An Elden Ring Movie ► The Warrior Within

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The Jazz, a kindly folk brought to life by human flesh and blood, which can be stored safely within. We can't be sure why they were created. However, the odd tree is imprinted upon their wax seals and there are empty jars at the bases of many minor trees. Perhaps they once transported bodies here for burial, at any rate. Their purpose has long been lost since the shattering ends now they live in fear, for there are those who would pay a high price for the shade of a living jar. Once choice of armor says a lot about them. Maybe it's the armor of a nameless vagabond or the armor of one to whom family is everything for the yellows. This armor was passed down to him and many expectations came with it. hello. He must be new here. I'm well. Just call me. Diallo's the owner of one's households. Little import in these lands. By the way, have you met a young woman named Lanier on your travels? She's my servant. But fickle as the wind. Take your eyes off for a moment and she's good. Is gone. If you find her, please be sure to tell me Lanier hates me. Dallas. I understand. Me. Would you? Hello, friend. Tell me if you know, would you? The whereabouts of the hidden house of those despicable fiends they're accusing. Soon their fellow tarnished. They laid hands upon my servant. Elena and I refused to let the insults stand. The tale of household slow is told in blood. Ideologues swear to deliver the message. Lanier was a tarnished servant of householder and a companion of Devalos since childhood. So she might have known better than anyone that Devalos was. All talk and no action. The recusals are tarnished, who have turned their backs on grace and the odd tree. Such blasphemy leads them to hunt fellow tarnished. To foil the efforts of those guided by grace. This Recues Anne's name is Henriques. A knight killer who would have crushed the others. But he makes the mistake of invading you. Can you hear me? Help me. I'm stuck. Hello? Hello? my stars. I'm so happy to see you. And as you can see, I'm stuck here. Please, can you help me out of this? My thanks. A thousand. Thanks. Just give me a good smack from the rear with something nice and big, and I'll pop clean out, I'm sure. Don't dally. Now, there's no need to fret. I'm very well trained. Give it your all I say. A little more gently. Your well played. Good, sir. Well, play. I thank you once again. The pleasure is mine. I am the warrior John, known as Alexander Iron Fist. Alexander. In fact, I journey to the east, where I intend to further my education in the ways of war and beyond These lands lie the scarlet rot blighted Caleb Wilds. And upon this southern edge is Redmayne Castle, in which a festival of combat is being held. I'd heard whispers of such festivities before. Doesn't the notion set your breast up matter? You came. How delightful. indeed. I thought I might find you here by the by. Do you know for whom this festival is being held? Well, it is none other than General Roden himself. To think I could face a great champion, a shattering, a demigod in the flesh. in truth, I quiver at the thought. Such is his frightful repute. But the fear simply assures me the ordeal is worth undertaking. Be sure to get a good vantage, my friend. I iron fist. Alexander do hereby vow to unflinchingly brave this ordeal. General overcome is cast over to one day eaten from the inside by Milady a scarlet rot. But his great rune burns to resist the encroachment of the rot. And while he is long since mad, he was once the strongest of the demigods and perhaps the greatest warrior of all. But in the end, you are the host to this warrior's death, and those beside you are simply summoned to share in your glory. hello there. It was a battle marvelously fought. You are well and truly a champion friend. I, on the other hand, have nothing but a crock. One hit was all it took to crack me and for my insides to come spilling out. After that took my head like a coward. And as such, I can hardly stand to face one such as you. The bodies found here are exceedingly fine. Who could expect any less from the very warriors who fought in the shattering? The greatest of all wars. I'm going to take you on a little journey. You'll all be inside me from now on. We're all in it together. Thus are warriors passed from job to job carrying dreams of greatness. You again. They sit there, accuse and send to Lucky. Can you believe they invited me to join them now, after what they did? I can scarcely believe it myself. Do they think Be a fool? You might be surprised to learn. I took them up on the offer. Then they only had to ask the location of the accused and hide out. It's on Mount Gambier. Found of the old road that leads west from the town of windmills. That's where they hide the man on the peak. Just you wait. Wretched recuses. You'll rue the day you insulted my name by laying hands on Vanya. The tale of house hustle is told in blood after room dealers had an older brother, a stern, self-possessed man named Juno, who inherited the Hazelwood legacy instead of the others. True to the words of his house, Juno Hossler walked many roads drenched