An Angel Followed Me to Church 😳 (Testimony)

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i woke up and the moment i  woke up i saw clearest day this   man standing in front of me the best way that i  can kind of describe the way that i saw him was   it was almost like a vapor that was shaped in a  body i could i could see the outline of his face   i remember his face his face was  rugged he had this long beard   he was tall and i was just waking up and he was  standing at the end of my bed and i quickly just   rose up and still stood up in my bed and i was  just scared and before i can react the lord spoke   to me and told me this is the angel that i am  sending with you to central florida to minister yeah so my name is freddy ramirez and i remember  we filmed uh this testament well first of all   i'm honored to be the first part two yes of  testimonies for de la fay so that is pretty   cool a couple months ago we filmed my testimony  which was the first time that i publicly shared   my stories of encounters of physically seeing  jesus and having conversations with him and having   encounters with angels and demons but we recorded  that previously in maryland and now we are in my   home turf of miami florida man i feel like we  should first address some of the the concerns   that we received on tick tock after we release  your testimony specifically with sawing jesus and   and talking and seeing you know what describing  what he looked like and a lot of people had to say   what can you what can you say to just the comments  that you've seen about people debating according   to like what you can actually see about jesus or  what's fake or what's real what can you respond   to those people in general yeah well first of all  i was surprised not at the fact that people had   had a lot of different responses  to it because that was expected   but the most popular uh comment to that was the  fact that you know i saw jesus with blue eyes   and everyone wanted to pull the book of  revelations where jesus had red eyes and so i   you know i responded back on tech talk and one of  the things that i want to share now for people who   are a little bit confused with my story of seeing  jesus with blue eyes but the book of revelation   talks about jesus with red eyes is that context is  everything when you read the bible you can't just   necessarily just read a verse and then think well  that's it you know it says he has red eyes so he's   gonna have red eyes forever and one of the things  you have to understand the book of relations is   talking about jesus going to war he's coming  back to war he's coming back to win back the   earth and in that same story where jesus has red  eyes he's also spitting out swords and destroying   his enemies so this is a jesus who's coming back  as a warrior he's not coming back as a just a   simple shepherd getting ready to be crucified  for a second time he's coming back to really war   with an army of angels behind him and and the  second thing that i noted too is that he's god   and that means he can change his appearance he's  not limited there are some verses that call him   the lamb of god and there's other verses to call  him the lion of judah i've had missionary friends   in the middle east who've had encounters with  jesus in places where it's completely illegal to   preach the gospel yet jesus is preaching his own  gospel in those places he's appearing to people   who have never even met him we have to understand  that we serve a god that is alive yeah if i if i   if there's one main thing that i want to say about  this is that i think for some people the fact   and even the thought that the jesus that  we serve is not just a jesus that used to   exist back 2000 years ago and it's just inactive  now waiting to just come back at the end of times   the jesus that we serve is alive today he's active  today he's appearing to people today and he wants   to continue to manifest and appear to his to  his bride to his church yeah what are what are   you looking to share today because i know you as a  person that is consistently having encounters with   the presence of the lord um so so what testimonies  would you like to share with the people today   well i have a couple more testimonies that i want  to share um and i'm honored to be back here again   because the first time that i did this was really  my first time publicly opening up about this uh   but before i even share any news stories i have to  share some new revelation that just kind of came   up some new things that i found out in my family  uh in the last testimony that i had i shared that   my very first encounter was not an angelic or  jesus encounter but my very first encounter was   with demons when i was around five years old  in the dominican republic i had shared how i   was in my grandmother's house and you know  one day there was this heavy thunderstorm   and i went out to grab my dog and this flash of  lightning came and in the midst of this flash of   lightning that it seemed like i was in this white  flash for a good five to ten seconds there was a   an appearance of dark soldiers or  dark demons that appeared before me   um and that really spooked me as a child i went  to my grandmother at the time and i explained to   her what had happened and you know when i told her  what had happened her eyes were rolling back and   she started chanting something that was just not  really familiar with me and she opened up the   front door of her home and then another flash of  lightning came another