An Actual Bathroom in a Teardrop Camper? | "Camping on a Porch" 2022 Finale

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this episode brought to you by bouge RV manufacturer of portable camping appliances and solo stove create good [Music] foreign [Music] so it's Saturday morning we were up pretty late last night after the meet and greet just pumped to be able to meet everybody but it's a cool foggy morning you can see back off through the woods how foggy it is sipping on a little Great Value Colombian and I'm just going to have a good day we're going to walk around tour some more campers talk to some folks I think they're still going to be a couple three more roll in and then to that's the big pot look so it's been a wonderful event and I'm looking forward to some more good times today [Music] all right so we are here at the camping on the porch and we've passed by a really cool teardrop it's I'm thinking it's a big camper but it'll still look small on the outside tell me who we've got here uh John and Jane how far did you travel to get here six hours that's a pretty good pretty good drive so it was worth it so am I right this is a home built camper it is I'm telling you it looks wonderful from the outside and there's a couple secrets that the inside we're going to find out about Joanne's already liking one of them so well it like a lot of us it's in progress so originally I've got a pull out refrigerator so this guy fits in there really nicely and it's just a cooler chest for fridge on the outside this this started out as where I held my little butane Grill top um but I moved for a bigger one and this is our silverware drawer okay and I see the sink over there do you have like a water tank I do underneath here is what I've been putting in the last couple weeks is a eight gallon water tank comes up and on the bottom side of this underneath my Smugglers hole I've got a little pump and a accumulator in the back and that's neat yeah it it's going to be nice that's wonderful absolutely wonderful thank you what is this on the bottom right here that's all phylon oh that's all phylum I had extra phylon and I thought it's a kitchen let's keep it if water gets in there we'll keep it dry well that's a good idea because I've seen phylon used on the outside but not the inside that's that's a great idea thanks both outside and inside is fine line yeah it tell us about this canopy well I'd seen them on a bunch of different sites and I did uh different campers and I don't know is it hashka or hashiga I just ordered it on Amazon and it is the easiest thing to set up Jane and I can set it up quickly it's light it's very low packaging from a standpoint in the van what about the frame I see an aluminum frame is that something that you made or did you buy that I did buy the frame uh there's a it's a company out of Michigan so it was an easy drive up for us okay um it just worked to my needs you know and they and they kind of customized it for me because it normally had side walls and a gate and I asked them can you just leave those off and they went sure it'll be lighter and cheaper and I went perfect pick yeah so the the verbiage td1l what does that mean uh it was just teardrop the One of a Kind first one and the L is for latrine because I have a latrine up front oh you have a latrine yeah we got to see this sure so this thing is pretty tall inside at the at the foot of the bed how tall is it uh at the peak here at the front where our feet are it's about four feet ten inches so I used a Baltic Birch five by fives so what's the little control here on the wall uh that's my uh for the uh max air fan so I think this one is and I'm not a technical expert but it's I think it's 10 or 11 settings and and we've really enjoyed it and then the door is shiplap from Again The Big Box store and then that's where oh my gosh our uh all right I got I gotta show this place because he knows he knows he's just showing off at this point yeah he's showing up check it out yeah look at this John go ahead gee whiz man it's a cassette toilet uh it's you know it's got everything you need in there uh you can I mean sit up without hitting your head uh it's got a fan up the front it's got the little round Dometic fan wow that is something I have not seen now I have seen I have seen the toilet in the teardrop but nothing with its own little room in there I would not have even thought that was possible thank you that is absolutely did you know is that purely your idea or did you you know get inspired by something I got inspired by my wife if you want me to camp in the teardrop I need I can't run down the road at three in the morning so now listen I haven't looked at all the campers that are here yet I'm going to go ahead and make a prediction that this is the coolest thing I'm going to see this weekend this is amazing if I ever build another camper be looking for one of those in the front of it so what was your total build time on this uh six to seven