in blood, yet never had the ego to consider himself a champion. But the casual manner of his achievements made him seem out of reach. And so the younger aspired to be like the older yearning for the day that he would tell the tale of House Oslo in blood, knowing full well that it would break his brother's heart. Help me. I'm stuck. Hello. My thanks in advance. I know you're the man for the job. You know what to do. no. What if I could somehow be made slippery or some such dog? there he me. I'm oilier than a toad. My thanks. Yes, indeed. I, too, have a home, though, which is one to which I have vowed not to return to. I thought I might look out from atop the cliff, but as I drew closer and closer, pal, wouldn't you know it? I was perfectly stuck in that blasted hole. And I can feel the warriors inside admonishing me for my mawkish shyness. And so we learned that just over the cliff. Is Joburg, a hidden little village where the jazz can live in peace? Hello, coz. What are you doing here? I didn't think anyone knew about this place except us. Jobs. Are you going to be the new potentate? Show me your hands. It's just a little test cause to see if you've got the right stuff. Your skin isn't so smooth, is it? You need slick sliding hands to be potentate. You know? I'm sorry, cause. But I don't think you've got what it takes. Well, it's a shame. A potentate is a leader of the Jazz who, in this case, it seems, is judged worthy by the quality of their hands. Hands grow rough and calloused by war, but most living just a kindly and would not value such a ruler better. Instead to have a potentate who can take care of them. Though this job in secretly has the insides of a warrior, so he desires a protector to look up to. Do you know what a poacher Whiskas? They hunt us, smash us, and then take us away. This village is kept secret, so I think we're safe here. But you should be careful if you ever meet one of them. Cos. Well, I hope Uncle Alexander beats smaller. Just living jaw shots are in high demand. In fact, the shots are a crafting material used by the most depraved perfumers who grow desperate to craft their potions and explosives. As such, the perfumers must never be allowed to find their way to Java. If you met Uncle Alexander, he used to live here with us. Then he left to be a champion. One day I'll be just like Uncle Alexander. I miss him, though. I asked to go with him, but he said, mountain of fire. Take me and your flames. good, sir. What business might you have in such a place as this? It's hardly more than lukewarm hip. I won't be able to tempt my body such that it will never crack again. Perhaps I'll head eastward. There's an old saying I've caught wind of above the lofty clouds. The icy giants peak doth soar here like the flame of ruin. Whichever burning rule was. Your timing, though, is impeccable as ever. I've been making just the thing for you on my journey here. Take it. I'm sure it'll suit you to a tee. Eventually, you find your way to the volcano Manor. Home of the recusals. I am Tanith, the proprietress of this house. An honor to have you so tarnished. Have you ever harbored doubts about the burden of grace and the dogmatic ramblings of the fingers? If you have, why not join the volcano Manor? Fight with us. Rise with us against the urge to. Tanith calls for champions to join her cause. And she speaks well to the ambitions of the Tarnished. Such validation was impossible for Delos to resist. Well, nice to see you again. So you've been invited as well. I see. Then we are comrades in arms henceforth. You watch my back and I'll watch yours. Yes, I. Right. I can tell you're wondering about lunch. Well, you see, I. After much internal debate, I've come to realize revenge is not the answer. According to Lady Tanis. I've got the stuff of champions and champions. Ironic as it is, are oft forced to walk a tainted path. It hit me like a bolt from the blue that my former thoughts were simple naivety. Of course my heart weeps. Bologna. That unfortunate incident was a cruel twist of fate. Indeed. But succumbing to the pain and sadness caused won't make me a champion, will it? Tanya knows this. I'm certain fate has laid hard roads for us both. But such is true of any road trodden by champions. I always resented these Huns, the pale complexioned, a far cry from any warriors. The shame of house was low, but that won't be the case for long. They'll be darkened by grit. Once I've set out on the path of champions the tale of house Oslo is told in blood. After all. Did you read the letter left for you? That is the task the volcano Manna desires. You enact. You will be compensated once the deed is done. Good luck. If you are loathe to hunt your own kin, so be it. But you must leave this house at once. This is a war against the earth tree. We have no place for them, nor the luxury of keeping clean hands. And so we come face to face with Junior hostel. And we are comrades in arms henceforth. You watch my back and the hole was yours? Yes. When junior Oslo received an invitation to the Volcano Manor, he discreetly refused as head of household slow. His hands had been bloodied enough already. What's the matter? Having trouble nabbing