Amy Coney Barrett | Philosophy Tube ft. LegalEagle
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Channel: Philosophy Tube
Views: 775,855
Rating: 4.8930902 out of 5
Keywords: amy coney barrett, originalism, philosophy, supreme court, US election, ruth bade ginsburg, law, constitution, philosophy tube, judge, Franz Kafka
Id: BNhj_s8flUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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I really liked this video. I reminded of something which I often repeat to my friends which is that the left's view is that "everything" is political - meaning everything is under the jurisdiction of the people. If we collectively decide that a thing is better for society, then we can and must strive to do the thing. There are no sacred principles of "original meaning of the constitution", "invisible hand of the market" etc.
The video echoes a really cool one on "The problem with Human Rights" by Cuck Philosophy.
Anyway cool vid by Olly, I liked the framing and the weird jokes.
big fan of legal eagle. It nice watching one of your favorite youtubers get pretty considerably breadpilled over the utter state of society today
"Don't get it twisted. This is not Last Week Tonight. I'm not a Democrat. I don't like the Democrats, and I don't like Obama."
God, I love Olly
This video is globehead propaganda meant to convince us that horses are real
haggis being illegal in the US has me absolutely shook.
Raise your hand if you felt very called out by the "Aussie Drivel" segment.
Can someone clue me in on the horse authority joke?
I assume it is a reference to something, à la Contrapoint's homage to Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros in Debating the Alt-Right, but I am drawing a complete blank.
Hey, here's a question about a part of the video he hinted at but didn't go into detail about-- what would a 'democratically controlled media' look like?
Gotta love all the new support, allgasnobrakes and Kenji Lopez were some of my favorite youtubers, now that I know they support leftist causes it makes it all the better.