dark figure appeared and i   remember you specifically asked me well was there  any connection right um and i i said no because i   really didn't you know i i didn't tell my family i  had any connection specifically with which correct   yeah with that story like why did that happen you  know and i really thought that was just something   that was really random well after we filmed that  story or after even through my my testimony i   called my mother you know i said you know what i  had shared this with my father previously before   but you know this was his mom and so he wasn't  very happy about hearing that his mother was   demon possessed and i decided after that you know  that i was just kind of keep it to myself and not   really say anything but i decided you know what  this is going to become public and i don't want my   mother to hear this from tick tock or from youtube  i wanted to hear from me directly and so i shared   it with her i told her what happened thinking that  she was just going to be like oh wow i had no idea   did this happen to me well to my surprise she  gave me information she told me that makes sense   and i'm like wait what do you mean that makes  sense she's like well what you don't know   is that your grandmother had  a relative who was a witch   and that completely shocked me she told me that  this witch did not like her and did not like me   they had a really terrible relationship  and this witch wanted to do harm to her   and wanted to do harm to me she was  also a widow of a military personnel   back in the dominican republic so that even  explains the dark soldiers that i saw in my   childhood that i had no idea and the reason why  my mom knows this is because the witch told her   just almost boasting that she was proud that she  did this she took a trip uh on the border to haiti   and spent the whole weekend doing this heavy  witchcraft ritual to curse me and in this ritual   she dedicated me to satan as satan to take my life  i say into to just destroy me to just torment me   and then all of a sudden that just completely  made sense i was obviously in shock that i was   hearing this and when i told her well where where  is she now because hearing this story my first   thought is well first thing that i want to do is  when i have the opportunity i would love to go   visit her and just pray for her and bless her  and almost in a way kind of thank her because   even it's like what the bible says right whatever  the enemy meant for evil god would turn around   for good and that's definitely what god did in my  case but unfortunately i found out that two years   afterwards she was mysteriously diagnosed with  brain cancer and she was a very young mother and   so she was in good health then this brain tumor  appeared and she passed away shortly afterwards   which brought a lot of sadness to me because i  was really looking forward to praying with her   and bringing her to the lord and i hope that she  came to repent of her sins uh before passing away that's a big old revelation that that's a  lot too to find out in a short amount of time   yeah uh what testimonies do you want to share  today additionally i want to share some other   testimony stories that really impacted me um i've  shared my story so you know seeing jesus and i've   had a couple of others as well but i want to share  about ministering angels one of the things that   you know the bible talks to us and teaches us is  that angels are are messengers of god but they're   also ministering angels jesus was ministered to by  angels after his temptation uh from satan in the   wilderness and we see throughout the bible where  angels are sent to minister to us and um i'll   never forget the very first time i was invited to  speak you know i'm a traveling speaker now uh but   my very first trip i was so excited i got invited  to preach in this church in central florida   i was about i want to say maybe 20 years old and  i went with a team and we were praying we were   just so excited i remember the night before we got  together and we prayed and the morning of the day   that we were going to drive to central florida  from miami to preach in this service i woke up   and the moment i woke up i saw clearest day this  man standing in front of me and he was the best   way that i can kind of describe the way that i saw  him was it was almost like a vapor that was shaped   in a body i could i could see the outline of his  face i remember his face his face was rugged he   had this long beard he was tall and i was just  waking up and he was standing at the end of my bed   and i quickly just rose up and still stood up  in my bed and i was just scared and before i   could react the lord spoke to me and told me  this is the angel that i am sending with you   to central florida to minister and i've  never experienced anything like this before   and the lord told me this angel's gonna go with  you and he is going to he's going to minister   to my people and like the lord is going to use him  to minister to his people and i was just like okay okay and so i remember that we drove down i  didn't really tell my team at the time because   i just didn't really know how to necessarily  react but something really special happened when   we arrived at the church we started to get into  worship and i got up there and i began to preach   and again this was really my first time really  ministering and as i began to preach you know i   felt this urge to really just to start  to pray for people and all of a sudden i   remember