An Actor Who Doesn't Like the Spotlight or Money...

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you are definitely a strange actor you don't want the spotlight and you're not interested in money that's a hard thing to square with a career in acting God bless actors it feels like it's about them and what they want yeah you know what kind of goes along with the territory I mean people in media people in politics people in entertainment they tilt towards narcissism and I'm not saying that in an insulting way I mean every personality constellation has its Associated vices if you're going to want to be on camera that's one of the things that tilts you in the direction of it's sort of being about you and and if you're a charismatic personality and you're an actor you're going to attract people around you who facilitate that development let's say but you're not really temperamentally like that oh I cultivated my narcissism okay
Channel: Jordan B Peterson Clips
Views: 74,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, Jordan B. Peterson, Jordan Peterson, JB Peterson, jordanbpeterson, jordanpeterson, personality, understandmyself, selfauthoring, neuropsychology, jordan peterson clips, jp peterson clips, jp clips, jordan peterson podcast clips, jordan peterson live, jordan peterson livestream, jordan peterson shorts, jordan peterson tiktoks, jordan peterson motivational clips
Id: GGO5ivlhcrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 44sec (44 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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