Amtrak Auto Train Lorton VA. to Sanford FL Review

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everyone I want to do this video because it's been a long time coming this is a trip I took on the Amtrak Auto train with my motorcycle from Lorton Virginia to Sanford Florida and then back from Sanford Florida to Lorton Virginia again as you can see there was a long line waiting to get in because the gates don't open until a certain time so after a while I went to the ticket counter after you know waiting in line for a little bit got my ticket to my sleeper and decided to just wait until they loaded up the trains I was very early everybody was really early the earlier you get there I think the more you wait so I would say get there you know at the mandatory time that they tell you to but not any sooner also just up waiting until they open the gates especially if it's in the morning and basically I went out and I watched them load up the trains which was actually pretty cool I'd never seen that so I actually missed them loading my motorcycle and you can see here that's where it is but I did get to see them load some of the other cars onto the train which I thought was really cool this is a really a great idea I mean if you don't to put all the miles on your car and you don't want to drive all the way down i-95 which is a pretty boring Drive and risk rock chips and cracked windshields and stuff the auto train is a great alternative especially since you can sleep the whole way down here's all my stuff in here so here's my backpack from home with I guess this is another bed do you need help I've changed you can tell that's what the other seat looks like then up there is the bet that comes down with your head and then you have about right there to squeeze up and go up but the helmet over here they have a coat rack itself kept by my backpack and my leather jacket there they have another one on that side to there I said not to use it so here we're gonna go by this station I believe so they loaded up all the cars pretty quick they said that the train was gonna be delayed but I'm not sure what that man hears the yes station we're always waiting outside but all in all and where you saw me earlier was fighting is easily my bring myself I'm like that but this was the speed that was all clogged up where my bike was and people were waiting you know it's not too bad it's actually um pretty comfortable so that's the time like I said that's the bed that comes down right there there's a latch and you just pull it up it's a fall sleeper and then there have there's temperature control a light outlet music control this seat here will form flat towards you so you can like end up like sleeping like that and it's it's pretty well it's been long or 6 1 or not all policy come on belt on the other latch over there see what I did here because it I guess I can switch its go switch cameras but as a human or triggering and if you're wondering if the train rocks like right now it is but they said it was gonna be a little rocky because they're loading the other cars on but it's not bad oh you do have a vent and sticky control right there there's a vent you control on/off on/off these are the privacy curtains that are velcroed and see what's going on out there there's like a green that that's done all but I I was changing and did not think to put these privacy curtains up but whatever anywho so this isn't geometry and in about 15 hours I'll be in Sanford Florida I will try to update you on the dining car and stuff know what this button does so overall let me tell you what my experience of the auto train is especially when you're bringing motorcycle on the guys who really do take care of the bike and they're with you the whole way when they load it up onto the trailer and then they take it in they're very very careful as far as the accommodations go I got the sleeper and I'm glad I did because it was like one of the best night's sleep I've had especially in a long journey and I'm glad I didn't have to drive down 95 on the way back I did a business class seat because the sleepers were booked and boy don't ever do that if you can get a sleeper get one I recommend it if there's two of you it might be a little tight because the bunk does come down and infringe a little bit on the the area that you need to move around but it's not totally it's not totally terrible if there's one of you you're fine this is the perfect way to get down on your bike - if you're gonna Bike Week or if you're just taking it down to Florida or you're taking up north definitely get the sleeper I can't emphasize that enough I know they do military discounts and Triple A discounts and senior discounts see what you can do ahead of time don't get stuck in a business class seat for that amount of time because on the way back I was miserable I couldn't get comfortable the seats were stiff actually wanted to knock on somebody's door and say hey man can I just bunk here for tonight and I'll give you twenty bucks that's not bad at weapons but it ended up doing that all in all it was a pretty good value it saved me a lot of time as far as the amount of wear and tear I would put on my bike on 95 and the amount of time that it would take to get down there and not be miserable so I would definitely do this and here's some video now coming up on the bar and that snack car which is pretty much abandoned which I didn't know why but there was an attendant there but it was it was pretty empty all night as a matter of fact I woke up into the light and decided to hang out down there and there was a guy there and now we were just talking and it was it actually it was kind of nice so this is the bar car to be empty women they have like his cheeseburger use the prices now the the dining room is different the dining room I couldn't get video of mainly because I forgot my cell phone in my sleeper cabin so the dining room is set up like just an old-school Train dining room where you sit with random people you know it's actually pretty cool I got to sit with a couple of gearheads we were talking cars and it was a lot of fun but you you know it's hit or miss I guess but the food was okay wasn't anything great it definitely was nice to have a warm meal and then head back and just try to get some shut-eye until you a morning when you ended up in Sanford Florida the dining car they were very attentive the staff on Amtrak I have to say really really impressed with the staff it like anything you needed anything you want it they were there even on the way back even though I was in business class on the seats anything you wanted anything you asked for they would try to accommodate you within reason and even the bathrooms were spot on very clean and they were all working and they did warn you not to baby wipes or anything like that because I guess once one bathroom system goes on the car the whole car goes so they didn't have any of that happen so and I understand that all in all it was a very cool experience I would definitely do this again just to save the wear and tear on my body from riding the motorcycle down to Florida or up to Virginia and I would definitely recommend anyone thinking about doing this go ahead they won't screw up your bike it's totally cool they're very very careful with it but definitely get the sleeper car try to get to sleeper car the bunk car whatever they call it do not get the seat you guys will be miserable in those seats I don't know how some people did it some some people were sacked out and I just could not get comfortable that's just me and that's my advice to you so this video was shot on the way back going from Sanford to port in Virginia take a look at the business class seats they are they're bigger and they they do recline quite a bit but don't let that fool you even though they're wide and big those seat cushions are as hard as rocks and I could not get comfortable they give you a pillow in a blanket but it really doesn't do anything I would definitely go with the sleeper again hope you enjoyed the video guys I am now living in Japan if you want to watch some Japan footage and some videos from Japan go ahead and subscribe and like my channel thanks so much for watching everybody hey have a great day
Channel: QBNTO1 My life In Okinawa
Views: 31,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak auto train review, auto train coach seats, auto train sleeper car, auto train, auto train roomette, auto train to florida, auto train amtrak, auto train sanford florida to lorton virginia, auto train loading, motorcycle auto train, amtrak, amtrak sleeper car tour, amtrak auto train, amtrak roomette, amtrak trains, auto train motorcycle loading, amtrak auto train motorcycle, loading auto train, amtrak auto train loading, amtrak auto train loading and going, train
Id: b1lgeXoXzqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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