this actually that was the first word  of knowledge that i had received for somebody   and all of a sudden i just heard as clear as day  i heard there's somebody here who your mother has   cancer and god wants to heal them and within a  few seconds actually the youth pastor's daughter   raised her head and said my mom has throat cancer  and i i said well is your mom here and she said no   and so i grabbed the towel i got the little small  hand towel that they had and i prayed over it you   know just i had to ask the apostle the apostles  in the book of acts would take pieces of cloth and   anoint it well i prayed over this cloth and prayed  the the anointing of god over this cloth that   and i told her take this to your mother lay on  on her on her throat and i don't believe that   her mother was a believer at the time so i just  told her listen as you're kissing her good goodbye   uh before you go to sleep after kissing her good  night just you know say you want to pray for her   and just kind of lay lay the handkerchief lay the  little towel on her throat and she did that and   about a month later i got a report that the next  time after she had already done that and placed   the little hand towel on her throat a month after  she went to the hospital to just get an update on   her throat cancer because i believe it was like  like a it was a very severe advanced cancer   where they were practically getting ready to  operate and remove her vocal cords because   it was getting really bad but the doctors were  completely surprised when they did the scan they   found absolutely no straight note like absolutely  no trace of cancer whatsoever and jesus had   completely healed her which was such an amazing  testimony and i remember in that night as well   i began to prophesy and give more words of  knowledge and i was just in shock of just   the words that were coming about because  previously to that i had never ministered   words on knowledge in this kind of capacity  before and god's presence just really felt   people were just getting delivered there  was a a woman there there was a young girl   that she was going through physical abuse and  privately you know i i pulled her to the side   and the lord revealed to me revealed to me what  was going on secretly in her heart and in her   home and how god wanted to set her free and of  course i'm not going to share too much detail   on that but god completely delivered her and today  she's a youth leader today she's serving god she's   helping other women come out of abuse as well so  that night god really sent an angel to minister   to his people and i believe that that's what god  wants to do with us today god sends his angels to   minister his presence to minister to his people  to bring healing to bring words of knowledge   that which has set his people  free and who are we to question   how god wants to use us so in which way god wants  to minister to his people i believe that we just   you know obviously knowing that this is scriptural  but just being open biblically understanding   what the bible really teaches if god wants to  use us in this capacity who are we to say no   and so after that um i remember i was just so  thankful for what god had done uh because i truly   knew it was not me and and and i truly knew that  this was really the spirit of god that was moving   and i just i remember i got back to the hotel room  that night and i was just weeping because i was   just so grateful for what the lord had done that  night i mean this wasn't just a regular service   this was a life-changing service not just for the  people that were receiving but even for me as well   and i remember i prayed and i asked the  lord lord can can we continue doing this   can we continue to just if this is your will can  we just continue to minister in this way can you   just break continue to use your angels lord to  just to minister to your people and the lord   told me if you continue to consecrate yourself  before me i will continue to use you in this way   and so i remember i got back home to miami and i  just started sharing the story uh with all of my   people at the time and then we started entering to  this season of vigils and if you don't necessarily   if you're kind of listening to me you're like  well what's a vigil it's what we call it all night   prayer meetings where we would lock ourselves in  a living room in our house and we would pray from   midnight to sometimes 6 a.m in the morning the  very next day and for us this was a joy this was   not a sacrifice this was not something that we  we had to struggle to do i mean we were excited   to pray because the way that god's presence would  fall in these prayer meetings i mean we enjoyed   this more than even services or ministering and  preaching just to be really be able to surround   ourselves in an atmosphere of god's presence  like this and in the midst of all of these vigils   um and we still do that with my team every once  in a while i think what i really loved the most   and what really encouraged me is that my team  also began to experience the presence of god   and started encountering god for themselves and i  remember just the excitement i mean we were just   so excited to just get into prayer and just  worship all of these supernatural things will   begin to happen i remember this one time we were  in prayer and just in the midst of worship this   strong heavy presence of god fell down and we  started to see this fog just cover up the room and   i'll be honest with you my first