gnarlier leggies that make them run a little faster do I even have to give them like two weapons does it matter what is that a cyclops arm with an uprooted tree hell yeah do that I want that super bad let's start getting rid of the basic skeleton parts I feel like we may have like kind of outgrown them like we we may not be in like basic skeleton part land anymore so it might be a good idea to start putting other things out there he going to be slow but he's going be tough all right drop him spawn him at the tower so the tree is like a big Rotator his arm is bigger than his entire body what happens when we hit 30 seconds also what is our ultimate goal has that been established so in the first game you were trying to destroy all the major kingdoms because each major Kingdom had a relic in it and if you had all the relics it would build a doomsday device around your tower that would end the world and so that was like the goal that you were trying for back then I don't actually know what our goal is this time around it does look like we're doing a pretty good job of clearing out space though it's like a lot of area out here that we've gotten ourselves into with the procedural generation and [Music] whatnot what just happened is it like a mega wave it might be I don't know it's kind of hard to say I don't know exactly what's happening right now now that probably be an okay idea to start getting some more Defenders going though yeah let's get a double dual wielding zombie over here a lizard man's leg and you regenerate if you have those legs nice get in there and we'll just give him that little that little helmot right there dude oh it's a boss so they summon bosses on you now I don't know if there was bosses in the first one I can't recall I remember there was some pretty nasty waves though that would come out oh wow okay he like absolutely dumpstered us oh wow dude okay so I think this is supposed to be kind of like the end of the demo because he one tapped everything he came maybe I'm just really bad at building monsters I don't know oh we got a lizard man plate May Al arm right there too all right well spit me back out spit me back out let's see what we got going on here uh so we've got the kitty obviously so we can summon a resource collecting cat and we found an artifact so we can go to the treasury and it looks like we we can put those oh we have slots okay so we can take like you and we can just put them in those spots Goa and we can create additional Alters look how adorable this Kitty is dude it's making Muffy right now dude it's making the muffin oh my God they put the entire budget into animating that cat I can tell they had a they had a faculty meeting and they were like listen the cuter the our cat does on screen while you're on the menu the more copies we're going to sell all right this is the transom to our game and it will be filled with delightful kitties uh but this is I'm going to leave something for you to play around with in your time I think uh this right here is the second iteration of necro Smith it looks like a lot of the stuff in the play test is not implemented yet but you can fiddle around with it and I'm glad to see the games getting a sequel because I wish that the first game had like you know more stuff to it I think it was a really appealing interesting idea that a lot of people skipped out on and Alla War they've been consistently knocking out games man their games always look good they play fine they've usually got a solid premise they're coming hot off of you know like a wall world or whatever it was they they they've got the magic man I'll catch yall later thank you for stopping on in my name is splattercat and it's time for me to go every single day here on the channel I do impressions videos of indie games so that you will know what's coming out what exists and what you can toy around with I'll catch youall later and that's about all I got for you bye folks
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 143,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: necrosmith 2 gameplay, necrosmith 2 playthrough, necrosmith 2 walkthrough, necrosmith 2 review, necrosmith 2 preview, necrosmith 2 impressions, necrosmith 2 download, necrosmith sequel, necrosmith new game, necrosmith 2 guide, necrosmith 2 tutorial, necrosmith 2 trailer, necrosmith 2 video game
Id: X2Ciy79UBZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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