months and I have a full-time job so it was weekends nights like that and the dimensions and the weight the dimensions it's a 5x10 trailer but it exp extends off the back slightly and off the front so it's about 11 and a half feet and the weight is 16.50 and the very last question yep why teardrop camping I was a backpack Tent Guy my wife was not interested in that but she said if you can get me a bed with a bathroom I'm interested and she has loved it ever since there we go hey I appreciate you sir thank you very much thank you I don't know [Music] don't you worry about me tonight [Music] learn the cooler it's way too big but [Music] but it's kind of simple it has a solar generator so this is the world famous and legendary Larry coffee he's got a Dodge Pro Master van that he converted into a camper and if you've been watching camping camera long enough you'll know that he's one of my very first camper tours he bought this band as a Vox converted to a camper where have you taken it since I see Michigan was my first trip in 2018 2019 I drove to Alaska and if there was a road in Alaska I drove and I drove all the way all the way to the Arctic Ocean to prudho Bay in it and I went to uh the covert year I went out to Utah and got caught in the code uh next year I went to uh Colorado I would just traveled up and down the mountains this year I went to Oregon drove the Oregon coast up through the Washington coast around Olympic National Park and back down through the mountains of Mount Rainier St Helens so where's your next trip uh in February I'm headed to uh Texas the Big Bend National Park so this guy has put some miles on this van and I'm just tickled pink to see that so we like I say you're you're one of the you may be the very first temperature that we did I mean this that was back years ago yeah you were just starting to do video chat we did yeah so it is just a a just a pleasure to have you down here with me I appreciate you coming yeah I mean I think I remember you saying something like you got a thousand views and that's the first time you'd ever had a thousand yeah yeah it was a big deal yeah well a thousand views is still a big deal but yeah that was probably my first real thousand views there so that's awesome good deal [Music] there you go robot thing you can see behind me the potluck is about to get started now we've got all kinds of people dressed up in costume I was wondering how many people would actually show up in costume I'm surprised that most of them did I think they're probably a few people back at the campground that aren't going to come they just want to kick back and take it easy tonight we will miss them but hey we're going to have some yummies we're going to have a drawing for some prizes should be some good time foreign [Music] [Music] we've grown more than 200 miles more than 300 miles so we've got three couples battling it out [Applause] the best decorated campsite number 26 is Vince and Pam foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I reached out to a couple folks I thought they were going to tell me to take a hike but they were very very cordial about sending some gifts over the first one everybody's heard of solo stole by maybe well they just come out with a little teeny tiny pink size of a smokeless or a low smoke fire pit they call the solo stove Mesa and it's actually one that can sit on a wooden table between a couple lawn chairs so it's more just for the Ambiance than it is just just full on the heat we've got everybody's site number so we'll ruffle these dudes up here I'm gonna see who's gonna win the solo stuff number 16 . okay a company called booze RV which we actually did a product review a while back in the bush RV refrigerator it's a 12 volt compressor refrigerator they actually donated two prizes they donated this lithium Power Station this is the the booze RV flash 300 power station so it will do DC electricity and AC electricity so this should be pretty handy for boondocking the booze RV also donated this 12 volt RV refrigerator and it has a couple compartments in there where you can divide up your groceries in this thing it's got the uh the power cords and all that inside of it first word is Halloween bingo butyl tape yeah does anybody here know what butyl tape is [Applause] treat s we were missing camping Camp how can I not call Kevin camera [Applause] thank you RV [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: Camp and Camera
Views: 31,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teardrop camper, teardrop trailer, diy teardrop, teardrop build, camp, camping, campground, diy teardrop campers community, Squaredrop, tiny camper, diy camper, halloween gathering, camping on a porch, Edgar Evins state park, teardrop meetup, teardrop gathering, teardrop tour, camper tour, tiny camper tour, bougerv, solostove, bathroom in a teardrop
Id: qwXqA5AF8A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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