thought was  there's a bunch of you know young adults here   there's about 12 15 people here we're probably  all sweating you know this is not the glory   of god this is just humidity and so we looked  into the walls and we started even seeing like   the walls drip with water and we thought well  maybe it's not just humidity maybe there's a leak   in the pipes something must be going  wrong so we decided you know what   next week when we come back to our  vigil let's pray in a different place   in a bigger location so that we wouldn't have this  humidity anymore and so i remember the next week   we got into another location and we began to  pray we began to seek god and imagine we don't   we didn't see god just like you know god thank  you jesus i mean we were passionate i mean we   love to worship god passionately and as  we started to worship god passionately   we started to notice that this fog started  to appear again and we looked into the walls   and the same water that was dripping the  same drops of water that were dripping   in the previous room now started dripping here and  we realized well this this is not this is not a   this is not humidity this is not a water leak  in the pipes this is not something that's broken   this is this is the glory of god um but we  continued to worship god because above it all   we were not there to seek signs and wonders we  were there to seek the creator of those signs and   wonders and i think that's why the lord trusted us  with these encounters because we were not trying   to make a show out of this we were just trying to  really really draw close to him in these vigils   we consecrated ourselves to him we dedicated our  entire lives to his service we dedicated our lives   to prayer and i believe that because of these i  would say because of the heart posture that we   had is why the lord met us in such a tangible way  in these vigils i remember that part of our most   exciting moments in the vigils was after the  vigil was over because we would sometimes we   would finish at 6 00 a.m in the morning and  we would go to daddy's and have breakfast or   i hop and have breakfast and just talk about the  vigil and someone would just pop up and just say   hey you know when i was praying i saw this angel  come and someone else would say wait you saw an   angel too how did he look like and they would just  start describing it exactly what they saw and they   will start noticing yeah the same way that you're  describing him is how i saw him and we were just   going us just realizing that god was giving us a  corporate encounter and allowing us to see all of   us allows us to see the same exact thing and so  the vigils were really a starting ground for us   where i would say we really trained ourselves  to really pursue god with with all of our hearts i believe so i i believe that um i believe you  can't go wrong with all night prayer uh but you   absolutely cannot go wrong with just seeking  god with all of your heart i think sometimes   especially here in our western western culture in  america we're so used to two minute prayers we're   so used to just morning prayer and i'm what i  mean by morning prayers when we get up off of bed   the prayer that we make when we when right before  we go to sleep or right before about e or or   the emergency prayers that we make  where we're in the middle of a crisis   but i believe that god is looking for people  like his word says god is looking for people   that worship him in spirit and in truth and that  means that you're continuously coming to him   always with worship and with praise despite  how you feel despite if you're full of faith   or you're with doubt no matter what is going on  in your life at that moment i believe that god   is truly looking for people that will continuously  seek him and those are the people that god wants   to show and reveal himself to i believe those  are what god considers his friends any last words man the only thing i want to encourage you  with is you know i've been getting a lot   i've ever since we recorded this testimony i've  been getting a lot of questions about how how can   i encounter god in this way how can i see angels  or see jesus and see all of this and of course we   don't control that we can't tell god why i want  you to manifest yourself before me but i will   i do want to encourage you with this god wants to  encounter you more than you want to encounter him   god wants to reveal himself to you more than  he wants more than you want it yourself i truly   believe that we are living in days where  god is looking for friends god is looking   for people that he can trust god is looking for  people that worship him in spirit and in truth   so seek god with all of your heart forget your  flesh those are some of the things that we don't   necessarily talk about today anymore we don't  talk about crucifying the flesh we don't talk   about putting ourselves to the side and putting  god first will see god with all of your heart   be patient and god will reveal himself to you  one way or another and i'm telling you it will   be worth it i'm not saying it's going  to be the way that it's happened to me   but when it happens to you it's gonna be special  and it's gonna change your life forever i promise
Channel: Delafé Testimonies
Views: 165,491
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Id: b4bkpNfP-Ec
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Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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