your prey? Do you remember your vow to tennis? To rise against the tree? Dare I say, your heart was never in it to begin with. You and Dallas both. Well, aren't you full of beans? Now wonder you covered in muck. my friend. It's been far too long. I have to say, you caught me a rather low point. But as you see, I've put all that behind me. Left the volcano manor, forging my own path now, making my own choices. Even a fool like me can look after some simple jazz. Do you pity me? Who don't? I feel like for the first time in my life, I'm on the straight and narrow. Wendy Ellis has finally set aside the expectations of others. He started to listen to himself. hello again. Cos have you heard a new potentate come to the village? I think he said his name was Dallas. He seems a little down in the dumps, but his hands as smooth as silk. I don't know. I'm a little disappointed, actually. Even though Good Sir, Dallas has a wonderful suit of armor, he says he isn't a warrior. And since he's a coward, he won't be fighting any more. His smooth and silky hands feel nice when he pats us. But I wish we had a potentate big and strong like him. Which brings us to the perfumers who have had reason to follow you here. The perfumers were once respected healers who traveled the land in search of flower fields and aromatics so that they might better treat the less fortunate. But after they were drafted onto the battlefields of the shattering, they were forced to trade that pleasant aromatics for consumable tools of war. So enjoyable they don't see the rare flowers or the peaceful jazz. They see a village of crafting materials ruled by a coward. Wait, your reports here, aren't you? I'll turn my back on beauty no more. The tale of how slow is told in blood and blood. For years, Diallo's had yearned to tell the tale of House Hustler in Blood. All it took was something worth fighting for. Meanwhile, you and Alexander make your way to the mountain tops of the giants, continuing on the path of champions, I see you finally made it here yourself. The city hanging in the air is slowly crumbling. What an incredible place we find ourselves. But that aside, you're certainly a force to be reckoned with. Hey. Which means I've got one thing to ask of you. I've been longing to fight a warrior as accomplished as you. You already, then? I take it. Then let us begin. I am the great warrior Iron Fist. Alexander learned strength of warriors with he lets us become one champion together. As I suspected, victory was impossible. My thanks. It was a marvelous battle. I implore you, take what I bequeath from inside me. Or vessels are destined to one day break. But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last. Unlike the others, Alexander was brave and threw himself into danger at every turn. But in the end, his armor was not enough for the warrior within. Cause I'm glad you came. But we're fine now. The arrows fought. The poacher. So quite a lot of us got broken. I won't cry, though. I'm a warrior. A warrior? The tale of how solo is told in blood. That's the kind of warrior I want to be one day. Cause even if I'm scared, I'll still fight to protect everyone here. They're just gonna say, All right. Did I defend them? And all is well. This fool proved his worth in the end. And so it is that the coward is capable of the highest heroism. Wow. Cause all these insights from Uncle Alexander. Thank you. Cause I am a warrior. Ah. So I need to be strong. I can really have them, right? I understand. I'll get strong. Strong enough. I deserve to have uncle's insights. I don't think I'll see you again when I set out. Or is this supposed to work alone? Goodbye. Cause. And thanks for everything. I'll never forget you. Cause the jars contain drinks inherited from those who came before. Thus, our warriors passed from job to job carrying dreams of greatness. This video wouldn't have been possible without the help of Miss Pap one A new creator on the scene who has a lot of cinematic talent. Go and check out his channel for more cinematic footage like this. He also plans to make little epilog for these prepared micro episodes that we do together, which I'm very excited to see that working together, you know, both of us could create something that was better than either of us working alone. And that's what I've learned from working with other people in the last few years. We are more than the sum of our parts. And I think that's a good metaphor for this video, especially. Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time.
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 3,085,684
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Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, combat, elden, ring, trailer, demon's souls, queen marika, demigods, great runes, radagon, mohg, morgott, godrick, ranni, rykard, radahn, melina, omen, dragons, margitt, rennala, gideon, empyrean, demi, gods, prepare to cry, jars, living jars, alexander, questline, storyline, jar bairn, diallos, juno, hoslow, lanya, tanith, jarburg, volcano manor, perfumers, let me solo her
Id: ikUiOKTv-Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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